The tale of Regina


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"Okay. What time do you want me over then?"

"I get out at five normally, but I have no idea today. I will text you when I do find out."

Regina left with a deep sensual kiss that gave her butterflies of commitment worry. A worry that she did not truly have him yet, and that she needed to do more to get him. She watched as his trucked pulled away and thought about how she could have him tonight.

The day passed like any other day at work. The emergency was handled as best it could be, and Regina excelled at not letting anything get to her. In the past, it was easy as years of being alone built up a tolerance, but now it was not so easy. The utter feeling of having something so perfect was too much to handle. Regina knew she had to step up her game, but also knew that her psychotic nature with men might lead her to getting help again.

Regina had her therapist's card in hand during her break as she wondered how things with Joe were going to go. She had been free of therapy for only a few months and now wondered if it was too soon. Regina decided to text Joe to see if her fears of therapy were well grounded, or was he really into her.

Regina typed out her message and wondered if it was too forward. "Hey, can you come over around 6? Camping trip, am I coming as a friend or something else?"

Knowing that he could change his mind, Regina paced in her office waiting for his reply. Was he thinking she was too much too quick, or was he thinking he was crazy in love with her after fucking a few times? Regina could not help but feel emotion for him. Not only was it emotion, but the way he made her feel during and after sex was something she had never felt before.

The phone buzzed and Regina jumped to grab it, almost knocking it off her desk. "I will be there at 6. Thinking we are past the friend's part, but I am leaving soon."

Regina smiled thinking she knew more of what Joe wanted. The leaving part was the only thing that worried her. The fact that the man she already loved or was feeling love for was leaving was distressing. Regina thought about the ways she could convince him to either stay or come back to her.

As the next patient was seen, the thoughts of Joe faded into thoughts of work. Although Regina had personal problems before, she never let them interfere with her work. All the other doctors and nurses knew she was the most levelheaded person, although she knew her therapist had the real answer to who she was.

Regina so wanted to text back her feelings to Joe, but knew she had to work, and had to keep her sanity. Her sanity was not to delve too deep into what she wanted or how she was troubled before in the past.

The last patient Regina had to see left, and all that was left to do was notes. Sitting at her desk, she pushed the pen across the desk and reached for her phone. The act of holding out was too much for her. She had to press Joe about everything that was happening between them.

Regina cringed inside as she texted Joe, but had a burning desire to know more. "If we go camping as more than friends, what about when you leave? We also have to consider kids."

The tension in her body got worse as if a panic attack was going to happen. Not having put a man on the spot like this in a long time had its own set of problems. Regina knew friends who were able to put men on the spot about things, but she knew her skill at this was lacking. The fear of losing something that had such potential was inconceivable.

"Guess we have to talk to them about this. Let's take this in small steps though, not sure if I can handle big jumps now."

Regina's smile was wide and loud. She did a little jump in her seat and just thought about the feeling of having him hold her. She knew things were turning around and Joe was someone she could be with.

Regina walked past the medicine supply area, and began to unlock it. Although a few people saw her walking in, on any other normal day this was routine. The only thing not routine was why Regina was in there today.

Regina knew deep down what she was doing, and what she needed to do to make sure she got what she wanted. The thought of doing something immoral was easily countered with the end result of her plan. By the time the door was closed and the medicine for the entire practice was in front of her, the ethical concerns she pushed out of her head.

Regina quickly scanned for pills regulated to getting women on a regular ovulation cycle. Regina also knew that it increased ovulation to the point of making it very easy to have children and to have multiple births. Not stopping there, she grabbed a few blue pills to help make sure Joe could keep up with her plan.

Regina rushed home to make sure everything was ready. Although her house was clean, she knew that the only thing she needed to be perfect was herself. Joe was about two hours from showing up and Regina used that time to perfect her body. Everything had to be perfect for him, and she felt the twinge of her manic personality, something she buried long ago with her ex.

