The Teacher's Daughter

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Retruning Navy vet discovers his teacher's daughter
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/01/2014
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As always, this is a work of fiction and the characters are imaginary, existing only within the confines of the story and my imagination. It is intended for the enjoyment of my audience and should not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without the author's permission. A special thank you to my proofreader for his patient work.

Back to my Alma Mater

It was both familiar and different driving down the road to my old high school to see Mrs. Matheson again. She had been my favorite teacher in High School, both as an English teacher and as the director of the school plays for the last two years of school. After graduating eight years ago, I had joined the Navy. I did stay in touch with her through letters and tried to visit every time I came home for leave.

As the deployment schedule with the Navy's Special Boat unit ramped up in support of various special operations missions around the world, I had only managed one visit in the last three years. As a high speed craft driver (coxswain in Navy-talk) and instructor, I had been very busy both for deployed operations and back at home port in training new operators. My outstanding performance had gotten me promoted to E-6 much sooner than my peers but the constant stress had made me decide to leave the military.

Since my parents had moved away from here, I had no relatives in my hometown anymore, so I found a cheap apartment and arranged for the rest of my personal effects to be shipped there. Putting off the job search for a couple of days, I decided visiting Mrs. Matheson was very important to me. Of course, part of my motivation was the crush I had on her back in school. Although only 5' 6", she walked into a room with such presence and personality that she did dominate the room always. With short dark hair and dark eyes, her big smile always dominated her oval face. It had always been a struggle to figure out her body though; she wore long sleeved blouses or sweaters and ankle length skirts, but through careful observation I had been able to see she was small breasted but had a nice flared waist and very strong, solid legs. She had a sultry allure that I doubt most of my classmates ever noticed. This was also the first time I had been able to visit her since right after her husband died in a car wreck three years ago.

Arriving at the school, I parked my pick-up truck in a visitor space and walked in to the school office to check in as a visitor. The receptionist remembered me from the visits I had made over the last few years and contacted Mrs. Matheson to come down and escort me. Mrs. Matheson floated into the room with her usual flair, and I could not help but smile as she moved towards me to wrap me in her arms. As I returned the hug I noticed that her hair was graying, but she felt as light and slender as I remembered.

"I'm so happy to see you," she said excitedly. "I have one more class today and then we can talk before drama." With that, she dragged me off down the hall to her next class. It was after sitting through her next class that she had time to explain to me about her next show. They were doing "Pippin" and, although she had a very talented cast, she had no one interested in lighting or sound this year. Margaret, as she insisted I call her now, all but begged me to volunteer to take up technical design and direction for the show. I was very willing and after class she brought me back to the office to get me signed up for regular access to the school.

A Surprise Meeting

One week later and the background checks were complete. This is how I found myself sitting in the auditorium as the cast worked through some of the scenes from the show. The school had purchased a new control system for the lights, but everything else was almost unchanged from when I had attended the school. I was sitting quietly when suddenly a pair of soft hands covered my eyes. I smelled a flowery perfume and felt her breath on my ear as she whispered to me.

"Guess who!" Oh crap! I had no idea. Her hands were too soft and her voice too young for any of the teachers I was close to. I didn't know any of the students so who could this be?

"You smell nice, whoever you are," I said neutrally. "But I can't tell."

"Doug!" she said as she removed her hands and gave me a hug. I turned and realized it was Margaret's daughter Jackie. I pushed her back to get a good look at her. When I joined the Navy she was only twelve, and last time I saw her she was fifteen and just started developing a more feminine figure. At 20, she now had an incredible figure at five foot four inches and wearing a tight white tee shirt with a burgundy muscle shirt overtop and a tight fitting pair of jeans. The blond curly hair cascaded down to her broad shoulders, shoulders developed through of years of club-level competitive swimming. Her muscular build also gave even more prominence to her very full breasts. Her body quickly narrowed to a flat stomach and narrow waist. Her hips were not too prominent but her butt was small, firm and muscular, topping nicely proportioned legs.

