The University Gurl

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A university gurl finds her feet at Uni and a new boyfriend.
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Do you know when you just feel different? Well, that was me as I was growing up in my teens. I quickly realised that I wasn't ever meant to be a James. I was supposed to be a Jamie and I needed that to happen. I waited years before trying to make that official. When I turned 18, that was when I became an adult and decided to make my own decisions. My Dad wasn't around anymore, and I didn't stay in contact with him after he cheated on my Mam. But when I told my Mam, at first, she was a little cold to the idea of her son, becoming her daughter. I explained to her that I wanted to live as a girl full time, how I'd been dressing in secret and only wore women's underwear now anyway. After a bit of time, she came around to the idea and accepted that Jamie was now her daughter. Yeah, she may have slipped up and called me James every now and then but that was fine, I expected it.

The biggest decision I'd made in my life was to start hormone replacement therapy. I had multiple discussions with doctors about how I wanted to look. I had no desire to go for bottom surgery, I still liked my cock and wanted to be able to use it but at the same time I wanted perky little boobs. Thankfully, we got the balance completely right. After making that decision, my next one was that I wanted to defer university for two years. I wanted to walk in on that day as Jamie, and stay Jamie for my three years there. When it came to enrolment at university, I was a completely different person, I looked different, I felt different, and I'd never been happier. Thankfully, due to my Mam having a very good job, I didn't need to worry about paying for accommodation and was able to rent a studio apartment near the university.

I'd relocated for the best course in what I was studying. I was leaving my north-east home of Newcastle and was moving to Liverpool. My Mam dropped me off, as I didn't see the point in having my car in the city centre. She left me to unpack in my room and it was amazing, filling all my drawers with lingerie and the wardrobes with dresses was all I'd ever wanted. And now I was at university, it was time for Jamie to explore. I no longer classed myself as a virgin, I had some terrible sex with a girl and with a guy after my 18th birthday. I didn't know what I was doing, and I fumbled about with everything and came embarrassingly early. I didn't prefer either gender. I was looking forward to exploring sex with anyone as Jamie, whether they were male, female, or transgender. I hoped whilst I was at university that I'd have the chance to explore with all three.

Once I was unpacked, I looked at myself in the mirror and I was extremely happy with what I saw in the reflection. Now that I was 20, almost 21, my body had changed. I now had the perfect set of boobs which fit perfectly into a bra. I had long platinum blonde hair which when it was down would reach midway down my back. I'd also gotten a couple of discreet tattoos on my body that could only be seen if I was naked, and along with those, I made the terrible life choice to get one of my nipples pierced which hurt like hell. Standing at only 5ft 4, I wasn't the tallest of people which is why heels were a necessity whenever I went out. But now, staring back at me in the mirror was a girl. A pretty girl even if I did say so myself. I did get a lot of attention when I was out and about, but I was far too nervous to act on anything. One of my biggest hobbies over the last couple of years was going to the gym, which meant I'd kept myself in really good shape, even if I do say so myself. And I loved my ass. Plenty of work had gone into it and I wanted other people to enjoy it when I was at university.

In preparation for university, all new students were invited along to Liverpool for what they called a 'taster weekend.' It gave you a chance to meet other students on your course and get a feel for being in a new city. Because I was staying in private accommodation, I couldn't get into my apartment that weekend, so instead had to use a hotel. It was a good weekend, I made some friends who were on my course so I would be seeing them regularly, I signed up for the university gym and joined the LGBT+ group, and I was looking forward to meeting them during Fresher's Week. The main thing I did that weekend was a bit naughty for me. I didn't want to turn up to university with bad sexual experiences, so I hopped onto Grindr and found myself an older gentlemen who was staying nearby to my hotel. He turned up as expected, and his cock was a lot bigger than I was hoping to take. But he was patient and gentle with me and it turned out to be an amazing night. He fucked me on my back as he filled the condom inside me and slowly stroked my cock to completion for me. In the build up to university, my Mam had already given me numerous talks about sexual safety, but I was already way ahead of her. I had plenty of condoms and lubes to take away with me plus I was on PrEP, so if I wanted to be extra naughty and go bareback, it was more of an option for me.

