The Toymaker

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The Toymaker has some living toys.
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So I was in a chatroom some time ago and came across a guy who had a serious fetish about conversion into dolls and other inanimate things. I had never really come across this kink before and I told him that I would think about writing a story for him. It took a bit longer than I expected, but true to my word, here it is.......

Sometimes I would walk past the toyshop on Voce Avenue. From the other side of the street I would marvel at the immaculately designed storefront. Behind the large glass frontage of the shop there would always be life size models which were part of the latest decorating theme of the shop. There might be astronauts in a space theme, or soldiers in a military theme, or any number of other themes designed to entice shoppers to find their way inside.

Every few weeks, thick black curtains would be drawn across the windows which made it impossible to see the display from the outside of the shop. Regulars in the area would know that this signaled a change of scenery. Soon a new theme would be displayed.

Bonpel is a small tourist town and I'm sure the changing of the toyshop display would create plenty of chatter amongst the locals. On the weekends, busloads of tourists and cars full of daytrippers would arrive to spend time at this seaside town. The toyshop would be overflowing with people of all ages drawn in by the creative shopfront window dressing.

A few days ago as I walked past the shop, I couldn't help but notice the eye-catching display which was currently visible. The black curtains had been retracted leaving most of the shopfront transformed into a beautiful island paradise. There was a wall of tv screens displaying images of the ocean as it lapped the shore. The floor of the display area was full of golden sand with various toys placed directly under downlights. Finally, to the very right was a 4 panel change room divider screen. Behind this screen was the most eye-catching prop of all. Cheekily peeping over the divider was a gorgeous and completely life-like woman. Wearing a sunhat, she had a big smile and one of her blue eyes was winking.

She had one leg visible to the side of the divider. The pose was clean enough that it could be perceived as innocent in a toyshop. It was also suggestive enough that it might attract some onlookers (like me) who had absolutely no interest in the goods sold in a toy shop.

Crossing the street to get a close look at the display, I was struck by the authenticity of the dummy in the shop window.

An electric fan obscured by the divider blew air across the shopfront. It mimicked a gentle seabreeze as her hair gently twirled under the sunhat. Her opened eye looked so realistic to me. Even her leg appeared to have goosebumps. Was she cold?

She just looked so real.

"You like the new display?"

I must have been looking at the woman in the window for over 5 minutes when the toymaker interrupted me.

"Yes, I do. It's magnificent. The ocean background, the loads of clean white sand, and your dummy. She's so cute, and so, so lifelike."

"Well, it's been very popular over the past week, but as it is you're my only customer at the moment. Would you like to come in for a closer look?"


I entered the shop behind the toymaker and was amazed at what I saw. The shop was large inside, and I surveyed from left to right and back again. There were all sorts of toys, as well as a couple of human dummies. These looked like ex displays from the shopfront window. I recognized the soldier and the American footballer from previous displays. The soldier was kitted in military uniform and had a backpack also. Beneath the helmet, his face was covered with the paint used to help camouflage in the jungle.

The American footballer had a Bengals uniform on including the shoulder pads and helmet too.

They too looked lifelike, although unlike the beachgoer, they both had eyes shut.

The toymaker made his way to a hidden door beside the front window display and motioned for me to come over.

Approaching the now open door I could see the divider, and as I neared I got a first glimpse of the girl. I felt the cool breeze from the fan on my skin as I saw the beautiful lifelike dummy in its entirety. My last thoughts were clear. Surely she is not a dummy. She must be real. Oh my God, she is real. How could she be so still. Is she dead, or alive? she must be cold. I turned to protest "What have you done to her?"

These would be the last words I would speak before the Toymaker punched a tranquilizer dart into my neck....

I woke with the panic you might expect from one who had been drugged and abducted. Opening my eyes slowly, I began to assess what was going on. I tried opening my eyes wider, but found my view obscured.

Where am I? I was standing up, and looking out onto the street, onto Voce Street. I tried to yell for help, but nothing seemed to be coming out. At least it wasn't coming out as loud as it should have.

