The Touch of Persuasion

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Just a touch and a thought to shape someone’s mind.
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This is my second story in the "Mind Controlled" category. If you do not approve of stories that have extra-marital fun, swinging, sharing & more, please use your time to read the many other quality stories found on this site.

This is a work of fiction. All descriptive sex scenes are between people 18 and older. All names and persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Comments, good and bad, are always welcomed. Future stories of our main character's conquests will be shared depending on favorable feedback. I hope you enjoy.


As I wake up to the feel of soft, moist lips slowly gliding up and down on my morning wood I start to remember the activities of the night before. I smile as I slowly open my eyes to see my groin area covered with the raven black hair of my lover, Ava. She is truly making love to my cock. She is on her hands and knees perpendicular to my body with her cute ass up pointed at her husband, Todd, who is sitting in his recliner masturbating his average size cock. I look at his glazed eyes, glazed from the thoughts of me ravaging his wife numerous times the night before and the vision before him of her pussy and ass covered in the dried combination of her juices and my seman. He doesn't even notice me looking at him as I snake my hand between her legs and gently start the stroke her clit. Upon my first feel of her slippery folds of her vagina she moans loudly and bobs faster on my cock. Todd increases his strokes and is soon coming on his stomach adding a new batch of batter to the crusty deposits from the night before.

With Ava's increase of stimulation, seeing Todd come and the knowledge that I now control this young married couple I pull Ava's mouth from my cock and shoot my load over her lips, cheeks and nose. As I cum she cums on my fingers with a loud moan.

I look at Todd, while holding Ava's head up by her hair and said to the two of them, "Ava go to Todd and let him clean your face with his tongue, once he is done join me in the shower. Todd, once you are done go down stairs make coffee and start breakfast." He acknowledged with a grunt as he kissed and licked Ava's face. As I walked to the john I just smiled thinking back on how this point in time came to be.

I am known as Andrew to my business associates and Andy to my friends and family. I'm a 27 year old multimillionaire. Some of it earned most of it inherited. Tall, 6'4" with a athletic body due to sports and routine workouts with a trainer. I have been told I am handsome and none of the women I have been with ever complained about my equipment. In fact most have commented that I am bigger than average in both length and thickness. Even though all the above sounds good I have a hidden talent that I am just perfecting that truly makes me different. I call it the "Touch of Persuasion".

I learned about this talent from my recently deceased Grandfather when I was 17. I was living with him at the time due to my Mother dying from ovarian cancer when I was 13. My father never got over her passing and nearly drank himself to death. His misery ended late one night when he drove his car into a overpass. He was cold stone sober at the time. My grandfather and I both felt it was autocide, suicide by auto.

My grandfather, as well as my father were both Top of the Table producers in the life insurance business. To be a Top of the Table you must produce around a half million in commissions each year. You also carry alot if insurance on yourself. Being the only beneficiary for both I inherited a lot.

I am also in the business and doing quite well. I have an under grad degree in finance and a MBA. My practice is more total financial planning than just insurance. The main reason my family has been so successful is, as I call it, "The Touch".

I was 17 when my dad died and my Granddad called me to the kitchen table for a talk. He handed me a envelope and said don't open it until I tell you. We talked about alot of things, my parents, my plans, his plans for me etc.

He reached across the table took hold of my arm and stared at me for a couple of seconds. He then said, "I love you boy. What are your plans for the rest of the evening?"

I thought that was odd, but was even more odd was my answer. I responded, "I think I will do the dishes, take out the trash and do my homework." All things I knew I needed to do but normally put off and not volunteer to do.

Granddad smiled and said, "Open the envelope."

I did and all three tasks were written out on the paper inside. I looked at him and asked, "How did you do that?"

He stated that men in our family have the ability to persuade people to do things through touch and thoughts. I asked, "How?"

He smiled and said, "I dont know how, I just know it works." He went on to tell me that his father told him and he told my Dad.

He explained to me that there were a couple of quirks that I needed to know about this ability. One, you must have some form if mutual connection with the person. you can't just touch someone at random and compell them to do something. The second one is a person will not do anything that they don't want to do or is against their moral compass.

