The Transplants


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I called Carol to the phone and looked at Sandy with a smile. She talked to him a minute and then hung up saying, "Tom's caught on the interstate and won't be here to read the chapter."

Laurie said, "Dean gave me the first three chapters to read so I'd be happy to take Tom's place for tonight."

I gave Dean a thumbs up and said, "Then it's all yours Laurie."

As the others moved to the living room, Sandy got close to me and said, "I'm just convinced that you and Carol don't have a thing going and now we have Laurie popping into your life."

"I'll tell you all about her later." The end of the couch was empty so I sat down and quickly pulled Sandy down to sit on my lap. She looked at me and I smiled up at her as sweetly as I could.

Laurie had Sandy's chapter in her hand and she read, "Chapter four.

As soon as Seth was in his car he was on his phone to Perry, one of his assistants. "Perry get that disc and the information to Detective Patterson and mark it in reference to the Paul Damon murder."

'I'll see to it right away.'

'Also forward that other file to Frank Gibson."

'I have it ready to go.'

'All anonymously of course.'

'Of course, just as we had discussed.'

'Also, tomorrow morning call Jean Freeman and have her bring her trays of baubles.'

'Okay.' Seth leaned back and dropped his phone into his jacket pocket.

'Wilson,' he said to his driver, 'This has been a wonderful day and with any luck, tomorrow will get very interesting.'

Wilson just smiled to himself and said with emphasis, 'Yes sir.'

It was mid day when it was released. All of the local stations broke into their broadcasts and announced that a suspect in Paul Damon's murder had been arrested, and that there would be more information released later in the day that would show a link between the murder and blackmail. Then to make matters worse, late in the day Fox announced that they had information that Miss Jennifer Billings, the victim of an attempted murder was possibly a courier for a local madam and Mr. Damon. It was less than an hour later when Seth got a call from Jennifer. 'Seth I need help.'

'What's the matter Jennie?'

'I can't get to my house, there are news people all over the place. I barely got away before they saw me.'

'Do you remember how to get to my house?'

'I think so.'

'Then come here. If anybody is following you my security will see that they are stopped at the gate. Are you alright otherwise?'

'No I'm in trouble.'

'Just get here and we'll take care of it Jennie. If you have trouble call me back and we'll come to you.'

'Thank you Seth.'

Chapter Twelve

Jennie made a couple of wrong turns, but when she saw the gates at the end of Seth's driveway she felt her fears start to leave her. It took mere seconds for security to recognize her and the gates parted allowing her access to her safe haven. When she saw the gates close behind her she realized she had been holding her breath and sighed heavily as she relaxed. She pulled up to the house and saw Seth and William waiting for her. William helped her out of the car and Seth took her in his arms. 'You're safe now Jennie.'

'I'm sorry to bring all of this to your door Seth.'

'Don't worry about that it's my fault. I should have seen this coming and acted to prevent it.'

'It isn't your fault at all.'

'We can talk about that later, but right now let's get inside and make you comfortable.'

'I don't know what's going on. I didn't do anything wrong.'

'Of course you didn't.' As soon as she was sitting down he fixed her a drink and said, 'Sip on this and try to relax. Jennie there were files in that briefcase that you were carrying that day that certain people wanted destroyed.'

'So why not just steal it form me?'

'That would have been my choice of action had I been them, but I can only guess that they wanted it to look like an accident and your briefcase would just disappear. I have to guess that somebody has a spy inside of Damon and Hartwell.'

'So do you know what the files were?'

'Yes. Except for the part about your possible involvement, what was broadcast on television regarding brothel records was for the most part correct.'

'So Paul was in on whatever it was?'

"That's my understanding. There was information about Paul and others that he had to keep from being made public. I don't have the details on that as yet, but it seems his decision was to blackmail certain public officials and business executives to keep business indiscretions secret. His knowledge of their visits to Linda Phelps ladies gave him the leverage he needed to keep him safe. I'm sure I'll learn more as time passes but that's the crux of the situation as it stands now.'

'I certainly got caught in the middle of things.'

