The Velvet Choker Ch. 03


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When she felt the pressure on her bottom, she lifted one leg. It made it easier for him and changed the angle to make it easier for her. He hadn't tried this before, but she was happy about his advance. Occasionally she liked to be fucked that way. She hadn't had anyone do that in over a year. "Oooh, you do me so good," she moaned.

Between his tongue and his fingers she didn't last much longer. He felt her pussy and ass contract around his fingers.

He let her rest for a minute or two. Then he moved up her body and entered her. She murmured softly as she bent her legs around him. He started slowly, but after about eight or nine minutes he sped up. He burst inside her and collapsed on to his elbows, finally rolling off as he softened enough to begin to slip out. She snuggled into the crook of his arm and kissed his neck.

They lay there for a little while. "Have you ever kissed a woman?" Bill asked.

"Have you ever kissed a man? What brought that up? Do you want a threesome?"

"No, I've never kissed a man. You're about ten years younger than me. You were in college when it started to be cool to be bisexual. I know a lot of girls made out with other girls on dares."

"Well, I guess I was one of those girls."

"Did you like it? Did you ever want to do more?"

She looked at his face. There was more than idle curiosity, but it wasn't frat-boy salaciousness. She couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking. She rolled over so that she was straddling his thigh. "It was one of my sorority sisters at a fraternity party. We kissed several times, eventually with tongue. Her kisses were pretty hot. She squeezed my boob and I squeezed hers. When the hollering became too loud we stopped. Late that night she came by my room and we went further. She was a senior and I was a junior. We got together a half dozen times before she graduated."

He felt her push against his leg twice during the retelling. "Was that the only woman?"

She pushed against his thigh again. "When my ex and I were separated, but before the divorce was final, I attended a support group. Another woman and I became good friends. One night we split a bottle of wine at her house. You might say we enjoyed some other splits that night. We carried on for about six months doing everything together. She even took me to Fantasy Fest in Key West. Boy, was that a wild weekend." She was grinding against his thigh continually.

"But after a while we decided that males were our long term interests. We still talk; in fact she's getting married this fall, but no more sex. Remembering those two has made me hot." She crawled up enough to kiss him. In a minute or two he was hard and she got on top and rode him to her third orgasm and his second.

She was lying on top of him, waiting for him to slip out. "Why did you want to know, really?"

"I want some payback from my wife."


The following Thursday Bill showed up at their house about the same time as Nancy.

"Well, aren't I lucky? My husband is going to spend the night with me," she said caustically.

"You are lucky," he replied. "I guess that I'm lucky, too, that you're home."

After cold cuts in front of the TV, Bill turned to Nancy. "I want you to call Mike Stone and get him to come over here at 7, tomorrow evening."

"Who is Mike Stone?"

Bill couldn't believe that she was trying this. "The stupid shit that you've been fucking for the last five months!" he shouted. "Now, go make the call."


A few minutes before 7PM on Friday, Bill and Nancy were in their den. Both were dressed very casually. It was obvious that Nancy was braless. "Are you sure you understand what you need to do," he asked.

"Yes," she replied quietly.

The doorbell rang and Bill answered it. "Come in, Mr. Stone."

The Mustache walked in and immediately noticed Nancy's nipples. "Do you need me to show you how to handle your wife?" He smirked.

"No, Mr. Stone. I need you to learn the dangers in handling my wife. Does Southeastern Bank ring a bell with you?"


"They were worried about the status of an outstanding note to PeacHVAC. They were willing to sell the note to me."

"So now I owe you $30,000? If I want Nancy next week, then you send her over or I won't pay $30,000. You'll have to pay a lawyer to get it. Seems like you've made a mistake." Stone chuckled.

"Suppose we compare our legal understanding. If you default on a loan, that loan becomes due AND there is a clause in your senior loan at SunBurst Bank that will cause that loan to become due. Can you raise $200,000 for Sunburst and $30,000 for me by Monday morning?" Bill paused and the room was quiet. "I didn't think so. Also both loans required you to sign as president of PeacHVAC and also as Michael Stone, private party. That means that your personal property is on the line also." Again, quiet descended over the trio.

Finally, Stone spoke. "I've got plenty of assets. I can tie you up for months and then just pay everything off."

"But while you tie everything up, your business will go down the drain and a lot of your assets with it. If I put you in bankruptcy Monday morning, the first thing that will be seized will be your business assets while our lawyers discuss what's going on. That means all the furniture and any inventory will be seized and the remaining lease for the office space added to the bankruptcy."

"Also, your Audi is a business asset, so it will be seized and disposed of immediately. Do you have any idea what the Audi will go for if it has to be sold in a week or two? Probably a lot less than it's really worth. How about your condo?"