Granddad took on a serious tone and said, "With this ability comes responsibility. It is not something that should be abused."

I asked, "Is this why you and Dad were/are good salesmen?"

He replied, "Partly, when it comes to spending money people sometime need a little touch of persuasion. Your dad or I never proposed a plan to a client that wasn't right or affordable for that client. We just assisted them to make the right decision."

We talked for a little while longer and I left the table did my chores and thought about my future and this new found ability. I decided then to follow in my fathers and grandfathers footsteps knowing I could use this abilty for the benefit of both myself and my clients.

Over my school years, both high school and college, I used the touch with friends and family to get my way from time to time. Innocent things like what movie or TV show to watch, what restaurant to go to for dinner. Probably the most sketchy thing I used it for was to help me get elected Fraternity President my senior year.

I never intentionally used it for sex. I felt that would be wrong as my granddad said. That was until I met Ava.

I went to school and currently live in a SEC college town and as most people know fraternities are a big part of campus life in the South. Ava was married to a fraternity brother of mine, Todd, from college who I had not seen for a couple of years.

Todd was a odd duck. He was smart, smart enough to get into med school at another SEC university. He was from a very wealthy, influential family but only got into our fraternity due to being a legacy. He drank too much and he was a voyeur. He watched a lot of porn. One night he had his girlfriend, who was a beauty, he always had good looking girlfriends, in his room. He left to use the head and when he came back his girlfriend was getting fucked doggy style by a frat brother. Instead of being mad he sat down to watch and beat off. This became a regular thing for the two of them. She liked being shared and he liked to watch. Before she left school Todd had shared her with about half the house. This perversion got him the nickname PT for Peeping Todd.

I had heard he was back in town starting a residency at the university hospital. I happened to run into him at a local watering hole after work one night. I said, "Welcome back PT."

"Andy, great to see you man, but please don't call me PT. My parents spent s fortune on curing my porn addiction."

I resorted back to my frat boy days when I responded, "What, you don't like to watch people fuck anymore."

PT said, "No I am a respectable Doctor and husband now."

"Your kidding, you're married? What respectable woman would marry a perv like you?" He proceeded to pull out his wallet and showed me a head shot of one of the most exotically beautiful women I had ever seen. She had an olive complexion, raven black hair framing her face perfectly. A cute nose and perfectly shaped lips but the most striking feature were her eyes. They were almond shaped, colored a bright pale green with a dark green circle around the outside of her pupils. She reminded me of the Afgan girl on a National Geographic magazine from way back. I was in love.

PT went on to tell me she just graduated law school and was hired by a local firm while he was in residency.

I had to meet her so I went into full salesman mode. I explained to him what I did and how I could help him and Ava to plan for their future financial security. He kept making excuses why he couldn't meet so I used the touch on him. We sat up an appointment for a couple of days later. We talked a little more but then called it a night.

On the way home I just couldn't get the image of Ava out of my mind. I started thinking it was just a head shot. It was probably doctored. Maybe she weighs 200 pounds. I just couldn't believe she was that beautiful.

The appointment with Todd and Ava was my last of the day and I was very anxious to meet her. As Todd entered I stood up and said, "Welcome PT and this must be your beautiful bride Ava." She smiled as we shook hands and I remembered thinking, "I want to fuck you." She looked at me funny and kinda blushed.

She had a quizzical look on her face as we made eye contact and asked, "PT, you called Todd PT, where does that come from?"

Todd gave me a don't you dare look and I answered, "It was a fraternity nickname, we all had one." Todd then started talking about some of my memorabilia on the walls to change the subject.

As Todd was talking I had a chance to more fully check her out. I realized the picture did not do her judtice. She had her hair pulled back tight highlighting her face. I could see she was tall and slender about 5'8" maybe a buck twenty five. I could not get a look of the shape of her breasts, butt or legs due to she was coming from work and was wearing a pants suit.

The rest of the meeting was very professional and it quickly became clear it was going to be a very complicated financial plan as both were from wealthy families. I gave them a list of documents that I would need and we scheduled a follow up meeting.