'I'm afraid you did, and you were lucky to escape with your life.'

'I have been lucky in so many ways, not the least of which was meeting you and Caleb."

Seth smiled and simply said, 'Thank you.'

Seth's assistant entered and said, 'Excuse me, but Miss Freeman is here to see you.'

'Thank you. tell her we'll be a few minutes and see if she would like something to drink.'

'Of course.'

'Pen and paper please.'

'Yes sir,' and in seconds Seth was writing something.

'Give her this note,' and with that the assistant was gone.

'Seth I'm fine now, so if you have business to attend to.'

'No, first things first. Once I know you are feeling relaxed, safe and comfortable we'll see about Miss Abby Freeman.'


'Yes, I'd like you to meet her when you're feeling up to it.'

'Thanks to you Seth, your saving me, your explanations, this drink and more I'm doing just fine now. I don't know about getting home but...'

'Don't worry Jennie I have a plan for that as well.'

'Somehow I thought you might.'

'Jennie I don't believe you would be safe if you were to leave right now. There are those that would still prefer to have you removed from the equation.'

'You mean kill me?"

'Yes I'm afraid so. Based on my information however, that complication should be resolved in the next day or two.'

'Two days?'

'I would much prefer that you stay here where it is safe. The choice is yours of course, but that is the only way I can be assured of your safety.'

'But Seth...'

'If it would help you could have a friend join you.'

'Seth it isn't that I don't trust you.'

'I understand that. You are living a nightmare right now, and to have a familiar face with you might help you to relax.'

'Seth I don't have any clothes or anything here.'

'And it wouldn't be safe to send somebody to your house for personal items. Do you have a friend that could purchase what you might need for your stay? I could send my driver for her and then bring her or him here.'

'Seth I don't know what to say. You amaze me. Deidra Jenkins is a very close friend if I can reach her.'

'Do that then, and I'll see to the safety of both of you.' She is welcome to stay here or not as she chooses.' Seth handed her his phone and said, 'I'll go say hello to Abby while you're calling your friend."

Laurie stopped and took a sip of her iced tea and looked around. "keep going or pause?" Both Laurie and Carol voted to proceed as did I, so Laurie flipped the page and continued. "When Seth returned she told him, 'She's available and will see that I get what I need, but she chose not to spend the night.'

'Very well then if you are comfortable with that.'

'Of course I am, and she's anxious to meet you.'

'Shall we go see Abby?'

'Of course.' As they entered the next room, Jennie saw an older woman standing there, tall with perfect posture and a permanent smile on her face. Jennie hobbled over to her on her crutches and Seth introduced Abby.

"Jennie I've asked Abby to come here and I need your help with a selection.' Abby ceremoniously removed the three deep red velvet covers that were in front of her to reveal an impressive array of jewelry.

Jennie gasped and said, 'Oh my god. I've never seen so many beautiful things in one place before.' Per Seth's instructions there was an assortment of fine jewelry that included everything with the exception of wedding bands and engagement rings.

'What do you see that catches your eye Jennie?'

'Oh Seth they all do.'

'Take your time and help me decide on something.' Jennie started to ask about the price but caught herself at the last second.

'Seth is what you're looking for to be worn as everyday or for more formal occasions?'

'Let's say it's for going out for a casual dinner.'

She pointed to earrings and said, 'I like those a lot.'

Abby picked them up and said, 'They are bloodstones surrounded by small diamonds in a mount that I designed just a few weeks ago.

'They're beautiful.'

Reaching to the adjoining case she picked up a necklace and said, 'I designed this to go with them as well.' She extended her hand and draped the necklace over it for Jennie to examine.

'Abby this is gorgeous.'

'Thank you.'

'Seth I can't decide between the earrings and the necklace.'

'Then we'll take both of course. We can't break up a set now can we.' Seth took the necklace and put it around Jennie's neck and she froze.

'Seth not'

'Of course for you Jennie.'

'But Seth...' 'Now Jennie allow me my simple pleasures please.'

All she could do was utter, 'Oh my god,' as she tried to hold back her tears. 'Oh Seth you really shouldn't.'

