The Things You Make Me Feel Ch. 02


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Since Oliver was already making toward the exit, he couldn't witness the mayhem his wicked comeback had caused. It took both Dave and Jack to hold Jason back while his sister stood in place, dumbfounded, and in her background, a pandemonium of clashing torsos and cussing mouths.



Oliver pivoted and saw his furious sister marching up to him. He ignored her and kept walking down the street.

"Oliver!" She trotted in her high heels in intervals. "Oliver!"

He spun around with a sigh and waited for her to catch up to him.

"You son of a bitch! Do you have any idea what you just did there?! Jason wants to kill you!"

"Oh, does he? I am so sorry for that... I'll tell you what, why don't you go fuck yourself and get the fuck out of my sight for like... forever."

He whirled around and kept walking.

"This was your plan all along, wasn't it, Oliver?! To destroy this night?! I hate you so fucking much."

He turned to face her, mystified. "I've destroyed this night?"

"First at dinner, and now this. You won't rest till you've completely demolished my life, will you?!"

"You know, Jack told me how deranged you've been these last couple of weeks, and I didn't really believe him, but I think I'm beginning to see that now. Get help, Ellie; you're slipping fast."

"Oh, another fine quip," she sneered. "You're on fire, Oliver. Snappy, and cool, and... wearing these fancy clothes, but you know what... I see right through you."

"Oh, you do, do you?"

"You're behaving like that"—she paced closer to him—"because you're a fucking pervert who wants his sister and doesn't know what to do about it."

"You got me," he confessed in derision, raising his hands in the air. "But just out of curiosity, what did ever give me away, Sis?"

"You think you're so clever, don't you, Oliver?" She snickered. "You truly are a new man, aren't you? With your sexy image and European haircut and smart clothes, saying all the right things, so fucking confident... but you're pathetic! Did you really think I wouldn't notice how you challenged my fiancé?! You had to prove to everyone who was watching that you could take him on, didn't you?!"

"I don't have to prove dick. I can take him on."

"I bet it felt good when he backed down like a little bitch, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did. It felt great."

She shook her head, coming undone. "You think you're better than him... do you really believe you can take care of me better than him?"

"I can take care of you better than anyone, Ellie. Anyone."

Tears pricked her eyes, and the mascara began inking down her cheeks. "You've. Ruined. My. Life."

"Where is this this coming from, Ellie? I thought we were cool? Why are you acting like this?!"

"You told me you had feelings for me... you lied to me... you..."

Oliver shrugged, his brows knitted in utter bafflement. "I don't understand what the fuck is going on in here! You're upset because I have feeling for you?! Because I don't have feelings for you?!"

"I saw you, Oliver... I saw you."

"Saw me what?!"

Ellie shook her head in response, her makeup dissolving under the sad black streams.

"Ellie, for god's sake, you saw me what?!"

"I saw that fucking Latina giving you head!"

"What?" Oliver murmured, his eyes widening.

"That's right," she wept.

"You mean you were—"

"Yes! I saw it through the window! And then you have the nerve to say you feel things for me? When you let that whore suck you off?!"

"Ellie, I'm not even gonna go into why you spied on us, but it's important you'll understand that... I can do what the fuck I want! We're not in a relationship! You shot me down, remember?! You're engaged to be married to that walking gym!"

"Don't you think I know that?!" she sobbed.

"Then what do you want from me, Ellie?! What do you want?!"

Ellie splayed her hands across her brother's chest and thrust him carelessly into the adjacent wall before she clung to him with her curvaceous frame. Her fiery blue eyes locked in on his stupefied gaze as he was trying to recover from her sudden attack.


Her lips found his in a passionate suck that didn't last long as her tongue was already slithering into his mouth. Oliver was in a daze, trying to withstand her sweet tongue's onslaught. In less than ten minutes, Ellie had managed to assault him verbally, physically, and now sexually. A raging storm of feelings and theories swirled inside him before crystalizing into a single coherent thought: he was in love with her, and his sister did want him back no matter what she had said. Upon comprehension, came actualization.