It dawned on me that there were people outside the window looking in. One child was looking directly at me, and while I tried to callout to him, it was apparent that he was not hearing me at all. The front of the shop was fully enclosed by soundproof glass. It took me only a few minutes to realize that, and only a few seconds more to realize why a small boy was looking straight at me. It was evident that I had become the latest display in the toyshop window.

Three quarters of the shopfront was covered with the beach theme, and I was standing in the last quarter on display on the far right of the shopfront.

My heart was racing as panic surged through me. I tried to move but there was nothing. My arms wouldn't move, My legs felt so heavy and they were absolutely not moving at all.

That toymaker had jabbed me and now I was his newest display.

Hours passed. Hours where I tried to move over and over again, and hours where I tried to callout- all to no avail. I cried frustrated tears as no-one appeared to know that I was stuck in this display.

I couldn't hear anything either, except for the faintest sound of air flow. There was no noise coming from outside the shop, but there was also no noise from inside the shop either. The whole display must be surrounded by soundproof glass, and there is probably a small grill in floor circulating air.

Later in the day, once the sun had moved I was able to see who I had become. In the reflection of the display window, I could see that I was a knight.

As the stream of people died down, and the long shadows turned into night, I heard a door open. I knew the sound was that of the hidden door opened by The Toymaker to initially entice me.

"Hello there, my knight in shining armour."

The sound of his steps suggested he was coming towards me, but I didn't see him initially. The curtains were drawn to obscure the display from any passer-by.

A bright light then went on, and The Toymaker appeared in my sight.

"How are you, my friend". For a fleeting moment, the concern in his voice made me think that he might not be a crazy fucked up madman after all. This fleeting moment passed though, when he then thanked me for joining his family.

He went on to talk about other family members like Devon, Marcus and April. "Devon was a strapping lad and I knew he would become a great American Footballer for me. He was from Cincinnati and came into the shop chasing a gift for his son.

Marcus was ex military, and well, let's say that he is currently doing one last tour (although just between you and me, I feel his tour is close to finishing).

Now April, well, April with those long legs, blonde hair and that beautiful smile. She is only a couple years out of school you know.

"What kind of a sick fuck are you" I protested.

"Now now. I will take care of you, my friend.

I have been very rude, having not introduced myself. You can call me Barney. What is your name, my friend"

"Fuck you" I barked back at him. Instead of coming out with any venom, it came out more like a whimper. My voice was hoarse from the fruitless yelling since I had woken.

"Very well then, my friend. I shall call you Arthur, surely one of the most famous knights of all."

He then walked around behind me.

"You must be thirsty Arthur. Let me sort out something for you to drink."

Barney has this down to a fine art. How many times must he have done this? How many victims have there been?

I felt something brushing past my ear. A tube had been pushed though the back of the knights helmet. I felt it on my cheek and as it pushed against the front of the helmet it wrapped around in front of my mouth.

"Arthur, you must drink from this to stay hydrated."

I was extremely thirsty and did what he said. Maybe someone will see the tube tomorrow and think it very odd.

Who was I kidding. I couldn't see any tube on April. The cagey Toymaker was skilled at this. No-one was going to see the tube.

The next day I woke to the sun shining in the window. It was hard to know what time exactly, but it was still morning. Looking out the window, I spotted The Toymaker on the other side of the road, directly opposite the shop.

He was sitting on a bench drinking coffee with a woman I hadn't seen before. They were both looking at me and chatting. Did she know about the evil Toymaker? They certainly were smiling and laughing a lot.

Upon returning to the shop, The Toymaker came into the front display area to check on both of us.

"My dear April, you are looking stunning today. I have found a friend for you. This is Arthur and I'm sure you will both get along swimmingly. You might not be quite delighted, but I am hopeful that you will be at least little pleased for me. You see my dear, we have a buyer for you, so your stay here with me, as delightful as it has been will soon come to an end."

