The Thirst Within Ch. 04


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"Oh" was all I managed to say before I was pinned to the bed with Zak straddling me.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against the supple skin of my neck, sucking gently. His touch was electric, tingling against my skin.

Zak nipped the skin of my neck sending a jolt of pain through me. My breathing accelerated even though I didn't need air in the dream. Zak kissed his way along my jaw and pressed his lips against mine. He was being gentle as he kissed me. I felt his tongue tentatively tap against my lips seeking entrance. Whilst I had been distracted by his lips he had been trailing his hand down my body.

I hadn't noticed his hand until his hand rested over my crotch. I jolted in surprise, moaned and parted my lips. I wrapped his arms around Zak's neck, trying to pull him closer against my body.

His hand rubbed my crotch causing my previously half hard cock to become a fully fledged erection.

I vaguely saw the walls shimmer, but ignored them. Only caring about the feel of Zak's body on top of mine. I pulled my lips away from Zak's noticing the groan of irritation. Zak's cool breath danced across my face at irregular intervals. I said slowly

"You are so not how I expected a vampire to act" I said smiling up at his face

"Let me guess you were expecting a 6ft tall guy with muscles up to his eyes. Obsessed with dominating you. No inhibitions and into BDSM etcetera etcetera" He said smiling.

Zak's eyes were a dark shade of blue. I was learning to use them as a judge of his arousal but as he spoke they lightened to their natural shade.

I laughed out loud and nodded briefly

"Well there are some of my kind like that. But you have to remember that my kind were once human. So there are quite a lot of different orientations. I personally cannot stand BDSM.

I know it is all about trust, but to me the idea of pushing someone's body to the limits with whips, chains, nipple clamps, and electro stimulus machines disgusts me. I'm not opposed to pain and pleasure mingling but it has it's limits. But those instruments specifically designed to cause pain, to me, they cross a line. I prefer to push someone's body to it's limit in another more pleasurable way"

He trailed off and his hand squeezed me through the jeans I was wearing. I looked down for the first time noticing the clothes I was wearing. I was in blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt. I had previously managed to stifle the moan that built behind my lips but lost it when Zak squeezed me again. The walls of the room shimmered again more, more violently this time.

Zak noticed it too saying

"Well it is good to see I can disrupt your mind to such an extent that even your mind trembles.

Last time all it took was a bite in here and a kiss in the real world and the dream shattered"

At this point he leaned in towards my neck and kissed the skin. I felt the sharp points of his fangs gently scrape the skin of my neck. I shivered as the point of one fangs placed just enough pressure on the skin to break it. His tongue lapped at the flesh licking away any blood that seeped out.

I shuddered and saw the walls shimmer more violently this time, the entire dream scape threatening to crack. I pressed against Zak's chest and he pulled away from my neck moaning in disappointment.

"Unless you want me to wake up, we should slow down" I said hating the fact that I was right.

Zak groaned then nodded.

"Well then where should we go?" Zak asked

"What do you mean?" I asked curious

"Well this is your dream, you can change where we are and show me anything you can imagine." Zak said with a smile on his lips

I thought about this for a second considering what to show him. My home was a definite no. My mother was another no. Even in my dreams she was still a bitch. Always pushing me for things she wanted.

I thought back to her reaction to my coming out. She hadn't taken it well spouting some shit about me getting prejudice in later life and thinking that I would grow out of it. That me being gay was a phase. That hurt more than anything she could have said. I felt pain whenever I thought about it. My own mother rejecting me. Before, I had had my cousin to lean on. He had accepted me and I even found out he was gay as well. But he moved away with my aunt to Virginia in America.

Apart from him my other aunt and me had never been very close and I hadn't seen my other cousin in years,

All of these thought flashed though my mind in a matter of seconds. My thoughts moved back to the fact that even my own mother had abandoned me. And I felt a stab of pain as I recollected the phone call I had had with my mother the day after I had gone back to school. Her plan had been to pull me out of school before I was kicked out. We argued over my decision to stay here and the phone call ended with her saying she didn't want to talk to me and that she didn't know when she will see me again all she said was "I'll see you at Christmas"

I could feel the pain brimming. I tried to keep my thoughts away from my mother but every once in a while I did and the effect on me was the same. I felt Zak's lips press against mine and the electricity of his touch jolted me out of my downward spiral of thoughts. God he knew how to distract me.

I was still reclined on the bed with Zak on top of me. My mind occupied trying to hold the dream together. Zak wasn't making it easy, he broke away from my lips and moved towards my ear. He nipped my ear lobe before he whispered

"Don't think about her. Just feel, feel my body over yours. You will never be rejected. I will never leave you. Your mother cannot see your true worth and it was her that blocked your Fae side from surfacing at puberty."