He spun them around and pinned his sister to the wall as he seized control over this heated dance. He didn't care that people could see them as he was kissing her the way she had never been kissed before. His tongue folded into hers as they kissed, their fluids mingling, their hearts bursting at this illicit act.

"Oliver, I'm so sorry for—"

He shut her up with his sucking lips. "It's okay. You're more than making it up to me now."

She sucked her saliva off his lips and drew back again. "Because I didn't mean it. Any of it."

He nodded in understanding and locked lips with her again, but Ellie wouldn't have it. She gazed up into his eyes, hers drenched in pain. "Oliver..."

"Ellie, it's fine; I already forgot about it. Now bring that tongue here."

A grin exploded across her face as she dove into his mouth, tongue first.

Ellie never felt as free and happy as she did at this moment. She had nothing left in her to keep denying, to keep fighting him off. It felt so good to let go.

"What does this mean?" he gasped after abruptly pulling out of his sister's toothsome mouth.

"It means that"—she raked his hair back—"I love you. That I'm... in love with you."

A series of explosions made his chest quake. He charged her mouth only to almost instantly disengage again. "There's no way I'm ever allowing you to take that back."

She smiled, palming the back of his head as she welded their lips together. She then whimpered when he picked her up by her thighs and nailed her to the wall. Her feet locked around him as they resumed drinking each other, their tongues kneading hungrily. Pedestrians passed them by, tittering at the couple that was plastered to the wall and going at it in frenzy, unsuspecting it was a brother and his engaged sister that were kissing so erotically in public.

"Oliver, do you love me back?" the blonde murmured, a quiver running along her pulse. "I mean... are you in love with me?"

There was a moment of silence which was killing Ellie. She felt so vulnerable, as though she were hanging out there so far out for so much time.

He licked his lips as he brushed aside a golden lock of hair that flopped over her left eye. "Yeah... I'm so in love with you, Ellie."

His sister giggled, a wave of relief sweeping over her. She darted her tongue into his mouth, and they recommenced their hungry kiss, dueling it out like a couple of horny teenagers.

"Oliver, take me somewhere," she pleaded softly in his ear, planting tender kisses across his throat. "Take me away..."

He put her down and interlocked their fingers together. "Let's go."


"I understand, but I'm still not coming back... Tell them whatever the fuck you want! Oliver and I have some things we need to work out... Yeah, don't talk about my brother like that; I'm warning you, Jason... Alright, I'm hanging up. Take my stuff back to our place... Bye."

Ellie ended her call and walked back to the car. She and her brother had taken a cab back to their parents' before Oliver borrowed their father's BMW X5 and drove them to the nearby lake. It was enclosed by thick woods, and at this time of hour, it was deserted, ensuring them absolute privacy in front of the most striking scenery.

"Did you manage okay?" he said, idly resting on the SUV's hood and windshield with his hands clasped behind his head.

"It's not my first time peeing in the woods." He helped her onto the hood. "Though it has been like ten years since last." She giggled. "And I wasn't in high heels." She removed her expensive heels and tossed them onto the soil as she nestled in his arms. She nuzzled his neck, purring adorably.

The siblings were watching the crescent moon as it reflected from the still water while owls and other nocturnal creatures were in charge of the entertainment.

"It feels so good to finally be in your arms," Ellie whispered, clinging to him tighter as she kissed his neck. "You don't know how many times I fantasized about this moment."

Oliver reached for the exquisite bottle of red wine they had borrowed from their parents and took a mouthful as he gazed up at the stars.

"Oliver, I'm so sorry for how I behaved lately. I was slipping. This whole thing between us has been driving me crazy, and I just didn't know how to handle it anymore."

He took another sip from the wine, her scent, her touch, her kisses fluttering in his chest.

"Please say something," she whispered, her leg tangling with his. "I want to know what's going on in that busy head of yours."

He cut his eyes at her, trying to grasp that this beauty was finally in his arms. "I always wanted to bring a girl here. I remember my friends bragging about making out in here, and I wanted nothing more than to do that, too, to be here with someone..." He chuckled in somewhat grim manner and drank some more.