As we said our goodbyes while shaking Todd's hand I projected, "I want to fuck your wife in front of you." I did this to play on Todd's voyeur past tendencies. As I shook Ava's hand I projected a softer thought to her, "I want to make love to you in front of Todd."

We met a number of times and each time I planted sexual messages to the both of them. By the fourth meeting Ava and I were friend hugging giving me more time to implant my wishes. I started to feel something in our hugs beyond just being friends.

At the conclusion of our last meeting at my office I used the touch to have Ava ask me to come to their place for dinner and she did. I said, "I will bring the steaks and the wine." As they were leaving through the touch I planted graphic ideas about the three of us. As I was doing this with Ava I felt a shiver run up her spine.

Saturday night couldn't come quick enough. PT told me to dress casual as we would BBQ steaks and eat on the patio. It was scheduled to be a beautiful spring day. I told PT I would bring ribeyes and a couple bottles of some excellent Cabernet from my cellar.

When I arrived I was greeted by a sight to behold. Ava was wearing white cut off shorts, a navy blue spaghetti strap top and white sandals. She was showing a lot of her flawless olive skin. This was my first good look of her body and I could not be more pleased. Her legs were athletic with thin ankles, nicely shaped calfs and muscled thighs. She had a nice rounded butt that looked like you could bounce a quarter off of. Her arms and shoulders were well condition and her breasts looked firm and were probably a 36B/C. She also had her long flowing black hair down. It was the first time I had seen her with her hair down in person. She looked magnificent.

Todd started us off with gin and tonics in a tall glass. We sat out back enjoying the weather. We talked alot about our pasts, our present and our hopes for our future. Ava finally asked about the PT moniker. I said, "That will be a conversation for after dinner. I could tell that made Todd nervous.

I took every chance to touch them both without being to obvious to plant suggestions for our later activities.

I grilled the steaks and I will say perfectly. Todd opened the wine for it to breath. Ava prepared baked potatos and a Caesar Salad. The meal and the conversation was wonderful. Between the cocktails and the wine all three if us had a good buzz going. For desert Todd brought out some gummies for us to enjoy. The stage was set.

Todd was helping Ava in the kitchen loading the dishwasher and putting things away. When they were done they found me in Todd's recliner, or as he called it earlier, his throne. I did this as an act of subtle dominance. I left the couch for Ava and Todd.

As people due when drunk and high we were laughing at the silliest things. All of a sudden Ava said, "It is after dinner and I want to know what PT stands for."

I looked at Todd and asked, "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

Todd looked embarrassed but said to me, "Go ahead, tell her."

So I told Ava that PT stood for, "Peeping Todd." I then told her about how Todd shared his girlfriend with some of his fraternity brothers as long as he could watch.

Ava looked stunned but then smiled and asked me, "Were you one of them?"

I answered, "No. Not sure why not. She was hot."

Ava asked, "Hotter than me?"

I said, "No one is hotter than you Ava."

Ava smiled and said, "Good answer."

Ava looked over at Todd and surprised me when she said, "That explains why Todd has been talking a lot lately of watching me make love to another man when we are in bed."

I thought the touch was working. I asked, "Did he mention anyone in particular?"

Todd looked very nervous as Ava answered, "Yes he did, he brought up you Andy."

Ava looked over at Todd, "Or should I call you PT." Before he could answer she said, "So PT is watching me with another man something you want to happen or just a fantacy for the bedroom?"

PT thought for a second and then took the easy way out and put it on her by saying, "Only if you want it to happen."

"PT Would you like to watch me with your friend Andy?"

Todd looked at her and then at me and said very softly, "Yes, I would."

Ava started to get up to come to me but I stopped her and told her to sit down. She looked a little surprised and hurt that I was rejecting her. Which was the furthest thing from the truth.

To establish more physical dominance I stood up. My 6'4", 225 pound frame was much bigger than Todd's 5'10", 170. I wanted them to know that physically I could do anything I wanted. In a firm voice I stated, "If we are going to do this let it be known I am in charge. What I say goes. No arguments, no backing out and no refusals. Do you understand and agree?"