His lips skimmed back along my jaw and locked his lips over mine. I grinned against the kiss and a few seconds later when Zak pulled away all thoughts of my mother was gone. If there was someone I wanted to show to Zak it would be James, my cousin.

He and my Aunt Ingrid had always took me in when I argued with my Mum. Even my Aunt knew how bad her sister could get. When they had moved away a couple of weeks ago it had left me alone with my mother. My worst nightmare. Well not quite alone. My aunt Becca by marriage was around but her son had moved out to north London, and had sort of lost contact with the family.

I turned my focus back to the dream scape and morphed the room into my Aunt Ingrid's old house with her and my cousin sitting on the sofa. This was my last memory of them. Zak and I stood up and he observed my family with interest.

"And who might they be?" he asked curious, turning his head to look at me

"They're my cousin and my aunt. Whenever I fell out with my mum they were always here."

I looked over my cousin. He was shorter than me but his musculature made up for it. Thick powerful arms built from the 4 years he had slaved over his body in the gym. The two of us looked nothing alike. His hair unlike mine was blond, and his eyes were a light blue, as opposed to my blue green. James' eyes were somewhat similar to Zak's in colour, but were missing the depth in them. My skin was pale white. It came with the hair, and the freckles.

I ran a hand through my rust coloured hair and sighed quite content in this dream. Here I could at least see my cousin. Even if he wasn't real.

Zak's eyes scanned over James and my Aunt then turned to me and asked

"I take it they moved away?"

I nodded and prepared my answer to the question I knew he would ask

"Where did they move to might I ask?"

"They moved to Virginia. To somewhere called Hampton in Virginia."

At that his face dropped and his eyes glazed over

"Zak what is it? What's wrong with Hampton?"

The life returned to Zak's eyes and met mine before continuing

"It is just that there is an old...well I don't think you could call him a friend more of an adversary. Anyhow he lives 16 miles away from Hampton I am just worried about your cousin's safety"

I hadn't known Zak long but for some reason I knew he was holding something back

"Zak what aren't you telling me?" I asked

A smile twitched at the corners of Zak's mouth before he spoke

"You are right. I am keeping something back. That specific area of America is not just home to an old adversary but to someone important to me."

I froze at the word "important" as the cold dagger of rejection stabbed at my stomach. Zak saw the look on my face and quickly added

"Not like that. Never like that. He"

The dagger vanished instantly and in it's place curiosity arose

"How can he be family?"

"He is family in the vampire way. It is complex. I will try to explain. Humans have a father and mother. For vampires it is slightly different. When we create a vampire a bond is formed from the maker to their progeny. In the eyes of a vampire a progeny is the child of their maker."

"How does this relate to the member of your family in Hampton?" I asked

"I am getting to that Oscar. Whilst I was in Valencia in 1417 I created a vampire.

His name is Santiago. He had one progeny, a vampire called Marcus whom he turned whilst in Santa Marta in 1526.

Marcus has two progenies the younger of whom is Sebastian, but he is not the one I am talking about.

The other progeny is a Vampire called Louis who currently resides in Hampton" He said slowly trying to give me time to absorb the information.

"And why did you react so badly when I mentioned it?" I asked slowly

"There is a situation at the moment in that area involving Santiago. He has gone missing and Louis and Marcus are attempting to find him as we speak." He said sadly

"I'm guessing it was Marcus you met in the woods last night?" I said

Zak shook his head then replied

"No actually, that was my Maker Dieter. He informed me that Santiago has gone missing"

"Then why aren't you over there trying to find him?" I asked moving closer to Zak.

He looked up at me and grinned weakly

"You" he said his smile widening

"Me?" I asked confused "What about me?"

"I did not want to leave you. I do not think I could have left even if I had wanted to." he said.

I could tell he meant it. The smile was a real one. I could tell because the twin dimples showing at either side of his mouth. I laughed internally at that, a vampire with dimples. By this point the room had shifted removing James and my aunt and leaving us alone. They may not have been real but it was still disconcerting.

I thought about the fact he had chosen to stay with me rather than going after his vampire equivalent of a child. It brought a smile to my lips. I thought for a second. If this was my dream then I could technically change the laws of physics to suit me. Oh this was going to be fun. I pushed against Zak's chest sending him back against the wall with more strength than I thought I had.

The look of shock was evident on his face. I moved as fast as Zak could and pinned him against the wall with my body. I leaned down to his level and brushed my lips over his. I ghosted them along his jaw and pressed them against his exposed neck. He shivered lightly and I nipped at the skin of his neck and felt him jolt against my body.

