The Transistion of Elijah Brooks


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"Mother?" I asked, going to my knees. "Mother! Oh thank God, you're still alive! Delilah, mother's alive! She's here!"

"No," came Delilah's soft voice but I ignored it and ran to the bars to greet her, reaching my hands out to her.

Long, slim hands reached for mine. Thick, translucent skin connected her fingers together.

I yelled, pulling my hands back to clutch them to my chest.

"N- no, mother," I stuttered. Please, God, no. Please.

The figure - my mother, slowly sank to her knees and her hood slid back. I could hear the pain in her voice when she called to me, hiding her hands in her sleeves. "Elijah, please."

Her face was transformed. Heavy ridges distorted her cheekbones to pull her face wide. Her lips were thin and pale white over a mouth too big and too wide. She tried to hide it but I could see the tiny sharp teeth behind the lips. A clear membrane slid quickly across pure black eyes, a mockery of a blink. Her luxurious brown hair was gone, leaving behind thick skin that glistened in the moonlight as if wet. Her skin had tinted green with black spots and black lines.

Beneath my mother's head, her neck was thick and wide and her own gills fluttered with each breath she took. As I watched, she closed her eyes, leaning against the cage to draw in my smell. Her nose was now merely a bump with two slits for nostrils. The slits widened and something within them opened, quivering as she filled her lungs.

"Ohh," my mother moaned. She gripped the bars with her webbed hands and pulled herself up on her knees. Her cloak slid open to reveal a wide, heavily muscled body. Her skin was slick down her torso, shining in the pale light and I could see the curves of her breasts, small and high on her body. I looked away, feeling my cheeks flood with embarrassment. "Elijah. My son. My boy. They told me you were here. Come. Come closer. Let me hold you. Let me touch you. They said. They said you were here. They said I needed you. And you needed me."

I couldn't move. I watched as my mother shrugged her shoulders and the cloak slipped to the ground. She was nude and now I couldn't look away. She'd been petite before but now she was as wide as father. Wider. Her arms bulged as she flexed against the cage. My gills flared to take in her scent and my cock stirred. It slid in my jeans and I pressed it, unable to stop myself. Grabbing it. Twisting it until I felt the head of it slip from the band of my pants.

And then it grew. My cock swelled and pressed forward. Changing. I groaned at the ache building in my stomach. The head of my cock bulged as ridges formed around it and small bumps formed along the shaft.

"My boy," mother said, rocking her wide hips in a circle. I saw the curve of her ass. Mesmerized. "I understand now. She comes. She comes to purify me. Oh. Oh. Oh, She's so beautiful! A pure red light shining in the darkness and I will be Hers! Yes! Oh, Elijah. My son. My handsome boy. I can see how much you've grown. I can smell how much you want me. My womb aches for you. I want to be filled by you, growing fat with Her eggs. Feeling them slip from between my pussy, knowing they're yours and mine. Father Dagon send it happen soon. I- She-"

She turned to show me, pressing herself back against the bars on her hands and knees. My mother rocked her hips, sliding her sex up and down as if beckoning me. I watched as the skin around her vagina move. It... stretched... and her ass and hips widened, pushing her asshole up as her womb widened.

For me. For me and the eggs I would give to her.

I swallowed. Reached for her. My hands trembling. Wanting her. To fill her with my m'tinh until she was full of it. She moaned, lowering herself and I saw her spine press against her back. The bones pierced her skin and I pulled at my cock, licking my lips at the scent of her blood. Her spine grew into sharp bony protrusions. Her tailbone cracked and slid out and I saw her sex tremble from the pleasure of it. Trails of blood slid down from her growing tail, mixing with her the wetness between her thighs.

My sister whimpered and I blinked.

"Oh!" Delilah cried out. I turned, the spell broken. She was on her knees, her clothes on the ground around her. "Oh! I see it! I see it! Father!"

I looked around, my heart racing. Father? Father was here?

"Father!" Delilah moaned, tears streaming down her face. Her pert breasts shook as she trembled from emotions. "Father Dagon I see your gaze upon me!"

No, I mouthed. My sister stretched before me, her torso lengthening as black spots appeared beneath her skin. Her breasts pulled into her body, shrinking slightly. She ran her hands along her body and only then did I see the blood along her neck and chest and chin. Sharp little teeth were pushing through her gums, breaking the ones she'd had until her mouth was lined with the deadly fangs.

Delilah hissed with a smile that grew too wide for her face.

I braved a look in the sky but saw nothing. No grim red eye staring back at me.

