The Unexpected Visitor


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"I walked in on him and said, 'You don't have to do that anymore, dad, you're going to have me'. He was so worked up he couldn't resist, and we came together."

I know what you would like me to say...what most people would like me to say...that it was terrible, that I'm psychologically harmed and all that. Well, I'm not...or if I am, it was my mother walking in on us that did the harm."

It was beautiful with him; he was so gentle and caring and but for my mother I'd still be doing it with him; but when she threatened to expose him for incestuous sex and with his under aged daughter, I knew I'd lost."

"You see, dad has a pretty high profile position in the community and it would have destroyed him."

"So he dropped you," I sneered.

"No he bloody well didn't George. I dropped him. He would have held on to me, but I cleared out; I disappeared."

"So your father is Juliet's father?"

"No he isn't. He couldn't be. It was one of mum's nasty tricks to get him to have what he called his 'little operation'. She'd told him if he had the operation she'd start having sex with him again, and when he did have the operation, she laughed at him."

"So who is Juliet's father?"

"When I cleared out of home I took off to another city. I met a guy who seemed nice and we shacked up together for a while, then I got pregnant and when I told him he pretended to get all clucky. He hung around for a while and then he disappeared."

"So you went from one man to another?"

"George, you seem set on believing the worst of me. I didn't go from one man to another, in fact I didn't go to or with any man; and if you're thinking 'Social welfare loafer', you're wrong on that score as well. I haven't had a cent of taxpayer's money, but not because I'm virtuous. I'd disappeared and wanted to stay disappeared. If I tried to get social welfare I'd have been down on someone's bureaucratic lists, and traceable. I've even felt worried about the hospital having information about me."

"Then how did you live?"

"I got work washing dishes, cleaning, anything as I kept constantly on the move. When I got to this city I was just about at the end of my tether. I really couldn't work any longer, my pregnancy was too far gone... and then..."

"Then you got picked up by those two specimens upstairs."

"That's right George."

"And you paid your rent by letting them...letting them..."

"Fuck me? Is that what you want to say George?"


"Well I didn't. That was just my story to you. That's how we had the row. I wouldn't let them near me and I ended throwing the boom box at them; then I came down to you."

"Why to me?"

"I saw you a couple of times from their flat window as you went to work and came home. I thought you looked nice and clean so...well for God's sake George, I was desperate. I was due any time; I had no money, no shelter, so I just took a chance."

"And I fell for it!"

"George, whatever you think about me...a slut...whore...incest lover...whatever you think of me, answer me this honestly; have you been happy having"

I didn't know how to answer, or rather, I didn't want to answer. In truth I had become more than happy with Rowena and Juliet present in my life. I had begun to feel human again instead of the automaton I had been, following blindly a routine that had lost all meaning for me.

Rowena, seeing my hesitation said, "It's all right George, you can be blunt. Juliet and I will leave anyway and I'll risk the social welfare people. We can..."

"No," I almost shouted.

I suddenly saw myself flung back into the dreary days I had experienced before they came into my life; the office, the lonely flat, a complaining criticising Phoebe and solitary meals.

"No," I repeated more quietly, "you can't...mustn't go."

Rowena had finished feeding Juliet and was busy changing her on the kitchen table. I had followed her to the kitchen and was standing by the door as she looked up at me.

"Can't? Mustn't?" she asked slowly.

"Stay here Rowena," I said. "If...if...if you must have sex then I won't criticise...won't interfere...don't take Juliet away..."

"Juliet! Yes, of course, you want want to love her even if you have to put up with me screwing around. It's not for me you want us to stay, is it?"

"Rowena it's not that I..."

"Okay George; perhaps stupidly I told you I love you...we love you, but if you can't love me...can't even like me a bit, what's the use. We'd only make life hell for each other, and what would that do to Juliet in the long run?"

"It isn't that I don't like you, Rowena, it's just that I can' know..."

"Perhaps you don't give yourself a chance, don't give me a chance. I don't want to go screwing around but I don't want to be a celibate either. I want love, George, physical love with a man I love and that man is you, but if you won't even give me a chance at breaking through whatever sexual barriers you've put up, what can I do?"

She had finished changing Juliet and picking her she came to stand near me.

"If you like me just a little, George, why can't you give me the chance to show you my love?"

"You know why, Rowena."

"I know what you told me, but why let someone who's given you a bad time spoil the rest of your life?"

She had pulled close to me, Juliet in one arm, the other round me. Almost without thinking I put an arm round her as if to embrace them both.

"I do..." it was on the tip of my tongue to say I loved her, but the old monster held me back from pronouncing that dangerous word, so I said, "like you very much."

