The Terror of The Inferno


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The land was dominated by purples of different shades, bits of dull reds and deep blue's but no intense orangey yellow that usually denoted higher forms of heat like that of the human body. She kept her head looking only slightly moving every now and then. Swiveling her head she continued to scan the area looking for anything out of the ordinary, well, she conceded as ordinary as this was.

Veronica stifled a sigh of frustration, berating herself for her panic endued move, but she could have sworn she saw movement.

She brought her head back in to the door. Her tense posture was not evident to her team but Control would definitely know her anxiety through her statistic readings.

Returning to her scan she immediately went on alert when she saw movement in her peripheral she zoomed in on the large blocks of purple where heat could hide behind. Yellow flicked in her vision and her breath hitched as once again, she saw movement, quickly switching to night-vision she zoomed further and saw a hand.

Without bringing her head in she continued to observe the movement and reported to Maxwell.

"Got them, sir. Definitely movement at one o'clock, reading 400 feet. Behind a large ground vehicle, a human hand waving back and forth."

Maxwell relaxed his posture and stood straight. Once again his voice could be heard over the I.N. as it contacted Control.

"Firestorm Control, this is Team Prodigy requesting visual satellite surveillance; Level Two, confirmation needed on what could be our meet, targets are within four-fifty feet from current location."

A Control operator answered almost immediately. "Team prodigy request for satellite confirmed. Covert Recon Vessel Mainframe is now reassigning an artificial satellite for you. Please stand by for Eagle Eye."

After what seemed like a solar cycle the operator responded.

"Eagle eye confirms that you have two targets within the vicinity. Images are obscured due to cloud cover, unable to substantiate beyond that. The CRV Mainframe calculates a high chance they could be armed, but targets are not making large effort to cover themselves. Mainframe has verified with ninety four percent likelihood that this could be your meet. I repeat this is your meet. "

"Thanks Control, upgrade surveillance to Level One."

"Confirmed, upgraded to surveillance protocol Level One; Eagle Eye reassigned as God's Eye. Ad Astra Captain."

Max was quiet for a while, Veronica knew he was debating whether to let her reel them in or assign someone more experienced.

She didn't envy him at all; his next decision could get them killed if they were wrong, and so it was up to him to determine whether there were other avenues that paths be traveled,

When he spoke, it was soft almost quite, "Good eyes Felton, bring 'em in...slowly." His helmet bobbed in her direction.

"Yes, Sir." She responded and took a deep fortifying breath, readying herself for contact with an unknown faction, which at worst could end her military career before it started, only if she panicked and shot the meet. Lifting her assault rifle she pivoted and stepped into the doorway, into a potential shooter's line of vision.

She pressed one side of her assault rifle and heard the click of the light turning on as it reverberate through her ears. There was no going back now, so she continued, turning on her light, and off again.

As deftly as she could with her large Exo enclosed fingers she started pressing the button in an intermediate fashion telling them. "FORWARD."

"SLOWLY."A simple code that a data mercenary would have no problem deciphering. There was movement beyond the van.

The two individuals slowly moved forward.

After ten feet at a slow crawl they started to emerge from the dark and slowly moved into the pale yellow light of the street light.

"I have them in sight, got them covered." Hunter said distractedly, as he must have been concentrating.

"Roger." She replied, her voice steady, masking her anxiousness, and then she slowly signaled another two words of warning in code.


That stopped them dead cold, and one of them nearly staggered. The code should tell them enough to dispel any thoughts they might have had about doing anything dangerous.

She slowly lifted her assault rifle to a ninety degree angle, meaning she wasn't worried about them. If they had any doubts about a sniper those would quickly be dismissed, because any good space agent wouldn't leave themselves uncovered.

They started moving again and as they got closer her anxiety eased a little. When they were fifteen feet away she lifted her palm and gestured they continue even more cautiously.

Slowly she backpedaled as they came closer, until she was inside the room and both of them stood at the threshold.

She stopped and turned her face to Hunter in his gleaming black Centurion armor.