"Father, no!" Delilah yelled, jumping to her feet to clutch at the bars of her cage. She reached to the dark sky. "No, Father, please! Don't go! Show me! Show me more, please! Faaaaather!"

I pulled into myself. Into a small ball on the ground as my sister sobbed.

Exhausted beyond my limits, I eventually fell asleep.


I awoke with a scream. Senseless dreams of things larger than our world deep beneath the oceans. No. Not beneath the ocean. Beneath the world. Waiting for us. R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Always waiting. Swallowing us. Staring. Staring. Always staring.

"Delilah!" I called out.

"Here," my sister answered, dully. "I'm here, Elijah."

"Oh thank G-" I stopped. Her long, lithe body lay against the bars, her back to me. She wasn't covering her nakedness. I saw hints of green in her skin with faint stripes and spots of black. Parts of her skin looked slick and patches of her hair was missing. "Delilah?"

"I prayed," she said. "While you slept. I can't sleep. I can't close my eyes. I see It. I see Him there. Every time I blink. Staring into me. I'm. I'm forgetting the words, Elijah. I'm forgetting them. The prayers. I can't. I can't do this. I feel it inside of me and it terrifies me because I'm starting to-"

"Don't," I told her. "Don't give up. Just. Just give me a minute. Just wait."

I found my BIble in the corner. I took it carefully, closing my eyes. Feeling a strange, cool slick skin slid against them.

The flesh between my fingers was transparent with corpse-white coloring lining the edge. I could see the tiny red blood vessels inside. I swallowed and breathed at the same time and then opened my Bible.

On this page, a winged nightmare wrapped a three foot long tongue around a screaming man's cock. I could still read the text underneath the crude drawing.

"B- But he said to me," I read. "'My grace is- is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast-"

My eyes were drawn to the picture. I swallowed and rubbed myself, staring at the woman's tongue. She had a lizard's fat tail and I wondered, briefly, what it felt like. I looked at the man's horrified expression and then back down to the woman's tongue, seeing how it slid against his length as my hand slid against mine.

I heard Delilah moan and I stopped. She was facing me now, pressed against the bars. Her tongue lapped at the air and her eyes were nearly all black.

"Delilah," I stammered. "I didn't-"

"Elijah, my pretty boy," my sister purred, almost a perfect copy of mother's voice from last night. "Always so pretty. I watched you. Always. Always watching you. Caring for you. Touching you. Do you know why I bathed you every day, Elijah?"

"No," I whispered. "Please, Delilah, no."

"Oh, yessss," Delilah said, her tongue flicking out. "Yes. I cleaned you so well, Elijah. You'd laugh and swat my hands when you were older but I told you to hold still so I could clean you so well. Only in my own bed, late at night did I pretend I was using my mouth to do it."

Bile filled the back of my mouth and my gills trembled. "No, this isn't you. This is- This is the thing controlling-"

"We were so alone all the time, Elijah," Delilah cooed. Her dream-like expression hardened and she grunted as bones snapped in her jaw and face. Drool escaped her mouth as her lips strained to contain her growing muzzle. Just like the creature that had taken her in the night. "Our parentsss off ssssaving ssstupid villagersss in the middle of fucking nowhere. Leaving usss. You were all I had. I almosssst took you ssssso many timesssss. I thought about lying and ssssaying it wasssss a game or a sssssecret or sssssomething good boyssss did for their sssssssssisssterssss but I wassss ssssuch a good giiiiiirl. Sssssinning every night with the thought of you inssssside of me. Elijah. You were alwaysssss mine but now, you're hersssss. Mother'ssss. Mother! Mother ssssee me! I'm your faithful sssss-"

Delilah flailed, clawing at the ground as dull black claws slid from her fingertips. Her back bowed and split and I looked away. Just like mother. Just like last night. Delilah, oh God, Delilah no.

My head swam and I spat into the ground, breathing heavily. Pain flared in my joints and my fingers broke. The clear skin between grew up, spreading my fingers wider and wider and wider. Dagon save me from this pain. Please, god, I can't. I can't be like them. I can't gh'weg like them.

"Elijah," a beautiful voice said. Clear as a bell and sweeter than anything I'd heard in my life.

I turned, tears in my eyes. Mother stood in my cage. Her legs were thick with muscle and hardened skin and small fins. She shined in the morning light of the red sun.

She was a hideous monster with the voice of one of God's angel.

I pushed back, sobbing. In time to see Delilah's cage open. Three lizardmen stood there and she threw herself at them, grabbing one's erection while taking another in her wide, foul mouth. The old woman struck Delilah and Delilah hissed, rocking to her heels.

