The Uncut Club

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Two roommates find themselves joining a club.
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I was moving into my new dorm in my sophomore year. I really didn't like the last dorm I was in, because it was so old and didn't have any air conditioning. My roommate and I were always sweating, even during the "cold" months, because everyone else had their radiators going. I had a great roommate, Dashall. He was about 6' 2, very muscular and blonde as blonde could be. He was a little bit like a surfer guy build, but without the tan. I suspected he couldn't tan, just like me. We would both burn like witches in Salem If we were not lathered up with SPF 5000. He was really awesome and we decided to move together to the new one this year. This one was going to have a two bedroom/shared bathroom. Each bedroom was going to have two beds so there was going to be 4 of us all together. But we didn't have to walk down the hall to get to the bathroom or awkward shower stalls anymore. Plus, there was air conditioning.

Being in Georgia, the winters weren't so awful, but the infrastructure of our old freshman dorm was so outdated, that regulating any kind of temperature was impossible. My roommate and I got really close, and had to be very okay with curbing our modesty. It was a little "Hotbox" that we were sharing, with two closets and desks right next to each other. Our beds were not bunk, but stacked on top of each other, making an L shape. This meant my head, on the lower bunk, was always looking up at his head, which was just above my feet. We decided, early on, that our dorm was going to be clothing optional, and that we were not ashamed of it. We were just a couple of guys needing to exist.

He was intact, like me, which made me feel super close to him. He was very pale like myself and we both sported a nice long foreskin and thicker cock. We joked, and hoped that the girl's floor was doing the same naked living and comparing. We exchanged fantasies that they were naked too and doing all kinds of kinky things with each other. We were not hesitant to jerk off, if the other one was still in the room, as we had seen each other naked before, and had no qualms about being a horny young guy. We never really saw each other doing the deed, but did hear everything that was going on. To be honest, I was excited to know that my fellow uncut roommate was part of the team that was spared the cutting as an infant. We were both enthralled by our foreskins and had taught each other some techniques that we developed over the years. I especially liked putting a straw inside mine, closing the tip of my foreskin with a string and blowing air in to inflate it like a ballon. I would do this over and over, deflating and inflating, until I came. I didn't need any hands, as my foreskin was so stimulated from this pressure and flexing, He said that he loved putting random objects under his, like marbles or sour candy and rolling it around. He would then keep his skin closed as he came. If he had gummy bears under his skin and would come on them, he would eat them, or his girlfriend would devour them for him. I remembered taking a big ice cube and rubbing it under the skin and the freezing sensation was amazing. Because of the heat in the fall and spring, we both tried this and it was a nice relief.

We also talked about smells. We always had swamp ass because of the heat, but through research and random discussions with fellow students, shaving our undercarriage was suggested. The one time I held his dick was when we both decided to shave our balls and taints, but were too scared to do it by ourselves.

Dashall asked me, "Do you think you could shave me?"

The last thing we wanted was to knick anything down there. We had been living together, clothing optional for a few months at this point, so it wasn't as awkward as I could have been. I remember getting everything ready, laying a towel down on his upper bunk bed and sitting on my lower bed. His naked crotch facing me right in the eyes, as his legs dangled over my shoulders.

He asked, "Is this too weird? I can al least lather myself up."

I said, "I'm already in the yard, I might as well do all the landscaping."

He laughed as I lathered him up with shaving cream and started to slowly and carefully shave his balls. He was a 6.5" uncut shower that kept flopping towards me and the razor. I kept having to flop his flaccid cock back onto his stomach so I could carefully share this most sensitive area.

His taint was hard to get too, as he was scared that I would knick him and he kept closing his legs.

I said, "Dude, if you keep flinching, I'm going to slice something off. Just lay still, and imagine I'm a masseuse."

When it came time to shave the lower shaft of his cock, I needed to pull his foreskin up as high as I could. This meant that I'd need to grab his cock and pull on it to stretch it out straight upwards. This was going to be a little different than I thought.

He didn't make any negative movements or even flinch when I pulled up his skin to hold his cock straight up. But when I was done. I did pop his foreskin back, with a "boop" in jest.

