The Sweetest Berry Ch. 01

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James meets the Berry's when he moves into his new house.
9.3k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 04/10/2024
Created 04/10/2024
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To start let me thank my editors from the volunteer editor program, brucru, kenjisato, and MaryFrancis. They helped turn my musings into a story. Any errors in spelling, grammar, or otherwise are mine by virtue of not taking their excellent advice.

That said this is the first of an unknown number of chapters in an interracial, group sex, and female-to-female incest story. Not every story will include every theme, with the exception of interracial sex. If you aren't comfortable with some of those themes this series may not be for you.

Chapter 1

"Momma! Hey momma, you gotta come quick and look at this."

The voice crying out was a high soprano, with a harsh edge. As the young woman was rocking on the porch swing and felt well-worn wood rub against her thigh. Her soft mahogany skin stood out in sharp contrast to the sun-bleached planks that cupped her denim-covered butt. She twisted in the swing and leaned over the arm, to look back into the house. Pressing her large breasts against the arm, which pulled her faded black T-shirt tight, she cried out again, "Momma!"

"What you yell'n 'bout?" An irritated voice preceded a woman, as she walked to the door. She leaned her hip against the chipped white paint of the door frame, and looked down at her daughter. A quick pull at her own ratty pink T-shirt down over her exposed midriff which stretched the thin fabric tight over her own well-endowed chest. Even though the older woman had a darker complexion, and a slightly smaller bust, it was clear to anyone that they were related.

"Look what is moving in across the street." The girl pointed with a long finger tipped by a gaudy red nail.

Directing her attention to the house across the street, she saw a man her age come walking out the front door and down the steps toward his truck. He was tall, with broad shoulders filling out his shirt, carried by thickly muscled calves. With a glance in their direction, he waved and then grabbed a box, before turning away from them and going back toward the house.

"Daaamn, look at his ass!" the younger woman half whispered.

"Nice muscular legs too," responded her mother. "Question is, what brings a white man down to an all-black neighborhood to live?"

"He crazy or stupid." She paused for a moment before adding, "Or damn desperate."

"Who is desperate?" A voice, not unlike the young woman sitting on the porch, floated over the older woman's shoulder.

The woman jerked, startled, "Damnit Deandra! Gonna make you wear a bell, the way you walk up on people. Never know where you are."

"Sorry momma. So, who was Daisha saying is desperate?" She pushed past her mother onto the front porch. Unlike her sister and mother, she was in a short, yellow, floral sundress with a low-cut front, showing ample cleavage. The dress showed off her curves and smooth legs, just the same. Aside from how she was dressed, she looked identical to her sister.

Daisha cut in, "White guy that just moved in across the street."

"Why?" Deandra looked across the street, as he came out again to grab another box from the car. "He is cute and I like the dirty-blond hair and how tall he is. Wonder how long he gonna last."

Daisha chuckled, as she asked, "You talking about in the house, or something else?"

"Don't be nasty Daisha." Deandra looked at her sister with mock severity.

Daisha met her sister's look with a wicked smile, "Don't be a prude Dee-Dee."

Waving her hands at her daughters their mother quieted the girls, "Both of you shush, he is coming over here."

"Good morning. Since I saw you ladies out here chatting, I thought I would come over and introduce myself." His voice was loud and confident, even cocky, as he addressed the women. "I am James, and as you can see, I am just moving in. I normally would have waited until I was a bit more cleaned up, but I didn't want to seem rude, either."

"Don't worry about that, it is nice to meet you, James. I am Maya and these are my daughters, Daisha and Deandra." She smiled broadly when she met his frost blue eyes, sparking out from a suntanned, deep ivory hued face. She was only able to do so, without looking up, because he was two steps down on the porch stairs.

"Daughters? Not possible." He met her smile with an easy grin, while looking into her nutty brown eyes and was not shy, looking her over with clear admiration.

"It's true, momma got an early start." Daisha piped up from the swing, and her mother shot her a dirty look.

"What Daisha is trying to say is, I was a young mother. Hard to believe these two turned eighteen last Saturday. Means I can kick they asses out, if they get to be too much trouble. Willful and stubborn as they are."