"Cur!" the old woman screeched. "You dare! You dare act thus before the Mother? Crawl! Crawl worm! Crawl to the pit to join the others!"

Delilah lowered herself, her heavy, scaly tail flat against the ground. She slithered behind the lizard man like a snake. Without a backward glance. Two of the men turned to step into my cage and I pushed away from them, hiding my face away from my mother. No, I thought. No, not my mother. Not any more.

"You still resist?" the old woman asked. "You're strong. That's good, boy. That's good. Mother Hydra needs strong seed. She-"

"Silence," my mother said. There was no malice in her voice but it cracked with authority. "Elijah, look at me. Look upon my body. Look upon my earthly vessel. See your Mother."

I shook my head, not trusting my voice. My traitorous gills drew in her heady scent. She smelled of death and things rotting in the swamps. Of terrible flowers spread open, hiding their poisonous thorns. She smelled of blood smeared with feces and the cold tv'fwig of ph'than. And I'd never felt myself more hard than I was at that moment. I wanted to cry but if I opened my mouth, I knew I might beg. For her.

I felt her draw close. I felt it. Her presence pulling at me. Singing to the very blood coursing through my body.

"I am no longer your mother, boy," she said to me. It took willpower not to face her. "I am Mother of all. Mother Hydra reborn in this vessel. And I yearn for my mate. Locked beyond the stars, weakened by these... pathetic primates and their ancestors."

She lowered herself and I moaned, clutching my sides with my wide, webbed hands. I could feel my nails growing, sliding from my fingertips to pierce my shirt and dig into my side.

"I am She of many," Mother Hydra whispered sweetly, her breath smelling of middens and death and the promise of sex. "I will spawn with your seed. Laying my eggs deep within the pit of the earth until they burst and crawl their way to me."

Mother Hydra leaned forward, her thin lips nearly touching my ear. I shuddered and felt the gentle caress of my hair falling from my scalp in clumps. I was so incredibly thirsty. The veins at my temples throbbed. Below, my monstrous cock ached to be free, bumps and ridges scraping against my belly and the clothes I wore. Fire burned in my stomach.

Only then did I realize she wasn't speaking in English.

"Our children will break the world open like a rotten egg," Mother Hydra promised. "And Dagon shall be born from the wreckage. The ones that remain will bow to us, changed as the one you called your sister. Until our power grows and we find new realms to conquer. I shall set you above them. Do you desire that?"

No. Yes. No, I desired Her. Dear Gods in the depths, save me, I pray to you, Lords. Save me from this temptation.

"Hold him. I'll not force myself on him."

Strong hands gripped my arms and legs and I twisted, kicking and shouting wordlessly, still afraid to speak. Afraid that Her name would be first on my lips. Cold claws shredded the remains of my clothes and I lay naked, my manhood tall above me.

She stepped over me, standing above and I saw Her through the thin membranes covering my eyes. I strained and felt something tear in my sides. I gasped in pain and bucked and the skin below my ribs separated. Oxygen flooded my body from the gills at my throat and, now, the large ones at my sides. They drew the moisture from the air as they drew Her scent. Father Dagon save me, I could feel my strength leaving my body. My hands itched to touch Her perfect, slick skin. I closed my eyes and prayed to the red sun for redemption.

Mother Hydra slid forward and I felt Her cold, slick lips sliding along my cock. I looked at Her then, straining for Her, my tongue snaking out, longer and longer, to lick at the tiny white nipples atop Her shrunken breasts.

Father Dagon, please! I prayed. Clenching my mouth shut, I felt and then heard my teeth crack. Blood filled my mouth and I swallowed it greedily. Please. I can't-

The black streaks in the red sun opened. And focused on me. I trembled from His attention. Bones in my face cracked and I screamed, bucking my hips as my Mother impaled Herself on me.

"HE SEES ME!" I screamed in the Language. I was reborn. I could feel the pull of them in the pit. The feral lower ones. Chanting for Mother and Father. Chanting for me! The creature I'd thought of as the old woman abased herself, weeping tears of joy. Power flooded me as Mother Hydra lowered herself, gripping my cock tightly with her sex. "FATHER DAGON! I am yours!"

The ones holding me released me, unwilling to touch my flesh. As far below as I was to Mother Hydra and Father Dagon (as an ant to a black hole) I was a god to them still and they would never touch me again.

