The Three Adventurers Pt. 04

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The three are entangled in life's most complicated shape...
6k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 12/02/2023
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Included kinks:

Futa, non-sex chapter, plot chapter, multiple POVs, fantasy, romance, drama, mini-gts, female muscle, size praise, masturbation, size difference, catfight

All characters are entirely fictional and all above the age of 18!


Lyanne stared at the ropes connecting the dormered top of her field tent. Again. Was this all she was good for nowadays? Sleeping and recovering? Last night's carousing with Fel must have been glorious though, for her body took easier to mending gaping arrow wounds than to freeing her from a splitting headache. Well, at least she found her way back into her tent somehow and without Syn seeing her in that pitiful state, she hoped. Still, quite a shame Lyanne couldn't remember most of it.

What also eluded her was the reason for the giant tent protruding from her blanket, throbbing with almost painful vigour. She had not been THIS hard for many years. Whatever her drunken mind conjured up in her sleep must have hit the right spot and for sure featured one particularly beautiful half-elf in earnest.

The coal-haired anointed knight's firm grip took care of her raging erection for the third time before she felt fully at peace again.

"What has gotten into you today?" she grinned down at her finally satisfied, limb 8 inches.

Not the worst start to the day.

The constant pulsating in her temple subsided enough by the time she cleaned herself from her sticky early morning routine and stood before her mirror. Like every day she took a few minutes to take in the reflection of her muscular frame. And as usual, she always found a dozen new reasons to further enhance her chiselled physique. This time it was her forearms which she deemed "subpar" enough to prompt her trading the comfort of her tent for a chilly early morning breeze.

The sound of clanging weights and Lyanne's throaty grunts were often the first signs of life in the entire camp. And after a night like the last one, there was no one expected to join her any time soon.

Lyanne worked up a sweat and had gotten through four of her sets before Kalthorn came to join her. He was a northern ranger of strong build and dashing looks, who was always first to greet her in the morning and setting up his tent next to hers with every encampment.

"Lyanne," he said softly with his signature charming grin.

"Kalthorn," she replied with a nod, her chin pulled over the bar once more.

He was a man to her liking, she caught herself thinking. Cultivated, well-mannered, tempered, but fierce in battle. Maybe her sudden fascination for him stemmed from her boozy escapade the night earlier, but she didn't mind. Maybe the influence of a few too many drinks was all he needed to muster that last bit of courage to court her properly as well. And given the great mood Lyanne found herself in, she very well might feel inclined to "reward" such courage.

She bit her lips and tempted him with her eyes and pumped arms, but the right moment passed as fast as it arose.

"You long-limbed cheat! I knew you only took baby-sips!" a thickly accented, always thunderous voice echoed.

"Brossim Cavebane. Risen from the dead. Back for more I see," Kalthorn replied after Lyanne broke her lusty gaze.

The red-haired dwarf growled and waddled into Lyanne's vision, as always, a huge grog in his hand and head-butted the ranger, who he barely reached to his chest.

"Careful, you lanky pansy. You speak to the champion of TukhardĂșn. Four years running," he chuckled.

"Can't be for drinking, judging by yesterday's showing," Kalthorn returned and after an intense stare-down both started cackling like drunken fools.

Brossim was dwarf through and through. Lyanne couldn't really tell where his hair ended, and his beard began. To her, it was almost impossible to make sense of what expression he was wearing, unless he was shaking top to bottom with merry laughter. Which was often, especially when he indulged on his self-made schnapps.

"Can you believe that guy?" Brossim said and at last addressed Lyanne now punching away on her bag. "You're also looking better than yesterday. And I can say for certain you didn't cheat."

"And I still pay the price for it," Lyanne grinned back.

"Did you drink any of mine?" Brossim asked, his wild beard quaking in what must have been a smug grin underneath.

"I think I would be dead if I did," she replied and made him erupt with laughter again.

"See! When a big lass like her can't take it, so can't you. You cheeky fucker," Brossim snorted and pushed his grog into Kalthorn's stomach. "Now bottom up. This time for real. I'll watch."

The two made for an odd, yet inseparable pair. In a way they complemented each other. 'The calm and the storm', as Lyanne often called them. A bit of a shame, for she liked Kalthorn more when he was by himself compared to when Brossim's uncouth demeanour rubbed off on him.