"Good thing for you I didn't have that attitude when you were their age." Another woman said as she appeared behind Maya. She was dressed in bright orange culottes and a black sleeveless, blouse that was only a shade off her obsidian arms. A streak of silver ran through midnight black hair, that cascaded down her back.

When she spoke, the three other women seemed to straighten up immediately, and Maya scooted out of the doorway, clearing the way for her. Daisha slid to the far end of the swing, making room for the woman who was clearly the matriarch of the home. The older woman ignored it and walked to the edge of the porch instead. She stood with her arms folded under her sizeable bust, looking at James like a schoolteacher trying to decide if a student was going to be trouble, or just a rascal.

"My daughter never has learned to watch her language in front of strangers. Granted, I didn't have a lot of time, being a young single mother myself. Would have thought she would have figured it out by now, though."

"Sorry momma," murmured Maya from behind her.

"Now Mister..."

"James will do." He held her gaze for several seconds, before having to look down, "Temple." Seeing her frown he quickly added, "Ma'am."

"Well Mister Temple this is my house, and while I thank you for coming by, I have some work for my daughter and grandchildren. We will see you around the neighborhood." With that she turned, the other three women preceding her into the house.

"Oh, well it was nice meeting you all then. I didn't catch your name... ma'am."

Stopping in the doorway she looked him in the eye, "You did not catch it because I did not give it Mister Temple. My name is Gisella, Gilly to my friends. You can call me Miss Berry." The door shut leaving James standing on the stairs.

* * * * * *

James sat in his recliner, utterly exhausted after finally unloading the last few boxes from his truck. It had been a long day and closing his eyes for a moment, the sun tracing a line across one wall, as it dipped lower. His eyes flew open at the sound of a loud knock on his screen door. It took a moment to realize that the sun line was gone from his wall, and his living room was dark.

"Shit." He twisted as pain shot up his back from sleeping in an awkward position.

Another knock at the screen prompted him out of his chair. Shuffling forward in the dark, he tripped on a box and swore again. He could make out someone framed in the doorway. Finally finding a light switch, the room flared, and he swore again. As his eyes adjusted, he could see Maya standing there watching him, with a bemused expression.

"Going to let me in, or leave me standing here all night?"

"Sure. What are you doing over here?" When he pushed the screen door open, Maya gave him a sour look, before stepping inside with a plastic bag in one hand.

"James, this is not the kind of neighborhood where you sleep with your front door open. You especially don't do it, with only your unlocked screen door between you and the world."

"Huh? Oh, I just fell a... sleep. Where are you going?"

Maya walked across his living room heading toward the kitchen. Her hips were swaying with each step in the same ass-hugging shorts she had been wearing earlier. When he followed her to the other room, she had put a bottle of rum on the counter and was going through his cabinets. Even though each cabinet was empty, she kept raising up on her toes in a way that flexed her toned legs

"Have any cups?"

Sweeping his arm to point around the kitchen he gave her a half-smile, "Sure. In one of these boxes."

She turned and looked at him, before leaning back against the counter. Placing her hands on it in a way to push out her chest, she tilted her head to one side. Letting her long hair cascade over her shoulder, she gave him a toothy smile. Teasing him, she spoke in a low tone "First, you invite anyone to come rob your ass. Then you don't even have cups unpacked, to get water, let alone share a drink with the person who comes to save your ass, from itself. You are making quite the impression here, James."

"What do you mean, rob me?" He took a few steps closer to her, admiring her openly. His eyes lingering on the faded writing, scrawled across her pink T-shirt, that was stretched to its limit by her tits.

With a sultry smile and a shift of her shoulders to shake her breasts at him May replied, "Like I said, this is not the neighborhood to sleep with your front door unlocked. Though, I suppose, it was nice of you to leave all your crap in the boxes, to make taking it easier. If you are going to just fall asleep, make sure you lock your door first."

"Good advice. I wouldn't want random neighbors wandering into my house." He took another step closer to her.

"No. Not random ones. Maybe select neighbors, though."

"Select ones, huh? How would those select neighbors get in if the door is locked?" Another step closer put Maya just inside arms' reach.

"Oh, it depends on who you select. Some neighbors might have been good friends, with the daughter of the family that used to live here, when she was growing up. Neighbors like that, probably know a trick or two for getting into this house." She stretched out one leg, and while not touching him, her toes curled just shy of his calves.