Once I was all settled into my apartment, I decided to go out and do some exploring of the city, and do some shopping. The weather was still quite warm, so I went for a pair of cycling shorts with a thong underneath, covered by a long t-shirt but no bra, because of how warm it was. I was able to hide all my bulge when wearing any tight-fitting clothes. I was blessed to have a cock that was a grower and not a shower. When I was soft, I was a couple of inches at best, which meant I could tuck it down into my thong or panties and you would barely notice anything. But when I was erect, it grew to just under 6 inches, so if I had to fuck anyone, I think they'd be okay with that. Like they always say, it's not the size of the equipment, it's how you use it.

After a couple of hours out shopping, I'd already spent too much money. I'd bought myself a new outfit for my first night out at Fresher's Week. It wasn't cheap being a girl, but that's because shoes are a lot more expensive, and I needed some new ones to make myself a bit taller. After that, I ended up in Victoria's Secret and Ann Summers, and stocked up on lots more panties, bras, and other sexy lingerie. And finally, the boring stuff, I bought some essentials for the apartment. I suppose I still must eat, drink, and survive. The next couple of days passed without anything major happening. It was still about settling in, I attended my first lecture and met some of my new classmates, I had my first gym session and quickly found out how many hot guys and girls there was in Liverpool. And finally, the LGBT+ support group had their first meeting. I met some lovely people there and we were given a list of LGBT friendly bars to go to for Fresher's Week and then we were all handed a lanyard, so we'd be able to meet up with people from the group a lot easier.

When Saturday finally came around, I was super excited. I couldn't wait to get out there and have a couple of drinks, and then hopefully flirt with anybody who'd have me. I had a checklist of what I wanted to achieve in my first few months of university, I wanted to have sex with a man, a woman, and another trans girl. I know I'd already done two of them, but I wanted this to be a university experience. I spent most of Saturday lazing around until I finally decided to get ready. It took me a couple of hours to get myself completely ready. Once my makeup, hair, and body was completely sorted, I moved onto getting dressed. I slipped into a pair of white cotton panties, part of my haul from Victoria's Secret, then into a mini skirt which stopped just below my ass. I wasn't expecting any action, so I didn't feel the need for any sexy lingerie. I had a slight panty line through my skirt, but I didn't care. The top I was going to wear, tied behind my neck and the middle of my back, and was open so I couldn't wear a bra, but I'd have to be careful I didn't flash anyone. I finished the outfit with a pair of black heels, I was till adapting to walking in heels, so anything could happen after a couple of drinks.

I headed into town and messaged a couple of people that I'd met at the first meeting to find out where people were. I ended up in a bar called The Masquerade, and I quickly spotted a couple of people wearing the lanyard and headed over to them. The drinks started flowing but I was taking my time, I wasn't going to drink too much because I didn't want to get drunk and make a fool of myself on the first night out. It was good to get to know some different people, and they'd all come from different backgrounds. Some were gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, and I was learning so much from them. We started to move from bar to bar, and as we entered the last bar for the evening, a girl caught my eye, and I wished I had the courage to talk to her. She wasn't wearing a lanyard, and I hadn't seen her around during the induction week for new first years, so she was either in her second or third year, or was just a local. I had a feeling she might have been trans as well, there was just a glimpse as she walked past me that I might have been able to see the slightest hint of an Adam's apple. And she also smiled at me as she went past, I didn't know what to do in response, so God knows what face I pulled.

She was a lot taller than me, but then again, most people were. If you were smaller than I was, I'm almost certain you could be classified as a dwarf. As she walked by, I was able to take in all her beauty. She had long dark hair, which was currently tied up in a high ponytail, she was wearing a white top with a pair of dark skinny jeans and some small, heeled shoes. As she passed me, my eyes immediately followed her, and I found myself staring at her ass before one of my new friends grabbed my attention. But now, all I was thinking about was whether I could tick something off my list by the end of the evening.

I didn't see her again for a while until I went to get myself another drink and I found myself standing near each other at the bar. I kept glancing across towards her, hoping to catch her attention but not freak her out at the same time. Eventually our eyes met, and we both smiled at each other, and a gap appeared in between us, and she moved over to stand next to me.

'I'm Danni,' she shouted over the loud music.