He laughed and asked, "Did you just boop and pull by foreskin?"

I just chuckled and asked, "What? No, I'd never boop your snoot."

He relaxed and I finally got him all shaved and wiped him off. It was now my turn. I assumed the position on his bed, laying on the same towel. He lathered me up, and started to shave me as well. I was just about the same as him. 6.5, thicker, but uncut as well.

He said, "Man, this is kid of kinky fun. I feel like a barber, and you are at my mercy." "Did you ever see the Godfather, when that guy was getting a shave, and all you could think, is that he was going to get his throat slit?"

I responded with, "Are you fucking kidding me? Why would you ask that with a razor near my crotch?"

He just laughed and said, "Don't worry, we aren't going to the mattresses. Even though we are laying on one."

I laid back down and relaxed with my cock laying on my stomach, until he accidentally tickled my taint to much with his second lathering of shaving cream. I flopped right down over my balls and some of the residual shaving cream splashed onto his face. My glistening foreskin opening was now right in front of his face. And he had a splash of what we thought was just shaving cream. We both realized that, it was actually a mixture of precum and shaving cream. Never the less, we just laughed and he finished. Once we were done, we compared our new smooth undercarriage and felt the breeze cool us both off.

He asked, "This feels nice. How often do we do this?"

I said, "I guess as soon as we start to get itchy."

We continued to help shave each other the rest of the year. Every now and then, getting a bit hard at the site at what we were doing. I was sad that I wouldn't have a partner to shave me over the summer. But we knew we would be able to assist each other next year.

We had some other fun with each other's cocks, and stroked each other off a few times during the shaving sessions and sometimes jack off each other or together. It never went further than that. We kept this to ourselves, obviously, but didn't feel weird about it. At least to each other.

Summer was great, except for the straggling pubes and itchiness from the stubby hair growth. I had a few fun encounters with old girlfriends, who had never seen a shaved guy, and were excited to see a foreskin and a ken doll smooth treatment of the downstairs. They had all done the same for me when we were dating before college, so I was excited to return the favor. I preferred a smooth vagina to a huge bush. But a trimmed and styled one always looked nice.

August rolled around and the new year was about to start, and we met up to move into our new dorm together, Dashall was not going to bring his car this year, as it was too expensive for parking. And with all of the parking tickets he got anyway, it was not going to be worth it. We went everywhere together, so my car was enough. We were both really excited to have this nice new air conditioned and move in ready space. But we had no idea who the other two guys were going to be joining us in the other adjoining room. We had gotten very comfortable with it just being us, and were totally locked into our relaxed ways of living. What if they were going to be prudes? What if they were going to freak out if we were walking around naked? What if they were super nerdy and we wouldn't want to ever hang out? What if they were football jocks and were super intimidating? So many things were rolling through our heads that day.

As we arrived at the new dorm, Dashall asked, "Do you think they will be as cool as us? I really don't want to have a shit year because of dick roommates."

I said, "At least we have each other and if we need to, we can avoid them."

Dashall said, "I guess that's true, but 4 guys in this situation? That might be weird. Especially if they aren't cool with the jacking off thing."

I replied, "Don't worry! We are all horny. I bet they jack as much as we do and there will be no problem. Even if, we can lock off our side of the dorm and have our own fun without their crap."

We unloaded all of our stuff and moved into our nice new, apartment style dorm. This looked a lot less like a prison cell than our first year one. It even had carpet and was about 3' wider on all sides. We had separate beds, and not stacked like before. Once we got unpacked, we knocked on our roommates door to see if they were there. As soon as I got the the second knock, the door opened before I could get to the third. I was looking at Dashall and almost nocked the guy in the face as he opened. He was only wearing some Speedo like underwear

He asked with a huge grin, "Are you guys the neighbors?"

His accent was possibly Italian, or... I couldn't tell, but his olive skin, dark hair and European briefs gave everything away.

He said, "hello, I'm Santino, and this is my roommate Kyle."

