The Succubae Seduction Bk. 02: The Twins Ch. 24

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Shelly comes to terms with her pregnancy.
11.4k words

Part 24 of the 62 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/08/2013
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[tags: breast feeding]

Our connections with friends and family are what defines us. How we handle making or stopping them defines who we are.

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Chapter 24

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(M/Br)aking Connections

Shelly sat in her room, alone, trying to sort out her feelings. She'd hardly said a word since Areth's awakening, closing herself off from everyone.

She stood and started pacing. Even though she'd wanted to be alone, now that she was, she regretted it. Plagued with self-doubts, recriminations for her foolish impetuosity, heartache for knowing that her actions were hurting Sonia but unable to put Jessica in the past, and anger for having to carry the child of her rape.

The growing baby in her stomach shifted, an odd sensation as though her tummy was doing flipflops. Thanks to Gaia's magic, the unborn child was growing faster than normal, allowing her to take months of pregnancy down to a few days. Of course, that also required her to drink from Gaia's breasts to supply the nutrients her body needed to sustain such rapid growth.

She was still in turmoil over the pregnancy. She didn't want to be a mother. Especially not to that monster, Aecus's child. Oh, she understood why she needed to carry the child to term, but that didn't mean she had to like it. As soon as the child was born, she was going to hand it off to Gaia and leave.

A knock sounded at her door. It was probably Sonia again, wanting to comfort her. Didn't the android understand that she didn't deserve comforting? Sonia deserved better than Shelly could give her. The best thing she could do for the synthetic lifeform was to push her away.

But she was so lonely. The last time she'd been alone was before running off from Angela's demesne. Before being nabbed by the Myrmidon, and then suffering... She shuddered as flashes of her treatment under Aecus's care crashed through her mind. She couldn't remember ever feeling such pain or such intense pleasure in her life. Despite herself, despite all of her inner turmoil, there was a spark inside her that craved that kind of bliss again. For a short period, she was able to ignore the entire world and all her woes. She'd luxuriated in that ecstasy, and part of her wanted it again. It wasn't like the numbness forced on her by the angel.

With a shudder, she shoved the thoughts away as she opened her mouth to tell Sonia to go away. She would lose her mind if she ever experienced anything like that again, and she cherished her free will too much to give that up.

"I want company," her mouth betrayed her. "Come in." The fact that she hadn't said what she'd wanted, told her who was on the other side of the door.

Mandy walked in; her upper arms folded across her chest as her other hands closed the door. Her dirty blonde hair was mostly pulled back into a ponytail but still managed to frame her disapproving stare. Her brown eyes tried to pull Shelly into opening up, but she managed to keep her mouth shut. It was impossible to lie around Sheldon's girlfriend, and Shelly couldn't be sure of what she might say. She didn't know what the truth was, and was almost afraid of what she might find out if she dug too hard.

The two adult women regarded each other for a long moment before the intruder surprised Shelly by stepping forward and pulling her into a tight hug. Four sets of powerful arms engulfed her, and something inside Shelly broke.

Tears welled and then overflowed her eyes. A sob broke free from her chest, and her arms wrapped around the other woman. Mandy was a bit taller than Shelly, and one of the woman's hands pressed her cheek into Mandy's firm chest.

She didn't know how long she cried there, being comforted like a child, but she felt calmer after a while and slipped out of the embrace. At some point, they'd moved to a couch in the room without letting go of one another. Neither one had spoken the whole time.

"I never thanked you for saving me. You must think I'm a terrible person," Shelly said as she worked to dry her cheeks. She couldn't even lift her eyes to look at Mandy. "Among other things," she added without meaning to.

"You mean like fucking my boyfriend, or running away, or... Shit, sorry. That's not what I meant to say," Mandy soothed her tone. Shelly finally looked up at her and noted that her eyes were red and puffy as though she'd been crying as well. "Oh, don't give me that look because of my language," Mandy cracked a small smile as she attempted to lighten the mood. "Not everything was your fault, and even the parts that were, turned out okay in the end."

"Okay?!" Shelly shouted and grabbed the sides of her belly. "How is this okay?"