"Well"—she gave his neck a loving suck—"you're here with someone now."

"You've been here with guys before, I'm assuming?"

She smiled bashfully. "A couple."

He nodded at the moon.

"But I've never been here with a guy that I wanted more, Oliver, and that... I can promise you."

She drew him to her kiss that was so tender and powerful, and they got lost in an erotic tongue massage that felt so natural to them both.

"It feels like a dream to me," he whispered, gazing into her catlike blue eyes.

She caressed his cheek. "What is?"

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever kissed, Ellie, that I've ever seen... I just can't believe that... I mean, I know I may look different today, and I act differently, but..." He sighed at his insecurities.

"Oliver, you are different, in every respect. There's no way I could've ever fallen for that guy I said goodbye to at the airport. You're not that guy anymore, which is not to say I didn't love that guy to death... but I could've never loved that guy the way I do now."

He kissed her succulent lips like a guy on a mission. Ellie was simpering like a drunken teenager by the time he was done with her mouth. A skilled DJ could have probably played a set to the throbs of her heart.

"What?" he whispered, watching her giggling while shaking her head.

"The things you make me feel..."

He smiled and nuzzled her pretty ear. "I was just thinking the same thing."

She awarded him an electrifying kiss of her own before she snatched the bottle from him with a giggle.

He took off his cardigan and lapped it around her when he noticed she was a bit cold. It was as cliché as it comes, but there were some things that not even a cynical woman as Ellie could stay indifferent to. She loved him more than anything for that simple act of care.

She sighed a moment later, her head shaking. "What am I gonna do with you..."

"What do you want to do with me?"

"Everything... nothing at all. I don't know. I've never fallen in love with a brother of mine, so I'm a little uncertain."

He brushed her blond hair aside as he again sucked on her full lips. "Ellie, what I feel for you, I only felt once in my life. And I may be young and inexperienced, but I know that this, what we feel for each other... doesn't come by that often."

"Tell me about it. You have shaken every belief that I have held, Oliver. I'm still debating if I've ever felt this way, and the more you hold me and kiss me like that... the more I'm inclined to believe I haven't."


She sighed. "Let's not do this now, think about this. I just wanna be carefree tonight. I don't want to think about anything but us at this moment, as if life took a break for just this one night."

He nodded. "Deal."

She curled up to him. "Tell me about Bianca. You don't say much about her."

"What do you want to know?"

"I don't know. Just start talking."

"Well... she was a free spirit, so lively. She loved traveling, and she never feared to experience things that others might flee from. She was not a person to judge a book by its cover. She was curious, always searching for answers, never settling for half-truths. She was... special."

A moment of silence followed Oliver's portrayal of her.

"What was the cause of her..."

Oliver snagged the bottle from Ellie, which she had managed to drain a third of by now. "Internal bleeding. There was some complication, and... she, essentially, bled out."

A shiver ran through Ellie at thought. "Do you have a picture of her? I'd love to see who she was."

Oliver dug his phone from of his pocket and handed it over to Ellie, who was browsing through the many pictures he had of them from their trip. She paused at a picture of them standing embraced in a waterfall and pondered the documentation of the joyous moment they had clearly been experiencing.

"She was pretty," Ellie acknowledged.

"That she was."

Ellie genuinely couldn't fathom how 17-year-old Oliver had managed to charm away this pretty Italian. She was way out of his league, Ellie thought. His weight and his neglect were very much conspicuous in the picture. She then looked at him as he was reflecting at the stars and tried to comprehend how those two were one and the same. The Oliver she was in his arms at the moment was nothing like the one in the picture. This Oliver could have any girl he wanted, Ellie was certain.

"Michela looks a lot like her," Ellie said as she studied the picture. "Same eyes, nose, same dark skin. But her hair and mouth, that's you. She has your smile."

Oliver nodded, smiling his daughter's smile.

She reached for his friendship bracelet. "Michela has one just like this."