Knowing that her role would be secondary at best from there on, Lyanne returned to her regular rhythm. Beat for beat, her mind slipped away and shrank to nothing but her, the pleasurable tightness in her arms and the sandbag.

"What else did I miss? Besides you getting even more shitfaced?" Kalthorn said.

"Oh boy! You didn't hear it?" Brossim giggled. "You must have been more drunk than me after all."

"Hear what?"

"The boss getting her brains fucked out. All fucking night."

Lyanne picked up fragments of the last few words, purely on accident, but her ears sharpened and her heart started racing immediately.

"With whom?!" the ranger pressed on.

"Noone else but big ol' Fel. That orc... by the builder's epic beard... she must know her way around a woman's body. Never heard someone moan like that," the dwarf said, somehow with another horn in his hand and a small barrel to pour from.

Lyanne stopped, wishing her ears deceived her, but she could see Brossim thrusting his hips to further accentuate his point.

"Good for her then," Kalthorn said, nodding with an impressed frown. "You almost sound like you wanted to watch."

"If you'd have heard what we've heard... oh boy..." the vulgar dwarf said with a dirty laugh. "Let me tell you something. If I'd make women scream like that, then I would earn my gold with fucking."

Lost in his dirty-minded, indecent praise, he didn't notice that Lyanne's punching had long seized and that the hulking woman stood next to him, shivering top to bottom with pleading eyes.

"Are you sure?" she leaned forward and grabbed his shoulder as she asked with a shaky voice. "About Syn and Fel."

"Am I Sure? We fucking heard the boss belter it into the night! 'Huge Green!

Harder!' Haha! By the great pebble, I swear she wanted us to listen. And Fel wasn't much better. Pretty sure the entire camp heard them," he said, completely unaware every word of his was like ramming an invisible dagger deeper into Lyanne's chest, and he kept on twisting the blade. "I'm sure that wasn't their last time. And then you can hear it for yourself. Unless you, or that cheating bastard over here, sleep through it again somehow."

Kalthorn gave him a playful smack, but clearly thought little of the insult. Naturally it had to be him, who noticed Lyanne's face and eyes growing empty.

"Everything alright, Lyanne?" he asked caringly.

"Yes," she lied, barely whispering.

The 6'9" woman towering above them stared into the distance, her heart shattering into pieces every time she tried to recall those words over and over again. She turned around, ignoring both of them and simply had to start punching. Punch something. Continue to punch, harder and harder, until her knuckles were bloody, and one pain might kill another. Hopefully.


Fel stretched herself heartily, her metal-ornamented arms rose above her tent when she gave her armpits a sniff. The scent of these weird, blue flowers wasn't something she needed on herself. But the girls at the bathhouse convinced her noble human ladies loved that odd stench. And Lyanne was all about such things.

As she stomped through the camp, Fel pondered on the events of last night. Like Syn's ass, by the spirits... what a nice, round ass! And a great fuck! The best she had with a northerner for sure. Maybe even more than that. For she never felt the satisfying tingle of pumping out a good load this many hours later. Nor did her muscles usually feel this sore and almost burning hot over just some fucking. But also, so insanely full of energy at the same time. Maybe Syn was just that good?

Regardless of what her body wanted her to feel, her thoughts burnt brightest with the moments she shared with Lyanne. When they sat together, just drinking, and talking... and when she tossed that powerful knight over her shoulder and laid her to bed. That was way better than fucking. Even such a fantastic ass.

Thankfully Syn drained her balls bone dry, otherwise Fel would have gotten hard by simply thinking about that brief second that made her heartbeat like a war drum. That kiss. She had looked forward to this morning, even when she was to the hilt deep inside Syn. To seeing Lyanne again and continue what they started the night before. All 7'4" of prime orc meat revelled in giddy excitement, with a blooming grin and restless feet leading the way towards the glorious sound of the most stunning woman in the north forcing her body to grow even more perfect.

Fel's tusks shone in the sun when the muscular knight's bulging back came into view. Her punches were so powerful, they left imprints on the heavy sandbag until it was all but covered.

"Hey, boss," Fel chirped happily, but earned no answer.

Lyanne's sweaty hair kept flowing as she leaned into every punch with an erotic grunt. She must have heard Fel, for she stopped for a split second before resuming even faster.