With all preparations done, Regina moved onto setting up for cooking. All the ingredients were laid out and she took a deep breath before turning to the wine cabinet. She knew she was going to need a few glasses to get through the night. Her inner voice was screaming for Joe to make it more serious.

Regina opened the bottle of pills and debated taking them. One thought was the fact of having a child with someone who was not married to her, someone who she was not even in a real relationship with. The other was the dream of it all happened as she wanted it to. There was no other option for her, and a swallow later she knew she was committed to her plan.

Joe was knocking at the door a few minutes later and Regina knew she was ready and not just ready for a simple dinner date too. With a scurry to the door, she was greeting him with a beaming smile of love. She had to remind herself over and over not to be forward with admitting her true feelings.

Regina took Joe's hand and almost pulled him inside "Hey, come inside and have a drink."

Joe smiled and kissed her lips. "Glad I came quickly."

The touch of his lips on hers sent more feelings of need throughout her body. Now the drink she prepared for him was ready for him to be ready for her. "There is some wine on the table for you. I just have to take the roast out of the oven."

Regina pulled out the food and served it to Joe as a good wife would serve her husband. She imagined it in her mind that she was feeding her man. The wine he was drinking added a delight to her idea that her man was going to become something more too.

Joe was quick to eat and even smiled as he spoke. "Have you thought about camping?"

Regina thought about camping for hours this morning and could not conceive a reason to say no. She knew she had never been camping, and even protested her hate for the outdoors to her friends. The only thing different was that Joe would be there, and she had to be by his side to be his.

"I would love to go camping with you. I also think the way things are now; I might not be using my tent a lot." When she finished she put some food in her mouth to stop herself from smiling. She knew deep down that she dropped a bomb and waited to see Joe's reaction.

"How do you know that I might not be using my tent a lot, and will sneak off into yours?" Joe added with an obvious grin of satisfaction.

"I hope we don't have to sneak around tonight. I am also hope you can spend the night."

Regina tried to look into Joe's eyes to find hesitation in his answer. The dread feeling that he did not want her was building and she knew if he paused it was either out of guilt or something else that he did not want her.

"I can stay for as long as you want me," Joe remarked with a smile of confidence.

Regina took a breath and tried to drink right after that to cover up her concern. She felt the heat of the pressure of not knowing if he was truly into her. She had a pill to combat the anxiety and knew she was going to have an episode very soon.

"Excuse me, I just have to grab something for my stomach. Eating and drinking wine makes me sick sometimes." Thinking the excuse would cover up her real intentions of needing medicine.

Joe was about to stand up like an old fashion gentleman when Regina thought to wave her hand for him not to. The whole gesture made her even more anxious for she felt the need to consume him with every fiber of her female being.

Regina reached into the cabinet that had her pills and then to the refrigerator for a bottle of water. A quick gulp and she knew that her nerves might be calm enough for deeper relations without her having a mental breakdown.

Joe's hands were around her waist and his lips on her neck. She was facing the counter putting her pills away and he was already kissing her. His body blocked her from moving or turning around. Regina could care less as her body felt like Jell-o from his touch.

"" Regina instinctively moaned as his kisses were right where they needed to be on the back of her neck. It was like he had a road map of all the right spots to touch and kiss.

"Sorry, I could not help myself."

The sensation of his hot breath on her neck between each kiss, and his hands on her hips only caused her sex to moisten in haste. Her heart was pounding with anticipation that she would soon be intimate with him.

Regina put her hands on him and turned around. His body was still close to her and he did not try to keep her from moving. She saw the lust in his eyes and with quick instincts she ran her hands up and down his chest. Although this seemed like a good idea at first, she quickly realized that her own desire was soaking her panties.

As her hands felt his muscular chest, she decided to see if he was just as excited. His lips were on hers and she moaned into his mouth. Her hands made their way past his belt to his crotch. She went a little further and almost moaned again when she felt his man muscle straining his jeans.

Regina knew she just had to see it, and free it from its confines. Without thinking, she slid her body down breaking her kiss and sat right on the floor in front of Joe's crotch. The idea of pulling his monster out from the cage was the only thing on her mind now. Joe was moaning and it only lead her to the notion it must be done right here and now.