I wept cold tears as Mother took my hands to hold Her body. To explore the skin she wore. I dare not move as she pressed Herself to me, again and again. Her nearly human sex gripped me so tightly, the fish-white lips rubbing against the bumps along my thick cock. The earth moved every time she flexed Her hips. Small quakes trembled deep in the ground at the power from Her. And the promise of what was about to happen. My webbed, clawed hands glided along Her slick body as she raised her wide mouth to sing Her praises and promises to Her mate hidden beyond time.

She was beautiful. Shining like the molten red and gold of the volcano stirring beneath the island. I dare not look too long for worry of my eyes shriveling in their sockets.

I grunted. Feeling the seed within, waiting for release. And yet, I awaited Her pleasure and command. Hissing through razor sharp teeth, I held on as long as I could and the strain split the skin along my back. The earth died where my blood touched it and my spine dug into the ground, sprouting sharp spikes.

The world trembled and, for a moment, I saw my Father's realm. A silver labyrinth from which I could see Him wandering. Searching for the way out. Lost in the twisting folds of space and sliding geometry.

"Now," Mother commanded, drawing me back.

I howled and filled Mother with my seed. The world burned pure red and our servants died, dissipating into nothing while the ones deep in the pit shook in fear and adulation.

The light passed and Mother stood and thick, graceful legs. My cock slipped from between Her sex and a long line of my blackened seed trailed between us, leaving us connected for just a moment longer. She stood back and I struggled to kneel before Her.

Bones from my spine continued to push out, surrounding itself in raw red muscle and thick black flesh. My growing tail lashed behind me. I could feel my toes cracking and breaking to grow fins as was proper. The pain was nothing.

Mother Hydra touched Her belly and Her eyes flashed to red. The taut skin beneath Her hand bulged and She sighed.

"Come," she commanded. I stood, eyes low. Sure of my position far below her and thrilled that She would address me.

The island was bare. Blackened by the power released from her impregnation. Steam rose in thick columns from the ruined edge of the island and the volcano trembled a warning. I prayed to Father that my children would be born before the ch'tull could mount an offense againste us.

I chanced to look at Mother and saw Her full belly. She groaned and I took Her hand when She gave it.

Father Dagon watched from high above as I escorted Mother deep within the earth and into the old city of R'lyeh.

I would guard my children and lead them deeper into the city to break the prison.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. The dream was almost done.

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KellvallonKellvallonabout 3 years ago

This was a great mix of erotic horror & incest. It definitely deserves a higher score. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Well written but...

I gave it a 5 stars cause i honestly don't think this deserved as low a rating that it has atm. So hopefully it bumps it up a bit. It was well written, mysterious, and kept me guessing what was going on. It's a sign of a great novel in the works imo, perhaps not exactly the best type of style for literotica (since, well u know...). Anyways, I think this should have been given a SCI-FI instead of incest, perhaps warn the reader of incest beforehand. You have a great style and I already enjoy some of your other work. Please keep up the good work!

LycandopeLycandopeover 7 years agoAuthor

I appreciate the comment :) I haven't read HPL in quite a long time but skimmed a few things to catch up and then tried to find a balance between creepy and sexy. Ish. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
As always

A pleasure as always to read through your work. Although I cannot comment

on consistency with the lore having not experienced any of it myself, I can say that this was certainly an enjoyable read and that the build-up of the eldritch horror was very well paced and executed.

LycandopeLycandopeover 7 years agoAuthor

I was kinda wondering on the comments so it's nice to hear that it isn't quite so bad.

I think you're right and i should've posted with a horror tag. Live and learn but it's not my normal stuff. This was a commission for someone.

Thank you for saying something!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Can't believe some comments.

Are they written by the same person?

It's a very well written story and probably one of the best I read on Literotica, for the originality of the transformation alone.

Of course the incest tag might have mislead some people. A Horror tag would have been more appropriate and would have avoided the backlash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What the fuck did I read?

0 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not sure if this supposed to be a pastiche, an homage, or an imitation of HPL

Whichever it is, it's not working; it's poorly written, poorly drawn, rushed, and instead of brooding and tense, is just derivative and poorly executed. My friend, you may wish to write erotic horror, but this isn't how it's done, and until you get an imagination of your own, I've got no further time for you.

Please say you're either going to sit down and make this the story it should be, drawn from your own mind but told in the master's voice, or just cease and desist altogether, because on the evidence here you just don't have the tools to make this type of copycat offering work.

If you're telling a story in someone else's world, then you need to be consistent with that world and that voice; so far, only faint echoes remain, and that's not good enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Well done!

Can we get a second part please? But with maybe more sexual intercourse?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Incest from God? You suck!

You've got to be kidding! Halfway thru the first page I skipped to the end of the last page...You suck

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