I saw Kyle peek out from behind that dresser that he was putting his clothes in. He was also only wearing some briefs, but his were more of a jock strap style. I was taken aback by the similar lack of clothing these guys sported as Dashall and I do. But we would at least have put on a robe or gym shorts before greeting a guest. Kyle stepped forward and greeted us with a handshake. He was about the same height as Dashall. He had a crop of strawberry blonde hair and was built like a swimmer. He had a supper skinny, but ridiculously ripped body.

He said, "welcome to the casa, bros".

He did so in such a goobery/fratboy way that I was not looking forward to talking to him much more. First impressions really snagged me, but he was really nice. I might need to let this one go. I wasn't the best prize either. I was 5'10" with a not muscular frame, but skinny. I did have a little bit of a muffin top starting, because of the "Freshman 15" that I didn't get rid of yet.

They invited us in for a celebratory drink. I was excited to see what they had smuggled into their dorm. We hadn't been able to get any bottles of booze, as we were not 21 yet, but our fake IDs and parties we went to, let us live the college live to the fullest, so far. We all sat on their beds and desk chairs in a circle and took a shot of the Jack Daniels they poured us.

Santino smiled and poured the whiskey and said, "Let's greet each other with a toast to our new home."

This was a hard hit, as it was a full jigger instead of just a shot. I was not expecting to take that much down at once and coughed. Kyle laughed and said, I know it's not actually Jack Daniels. I brought some moonshine from home and put some food coloring in it to make it look like it. I felt like I was about to go blind from how strong it was.

We all continued to drink the intensely inebriating substance, not realizing that it wasn't the same proof of our typical sneaking of Dad's Jim Beam. We were all getting rather tipsy and talking about our last year, degrees, and especially our sexual exploits.

Santino said, "Kyle and I lived together last year, in this exact same dorm and our roommates were seniors and graduated."

Kyle laughed said, "We were going to miss them this year, and hoped you two were going to be as cool as they were. "

I blushed and hoped he wasn't thinking we were lame.

Santino broke the ice and asked, "Are you guys open to having parties?".

We looked at each other and shook our heads yes.

He continued, "You might not be expecting the kind of parties I'm planning though. We can lock off the bathroom from each other's side if you find our's too kinky, but you are always free to join."

Dashall and I were looking at each other with a raised eyebrow, trying to understand what he was eluding to. I had thought in the back of my head, that he was going to be doing some crazy orgies or something like that.

He then looked at me directly in the eyes, and asked, "Are you two cool with nudity, cocks, pussies, butts and having all kinds of fun with them?"

Dashall and I looked at each other with a glimmer and were both shaking our heads yes. We were always horny and if this guy was going to be bringing over chicks to our rooms for orgies, we were totally down to clown. He then asked if we would be willing to be cool with doing a party right now. I didn't know if he had any girls waiting in the closet, outside or bathroom, but my mind went crazy with thinking about balloons falling from the ceiling and naked chicks coming in from every door possible. We would all be stripping and getting all sweaty and into a storm of tongues, hands, and such.

He broke my daydream with a quick, "Okay?"

I replied, "Yes!" not looking at Dashall, who was still in a similar trance.

Santino dropped his shorts in almost one single motion. He was standing there with his olive skinned, subtly ripped body. His cock was hanging down from his black haired bush. He was about 3" long, flaccid and his foreskin was hanging about another inch beyond that. He had a nice pucker to the tip. His cock started to stiffen and stretch out inside his foreskin. It was filling it up as he rose to about a 7" throbbing cock, pointed straight at me. His skin was a bit darker than the rest of his olive skin, and his mushroom head was growing inside of his still draping skin.

He said, "Let's get this party started."

I didn't know what to say. I just stood up and dropped my shorts and took off my shirt. Dashall awoke to the commotion and did the same. As we revealed our intact cocks, Kyle and Santino both exclaimed, "JACKPOT!"

We didn't know why at first, but I looked over at Kyle, standing naked, with a ripped ginger bod, covered in freckles and his cock covered in a foreskin, with his head peeking out a bit.

Santino said, "Finally, an Uncut Club! We are going to have so much fun with this and we are going to get the best guests over."