He then jabbed another needle into her buttocks which, as I was later to discover ensured that April was not able to make any movement of her own body. Her paralysis had been extended,

"Who was that woman" I demanded

"That is Katerina, who owns a local custom furniture shop. We often sit here and have coffee, you know. Katerina sometimes helps me with my shop,and I help her with hers. We have lots in common you see"

"Does she know what kind of a sick fuck you are?"

"That's no way to refer to your last friend in this world is it Arthur? But to answer your question, yes Katerina has been a business associate for a long long time and is very knowledgeable in the workings of my business.

You see, Katerina runs a furniture shop near here, and it's an unusual furniture shop with no floor stock. Items are crafted upon specific requirements as requested from the most discerning of buyers.

Now April, who, by the way, is unable to speak after I botoxed her vocal chords, might be interested to hear about Katerina too.

Some time soon Arthur, you will wake up and April will be gone. Perhaps then we can build the main shopfront theme around you for a period of time.

When April leaves us, she will be delivered to Katerina, who will then treat her for the next stage of her life journey. Katerina and I don't usually discuss the details of the journey, except where there are specific requirements on my part. For example, When April came into the shop for the first time, I knew she would be perfect for one of Katerina's furniture projects. The buyer requested a beautiful young adult with long blond hair and a shapely figure. It took some time for the right person to show up, but eventually, I found April.

You will remember April, your curiosity about the rather buff looking military figure in the window. You were so wrapped up in his lifelikeness that once I offered you a closer look, you became an easy catch for me.

This might sound familiar to you too Arthur.

Anyway, besides selling lots of toys, my role is to keep you alive and on display so that if you are not already slated for a furniture project, you have the best chance of being selected by one of the regular dealers who frequent the storefront.

Now poor Devon and Marcus were returned to me after their processing was unsuccessful. The buyer just got a bit spooked with having the hulking figure of Devon in the house, and Marcus failed the quality control of the manufacturing process. Both of them look magnificent in the shop I'm sure you both agree. I still got paid mind you for my services.

Sometimes Katerina's work is unsuccessful, like with Marcus, but rejects are actually quite rare.

"You are a monster, and you won't be turning me into furniture you sick fuck" I cursed at him.

"We shall see, my shining knight, we shall see."

Some time later, I woke up in a new surrounding, a dark area. I could make out that April, the girl from the front was with me too. We'd been moved and were no longer in the toy shop. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I could see April was not awake, and that both of us were completely naked.

A light came on. I could then make out the surroundings including the fact that I was tied up, no I was chained up and we were in a large factory shed.

Both of us were shackled with ankle restraints anchored to the ground and wrist restraints hanging from the ceiling.

The approaching sound of someone in high heels was my first introduction to the woman who ran the shop. She was the same woman I had seen sitting with the Toymaker on the seat outside the toyshop.

She had a big smile, she was pleased with herself.

"Hello my young friends. Welcome to my factory. We have had a slight change of plans, I hope you don't mind. As well as requiring a beautiful young blonde, my buyer has decided that a fit looking young man would also be a handy acquisition." Pausing briefly, she purred "You are both going to make beautiful pieces of furniture".

I protested "your are fucking crazy. As crazy as that fucking toyshop owner! You cant do this, you can not do this"!

"I can do this," she replied, "and I am doing this. You don't really have a lot of time left in your life (as you know it). Is there anything you'd like to ask me before you head on to your next chapter."

I yelled out for help over and over and I tried to pull our of the chains which bound me. This was fruitless as both my legs and arms were tightly cuffed, and I doubt that anyone was going to respond to my yelling.

"Why are you doing this to us?" I pleaded.

"Well, my dear, there is a very lucrative market for specialist pieces of art, which would otherwise be referred to as inanimate objects. That's our business. What we do is find humans of varying shapes and sizes based on requests. People will contact us and say, can you get me someone to be a coffee table, or perhaps they are looking for an ornament in the Pool room. We don't judge. Its just simple supply and demand. In your case, both you and your beautiful acquaintance here are heading off to a place called Wiltshire House. I doubt you will have ever heard of it before, but amongst a certain fraternity it's a place where all sort of sexual shenanigans take place.