"She's going extra hard today," Kalthorn said joined by Brossim as they stood up from their fire. "Hasn't talked much. Must be the wine."

"Oh. Makes sense," the huge orc said with a grin. "Good she is not stopped by a bit of grape water though."

"Ha! Finally, someone who says how it is," Brossim laughed, holding up his horn for Fel.

"Thanks, little one," Fel said before emptying the horn with one massive gulp.

"Little one? If you want any more of my stuff, you better start calling me something else," the dwarf said after the human started laughing.

"Do not be disheartened," Fel said, leaning forward almost mockingly and winked when she handed the not even 5 feet dwarf his horn. "You are small, but when it comes to brewing, you are a giant, Brossim."

"Ha! A giant! That I can live with!" Brossim chuckled and poured from his barrel again. "Heard you had a wild night."

Fel only grinned as she rose to her full height again, loving the fact he had to crane his neck to follow her gaze.

"Yeah. It was pretty great," she answered with a sly smirk. "Be thankful for the boss, because I started to think you northerners all cannot fuck for real."

"Will she be alright?" Kalthorn asked.

"Oh, she is alright. Better than alright. I made sure of it," the orc said with swelling pride. "Nothing feels better than waking up after a great fuck."

Another loud punch of Lyanne's made the sandbag almost break from its chain, with the knight's deep breaths coming with a throaty growl that grabbed Fel's attention.

"Speaking of which. What exactly... did you do to her?" Brossim asked, his thick beard shivering with curiosity. "She reeaaally seemed to like it."

"Oh, you know the usual," Fel said casually and grabbed her fat bulge with a wink. "A bit of this, a bit with the hips, a bit of tongue. Your northern girls really seem to like it whe-"

The chain snapped after another gloriously powerful blow, leaving Lyanne standing still with her massive shoulders pumped to full size, her arms bursting with flexing muscle and still clenched fists. What a sight!

Fel felt her dong fatten when she walked up to Lyanne, adoring her sweaty body tearing at the seams of her tight workout outfit.

"Wow! Not bad!"

Lyanne muttered something under her breath and turned around. Her green eyes burned like the shell of a big stinger crawling through the sand. Fierce and graceful.

"You look good," the orc eventually added, with a nervous blush. "I mean... strong... uhm... both."

"Is this all a fucking game to you?!" Lyanne hissed.

"Game? What... game?" Fel muttered when she realised Lyanne was actually angry. "Is this... a northerner thing again?"

"Do not play stupid now. You understand well enough," the fired-up knight said and walked up into Fel's face until her vivid eyes lined up with orcish tusks. "First you mock me and now you want me too, huh?"

Fel was too confused to understand. She turned around to Kalthorn and Brossim who also looked flustered, but Lyanne grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Do not look away now! Is this why you came here? To rub it into my face what you did last night," Lyanne said, her voice slippering away for a moment. "And to fuck me, after you were done with Syn. Another trophy. Is that all we are to you?"

Fel could sense the pain in Lyanne's voice, but she could not make sense of what hurt Lyanne this much.

"I came... because you said you wanted to find out who is stronger," Fel whispered cautiously. "You said I should come... and I promised I would."

"You promised? Pah. Tell me, were you saying the truth at all last night? Or was this just to get your oversized 'dong' into another cunt?"

Fel shook her head and took a step back, but Lyanne followed her, burning with hate.

"I always... told you the truth," she whispered meekly.

Lyanne's arms flared with toned muscle and her fists clenched audibly.

"You are a liar, Fel. A fucking liar! Every single word from you was total shit, huh?" Lyanne's voice rose louder, so much so that the guys started to rise from their tents. "Like all that stuff about elves."

"W-what... about them?"

Fel almost didn't dare to ask, but she needed to find the reason for seeing Lyanne like this.

"Still playing the 'stupid card'? I mean the part where you said how they all needed to die and then you END UP FUCKING ONE THE SAME FUCKING NIGHT!"

Lyanne's words thundered through the camp and rang long in Fel's ears. The desperation, the teary desperation that came emerging from Lyanne's green eyes. But at last, she understood what Lyanne meant. Parts of it, but enough to make her shiver with disgust.

"Syn... is a..." Fel began but was cut off.