One of Mandy's right hands reached forward and rested on her stomach. Shelly flinched at the unwanted contact but refused to back away.

"I know this is hard for you—" Mandy started to say, but Shelly cut her off.

"You know this is hard for me?" she spat. "How could you possibly know what I'm going through? Were you ever raped by a creature that has actively worked for your family's destruction? Have you ever carried an unwanted child to term, just to ensure that the ecology of the world could continue on? Or was that not what you meant? You're an only child, so you couldn't have fucked your brother. Your dad, perhaps? Or—" This time it was Shelly that was cut short as Mandy's other right hand slapped her. The woman was stronger than she knew, and for a few moments, Shelly couldn't focus on anything other than the pain in her cheek.

"I know the pain of carrying an unwanted child," Mandy said through clenched cheeks. "No, it wasn't through rape or anything like what you went through. And you know damned well that my father was a good man. He never laid an inappropriate hand on me. I know you're hurting, Shelly, but that doesn't give you the right to treat others like they're not hurting also."

"Oh?" Shelly felt her ire rising even higher. "And what do they have to be hurting about? Areth has been restored, and my brother... My brother has you and Shlee to take care of his every whim. Gaia will get the child she needs to keep both worlds healthy. What do they possibly have to be hurting about?"

Mandy's jaw clenched as she worked to form her response. "You do realize that your brother is also dealing with the fact that he had unwanted sex with his sister? Or that your father has to deal with the fact that, while yes, he is happy to have Areth back, finding out about Brock and Brooke, or you and Eldon, or that Jessica is one of his lover's children hidden from him for decades? Or that Shlee and I have to worry about Gloria coming back into Eldon's life? It's very obvious to everyone that he still loves her, so where will that leave us? Or... or..." she seemed to run out of steam for a moment before changing tactics. "And where do you get off on berating Shlee or me for taking care of your brother? We love him. Just like Sonia loves you and would do anything for you. You know she is a wreck of emotions out there, worried about you, and you shutting her out? Hell, we should all be out there celebrating Areth's return, but instead, you're hiding in here like a spoiled little brat, hurting those that love you because life hasn't exactly been kind lately. You don't know how lucky you are!"

Shelly opened her mouth to cut in, but Mandy didn't give her a chance.

"You grew up with parents that stayed together," Mandy informed her like she was a teacher informing a little child the most basic of facts. In fact, both sets of arms were folded, and the look on Mandy's face was one of someone having to state the obvious. "You have powers that don't hurt those around you. Yes, you were betrayed by someone you love, but at least the other person who loves you does so because they want to. It wasn't forced upon them by a spell."

"You loved my brother on your own, and not because of a spell," Shelly managed to cut in. "And Sonia only loves me because it's part of my soul inside her, allowing her to be capable of love. Or perhaps I should say obsession?" Then something else Mandy had said struck her. "Wait, when did you ever have an unwanted child?"

Mandy grimaced and shook her head. "It was after Eldon and I broke up. I made a mistake. I was hurting after we split... Because of my ability, compounded by your brother's, hundreds died. I was devastated. I jumped into the first set of arms that welcomed me. I was foolish and allowed myself to get pregnant. When I told him, he left me."

Shelly regarded the other woman in silence for a bit. It wasn't the same as her, but it was still bad. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Mandy and Sheldon had killed so many by accident. The incident was covered up, of course, which was why they could come and go in Gaia's city, but the two never forgot. And at least Mandy had wanted the child at one point, or she wouldn't have been able to get pregnant...

"What happened to the child?" Shelly asked, her curiosity overcoming her anger enough to keep her tone level.

Fresh tears appeared in Mandy's dark eyes, but they didn't fall. "I came to Gaia, and she determined that the child would be dangerous. A-at least, that's what she told me. I've always wondered if she told me that to make it easier for me, or something else."

"No one can lie around you," Shelly reminded her.

"No, but Gaia has been around me enough to know how to speak the truth and still mislead," Mandy said. "Perhaps the child would have been safe enough, except that the pain it caused me was dangerous, or something else. I don't know."