'I'm Jamie,' I shouted back, 'it's lovely to meet you.' I offered to buy her a drink, which she accepted, and we spent the next 10 minutes or so just standing and chatting. She was such a lovely person and it turned out I was right with my initial thoughts. She was a student at university, but she was getting ready to start her third year.

'I noticed you joined the LGBT+ group,' she said, grabbing a hold of my lanyard and giving it a twirl.

'I did,' I responded, 'but I haven't seen you there.'

'I used to go over the last couple of years, but Uni work started to take over my life and I couldn't find the time to attend any of the get togethers,' she said.

'Well, I'd love to see you there if you find any time to make it,' I told her, hiding the fact I was buzzing on the inside that she might be into me.

'So, what's your situation?' She asked me.

'My situation?' I queried with her, knowing fine well what she was asking, but I wanted to be sure before I said something stupid.

She smiled, 'are you gay? Bi? Trans?'

'I'm trans,' I told her, 'and I have no preference over which gender I'm attracted to.' I hoped that I didn't seem too eager.

There was a moment of silence, and it was a lot longer in my head than it was but eventually Danni smiled at me, 'that's good to know,' she said.

'What about you?' I asked, 'tell me about you.'

'I'm also trans,' she said. 'And also attracted to both males, females and everything in between.'

'Well then, I suppose it's a good time for me to tell you that I find you extremely attractive and haven't been able to take my eyes off you since I saw you,' I looked directly into her beautiful eyes and smiled when I saw her smiling back at me.

She moved closer to me until she could rest her hand on top of mine which was on top of my thigh. I knew if my skirt moved an inch closer to my waist then she was bound to get a view of my panties and there was no way I could awkwardly shuffle myself to prevent that from happening. I looked away at one point to see what was happening on the dance floor and when I turned to face Danni again, she was waiting for me and leaned in for a kiss. My eyes closed as our lips met and we kissed. It was hard not to smile as we were kissing and I felt like I was floating on cloud nine, but was soon brought back to reality by a group of lads near the bar who started cheering when they saw us kissing.

'Would it be too soon if I asked you if you wanted to get out of here?' Danni asked as we broke off the kiss.

'Not at all,' she smiled at my response and the smile grew even wider when they DJ changed the music to something extremely upbeat.

'Maybe we could have one dance before we go?' She held out her hand and guided me to the dancefloor, giving me chance to adjust my skirt so I didn't flash everyone.

Very quickly, we were dancing extremely close to each other, her hands were on my hips before she spun me around and her hands quickly dropped down to my ass. She had a couple of good long squeezes before she turned me back to face her. I was worried my cock would betray me, but luckily, I was able to avoid awkward boner while wearing a skirt. The only way we could talk to each other was to get close, and talk into each other's ears otherwise we'd be trying to compete with the noise level of the music.

'So, what's your poison in the bedroom?' Danni asked me, her warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

'What?' I shouted back at her; this time I didn't know what she meant and was genuinely confused.

She leaned in again, 'what's your preference in the bedroom? Top? Bottom? Verse?'

'Oh,' I said giving her a knowing smile that I now fully understood what she meant. 'Bottom with men and top with women.'

'What about trans women?' She smiled at me.

'I don't know, I've never had sex with another trans woman before,' I pulled a cute and innocent face. 'But I wouldn't topping a trans woman, only in the right situation though.'

'Well, I'm a verse top,' she said. 'So, we'll see what happens, we could say whoever cums first gets fucked?' I laughed, and then her hand slipped up the inside of my leg and she gently rubbed the bottom of my panties, 'I bet if I rubbed here for the next minute or so, I'd probably make you cum, wouldn't I?'

'Fuck yes,' I moaned as she discreetly rubbed my cock, and I pulled her hand away before she accomplished what she was threatening.

'Should we get out of here?' She asked, 'we can get an Uber back to my place?'

'Let's go,' I said eagerly, and she directed me out of the club, walking behind me as we held hands. Once outside, we stood on the edge of the street while we waited for the Uber to arrive. How either of us would know it was here was a mystery, our lips were locked as we kissed and swapped tongues. When the Uber turned up, we both jumped in the back, and we continued to flirt with each other until we reached Danni's apartment. At one point she was kissing and licking my neck, and I thought I was going to cum just from that alone although I was slightly embarrassed that she was doing this in front of the Uber driver. It was a relief when we finally made it to Danni's apartment, we quickly exited the Uber and headed up the stairs and into her place.

