The Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 4, January 1907


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Miraculous Recoveries from Asthma and Catarrh Due to Vienna Treatment.

Evidence of the wonderful cures effected by the _Vienna Toxico Treatment_ in Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchitis continue to pour in from all parts of the country. Diseases of the respiratory tract have evidently this time met their master. Obstinate cases are cured in less than sixty days. The dose is minute and acts directly on the membranes and tissues, and it has a wonderful tonic effect.

The Toxico Laboratory, 1269 Broadway, New York City, who are the sole dispensers, have generously offered to send a test treatment to every sufferer who will write for it.

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Gray & Dudley Hardware Company, of Nashville, Tenn., offer free a 50-cent cook book to housekeepers who send them the name of the most prominent stove dealer nearest to them. It’s a good cook book; costs you nothing. Write for it and say you saw the offer in BOB TAYLOR’S MAGAZINE.

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The Massachusetts Squab Co., Box 878, Whitman, Mass., are offering bargains in pigeons. See their ad in another column.

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