Looking down at her, Joe cautiously asked, "Right here?"

""I want to see it right now," Regina answered with a devilish smile.

Regina reached for his zipper and began to pull down. The more and more his zipper came down, the more her heart beat with excitement. His manhood was now mere seconds from being flopped out in front of her.

Joe's white boxers were in sight, and Regina just knew she must continue. The more she pulled down, the more she committed herself to not only seeing it, but putting her sultry lips on it. The act of being slutty and sucking a white man's cock was converted into thoughts of pleasing her man.

Joe's pants were down and Regina pushed down his boxers and to her delight his semi hard member flopped out in front of her. It was just as thick as she remembered and it only caused her mouth to water and her sex to clench with desire.

"Oh, God," Joe called out as Regina just engulfed the tip of his manhood in her mouth.

Joe's hands were bracing against the counter now as Regina felt his prick pulse and thicken in her mouth. He was getting excited and her mouth expanded as his white sex tool grew. Regina never liked giving blowjobs before, and could count on one hand how many times she gave one, but this time she felt different. The utter pleasure of knowing her man's love rod was quickening to a pulse of her mouth and that he could blast sperm on her tongue drove tingles of excitement throughout her body.

Although the feeling of Joe's hard cock in her mouth was intense, Regina doubted her ability to give him the pleasure he deserved. She was going back and forth swirling her tongue on the notion it would feel the best for him. His prick was throbbing and was hard as it could get, so she continued just going back and forth on it, hoping he enjoyed it. After a few moans from his lips, she knew it was going good.

Without thinking, Regina let her right hand grab Joe's pulsing shaft as her head slid back and forth on it. It was a tremendous feeling of pleasure knowing that her mouth was causing Joe's masculinity to throb in her mouth. She went further and felt his enlarged balls as they swayed.

The intensity grew as Regina cupped Joe's scrotum. The thought that his essence was being held in her hand and that it could be shot into her mouth drove her to moan on his prick a little. She never knew the real taste of a man, and always thought it was something sluts do. Now she found herself in a position to finally know what Joe's DNA tasted like.

Joe was moaning louder, and Regina decided that she was going to finally go through with it. There was no holding back in her mind now; she was going to let Joe finish right in her mouth. The fear of it tasting bad or swallowing something gross still resided in her. Even with fear looming in her mind, she knew it had to be done for him. Regina knew that she had to let Joe know that she would do anything for him, and swallowing his seed was just another test.

Regina looked up and saw the look in Joe's eyes, he was close. Savoring the sensation of having a full white cock in her mouth and the thought of it about to explode semen in her mouth gave her own sex more need.

Regina was going faster as she actually felt Joe's love muscle pulse with need. It was going to happen any second, and by the sound of his soft short moans and the tightening of his body, it was very soon. A wash of excitement spread over her and she eagerly awaited her tongue to be splashed with male sperm.

Joe's body began to tremble, and Regina knew it was happening. Committed to letting it happen, she went half way down on his hard shaft, and swirled her tongue around the head, teasing it to send it over the end. Her heart pounded with desire and forbidden lust as his male organ began to swell up.

With Joe grunting, Regina felt the first spurt of his cum hit right on her tongue, it was followed by another larger more concentrated spurt and then by a lesser third one. The taste was both salty and stale but nothing disgusting that she assumed. Swallowing it was just as easy as she began to gently slide back and forth slowly on him again.

The last few drops were quickly taken care of by her tongue and she stood back up with a smile of accomplishment. "Did you like it?"

"That was amazing and intense. Can I make it up to you now?" Joe smiled his response back.

"Make love to me. Take me to the bed and have passionate love with me," Regina said with a cautious glance. Knowing her choice of words matched her need, but not that of a man she knew for only a short period of time.

When Joe grabbed her with his arms and held her in for a kiss, she just let go. Everything about him and what was happening seemed like a dream. He was carrying her off, and she just closed her eyes and kissed him. Their tongues we dancing and she just let him carry her off.