'Drink?' She said as soon as we were in the front door.

'No, I couldn't drink anything now, I've already had more than I normally would,' I replied.

'I don't mean alcohol, silly,' she laughed. 'Just a glass of water in case you get thirsty.'

She grabbed two bottles of water from her fridge and handed me one as she walked towards me. She'd discarded her heels, so she was a bit smaller, but I'd also taken mine off, so I about could kiss her chin if I wanted to. She leaned forward slightly and kissed me again. I rose onto my tip toes without even thinking as she wrapped her spare hand around my waist. We slowly moved into her bedroom where she turned on the bedside lamp to give the room a bit of ambiance. She jumped on the bed first and sat so that when I joined her on the bed, I was able to sit on her lap facing her and continue to kiss her.

Her hands roamed my ass and eventually she flipped my skirt up and started to rub my ass through my cotton panties. I felt able to relax now, and I could feel my cock reacting to her touch as it tried to get hard in its restricted position. 'Turn around for me,' she said when we broke off the kiss. I turned so I was sat between her legs and was leaning against her body. I had my knees up to my chest and she started to massage my legs, whilst gently kissing my neck. I instinctively moved my head to the side to give her easier access, my hair was tied up meaning there was nothing to move out of the way or restrict her from getting to my neck. Then Danni, gently placed her hand in between my knees and started to spread my legs wide. My skirt started to rise towards my waist the further she spread my legs. Once they reached a point where they wouldn't stretch any further, she rubbed her hand across the front of my panties.

'Cute panties Jamie,' she said as she played with the tiny bow on the front of them.

'I wasn't expecting any action this evening, so I went for comfort over sexiness,' I blushed, wishing I'd put something a bit more revealing on.

'I love them... so innocent,' she said as she slid her hand down into my panties and untucked my cock which immediately became semi-hard. 'Is this, okay?'

'Oh, fuck yes,' I mumbled.

Her hand returned to the outside of my panties, and she slowly started to rub my cock through the cotton. Within seconds, my cock was hard, and I was moaning as she had her way with me. 'How long do you think it would take for you to cum? If I continued doing this?' She teased me.

'Not long,' I moaned. 'It feels good.' She quickened the pace as she rubbed my cock and I could feel myself starting to throb, I'd thought about masturbating before I came out and I was now seriously regretting my decision not to. I could feel the cum starting to build inside me, 'fuck, you need to stop soon otherwise I'm going to blow.'

'What if I keep going a bit longer?' Danni moved her free hand to my chest and immediately found my pierced nipple. 'Very naughty,' she laughed. 'There's an easy way for me to stop,' she started gently tracing her index finger around the head of my cock.'

'How?' I asked, jerking my body to the sensitive feeling her finger was giving me.

'Just admit you're the one who wants to be fucked, and not the one doing the fucking,' she said.

'But...' I started but she grabbed my cock this time and stroked it a couple of times, making me groan, 'does that mean I wouldn't get to fuck you tonight?'

'Not tonight baby,' she quickly responded. With every second I was edging closer to an orgasm, and I knew I wanted to top her, but at the same time, I ached for her to be inside me. 'So, just tell me what you want?'

'I need your cock inside me,' I moaned, and Danni finally let go of my cock. I looked down at my panties to see a wet spot of pre cum.

'Good girl,' she smiled. 'I knew you'd see it my way.'

I moved to the side of the bed after being asked to move by Danni so she could prepare. I readjusted my skirt and prayed my cock wouldn't explode to soon into the evening. Danni disappeared into the bathroom and was gone for a little while before she came back carrying some lube and condoms. When she walked back over to the bed, I stood, and we kissed once more before she started to fiddle with the top I was wearing. In the end, I helped her untie it and it dropped to the floor, exposing my small tits to her. I grabbed my own chest and played with them as she reached for my skirt and soon had it around my ankles, leaving me standing before her in just my panties, my hard cock extremely obvious now.