Shelly mulled over everything Mandy had revealed. Not just about the child, but about everyone else. Was she a spoiled child? She didn't want to believe it, but how else could she describe the tantrum she threw when she'd left the Pillar of Fire's volcano home? She wasn't acting like the cool, level-headed woman she pictured herself as. True, she was suffering from what was done to her, but she wasn't the only one. Her family had suffered as well.

"Eldon doesn't deserve you," Shelly said in a small voice, admitting defeat. "You're too smart for him."

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard you call him Eldon," Mandy cracked a smile and wiped the unshed tears from her eyes. "And I think he knows he doesn't deserve me, or Shlee for that matter. But he tries his best for us."

"How..." Shelly paused as she tried to consider her words and how to ask something she'd wondered for a while. "How do you and Shlee get along? Don't you get jealous?"

"That's a weird question, coming from anyone in your family," Mandy replied. "With your father, I thought that would be obvious."

"But you weren't raised like us," Shelly countered. "And from what little I know about Shlee, neither was she."

Mandy took a moment to consider her answer. "We all grew up together. Well, not Shlee, but your family and mine. I knew when I started dating Eldon that there was a chance that other women may become involved, despite his protestations that he only wanted one woman. In fact, I kind of welcomed it. I knew early on that I was bisexual. Actually, I lean a little more towards women than I do men, but don't tell your brother that. I would have asked you out first when we were younger, but your brother stole my first kiss, and with it, my heart. I love Shlee as much as I do Eldon, and want both of them to be happy."

Shelly mulled that over for a bit. Mandy had been interested in her? She hadn't a clue. Mandy was a beautiful woman, but she'd been with Sheldon for so long that Shelly couldn't picture herself with the four-armed woman.

Shelly got to her feet and gestured for Mandy to do the same. As soon as the other woman stood, Shelly pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry for what I said," she apologized. "I said some horrible things, and I didn't know what you'd been through."

"You spoke what you thought was the truth," Mandy replied, returning the hug in kind. "But I'll forgive you if you'll forgive me for being so harsh."

"I needed it," Shelly said and pulled away. She scrubbed at her eyes one last time and rubbed her cheeks. She probably looked terrible, but she refused to check. She needed to apologize to everyone else for her behavior, including how she'd acted after Amenadiel tore out part of her soul.

She hesitated before opening her door and stepping out, Mandy on her heels.

"Shelly..." Sonia said, pain and longing thick in her voice. Shelly stepped to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry," she said as she fought back a new set of tears. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Before Sonia could respond, Shelly felt more arms engulf her and the android. She looked up to see her family, and even Shlee and Areth as part of the embrace. It finally occurred to her that no matter what happened, this was her family. They loved her, and she loved them. For this moment at least, everything would be all right.

They spent a short time celebrating and commiserating with each other. Shelly noted that her brother no longer glowed, and he admitted that his body was no longer permanent.

"I'm going to miss that perma-boner," Shlee commented, then covered her mouth as her face turned nearly as red as her hair. Everyone chuckled as Shlee glared at Mandy.

"What's our next move?" Shelly asked, hoping they would make a move on Jessica, and yet also fearful.

The mood shifted, and no one spoke for a moment. Gaia formed herself out of the ground then, drawing all of their attention.

"Lyden Snow, I'm afraid you're needed in the other realm," the Pillar of Earth said, making it obvious that she was aware of everything in the room before her entrance. "The Palladonic Knights have launched legislature in multiple countries that threaten us. You need to fulfill your role as ambassador and make sure it fails."

"They're listed as a terrorist entity," Shlee cut in. "How could they do anything like that?"

"They still have allies in most governments that can act on their behalf," Gaia said. "It's through them that they're trying to enforce a registry of any creature that is not wholly human."

"The X-men showed how bad of an idea that is," Shlee said. Shelly had no idea who the X-men were, but she could see how that was a terrible idea. As soon as any magical creature was put on a list, they would become a target.

"How long has passed on Earth since I came here?" Lyden asked.

"Just shy of one month," Gaia answered. "The Knights have been busy, working in the background since their failure to assassinate the President of the United States."

They hadn't been in here for that long, but with the time differentiation between worlds, Shelly knew that they had fallen behind. The Palladonic Knights weren't her main concern, however. Her father could deal with their shenanigans, while she and Sheldon looked for Jessica.