"The come to bed with me. Let me love you. I won't push it, but just let me have you near me and you never know what might happen," she whispered.

I knew this was the moment. If I rejected her, refused to go to bed with her I was certain that sooner or later she and the baby would be gone.

"All right," I said.

"Oh George, I promise you won't be sorry...I promise."

I felt sorry for her, a warm blooded young woman, having a neuter in her bed, but I had to take the chance, or lose them.

"I'll put Juliet down," she said, "then I'll be ready; come on."

I would have liked to delay the evil moment, but knew Rowena would see through me, so I went with them to the bedroom.

Rowena placed Juliet in her bassinet and tucked her in, then began to undress herself. I knew there was no point in delaying so I began to strip and as I did so in my head could hear Brenda's derisive remarks when I used to undress in front of her. Rowena said nothing.

She pulled back the bed covers, got into bed and extended her arm in invitation. I got in beside her and she pulled the covers up again and snuggled against me.

She was soft and warm and I could feel her heavy breasts pressing against me. After a while I felt her hand start to explore my body, starting at my chest and working downwards.

"You've got a nice body, George, do you know that?"

"I don't think it would win any prizes," I said.

"You put yourself down too much George; I think you've got a great body."

Her hand came to rest on my slack penis and she began to gently stroke it. At the same time she pulled my head down and began to kiss me softly.

After a while she started to flip my foreskin over the crown of my penis and asked, "Is that nice George?"

I had felt the first tingle of an incipient erection so I answered, "Yes, very nice."

She increased the intensity of her manipulation of my foreskin, and now there was no doubt about it, I was actually getting an erection.

She began kissing me again, but this time more urgently, her tongue striving to enter my mouth. I let her push through and felt her exploring the recesses of my mouth. I was beginning to quiver with mixture of sexual tension and anxiety that things would go wrong.

I think it was her lack of insistent demand that was winning me. She was so soft and yielding, so tender in her kissing and touching that I began to respond.

I reached down to her vagina and began to very tentatively touch it. She opened her legs to make it easier for me, and I felt her warm moistness as my fingers explored her.

Her breasts were pulled even tighter to me and if they had not been full of milk I am sure I could not have resisted caressing and sucking her nipples.

She ceased stroking my penis and without a word she lay back and spread her legs and began encouraging me by gently pulling me to indicate I should come over her and enter.

This was it, the moment of truth. If I penetrated her would I be able to finish what I had started or would my erection wither, leaving me once more shamed?

Rowena was murmuring softly; "It's all right George, I love you and I believe you love me, so everything will be all right."

I came over her and she carefully and unhurriedly guided my penis into her.

The softness of her body that I had felt as we lay together was redoubled as I penetrated her vagina. There was a cloud like softness, warm and embracing and a gentle pulsating of her vaginal muscle. What was communicated to me was not a potential criticism, but a loving welcome such as I had never experienced before.

"Don't try to hurry George," Rowena whispered in my ear, "just enjoy me."

This was an entirely new sexual universe for me; no longer demanding, criticising or sarcastic, but giving and loving.

To my utter amazement I began to feel that I could not hold out as Rowena seemed to be suggesting. I felt the first vibrations of my orgasm approaching, sperm pumping up my shaft, and then I was moaning into her as she kept say, "I love you George, I love you."

My ejaculations slowed, then ceased. "I'm sorry, Rowena, but I couldn't help..."

"Darling, what are you sorry about?"

"I came in to you too soon, but I couldn't hold..."

"George, my love, it doesn't matter," she said, stroking my face, "I think there are going to be other times now and we can take it slowly. I don't want a world champion technical sex fiend; I want a real lover."

I felt that at last I was free of the dark shadow that had haunted me for so long, and it was Rowena's love that had done it. I could and did say those most dangerous and precious of words:

"I love you Rowena."

"I know you do, George."

She snuggled up to me again, curling her soft warm body into me and I felt a wave of deep contentment sweep through me. I loved and was loved, and I could give physical expression to that love. I slept.

Some time in the night the crying of Juliet awakened me. Rowena picked her up and sitting up in the bed began to breast feed her. I lay watching them for a while and then felt the urge to lean over and kiss her free breast. Rowena's hand held me against her sweet flesh.

She finished feeding Juliet and putting her back in the basinet she returned to the bed. This time I needed no help or prompting; I loved and desired her, my penis firm and dripping pre-cum.

Rowena needed no prompting either. I was lying on my back and she bent over to kiss me. "Let me love you George."