"Good work, V" She could hear the smile in his voice, and she couldn't help the swell of pride that rose within her breast, not a big feat but the first major task assigned her and she was happy she handled it well.

And then Hunter had to ruin her day. "Aw shucks V, I didn't know I was 'your sniper'."

Oh goddess, she stifled a groan, as Hunter began another round of teasing, while he fielded the questions from the team about what he meant.

She tuned the voices out and watched the two data mercenaries. She studied them not really knowing what to expect from someone who made a life of stealing confidential data, having never really seen or met data mercs while she used to live on Valcres.

The first thing she noticed was the age difference, the apparent leader was a wiry old man that

Veronica estimated to be about fifty years old. He stood ignoring everyone as he waited looking pointedly at Max, as if waiting for him to step forward and speak.

As Max slowly raised his visor on his helmet, she continued to study the two devil's minions.

The old man had a shock of wild gray hair, that looked like it had seen better days, it stood high over his thin, long face. He personified the quintessential electronic data geek.

But with the rectangular data-scroll lenses he wore on his long nose, he also reminded her of her professors at the Academy more than a data merc. He was surprisingly tall, maybe a good six four.

His long black coat was very ASE cliché, at least he didn't have the antique sunglasses on. He had a backpack on and in his hand held a small artificial screen, that came out of the long side of the tiny cylinder he held horizontally, it looked like a modified Digibix reader.

His companion's movement distracted her, and she couldn't help but feel amazement at how young he was compared to his comrade. He looked about half as young as the old man, maybe twenty five years, or perhaps even younger. He looked like something out of the pirate holo-vids that teenage girls clambered on about. He wasn't that much taller than Alvin, but Damien, Max and Hunter would tower him, he probably stood at six two.

She couldn't really describe his looks, he looked...chiseled?, she'd never used such a word but that's what described him perfectly. His face was handsome in its own way, not like Hunter's golden good looks, or Alvin's boy next door appearance.

His face held a dark intensity that made it hard for her to look elsewhere, his square jaw bristled with tiny hairs, and his brown hair fell across his face and stood up at other parts.

As if he felt her eyes on him he slowly turned his head and looked directly at her.

Veronica inhaled a sharp breath as she looked deep into his forest green eyes, his eyes held hers even though she was sure he couldn't see her face, she suddenly felt very naked.

He cocked his head to the side as if to ponder a dilemma, then he smiled a small smile that was over before it fully registered into her brain, his face resumed its expression of bland curiosity.

Dressed in loose clothing, he wore a faded red leather jacket. The pants were just as faded as the knee length jacket, even the high boots looked like they needed renewing.

He'd found himself a comfortable place to position himself as he squatted, his hands dangled in front of him as he placed his arms on his knees.

He was composed, surprisingly calm for someone who found themselves staring at Strikers in full Exo holding deadly assault rifles.

Maxwell had his visor all the way up and was addressing the old man.

"...bix in exchange for extraction from sector nine and protection. I have my orders but until I confirm that the information on the databix' I can't allow that."

"But why else would I be here? The data is all there and I won't give away the password to some common soldier until I have assurances, I was told the Duchess herself signed for my extraction."

The data mercs face had assumed a look of smug satisfaction.

Max being Max was as impassive as ever. "It seems we're at an impasse." An impasse that everybody knew the merc couldn't win.

The d-merc's face slowly melted into an apprehensive look. He looked perplexed as if not sure what to make of this new turn of events.

Everybody was quiet for a while. Behind him she could see his companion reach for something behind him while simultaneously standing.

Veronica moved without further thought, she had leveled her gun on him by the time he stood, and came face-to-face with the barrel of her assault rifle.

Yet as they stood face to face, and waited for the familiar expression of terror to fleet across his features or the visible shudder others often gave. She was fast coming to realise he was of a different breed, not a flicker of apprehension or whisper of fear disrupted his calm visage.

Completely ignoring her and moreover her gun, he silently looked at his companion and raised his brow.