Only the absolute elite ever venture to Wiltshire House, but you have got a free entry. You and your friend here about to become part of the furniture there."

"Oh your crazy fuck. you crazy fuck!" I protested.

I kept pulling against the chains. April was breathing, but was totally out of it.

I could see in the distance, someone else making their was towards us. The man was wheeling something like a large vacuum and made his way over, eventually stopping right next to the unconscious girl beside me.

"Hello Stanley" Katerina said.

"I'm ready when you are Miss." he replied

"Beautiful. Let's start with the girl. You should be able to do a magnificent job with such little motion to contend with."

Stanley stepped close to the girl and started up the device. To my horror, it became immediately clear that this was not a vacuum. It was a spray painter, and Stanley was coating the unconscious girl in a solution.

Patiently he covered her from bottom to top taking his time to make sure an even coating was applied.

I watched on in despair as the predicament we found ourselves in became crystal clear to me. She was being coated like a piece of furniture and soon I would be too. My heart was racing as it dawned on me this is how I am going to die.

When Stanley moved behind the girl to continue the job, I noticed the effect that the substance was having on her skin. It started to glisten like it was turning into a plastic.

Still she didn't wake.

Her skin kept changing and getting shinier.

The methodical method in which Stanley went about the process suggested to me that he had significant experience in this barbaric preparation.

As if in response to my look of fear, the owner tried to reason with me.

"Oh come on Arthur, surely you protect your furniture don't you. You've never covered a leather lounge in plastic to stop kids causing damage? Have you never sprayed an anti-stain solution on a brand new carpet? Never polished your car!

We are just protecting the asset both for the new owner and for the girl herself."

This woman is a serious nutter and I am struggling to comprehend if she is trying to be funny or she really thinks that the girl will appreciate a grisly death presumably suffocating when they cover her mouth and nose.

Stanley put down the painting equipment and then ran his hand softly over her stomach, presumably testing that the coat had dried.

Seeming to be satisfied, He then unlocked one of her wrists.

She slumped forward, but was still pinned by the other wrist restraint.

Wrapping his arm around her torso, Stanly took her weight as he then unlocked the other wrist.

Guiding her to the ground, he lay her gently on her back.

Stanley picked up his painting spray in one hand and commenced the step of covering the wrists which has previously been obscured. He took time to cover front and back on the left hand and then waited a few minutes for it to set sufficiently.

Repeating the process on the other hand, Stanley did not look up at me at all. Despite my hysterical pleading and yelling, it was as if I was not even there.

He folded her arms together over her chest and moved towards her ankles.

Katerina watched on with a satisfied look as the girl was almost completely covered.

"What are you doing to her" I pleaded. "You're killing her!"

The owner chipped in.

"No Arthur, we prefer to think of it as transforming from the living to the eternal.

This beautiful girl will now be beautiful forever. In the same way that your youthful, muscular appearance will also stay with you forever. Isn't that something to look forward to?"

This deranged woman genuinely seemed to believe the crap that she was peddling.

After Stanley had coated both ankles it seemed the job was complete. She was still breathing, so wasn't 100% coated, and her eyes were shut too. Otherwise, the girl resembled a life-size doll.

The girl's breathing became audible, and she appeared to be stirring.

"Oh goody, This is the most fun part coming up. You watch as she wakes up."

For a moment we all watched the girl, but to Katerina's disappointment she remained in her sedated state.

Pouting her lip in mock disappointment, Katerina looked at me. "Oh well, we might as well start with you".

Stanley started the device and the paint started to coat me. Even though I was never going to break the shackles, it didn't stop me kicking out and pulling against the restraints. I protested with fresh vigour, screaming in terror as this final stage of my life was being enacted.

The coating felt warm as it hit my skin, and I could feel it wrapping me.

It's not painful, but I could feel the compression as the solution reacted with my body and aligned with my skin to form a new outer layer.