To explain, she looked nothing like her mom. Jackie was adopted at a very young age. I think it had something to do with Margaret and her husband not being able to have kids but I never asked because it was not important. Jackie and her brother were both wonderful kids and I had spent quite a bit of time at their house when I was in high school.

Jackie plopped herself down in the seat next to me and we start talking. Margaret's car was broken down and although she could ride to school with another teacher, she needed a ride home, which was why Jackie was here. She was obviously very excited to see me again. Once we did a little bit of current events on catching up, I found out why she was so happy to see me. Although I did not realize it back then, the time I spent with her family when I was in high school made a big impression on her. Apparently I did not dismiss her as a little kid even though she was six year younger than me (forever when you are in high school). Instead, I talked to her then like a friend and listened to her when she talked about her interests back then.

The conversation between us got a bit loud and I noticed we get a couple of "quiet down" looks from Margaret. Not wanting to stop the conversation, I lead Jackie out the right side of the auditorium. The left side doors led to the music hall, with rehearsal rooms and teacher offices. The left side led to a storage hallway that was gated at the end so students do not normally access it. This is where they could store the band risers, large set pieces, and even some spare lunch tables for the cafeteria just yards down the hall.

Once we walk out the door, Jackie moves right up into my space. Suddenly she is leaning against me and moves her face right up to mine, obviously expecting a kiss. I'm not real sure where this is going but I lean forward and our lips meet. As soon as our lips make contact, her mouth opens and her tongue is in my mouth while her hand is behind my neck pulling my face against hers. I'm not real sure what signals I missed but we are instantly in a major French kiss that would excite an 80-year-old. I do not know who she learned this kissing from, but wow. The desire she communicates in this kiss shocks me to my toes. It also creates a growing problem in my pants, which she is pressing against.

Now it has been a couple of months since my last relationship and "Rosy Palm" does not satisfy the way a real woman does, but this was unexpected. As her hand rubs my crotch I am thinking what do I do now? Glancing around the stacked stuff in the hallway, I look through the folded tables, stacked chairs, stage platforms, and traveling band cases for somewhere to hide from view. My eyes catch sight of the marching band uniform closets, two ten-foot long closets with vinyl accordion doors used to store the uniforms once football season is over. I am not sure where this is going but I know I need to get us out of sight before it goes too far.

I break contact and quickly lead her over to one. Looking up the hall past the gate, I do not see anyone looking as I slide open the closet door and slip in, pulling Jackie in behind me. She starts to attach herself to me again but I pull back for a moment.

"Jackie," I whisper. "What is all this?" She stopped and looked up at me, her eyes quickly shifting from surprise, to fear to hurt.

"I thought...I guess..." She sobbed once then spoke shakily. "I love you. I thought you knew. Didn't you read the letters?" She had written me a number of times. The letters always were signed with 'can't wait to see you soon, Love Jackie.' But I did not register that as really "Love" and she did. Now I felt like an ass. I guess I had been thinking of her as a little sister, but now she was more than that. She was a sexy woman that wanted me. The look in her eyes changed my heart in an instant and I wanted her too.

I reached out and embraced her in the darkness, and this time when our mouth met our hands could not be stopped as well. Her hands squeezed my butt as she pressed her warm crotch against my hard cock. This was out of control in an instant, our surroundings forgotten. Kissing each other now on the face and neck as we pressed our bodies continued for several minutes with the sound of our passionate breathing loud in that confined space.

There was little room to move against the double hanging rack of the uniforms, so I reached out with one hand and pulled two uniforms off the bar to drop them on the floor at our feet. We both reached for the other's pants at the same time. Jackie pulled mine open and thrust her hand down the front to wrap her fingers around my hard penis.