My heart was throbbing wildly as she sat astride me and slipped my penis in to that sweet warm place. She moved up and down on me, slowly at first, but then accompanied by little whimpering cries she began to move more strongly.

I had heard of the female orgasm, but with Brenda it had never happened; now I was to experience that wonderful response in full force for the first time.

As Rowena moved with increasing intensity her whimpering changed to cries of "I love you George...I love you darling..."

In the midst of this I ejaculated into her adding my own cries to hers. I thought I had been transferred to Paradise... a heaven of love...a love I had never experienced before.

As our mutual orgasms finished Rowena relaxed and with my penis still inside her she drooped over me, her breasts brushing my chest.

After a while Rowena suddenly said to me in a teasing of voice, "You know, we shall have to get a bigger place."


"Well, with two children..."


"Well, I'm a fairly fertile girl, you know, and with what we've just done there's a strong chance that I shall be pregnant."


"Mind you, it's not certain, but it's bound to happen some time, isn't it?"

"But I could buy..."

"No you couldn't and no I'm not, George. You are going to make me'd like that, wouldn't you?" She asked this a little anxiously, perhaps thinking of Juliet's father who had run out on her.

I tried to reassure her; "If it's what you'd like, my love, then it's fine by me. The only thing is I'm a bit old fashioned..."

"George, you're not a bit old fashioned, you're very old fashioned, and I love it."

"I was going to say, Rowena, I believe it is better if the father and mother of a child are married."



"Would you marry me George?"

"Yes...damn you Rowena, why can't you shut up for once? I was going to ask you that."

"Was that 'yes' an agreement George?"

I did my own bit of teasing; "Only if you get pregnant...just joking. I'll marry you pregnant or not."

"And get us a bigger place to live?"

"Blackmailer...yes all right, I'll get us a bigger place to live."

"Make love with me again, George."

"I've got to go to work in the morning."

"Good, then you'll go to work nice and relaxed."

I went to work "nice and relaxed."

Rowena had wrought what for me was a miracle. She had freed me from the imprisonment of my sexual impotence. She had achieved this by love and tenderness, two qualities I would hardly have expected in her when she first invaded my flat. As I was to discover, her coarseness and brashness was her form of defence just as my impotence had been mine.

When it came time for our marriage it was agreed that Phoebe, being my sister and, as far as I knew, my only living relative, should be invited to the ceremony. When I telephoned her to announce the upcoming wedding a tirade of abuse was poured down the line in response. She didn't come to the wedding.

"You know what I think is the trouble with your sister," Rowena commented, "I think she fancies you and can't bear the thought of any other woman having you."

At first I rejected the idea, but on sober consideration I began to understand some of the things that had happened between Phoebe and me, especially during our teenage years – but that's another story.

I don't think Rowena became pregnant the first time we made love, but it must have been some time in the following couple of weeks that the deed was done.

On this occasion I have been proactive and found a house large enough for us, in fact larger than we need for a while; but unless Rowena lets me use a condom or uses something herself, I get the feeling we shall need a large place eventually.

So my uninvited visitor has brought a new and wonderful dimension into my life. I'm glad I didn't chuck her out.

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racfguyracfguyover 3 years ago
I wonder . . .

what happened when Brenda's twenty-something boy-toy got bored with an 'old bitch' and threw her to the curb.

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago
Wonderfully done!

Well written and such an original story. Thank you for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a beautiful tender story of love unfolding

loved the way the story evolved and the way they eventually came to love each other - so tender and so gentle - took him a while to get over his problems due to his slut ex wife but Rowena was so tender and loving and gentle with him that he then trusted her and was able to realise he was a real man again......a great story...well done....

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
Good tale.

Albeit a bit improbable, I thought this turned out to be a really good tale. There aren't many in this world as unselfish as George or as loving as Rowena turned out to be. Quite a study in true unselfishness and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
And I like it

Nothing's perfect :)

But it's close.

A teasing story about improbable love

I liked it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

One of the characteristic byproducts from milk is cheese. Whenever George got close to Rowena while she was in milk there would be little squirts. Cheese forms quickly and love making takes place amid its strong smell. My wife and I never thought of making butter but it is possible as well!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Why Moondrift should continue to write.

This story has certain heart-warming elements within it, such as I have foound in reading Robert Heinlein's or Philip k. Dicks short stories. I find there to be a degree of character development that is not usually found in stories of this type. That is to say, that I could really identify with this character "George". I was tremendously impressed. I am a voracious reader and am not easily satisfied by just any piece of work I come across. But, Mr. Moondrift you got something special to offer. Thank you for the joy and warmth you spread. Please Keep writing.

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