The few times she did open her eyes, she was going upstairs, and the notion of him fulfilling her desires was coming true. She was in her room, and she knew it was going to happen, she just knew that he was going to love her like she needed.

Her body hit the bed, and he was still on top of her. Joe was removing her clothes, and Regina wondered if he was going to go down on her, or push into her. Although she loved oral, she needed something else even more. The idea that she felt her body was ready for something more important than an oral orgasm.

When Joe positioned himself to give her the same treatment he got, Regina pulled him up so his body was ready to enter her. "I need this more."

Regina motioned for Joe to kiss her and was rewarded with a tongue pressing kiss that could rival a romance novel. She opened her legs wide and made it known that he could penetrate her at anytime he wanted to. Her hands were feeling his muscled torso when the tip of his love touched hers.

Regina once again moaned before Joe was even penetrating her. When he nudged his mushroomed tip against her love petals it was an even louder moan. He was slipping into her and her body quivered wildly. Regina gripped his arms as she felt the full force of his manhood enter her love hole. Her sex was almost dripping with need as he easily slid in deep.

Lost in the moment, all Regina could do was continue kissing. Joe was rocking his body in slow steady thrusts as Regina felt her own sex muscles flutter with pleasure as they were stretched apart with his manhood.

Joe continued pushing his man tool in and out of Regina's now extremely slick love tunnel. The more she thought about the ending the more she allowed her sex to liberally coat Joe's shaft with more of her own lubrication. She could not recall ever having such a pleasurable sexual experience before, and tried to hold off on her moans as their lips still pressed against each other.

With her hand gripping onto his arms, she felt each successive orgasm be pounded out of her. Joe was not being forceful, but he was drilling his member deep each time. Regina just knew she was going to take it and wondered how long she could hold on. Joe gave no signs of letting up and her kiss was broken intermittingly to allow for her to moan and breathe deeply.

When Regina gripped the sheets hard and felt Joe breathe deep himself, she knew he was close. She gave a look of pure lust and passion and knew there was no chance he was going to pull out. He was making sure he was all the way in with each loving push, and Regina knew he needed to be deep for her plan to work.

Joe tightened his muscles and Regina nodded for him to do the deed her whole plan rested on. She debated on telling him to cum inside of her for the fear he might hold it against her. With a quick thought, Regina lifted her legs and wrapped them around his body. She knew that there was no way he could back out now.

With Joe's grunt, Regina moaned loud as she felt the first splash of his male warmth inside of her. She held onto his arms and unknowing clenched both her eyes and her sex muscles at the same time. It was more than she could handle as she felt Joe continue to push past her spasming orgasm and continue to deposit more of his white life giving DNA into her.

Regina felt his lips on hers and moaned softly as she felt his love still pulsing inside of her own sex trench. It was an orgasm that did not end as she felt it ravish her whole body with sharp, body numbing tingles as it sucked in everything that was being spurted inside of her. Joe was plastering his essence of life in her and she was helpless and wanting it as just the sheer thought of it weakened her with desire.

Joe slipped out of her, and Regina felt the exhaustion instantly hit her. She felt spent and done from everything. She wrapped her arms around him with the last bit of energy she had and tried to keep her eyes open with no luck. Sleep overtook her just as the fluttering of her big orgasm subsided.

Regina awoke to the smell of coffee and fresh eggs. Her eyes saw Joe entering with a serving tray full of food. With his wide smile he announced his intentions, "I made you some food before I left to get everything set for next week."

"You didn't have to do this." Regina knew her answer was right, but also knew that Joe was something of a rare gem that needed to be taken quickly or lost forever. His ability to give her needs she never thought attainable was just more reason to hold onto him.

Joe was off, and Regina was left wondering her next play. She was in the bathroom happy that last night's love was slow in making its way out of her and that very little seeped out in the night. She smiled knowing that most of his seed was still embedded inside of her trying to take root.