"I might need to get to know my neighbors better then. You know, to assess who is trustworthy." Stepping closer, Maya now had to look up at him. She rolled her shoulders, which shook her tits in a way that drew his attention.

"That would probably be wise. I grew up in this neighborhood, so I can give some suggestions where to start."

James grabbed her hips and lifted her onto the counter drawing a surprised gasp, even as her feet wrapped around his thighs. "I think I have an idea where to start." He pressed forward between her legs and kissed her. Maya's mouth opened to his tongue, and she immediately slipped her arms around his neck, while he wrapped heavily muscled arms around her waist. They stood there for a few minutes, before he ran a hand along her ribs, cupping one heavy breast through her shirt.

Maya abruptly let go of his neck and pushed him back. Initially, she felt his body tense to prevent being pushed away, but after a single breath, he relented and took a half step back. Her hand remained on his chest and flexed against his hard pec, while her soft brown eyes caught his pale blue ones for a long moment.

"James, I am not fucking you tonight. Not going to blow you either. Momma noticed your door was open and told me to come check on you."

"Then why--"

"Did I kiss you? Because you are a handsome man with a nice butt. Sometimes, a girl just wants a kiss. Right now, though, I gotta go, momma is waiting for me." She slid off the counter, and rubbed her groin against his bulge which brought her up short. She looked up and seemed ready to say something else, but stopped; instead, sidestepped to get out between him and the counter.

"Bit of a tease, Maya."

"Don't be petty, James. I did you a solid, and you even got a make-out session on top of that. If you want it to go anywhere, be grateful and patient."

He nodded at what she said, even as his balls throbbed with pent-up desire. When she headed for the front door, he followed and enjoyed the view of her ass over the short walk. "Why was your mom watching my house?"

Her laugh filled the room, and she turned to look at him, "Momma watches everything in this neighborhood. Nothing goes on that she don't know about. When she saw your door open and the lights off, she said, 'Go find out if that boy is a baby or a fool, so we know what God put next door for me to take care of.'"

Maya noticed the red rise under his tanned ivory skinned face at the idea he was thought of as either an idiot or a child. "Relax, James. Only two people on this planet, my momma did not start off thinking were fools or children. One is her daddy, who is long since in the ground, and the other is her pastor. You aren't dead and I don't think you spend a lot of time praying. So, you aren't getting off any easier than the rest of us."

He gave a non-committal grunt in response. Everything about his demeanor radiated indignation, that Gisella would have that mindset about it, even if it was how she felt about everyone.

"James, let me see your phone." Maya held out her hand and smiled, which melted away some of the attitude from his face.


"Because I am going to text my phone, so I have your number. I assume you don't mind?"

"Just give me the number and I will text you."

"Afraid I will see all the girls you send dick pics to? Just give me your phone... unless you don't want my number?"

He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. "Of course, I do; just not sure why you need to put the number in."

"Because I want to. Trust me. I haven't steered you wrong yet." Maya winked at him and grabbed his phone, finding it was unlocked. His home screen made her look at him, "Well, now I see. There must be a story there. For another time." She quickly sent a text and handed the phone back.

"What about the rum?"


Without another word, she walked down the steps and across the street while he watched from his door. Having not seen her walk much before, he wasn't sure if the extra swing to her hips was for him or if she just normally walked that way. Either way he looked forward to seeing them move under other circumstances.

Looking down at his phone, he saw Maya had added herself to his favorites as !!Maya!!, to ensure it was above the rest of his favorites. Then he opened the text she had sent, Tell me when you washed your dishes. The text was punctuated with a lips emoji.

* * * * * *

Heavy metal blasted through James's earbuds, as he squatted next to his house, pulling weeds. When a shadow fell over him, he jumped and turned to find Daisha and Deandra standing there watching him. Looking up at them, Daisha's full lips turned up in a sly, mischievous smile. Her eyes were practically sparking, as she looked down at him.

"Crap, you startled me." After a moment, he continued, "Afternoon, girls."

"Momma always says Dee-dee needs to wear a bell. She is all quiet and sneaky like." The girls almost giggled as Daisha spoke.

"Do I want to know how long you two have been standing there?"

"Probably not." The girls giggled again.