The old man's face filled with a silent understanding. "Look here you arrogant little pup, events are in play that could affect every human settlement in Known Space. I have information that could prevent the greatest war since Atlas' Fall. And you are in the middle of it."

His face was red and this time there was no mistaking the anger his face as he berated the 'arrogant young pup'.

The younger man just sighed and said, "Just show em the schematics old man, the size, the bixware, the author and format should be enough verification." His words came out easy, his voice calm without inflection. His eyes shifted beyond her position and for a split second V could have sworn he saw amusement in those pools of emerald liquid.

"Sir, that could work." Delaney Smith, the electronic-engineer, stated over the I.N. Veronica didn't have to turn around to know her team was covering her from the moment she made a move.

She was keeping a good hold onto her fear and anxiety, she was no longer close to panic but it was disconcerting to see him facing Strikers and not show anything she'd consider a rational emotion in this situation. If their situations had been reversed she would be quivering in her boots, he, however hadn't shown a nanogram of fear in a fast deteriorating situation that could very easily end up costing him and his companion's lives.

"We'll do as suggested by your friend..." A faint grimace touched the younger d-mercs face at the mention of the word 'friend'. "...your friend who is going to have to step back and keep his hands clear." Max said with enough emphasis to get the merc to step back.

The old man grumbled silently, face red with frustration. Picking up the bix reader he commanded it to "display the schematics. "

He reluctantly handed it to Max who handed to Delaney, who scrolled over some of the data. After a while she stated, "The author is password protected sir, and I don't think I have enough time to break the encryption"

The reader was passed back "Password on the Author." Max stated without preamble it was pretty clear he was getting frustrated. He handed it over and held it while saying

"No more games, get it done so when can leave."

As he got it and pressed a few buttons several things happened at once.

"Prodigy, you have company, shooters protecting an e-engine—". The message ended in static, but before the contents fully registered the glass curtain exploding inwards, and lasers tore through the body of the old man.

Veronica jumped into action knowing that they had shooters and that they were no longer in contact with control.

Seconds later a few booms got their attention.

"Hermes is down sir, two of three auto-turrets are out. About twelve shooters that I can see from here." Came Hunters excited voice over I.N.

Veronica didn't need to check to know the old man was dead before his body hit the ground, being the closest she immediately scrambled to find cover.

"Laser pistol!"

Panic almost took her before her training reinstated itself with full force. She pressed close

against a wall of stone rubble. The bricks gave her good cover, behind her the glass exploded in a shower as another barrage of plasma and rifle projectiles assaulted their position. She picked up her rifle and fired back from her position, her target dropped like a stone.

Gunfire erupted behind her. She saw several of the shooters drop dead. A sense of savage satisfaction gripped her. Then more gunfire, this time from the shooters in front of her.

She took a dive to the ground, while throwing a plasma grenade into the building. Light exploded and she took advantage of the situation. Rifle at the ready she pined them with her assault rifle, but they started shooting back.

"Well, that didn't work, I guess we can assume some of them have Exos or goggles that adjust to light." Damien said conversationally.

"Brilliant deduction genius, however did you figure that out?." Alvin grunted as he shot from behind cover.

"Nothing too hard about it, just have to have eyes." Damien replied before letting lose another round of projectile fire.

Slowly the number of shots fired back dwindled until she could hear only three guns from different positions.

"Flush em out, but leave one alive if possible," Maxwell instructed and got various yes sirs in return.

Veronica stood and sighted her target, just as she pulled her trigger, her gun blew up in spectacular fashion as her armor took on a bombardment of projectiles. Light exploded behind her eyes as she felt sharp pain shoot through her back as she barreled toward unconsciousness, she could only make out about a few words from the garbled nonsense that had overtaken the I.N.

"...out, taken by sniper..."

"...flankers in opposite..."


It happened so quickly but he was unsure if he saw it correctly, but they were suddenly bombarded by a haze of plasma blasts coming from a higher vantage point.