'I disagree. Thank you for coming Abby.'

'My pleasure Mr. Norton.'

As soon as the door between the rooms was closed, Seth stopped her and said, 'Jennie I'm not trying to buy your affections. There are no strings attached to the gift. If I never see you again I'll be so very heart broken, but the jewelry is still yours. I did that because I wanted to.' She let her crutches fall and she put her arms around him.

'Seth thank you so much. I'm...I'm speechless.'

'Thank you for allowing me to do that.'

Seth retrieved her crutches for her and said, 'I have a couple of things to attend to, but William will never be far away. Just call out and he'll be happy to see to your needs. Your friend Deidra will be along in an hour or so and the two of you can visit until I return. Then we'll have dinner and I can get to know your friend. Jennie I'm trying to learn more about what threats you may be facing, and as soon as I know more I'll tell you. There seem to be many tentacles coming from the contents of that briefcase and I want to be certain that we have missed nothing that might concern you.' Seth made sure she was comfortable and then disappeared and just as he said, within the hour Deidra appeared.

They shared an embrace and Deidra said, 'William suggested that we go to the patio. He'll bring us refreshments and then we can talk as long as we want.'

As soon as William had disappeared Deidra said, 'My god I can't believe this, you and Seth Norton. Do you have any idea who he is?'

'Only that he's an amazing and wonderful guy.'

'Jennie don't you watch the news?'

'Not much it just depresses me.'

'He's only the richest, most eligible bachelor within about ten states of here.'

'I can believe the richest part. Deidra you can't believe how attentive he has been and how concerned he is for my safety.'

'It's a good thing because your place was being watched when we went past it earlier. Oh and the things I got for you are already in your room.'

'See what I mean, I didn't even have to think about anything let alone worry.'

'So is he really interested in you?'

'He swears he is.'

'I can't believe I'm even in this house.'

'You can stay you know.'

'I know and I was tempted, but I don't want to cramp your style.'

'I have no style to cramp. When he gets back the three of us are having dinner.'

'Fantastic. I'll bet you wish you didn't have that cast right now.'

'You have no idea how much I wish that.'

While the two women were talking, Seth was running here and there and calling different people trying to get on top of the threats to Jennie. Then he got a call. 'Seth here.'

'He's been arrested.'

'Excellent. Now if he will tell what he knows we can be certain the situation has been neutralized.'

'I have someone close enough that we'll know the outcome almost as soon as they do.'

'You have been invaluable to me.'

'I trust your visitor is faring well.'

'Yes, thank you.'

'I wish the two of you much happiness.'

'Thank you for that as well.'

'I'll be in touch Seth.' He wasn't going to just sit back and wait for the call, so he continued his rounds of meeting with people and trying to be certain he was missing nothing.

Chapter Fourteen

When Seth got home, he apologized to Deidra and Jennie and added, 'I am optimistic that our problem will soon be addressed. Now let's have an enjoyable dinner shall we?' Their dinner was sufficient to make Jennie and Deidra's heads spin and they enjoyed themselves thoroughly. 'Deidra I wish you would change your mind and stay.'

'Thank you Seth, but perhaps another time.'

'I hope so.' William will see you home safely and with any luck we'll have Jennie home in a day or so and equally as safe.'

'Thank you for taking such good care of her.'

'I couldn't live with myself if she were harmed.'

Deidra and William weren't gone more than twenty minutes when Seth got a call. 'Sir, it's William. It would seem someone mistakenly thought I had Miss Jennie in the car which resulted in Deidra being injured.'

'Damn, how badly?'

'She will recover nicely sir and the threat has been neutralized.'

'Excellent job William, do we have the name of the assailant?"

'I'll have that information very soon.'

'Maybe this is the end of it then.'

'I hope so sir.' Seth withheld the information from Jennie and when it was her bedtime he helped her upstairs and spent a few minutes with her in her room.

'Jennie I know all of this has been very stressful for you, and I should be ashamed for saying this right now, but every minute I'm with you I want you in my life more and more.'

'Seth I come from humble roots and I'm just your average woman.'