As he said this he slowly slid his foreskin back over his glistening head. His head was a rather short and fat mushroom. As he slowly retraced his tight skin, the opening of his foreskin started to reveal his super glistening head. With every slow second of his retraction, you could see that his skin was very tight and struggled a little bit to get over that massive mushroom. As soon as he got half way, I could hear how wet he was, and hit smacked after he got it behind the ridge. As he did, a flinging of precum flung around and a drip hit my left hand. As this happened, we all started to bone up. Not just because of knowing we had two other uncut guys as roommates, but because of the musky odor that was filling up this small room. It smelled like a subtle man sweat mixed with a salty sea air. Not fishy like some of the girls I'd been with, but more of a sensation that we all just got off of a nice bike ride and were about to shower.

Kyle left his foreskin covering the bottom half of his head and asked Dashall, "Do you want me to help peel yours back all the way?"

Santino didn't give me the same courtesy of asking. He just reached over and started to pull my foreskin back. But not all the way. He just revealed the tip, and with his other hand, stuck his finger inside. He rolled it around and pulled out a bunch of precum and licked it off his finger. He then peeled me back rather quickly and fully. I hadn't ever pulled my skin back that quick and far at the same time. It was like getting the covers ripped off of you in the morning while still sleeping. The air was colder that I remembered and the breeze of the AC on my wet head, along with his aggression, almost made me cum right there. We all took a second and stepped away from each other.

I asked, "What are we doing? What is the plan here?"

Kyle said, "There is no plan, just excited to get the intact gang to a nice baseline for our daily..."

With this word Daily, I wondered if he though we were going to be getting naked and kinky every day. Santino looked at me and Dashall with a smile and asked, "Why would you jack off when you can orgie each night? If you are going to beat your meat on your own, why wouldn't you let someone who understands your foreskin take care of you, as you take care of them?This way we all get the best ride out of each night."

I was stewing this around in my head for about 10 seconds, before I felt Dashall walk over and hold my cock in his hand. I reached over and held his too. We looked at the two guys we just met, and held our cocks like we were holding each other for safety.

He looked at them and said, "If we are going to do this... Uncut Club... we don't want to be pressured into anything weirder than this, or if we say no, we can just go home."

Kyle said, "We would never want to make you feel uncomfortable. If you ever want to stop or something is too much for you, just let us know. But looking at your beautiful cock, I'm not sure if I or any of our guests will be able to say no!"

With that, we all returned our foreskins back over our heads, except for Kyle who could only get his about halfway still hard. We were dripping like crazy and we all knew that we needed to finish soon or we'd all be blue balling it.

I started the conversation by asking, "What do you guys have in plan for some of these parties? I need to either go to our room and finish off, or we can to a test run here now."

Dashall looked at me with a gleam in his eye, and was happy I was going to entertain the next steps.

Santino asked us to lay on his bed, with our legs on the floor. We both did and as we laid back, Kyle and Santino grabbed our balls and cocks. They were still standing and I could see their cocks throbbing above us. Still covered and glistening. Santino knelt down in between my knees and slowly took my cock into his mouth. I was still fully covered by my foreskin and I could feel his tongue retract me and lick around the base of my cock head. I looked over to see Dashall getting the same treatment from Kyle. I also saw that they were holding each others' cocks with their free hands and pulling each others skin back and forth slowly.

All I could hear were slight moans and the wetness of all of our cocks. No lube was needed for our intact and glistening cocks. The slow motions we used to stimulate each other just made us leak more precum. I had never leaked this much before. I could feel his tongue under my skin flicking around my frenulum and with each left and right flick of it, I twitched. My thighs were tightening and I almost felt a Charlie Horse in my lower calf when he was pulling off and nibbled the bottom lip of my foreskin. He pulled my skin with his teeth and shook back and forth like a dog playing tug o war with a bone. I started to cum like a fountain. My skin and cock were still at his mercy, and with every shot, he held by thighs down tighter on the bed. I could tell I was spraying him with tons of white cream, and it was going all over his olive skin.