The first hit just as Veronica turned around, her gun exploded in a shower of metal and sparks, the second hit her right on her back just above her waist, V's unconscious body just dropped like a rock.

Savage rage tore through him, and dimmed his vision to a tunnel as he fed his anger into his sniper rifle taking out more of the new attackers.

Hunter cursed as he heard the unmistakable sound of a high velocity rifle fire from the floor right above him.

"Sir, V is out, taken by a sniper shot,"

"Deal with the sniper Hunter, we'll take out the flankers in the opposite building for now." Maxwell grunted.

Hunter shut his sniper down and pushed the barrel into itself, grabbed his strap and pulled it behind his back, with his goggles on he jumped on the window ledge.

Grabbing a hold of the window right above him, he heaved himself up, removed his laser pistol with one hand and pulled himself onto the roof. He swung his feet over the ledge and jumped onto the roof.

He shot the surprised sniper in the face, and pushed him right over the edge and retook the dead snipers position. "Done, sir."


Veronica regained her senses very quickly. She opened her eyes suddenly and found herself staring at the broken ceiling and to a dead silence with a muffled grunt every now and then.

She moved her hand, but nothing happened. She quickly began to panic as she realized she was paralyzed. Again attempting to move both her hands, all she got was the feeling they were too heavy.

The situation was worse than being paralyzed, her exo was dead and her auxiliary power wasn't working so she wasn't getting any air.

"Release protocol."

Nothing happened, "Panic button." Her whole body was trembling now and she had difficulty breathing. If she didn't try to calm down and assess this situation, she'd soon be in the middle of a full-blown panic attack.

She also realized that she was quickly loosing air and couldn't do anything but stare at the ceiling as asphyxia took hold.

A face appeared before her, she found herself staring at the green eyes of the younger data merc.

He looked down at her in curiosity, she still couldn't believe this. Here they were in a full blown skirmish and all he showed was curiosity.

Fear gripped her as she knew, from their position her team wouldn't see if he did anything. He smiled again and brought his hand into her line of vision and with dawning comprehension it was quite clear that this was going to be the last image before her last breath.

She thrashed as much as she could, but her inactivity only brought tears to her eyes and a sob caught in her throat.

She couldn't think of anything that might save her but fear griped her insides in a vicious twist, right now she'd give anything to live. A screaming plea for mercy rose in her throat, but she choked it back, knowing the futility of crying out.

Resigned to her fate she slowly cried, tears leaked out of her eyes as she closed them and awaited the blow that would end her life.


Hunter lifted his rifle in the former snipers position and had to adjust when he saw the young d- merc fly out of the building.

Hunter growled, "Bastard," he adjusted and took his time aiming, he had in sight and ready fire when the merc changed direction and headed directly toward the building where Hunter was.

That gave Hunter pause, he looked around the roof and spotted a skyboard, a small disposable backpack and some electronics, what could be the devil's minions' escape method.

Hunter smiled, the merc thought his skyboard would be waiting for him when he came onto the building, but he was in for a surprise.

"Come to papa."


She continued waiting for what seemed like eternity. Wishing he would just do it and she wouldn't feel the pain.

That moment of waiting seemed to last forever. But nothing happened.

Veronica opened her eyes and found herself staring at the ceiling again, quickly losing consciousness as black rimmed the edge of her vision. "Emergency release," she said in a small voice close to a whisper.

Resigned as she was and having accepted her death as inevitable, she couldn't describe the waves of relieve that flooded her as she heard the soft hiss of latches releasing her suits seals.

Slowly she lifted her arm, still heavy but getting better, she released the latch right under her chin and she felt her helmet fall apart from the rest of her battle armor at various points.

She slowly got up while shedding herself of the large parts of her battle armor.

That left her standing in a jumpsuit covered with metal at various points, her metallic greaves would protect her legs while her knees and shoulders were padded, the small vest that fell over her jumpsuit would provide little if any protection from lasers but better protection from projectile fire.

Looking around she found the d-merc gone and the data bix missing, that prompted her into action.