"She was afraid to come here, so I got those two and told her that as long as we were wearing them, our souls protected each other, even when we were apart. It helped. She's less afraid since I got them, and the funny thing, I now actually believe they might be magical."

Ellie dealt a soft kiss to his neck and grasped him tighter. "She misses her family there, doesn't she?"

"Extremely. But she and her grandparents skype daily, and she talks to her extended family, too, so it's not all bad." He sipped the wine. "And the family she has here is no less incredible. The folks are really giving it their all. Jack and Dave are absolutely amazing with her. I couldn't have asked for more."

Ellie's heart clenched at the thought of her behavior. She could have done so much more for her niece but hadn't. She never felt so disgusted with herself as a human being as she did at this moment.

"Oliver, I'm gonna do right by her; I give you my word. I'm not gonna let anything interfere with Michela and me. I love her tremendously, Oliver, I swear. It hurts me so much thinking that I let petty things like that get in the way of me spending time with her, when I know she needs all the support and love she can get."

"Don't be too hard on yourself. Us is anything but petty. I understand you completely."

After a moment of deep thought, Ellie mounted her brother and stroked his cheek lovingly. "Let's stop talking and start doing what we came here to do."

"Which is?" he slyly purred, his grip digging into her slim waist.

Ellie giggled in equal playfulness and began lowering her bust. "Take a guess..."


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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos4 months ago

And she was fucking someone the entire time, he only got a blowjob...

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos4 months ago

Ellie really doesn't deserve another chance. Michela didn't deserve that turmoil and Ellie should never have said or done 95% of the things she did. She is unhinged and a bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Second time reading the story again, I almost forgot how crazy Ellie is. And the ride isn't over yet. More drama to come.

seasteve123seasteve1236 months ago

Olivet should cut bait and head back to Italy. Ellie has serious issues.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Ellie certainly has a lot of unresolved issues. That's disturbing emotional torture she's inflicting on Oliver and then she's getting off on it to a degree, using her brother in her mind to fuel her sex life to new peaks, but also at the same time using Jason for pure physical gratification. Not gonna lie, that's pretty fucked up. Part of me is thinking maybe Oliver should just escape and move on? This better be damn well worth it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

lowering her bust? Wtf?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Jason doesn't deserve any of this. At least write him in a way so that we can hate him a bit so Ellie's cheating and bitching is somewhat satisfying

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

What an emotion roller coaster with these two. Can't wait to see where it ends up. 5/5

MutationsMutationsover 2 years ago

That Ellie character is not okay. Seriously. She's all over the place. If you wrote her like that so we can hate her, you've done it. And that four years old dancing around booze and drugs? Yeah, I hate Oliver and Dave too. This family is so disfunctional that I'm genuinely interested in reading more about them.

Axe500Axe500almost 3 years ago

You need to turn this into a full on book, just change the fact they share parents & make them like adopted (1 of them or BFF) cause I’m loving this story

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 3 years ago

My second read, and still enjoying it more than the first. "belabor the obvious" "Develop that muscle" who the hell writes like that. How F***ing pretentious. I may have been on something or maybe I wrote it at 4:00 in the morning. Not sure what chapter starts with that infamous dream sequence, I hope I spot it before I get too much into it. I'm still a bit traumatized from reading the entire sequence the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Absolutely great story! 5/5

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 3 years ago

You've read the comments so I won't belabor the obvious. You have great talent. Expand on it. Develop that muscle. Continue to write in whatever genre you choose. 5 stars!

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 4 years ago
My third read

Amazing series, still agree with my first comment thou. But all in all wondering writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Weird. I love the writing and you can obviously do it very well. The conflict is very good, I found myself speaking to the characters very emotionally. Yet, I'm gonna have to put a lot of effort in liking Ellie after her behaviour (and obvious racism toward Rita). She's overall a very superficial and very, very American character. I thought maybe that was about the author but Oliver himself sounds much less so, so maybe it's intentional. Anyway, great writing. Not magical, but very solid.

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