Her eyes lit up as she hissed "yes." I was not sure if that is in appreciation for the hard cock in her hand or the answer to the unspoken question, but I moved forward. Opening her pants, I slid my fingers inside her panties and slid both pants and panties over her hips and down her legs, bending over to push them down to her ankles. Resting a hand on my shoulder, she stepped out of her pants and shoe with her left foot. Taking her hips in my hands, I guided her to lie down on the uniforms at our feet, and then knelt between her spread legs, my own pants still at my knees.

Logically, this should not be happening. I know I should be progressing slowly because we have not seen each other in years. But she seemed to want this even more than I did, plus the pent-up sexual energy of the last few months takes away my ability for rational thought.

Jackie reached out and took my cock in her hand and pulled me forward, directing me towards her until my cock was at the opening of her vagina. She moved my cock slightly up and down to coat the head with her juices and help to open her labia to allow better access. The thought flashes through my brain that she knows what she is doing...this woman beneath me is not the 'kid sister' I left behind four years ago.

And in the time it took to make it through those thoughts, she has pulled me forward until the head of my cock is an inch inside her, just long enough for her to know something is entering her. Jackie's hands moved to my back and pulled me down towards her and I lowered myself willingly until our still clothed chests were touching. I felt the cushy softness of her large breasts beneath the fabric but she was telling me with her hands what she really wanted. I pushed further into her, sliding my shaft deeper into her.

She gasped and feeling my cock further inside her made me aware of how hot it was inside her vagina...and how tight it was. I pulled back out a bit, then pushed deeper in. I repeated this motion a number of times, easing my way into her body. Each move forward was rewarded with a gasp or a soft groan from her. It was nearly pitch black inside the closet so I could not see her face, but her hands caressing my body and pulling me forward told me I was not hurting her at all and she wanted all of it.

I stopped for a moment, partly to let her relax and partly to shift my knees forward. As I pause, I feel her vaginal muscles squeeze around my shaft, then relax only to squeeze again! She pulled my head down to her neck and whispered in my ear.

"Just so you know I can." I could hear the teasing smile in her voice, and the challenge that was implied. I pulled back and plunged myself deeply into her. I could have prolonged this with artful thrusts and pauses but I did not have the patience for that, and it would not be good to get caught here either.

With long deep strokes in and out of her hot pussy, I increased the speed of my thrusting. Her hands kept switching from grasping my arms to pulling my ass towards her to encourage my pounding. Her head fell back to rest on the floor as her breathing became shallow gasps for air. She raised her knees up a bit and then wrapped her bare legs around my hips.

My hips are pounding against her now, crushing her against the uniforms and the hard carpet below. I sense that she may be close beneath me and lower myself toward her head. I plant my lips on her neck and begin to nibble on the sensitive skin along the side of her neck. This is what puts her over the edge.

For a moment she froze, holding her breath. Then the force of her orgasm hit her body like an explosion. The hands that pressed into me now seem to be grasping for flesh, trying to hold me close for support. Most importantly, her vaginal muscles rippled and twisted around my cock in a way I had never experienced from a woman ever before. It was the trigger that made me explode deep inside her, showering the innermost part of her pussy with my semen as I rammed my cock deep into her body.

It seemed forever but it was likely only a few minutes for my surges and her spasms stop. We lay there for a few moments catching our breath. Then, guiltily, I kissed her gently and lifted myself off of her, pulling my slightly softened shaft out of her.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to her.

"Why?" she asked. "I wanted this as much as you did. Did you not want me?"

"Yes," I reply honestly. "I wanted you and I still want you. But we should have been a little more restrained. And it was not the best idea to do it here."

"I'll give you that, but I started it. I wanted you to know how much I want you. I want to be your woman." I paused after that to absorb what she was telling me.

"We could have at least used some birth control" I said, in a weak attempt to apologize again. I still felt like I used her.

"I'm on the pill, silly," she chided. "And if that happens, I'll deal with that as well." Again she rocked my mind with the concept that she was not a little teenager anymore, but a very mature young woman. "Now we had better get back inside before someone comes looking for us."

"Oh crap," I exclaimed. "You're right. What if I go in first back stage and then you go in after back to the auditorium?"