Sheldon opened his mouth to say something, then glanced at his girlfriends and closed his mouth. Mandy must have picked up on his thoughts, though, and asked for him, "What about Gloria? She helped restore Areth. Could she be back under her own control?"

"Her own control?" Shelly whispered to Sonia.

The android had been welcoming when Shelly came out of her room but had backed off shortly afterward. She wasn't exactly cold, but she wasn't warm either. Shelly knew she would have to earn that forgiveness. It was Gaia that answered, though.

"I'm not yet entirely certain that she's broken free of Jessica's control. I placed a clone of myself before her, and she didn't attack it, but I can't be sure she doesn't have secondary commands, should her initial mission fail. Megan is talking to her now, and I'm observing that conversation as we speak."

Shelly had forgotten about the new redhead. She glanced at her brother, wondering if he'd picked up yet another girlfriend, or not. Megan was all hot and ready for Sheldon while in the Pillar of Darkness's demesne but seemed to cool off after he'd taken her virginity.

"Do you know where Jessica is?" Shelly cut in. She noticed Sonia wince, but the android had to understand that stopping Jessica was a priority. If she succeeded, they could all die. Her father had filled her in on what he'd learned while she was... Well, while she wasn't herself.

Gaia regarded her for a long moment before she spoke. "Jessica is not within my realm. Until your child is born, there is little I can do to look beyond that."

Shelly rubbed her distended stomach. The search for Jessica had to wait until she gave birth... birth to a child she didn't want. As if the thing could sense her thoughts, she felt it kick within her. Her emotions were on a roller-coaster, and she couldn't wait to be done with this.

For a moment, her mind wandered over what it would be like to be a mother. She didn't think she was ready for that responsibility, but the thought of holding a baby—her baby—in her arms, suckling it... Having it rely completely on her...

She shook her head to rid it of such dangerous thoughts. This child was the product of rape. It was not created out of love or anything beautiful as her brother, and she was. She glanced at her parents, where her mother stood next to her father. Even though Sheila Lance often took on the role of slave, or servant, to Lyden Snow, there was never any doubt in their children's mind that the relationship was filled with love and mutual respect. Just as there was love between Brooke and her father, or Areth, or... Shelly trailed off, realizing that other than Angela, that was all her father had left. Lisa was killed by the PKs before she was born, and Becky by the same group not long ago.

She realized that the conversation had moved on while she was lost in thought and started paying attention again.

"One to two more days?" her mother asked, sounding quite surprised. "Hell, I'd have had more kids and gladly sucked on your tits to shorten pregnancy by that much!"

"There is a reason pregnancies last as long as they do," Gaia replied. "Shortening it like I have with your daughter runs great risks to both the mother and the child. Not only do I have to supply an extreme amount of nutrients to Shelly, to make sure that she doesn't become anemic, or severely malnourished, but I also have to ensure that the fetus develops properly and without deformities. The process is taxing on my powers in the best of circumstances... And these are not the best of circumstances."

Shelly realized they were still talking about her. Or rather, her unborn child. One to two more days and she'd be rid of this burden. The child moved within her again, making her stomach flutter, and reminding her that she was carrying a living being within her body. Not just any living being, either, but one that would be partially responsible for the ecosystems in both worlds. That was a lot of responsibility.

And a lot of power.

She shook her head, trying again to focus on the conversation. If only she wasn't so hungry! She used to laugh when she heard of pregnant women craving weird things, but right then, what she wouldn't give for some fish and blueberries.

"It's decided, then," Lyden spoke up, his voice cutting through Shelly's mental fog. "Sheldon and Shlee will come with me, and we'll work to thwart the Paladonic Knights. Shelly will stay here until after she gives birth, then help Gaia and Mandy track down Jessica, and stop whatever her next move is."

What? Shelly thought. Shouldn't she get a say in this? She vaguely recalled nodding along as the others spoke and wondered if she'd agreed to anything else while she was lost in thought.

"My last orders were to keep you safe, Ambassador Snow," Sonia spoke up, and very pointedly did not look at Shelly. "I may have been terminated from my previous job, but I still take my duties seriously."