With a grunt, he stood and looked down at the twins, getting his first good look at them since yesterday, as his attention had been fixed mainly on their grandmother. Both girls were a foot shorter than he was, with their heads coming to mid-chest. Deep black hair tinged with maroon extended down to the middle of their backs and framed warm mahogany faces. Despite their identical looks, they were dressed in different styles. Daisha in a tight white T-shirt, with a cut in the front that showed cleavage, and Deandra in a pink floral sundress that showcased her breasts.

After enjoying his view, he flashed a wide grin and stretched, feeling his back crack as he did. With his arms raised above his head, his shirt sleeves slid up exposing sizeable biceps and showing there was no farmer's tan. Seeing the girls check out his arms, James flexed a little harder while stretching enough showing abs that screamed gym rat.

Finally relaxing, he swept the girls with cool blue eyes. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? Your grandma send you over to make sure I don't get heat stroke?"

"Nah, Gigi is still at church," Deandre replied quickly.

"Won't be back for a few more hours." Daisha laughed to herself, as she continued, "You will know when she gets home, her hat will cast a shadow on the street ten minutes before she gets here."

"Stop it. Gigi loves her Sunday hats." Deandre slapped her sister's arm, while trying to choke off her own laugh.

"Going to let me in on the joke?"

"Sorry, her hats must be experienced. They can't just be explained. But we didn't come by to talk about Gigi and her hats." Daisha shifted her weight, pushing out a hip and fixing James with her green eyes.

"You don't say, so what did you come by for? Aside from staring at me working and trying to scare the crap out of me."

"We told you it was our birthday last Saturday and you didn't say happy birthday," Daisha said, while looking at him, pouting but trouble sparkling in her eyes.

"It was our eighteenth birthday. That is a big deal. You know it means we are legal... if you ever felt like..." Deandre looked up at him and batted her eyes.

"Like what?" James looked back and forth between the sisters.

"Well you could take us--" Daisha smiled.

"Together or separate--" Deandra continued.

"To the store to get some lottery tickets."

"And smokes!" The girls devolved into laughter at their own joke, while he stood there watching them.

"You two are hysterical."

"Seriously though, would you take us to the store? Momma and Gigi are gone, and it is hot and we don't want to walk." Deandra reached out and grabbed his hand as she was talking.

"Please?" Daisha grabbed his other hand.

"You two don't have a car?"

"Nope," the two replied, in unison.

"We would be really grateful." The girls continued to switch rapid fire back and forth, as they spoke. "Yeah, real grateful." Each squeezed his fingers and smiled up at him.

"This normally work for you two?"

"Always," they replied.

"What if I want to be the first to say no?"

"You wouldn't be the first to say no. You would be the first to mean it." Deandra stepped closer to him.

"Then we would be really sad, our new neighbor hates black people." Daisha closed in on his other side.

"What the fuck?" James tried to pull his hands free.

"She is kidding. We know that can't be true. Can it, Mister Temple?"

"Fine! Christ with you two." James wriggled free, and the girls giggled, when he stepped back and bumped into the house. "Let me grab my keys and wallet." He had to brush against Daisha and the siding to walk toward the front door. He was quite certain that she had leaned forward to ensure her breasts rubbed against him.

Opening the door, he headed toward his bedroom. When he emerged from the hallway leading to that end of the house, he found the girls standing in his living room. He stopped short, as Daisha flopped into his recliner, her firm, smooth legs over one arm, looking at him as if he was intruding in her house.

"Comfy?" He walked toward Daisha, as she swung her feet like a kid.

"Very. This where you normally sit?"

"Most of the time."

"I can tell. It smells like a man." She pushed up out the chair to stand almost nose, and breasts, to his chest. Her eyes closed, as she inhaled deeply through her small nose and then smiled. "Nothing at home smells like that."

"Your mom doesn't have male guests?"

"Not in Gigi's house!" Deandra spoke up from behind them.

"Grandma runs a tight ship over there?"

"Or a prison. But where there is a will..." Daisha inhaled deeply which pressed her tits against his abdomen, "...there is a way."

"And you have a will?"

"You heard momma yesterday. She said I... we... are very willful." She glanced into the kitchen and her eyes widened. "We don't even need to go to the store, you know. Looks like you have the makings of a good time right there."