"OK," she whispered back. "You go ahead while I clean up and then go in." She sort of giggled at that last part. I stood up and pulled my pants up and fastened them. Carefully stepping around her, I eased the accordion door open just a bit and looked around to make sure no one was nearby.

""All clear," I hissed and looked down at her. With the door open a bit, I could see her better. Between her pale legs she had a thick auburn bush of pubic hair. Below that, her labia were swollen and spread just a bit, and a large puddle of cum was on the uniform jacket just below. I paused but she hissed for me to go.

I slipped in through the backstage door and started to walk around like I was looking at options for the design. As I crossed behind the scene rehearsing on stage, I saw Jackie sitting about where we had been sitting before. I tried to act like I was focused on the show design but I was faking it.

After rehearsal, Margaret, Jackie and I talked for a little while. I got Jackie's phone number and promised to call her tonight. We also decided that I could give Margaret a ride home tomorrow and that I should stay for dinner. After we said goodbye, I watched Jackie's tight butt as she walked away and noticed that if I looked carefully at her jeans I could see a dark wet spot between her legs.

Later that night we talked for an hour on the phone. I learned more about her and what she liked, her major, and everything. The only thing she would not talk about was her past relationships. She even hinted at some things to come tomorrow night. The apartment seemed empty after the call.

Dinner –The First Night

I had sat through rehearsal and Margaret and I discussed the show some more on the way home. In the back and forth of ideas, I gave her a completely new idea for staging one scene and she in turn gave me some good ideas for incorporating some unique sound effects and maybe even some pyro effects if we could get the permissions.

When we got to the house, Margaret stopped me before we got out. I asked her what was wrong.

"Doug," she said hesitantly. "Do you have any idea how much Jackie likes you?"

"To be honest," I answered. "I did not until yesterday. I think I know now how much she likes me."

"Her father's death hit her very hard," Margaret explained. "That time you visited right after his death meant the world to her."

"I really didn't do anything special," I protested. Margaret shook her head.

"You listened to her when she talked about her feelings. You held her when she cried, even though you were only here for a couple of days. It changed her so much. I'm just afraid she has built up a relationship with you in her mind that may not happen."

"I won't hurt her," I said to Margaret, holding her hand.

"Your visit meant a lot to me too," she whispered. I saw a tear in her eye but she quickly brushed it away, then leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. She turned away quickly and got out of the truck. I followed her into the house.

Dinner and Dessert

When I walked into the house, I was immediately aware of the smells of wonderful food cooking. Jackie was in the kitchen but came out immediately to give me a big hug and kiss. As I chatted with Jackie about the day, her mother dropped her homework on the sofa and went upstairs to change. Once her mother was out of sight, Jackie kissed me with more passion, her body pressed against mine. And as quickly as it started, she was pulling away and back in front of the stove.

"You are an evil tease," I groaned.

"I like to build your anticipation for later," she said with a smile. "Mom will go upstairs to bed by ten, and it's ok for you to stay later."

"How much later?" I asked with a grin.

"That is up to you, Doug." She answered. In that moment Margaret came back down the stairs, now dressed in a long white satin nightgown covered with a soft, micro-fabric wrap in a slightly off-white color. The satin moved and flowed with her and pressed up against her hips and thighs as she walked, showing some of the figure I always suspected she had.

In just a few minutes we sat down to a delicious chicken dish with tomatoes, green olives and onions all served over tasty saffron rice. The dinner conversation should have been shared more but they kept asking me about my service and what I did while deployed and so I entertained them with the humorous stories from my deployments. I was not ready to share some of the other stories yet; maybe that would come later.

After dinner, I helped Jackie clean up and then we sat in the living room watching a movie. Jackie was curled up under my arm on one end of the sofa while Margaret corrected papers from one of her classes at the other end. We stayed there until about nine o'clock when Margaret said she was going upstairs to bed. Even though I was wrapped in Jackie's arms, my eyes did follow her mother's shapely backside up the stairs.