Zak's voice sounded breathless in my ear

"I do not know how much longer I can keep this up. I have spent too much time here as it is, I can feel myself slipping away."

If that was the case then I intended to take full advantage of whatever time I could have. I pulled back and moved our hand between our bodies. I rested it on his crotch and squeezed him lightly.

I was rewarded with a hum of appreciation from him. His body seemed to be fading slowly.

Well here goes. My heart hammered in my ears. As I ran my thumb along the waistband of his boxers. I felt him freeze before relaxing against me.

Thankfully the jeans had some give or this next part would have been difficult. I slid my thumb beneath the waistband and teased the delicate flesh of his abdomen. Even though this was all in my head it felt real. The hardness of Zak's cock pressing against my leg and the feel of his body against mine.

My thumb continued to tease the flesh, deliberately avoiding his cock. Zak moaned loudly then breathed

"Oscar I need....I need" He broke off with another moan as my crotch ground against his

"Tell me what do you need babe" I said again teasing the flesh of above his cock

"Please just.....touch me" his voice was layered with desire and I saw his body begin to fade from his feet slowly creeping up his body.

My heart beat tripled again, thundering in my ears as I slipped my hand under the waistband of his boxers and wrapped my hand around his cock. I hadn't done this before.

Well. Not to anyone else at least. I relished the feeling of the soft skin of his cock in my hand. I couldn't see his cock but it felt impressive in it's size. I moved my hand slowly loving the way Zak's head was slumped against my shoulder. I ran my thumb over the head of his cock and was rewarded with a loud moan from Zak.

With my right hand I pulled his lips to mine and thrust my tongue into the wet cavern of his mouth relishing the taste of him on my tongue. Alas even before Zak had fully faded I sensed the dream scape begin to destabilize as my excitement levels grew. I had a few seconds left until the connection was severed and I planned to make use of them.

My left hand sped up on Zak's cock and I ran my thumb over the head of his cock rewarding me with a moan from Zak muffled inside my mouth. That did it. The dream scape cracked and the walls themselves shattered. I savored the last few seconds of the dream with Zak and lazily kissed him enjoying the last few moments before I slipped back into the void. Free falling in the darkness.

Zak's form faded to a mere glow of his outline before that too faded, leaving me alone in the depths of my mind.

To be continued..........

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dnsontndnsontnabout 2 years ago

Zak used a contraction. Lovely detail throughout. Pleased that I found this after the delays in posting.

taugertaugerover 5 years agoAuthor

I realise it has been a very very long time since I posted anything here.

Life got alot busier for me, but I still have my stories here and will try to keep on writing when I have time.

I understand I made so many mistakes previously but I think that shouldn't be much of a problem now, and made many glaring errors in the past.

Will try to post an update soon, sorry to leave it on such a cliff hanger.

jtownmanjtownmanalmost 6 years ago
Don't leave us hanging...

I know that it's been awhile but can we get an update please? This is a really good story...Please continue ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
To be continued...but will it?

Will it really be continued? Will James's story be continued?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Please keep writing this and Dark Angel they make my day you are awesome and should keep writing like......FOREVER....PLEASE UPDATE

taugertaugerabout 9 years agoAuthor
Thank You!!!

Thank you very much for your lovely comments people, they really make my day

if any of your wish to directly contact me, my email is

Hope you enjoy the little world i have tried to create


aclassyladyaclassyladyabout 9 years ago
Story is fab

I can not believe how amazing this story is. I now know why you said to read this story as well. The connection is amazing. I can not wait til you come out with more on both of the stories (hopefully). I see how you brought them together and it floored me. I hope for there to be a long story going on with both stories.

I like the fact that this story is not dealing with just humans, that it has a bit of (for lack of a better word) sci-fi theme. To me it makes the story better. It strikes my fantasy mind to be broader than it normally would.

I would like to know how you came up with the two stories. With James and Oscar being magical beings, Do you see them helping save Santiago along with Zac, Marcus, and Louis. When will they all meet to find out about the magic in their family? How many more powers are going to be brought forth for oscar and james to play around with?

Please Keep writing for you have made a fan out of me. Will be waiting for the next chapter of either story to come out.



Haphaestion2004Haphaestion2004about 9 years ago
What can I say ???

It just gets better and better !!

And now we know that Oscar has all these powers - AND that "My Dark Angel" is connected to this story - OMG ! This is really great and I can't wait to read more !

Thanx for the effort Tauger ! :)

taugertaugerover 9 years agoAuthor
Hey people

I'm currently trying to write more for this series although sometimes i lose confidence and am unsure as to where to take the story

If you want to talk to me be sure to email me people :) :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Thanks for the update. I love these stories, and look forward to more.

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