"A fucking half-elf, Fel! Of course she is!"

Fel's body kept tensing until the weight in her chest eased despite seeing Lyanne's emotion bursting from her pretty face. In its stead a growing rage took over, a need for blood that left her fingers twitching with ways on how to murder. After a moment of silence she took a deep breath and channelled all that fury.

"I am going to tear that filthy elf limb from limb," Fel said with a once more iron voice and headed her way.


Syn's extensive yawn chimed through her tent as her hand reached into nothingness. The half-elf's fingers kept exploring the empty bedroll out of pure defiance and wishful thinking. Nevertheless, Syn grinned when she rolled around and only found Fel's imprint on the vacant undergrowth of pelt and ripped clothes no longer bearing any orcish warmth.

"Of course," Syn smirked and rubbed her soft, sadly no longer bloated stomach.

What else was there to expect? Fel was a free spirit, not be bound by just one night of passion and sublime pleasure, Syn thought. She wouldn't want Fel any other way. And if that meant she first needed to earn the right of having that gigantic orc wake up next to her -- so be it.

Her hands travelled over her own curves, squirming with arousal. She couldn't remember any time she felt more blissful than in this very moment. Tired and sore she might be, but also fulfilled in a way she never experienced before. The delicate balance of savouring all the sensations of last night, with the premise of being with Fel at last was a delightful one. A warming and all-encompassing one.

Syn got up and touched herself to the thought of Fel making use of her body like no one else ever could. The size, the dichotomy of raw strength and flappy softness coming together as the most thrilling of concoction for her senses, made Syn almost erupt on the spot again. But there was another sensation that diluted her lust, one far deeper reaching. A stifling knot tightening in her chest and rising to her throat. The 6'5" woman chuckled girlishly and almost felt like dancing when she envisioned Fel's face before her, laying on top of her just looking down and smiling.

"Now that is new," she said to herself, but couldn't stop grinning.

What a weird place this might be to find love, but she was experienced enough to know when to trust her feelings and how to take hold of such opportunities when they presented themselves.

"Well, let's see what 'Big Green' is up to today," she whispered and got ready.

Today's dress was a revealing one, with her impressive bosom displaying every bit of the perk softness Fel clearly appreciated. Syn also tightened the belt around her stomach, not to hide her often too bouncy belly, but to further highlight the more than sizeable behind Fel feverishly adored. Funny to think, that there was a time she was desperate to get rid of her strikingly feminine voluptuousness. Good that those days were well behind her, she thought. And even better that there might be even more ahead to share her plentiful womanhood with someone as amazing as Fel.

The half-elf headed out into a yet to awaken camp. The lads who got through last night well enough to rise this early were drawn to the sight of her... more than usual. Syn greeted them warmly and loved to see their faces redden and their eyes dart away like boys being caught staring. Surely, they also enjoyed the more revealing look of their 'boss', but their whispers were more about what happened to the full-figured woman the night before, than her appearance today.

"Let them know," she thought and grinned knowing her bulge strained against the garment.

Syn didn't have to wait long to find the centre piece of her thirsting. She spotted the gigantic orc stroll into camp with a determined haste from afar. Fel wore an adorable smile that brought out her tusks and made her almost shine with happiness. Whatever it was that brought her this much joy, it made her fat shaft look even more enticing with every step. Syn desperately hoped she was the reason for that.

But Fel was heading east, away from where the two had their passionate night in. The pounding in Syn's chest rose to a frantic beat, urging her to walk up to Fel and make her continue their lovemaking right away, but curiosity to see what Fel was up to prevailed.

Syn loved playing that little game anyway and blended in with the myriad of tents despite her bright, golden garment as she followed 'Huge Green'. Soon, she found Fel arriving at her desired destination, which seemed to be at Lyanne's place.

"How considerate of Fel to check if Lyanne was alright", she thought as she slid behind some barrels and observed both her commanders from a safe distance.

Just close enough for her enhanced senses to pick up what they were saying and far enough not to be noticed by them or Kalthorn and Brossim.

'Hey boss' Syn heard Fel greet Lyanne before someone cleared her throat next to her, leaving her almost jumping out of her hiding spot.

"You know, I never understood how you do it?" Gunjon said, staring down at the kneeling, cowering woman.