'There is nothing average about you. I too come from humble roots so don't let all of the trappings of wealth fool you. I remember my past quite well. Now Caleb will join us tomorrow for coffee and he's looking forward to seeing you again..

'Wonderful.' Jennifer dropped her crutches and hopped close to him and they shared a long and tender kiss. 'I told Deidra about us but I don't think I was able to explain just how wonderful you really are.'

'Goodnight Jennie.'


Seth wasn't more than fifty feet from her room when William found Seth. 'Sir it is over. The police know the whole story and they know the person I shot was behind the whole thing.'

'Who was it?'

'Mr. Hartwell, Paul's partner.'

'I never would have thought him capable of murder.'

'Yes sir, good night.'

'William thank you.'

'Yes sir.' Seth turned around and went back to Jennie's room and knocked.

'Jennie it's Seth and I have news.'

'Come in Seth.' She was standing next to the dresser and was about half undressed and he stopped in his tracks.

'Oh Jennie what are you doing to me? I have people that will jump through hoops for me in an instant. I could buy and sell any number of people and yet I'm powerless against your charms. Jennie I just learned that the threat is passed. Oran is under arrest.'

'Oh that's why you wouldn't talk about him before.'

'Yes, I knew it would happen. I knew that he was in over his head. You are free to go home tomorrow, but Jennie I don't want you to. I know you will but I don't want you to go. I want you in my life more than anything in the world.'

'Seth...would you lie down next to me. Would you stay with me tonight?' The end."

All of us just sat there for a minute and then Laurie came over and said, "I loved it Sandy."

"Thank you." We all stood up and Dean and Carol hugged Sandy. That was when Tom appeared.

Carol said, "You just missed a long and very good ending of our story.

"Do I get to read it?"

"Of course."

Tom kissed Carol and said, "Okay so if you haven't figured it out, Carol and I are seeing each other."

"Gee, no we would have never guessed," I said.

Dean said, "Okay so are we starting another story?'

I was quick to say, "If we do I can guarantee my chapter will be R rated at the very least, and there will be no murders, rapes or robberies in it."

"That gets my vote. Okay so Ken writes the first chapter of our next story"

"No wait I wasn't volunteering."

"Too late."

As usual, after the others left, Sandy helped me pick things up. "Sandy I really liked your chapter."

"Thanks. Did you like the part where he spends the night with her?"

"That was a great ending."

"Or a great beginning."

"Yes that would be a great beginning. I took her in my arms and said, "You know if you would spend the night with me we could have a great beginning too."

"I was hoping you would say that."

We kissed and then I said, "And if I hadn't?"

"Then I would have suggested it." We kissed again and then she said, "You know our family is almost too big for your little living room now."

"I know. Maybe we could pool our resources and get a larger place."

"Honey I love you."

"I love you too baby."

The End.

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DeKreDeKrealmost 4 years ago
Why companies fail

In your Prologue you forgot one important item, i.e. incompetent managers whose only interest is to milk the company as much as possible - take Sears as an example.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This one just didn’t work for me. Reading the “Story within the Story” pretty much ruined my interest in the original story, and the “within” story never caught my interest either.

calflashcalflashover 8 years ago

I liked the "story within a story" concept. Both the actual characters and ones in the co-op story were well done

srgeeksrgeekabout 10 years ago
The story in the story...

I like the story, but the story in the story is much better than the story. The "family" issue added a small puzzle, but didn't enhance the story in any way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great story in a story

I liked the premise and the "S" in "S" device. Other than obvious typos there were a few rough spots that I couldn't decide whether they were accidental or intentional. Either way they didn't significantly impact the story.


<I><B>-- srgeek --</B></I>

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 15 years ago
well done and well written

I liked the idea of parallel stories, and both of them well done. The serial writing is a good idea, and sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Gather some friends and have a party every Saturday night, drink and eat a little, then read the next chapter of a serial story that one of the party goers wrote. Sounds like something to do to pass the long winter months in Ohio. Thanks for the good post and idea....Rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
loved it!

Loved the story in story approach for this PG story.

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