Both had shocked looks on their faces and looked down. I said, "I need an answer."

I was pleased to see Ava first to respond shaking her head in the affirmative. PT soon followed.

I walked over to Ava grabbed her chin lifting her head up and made eye contact and said, "I need to hear it, do you agree?"

Ava had a look of a nervous cat in her eyes as she answered in clear, firm voice, "I agree, I agree!!"

PT in a submissive whisper responded, "I agree."

"Louder PT, I need to know that you really mean it, Ava needs to know that you really mean it, she needs to know you are willing to share her with me."

PT looked me right in my eyes and said, "I want you to fuck my wife as I watch."

I returned to my seat and then instructed the two to make out. Passions were running high and they embraced and started kissing. "Warm her up for me PT." He started to massage her breast with one hand and she moaned to his touch. Ava kept stealing glances at me.

"PT remove her top." Ava immediately lifted her arms to allow her husband to lift her top over her head. "Suck her tits." As PT sucked on her extremely stiff nipples Ava kept eye contact with me.

"Now her shorts and pantys.". PT unbuttoned her shorts pulled the zipper down. Ava lifted her hips to assist in removal of her lower coverings. She was now totally naked on the couch with her fully clothed husband.

PT resumed his attack on her breasts as Ava slowly spread her legs allowing me a view of the treasure that awaits.

"PT touch her pussy." He reached down to her hairless pussy and easily buried a finger deep into her. Ava groaned and arched her hips to get full penetration. I said, "It sounds wet, is it?"

PT answered, "Yes, very wet."

I ordered the two of them to stand. They didn't respond right away so I said loudly, "Now!"

They both jumped up and faced me PT dressed in shorts and shirt, Ava naked as the day she was born. This was my first good look at the naked Ava and I wasn't disappointed. Her green eyes radiated lust, her black hair over her shoulders partially covering her magnificent firm breasts. Her extended nipples poking through her hair. Down to her flat tummy which led to her obviously moist vagina. She was ready, she was taking deep breaths to try to calm herself.

I waited a few seconds before saying anything as I wanted to raise the anticipation level. I finally said, "PT bring her to me."

It was sweet as they held hands as they walked the few steps to me.

I then ordered PT to stand behind her. I looked at Ava and said, "Put your hands on the arms of the chair bend over and kiss me." As we kissed I reached between her legs and found her juices flowing. She bucked her hips trying to fuck my fingers. I stopped her told her to stand up. She looked frazzled. She didn't understand why we stopped.

"PT put your hands on her shoulders and push her to her knees. Then go back and sit down and watch."

As Ava was before me I reached out with both hands and cupped her breast pinching her taught nipples. Ava head tilted back as she let out a moan. I did this for a minute or so before ordering Ava to strip me.

She unbutton my shirt and then gently bit my nipples as she slid it from my shoulders. She then unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped my shorts. She looked at me as she grabbed my shorts and started pulling them off. I raised my hips to assist and was soon just sitting there in my boxer briefs.

My erection was clearly outlined in my briefs and Ava reached to stroke it. She stroked it and looked up at me and said, "So hard, so big. I need to see it."

I lifted my hips again and she pulled down my briefs to reveal her prize. She just stared at it and finally said, "My god it's so big."

In one of my grooming sessions with PT he had told me she was very protected by her parents and only had one lover before him. He felt compelled to tell me she told him he was bigger than her first lover was. I knew she would be impressed, being a couple inches longer and half again thicker.

Her eyes never left my cock as she stroked it. Seeing her long fingers wrapped around my cock sent chills through my body but I wanted more so I placed my hands on the back of her head and guided her mouth to my cock.

Ava opened wide and took in the first couple of inches before starting to bob her head up and down. It wasn't the best blow job I have ever had so I started sending thoughts through touch and she made some major adjustments. I was starting to get close and noticed PT starting to stand up. I said, "Get naked and then come over, get on your knees and watch." He was out if his clothes in seconds on his knees watching Ava service me with her mouth.