"That's my personal property. You can't seize that immediately." Stone interrupted.

"When you started PeacHVAC, you listed it as a business address. The Sherriff may let you take out some very personal items, but it will go to auction pretty quickly also. In this market, you'll probably get $200,000 less than the comps and anything above your mortgage will go to the business bankruptcy first."

"All in all, I'd say you'd be ruined for five to ten years, plus having to start over with zero assets."

"Okay, I guess I've had enough fun with Nancy. You can have her back." Stone said glumly.

"Well, I've already got her back, but I might still be willing to see you ruined. I'm going to give you one chance. Otherwise, my lawyer will be at the courthouse at 8AM Monday. Nancy, you and Mikey boy take off your clothes."

Stone looked at Bill warily, but he started to disrobe. Nancy had only been wearing shorts and a knit top so she was quickly nude. As Stone dropped his trousers, Bill stood up. Stone stopped, suddenly alarmed.

"I just want to get comfortable for the next activity. Nancy, get me hard." Bill dropped his shorts. He sat back down. She dropped to her knees beside his chair and started to play with his cock using her hands and mouth.

Stone began to get hard as he watched the red lips go up and down. His hand moved to his own prick.

"No, you don't want to do that, yet." Bill told Stone. Nancy soon had Bill at full height. She sat back on her heels.

"Alright, Mikey boy. Get over here and finish the job."

"I'm not a queer. Go ahead. Bankrupt me! Lose 30k!"

"Mikey boy, I can easily lose 30k. But you're on a short leash. The business goes; the Audi goes; the condo goes. I bet I can even use your expense accounts to show that the Porsche was used mostly for business and should be seized. If you don't want to end up on Social Security eating cat food, get over here and suck me off."

Stone looked sick, but moved toward Bill. Then he knelt down, grabbed Bill's cock and started to stroke rapidly.

Bill put a hand on his arm. "Suck!"

Stone leaned over and followed the command. A light flashed. Stone jerked up. "What the hell?"

Nancy was holding a camera. Another flash caught Stone still holding Bill's cock. "We'll add several more to those. If something ever happens that shouldn't, these pictures will circulate to your thousand closest friends and acquaintances," Bill declared. "Now, get back to work."

Nancy took several more shots and then put the camera away. She reclined on the couch and watched for a minute or two. She spread her legs and let a hand play between them as the other hand stroked her breast. Bill watched her and pretended that Patricia was blowing him as Nancy masturbated for them both.

After a little while Bill put his hand on Stone's head and erupted in his mouth. "Swallow it and then you can go." Stone gagged, but managed to swallow everything. Bill heard Nancy moan as she came. Then he heard the door close as Stone left.


The next morning, Saturday, Nancy was getting ready to go sell houses. "I've got a special dinner planned tonight," Bill said. "If you get back here about 5:15, you can have a nice bath and a glass of wine before I serve at 6."

"Sounds like a plan," she replied, giving him a kiss on the lips as she left.

She arrived home a little after 5PM. Bill drew a bath for her and brought her a glass of wine. "I laid out some clothes for you on the bed," he stated as he left her to soak. She was back downstairs talking with Bill about five minutes before 6PM when the doorbell rang.

"Glad you could make it." Bill greeted the caller. "Nancy, this is Patricia. Patricia, this is my wife Nancy. Honey, I've asked her over for dinner." He quickly added another place setting to the dinner table.

Nancy was disconcerted by Patricia's arrival for dinner. After the exploitation of Mike Stone last night and Bill laying out a nice peignoir and nightgown set for her tonight, she had hoped that they were moving back together.

"Glad to meet you," Nancy said. "I didn't realize we were having guests. Excuse me so that I can go change." She was embarrassed to be dressed in an outfit more personal than oriented for hosting.

"Nonsense," Bill interjected his voice flatter than usual. "You look great. Nobody else will be coming. Patricia, you don't mind her casual dress, do you."

"No. I think her outfit is stunning."

Nancy made small talk with this unexpected guest during dinner. "How did you meet Bill," she asked Patricia as they ate dessert.

"He was downtown meeting with clients one afternoon."

"So you're business acquaintances?"

"Oh, no, several people from my office had gone out for drinks. He stopped for a drink at the same bar so he could avoid the worst of the traffic and we literally bumped into each other. I really like your peignoir set. The material is beautiful and really sexy." Patricia stared at Nancy's chest.

Nancy glanced down her front. Her nipples were clearly erect. One of them had caught a lacy perforation. Anyone could clearly see the dark brown protuberance through the champagne-colored cloth. Nancy hunched her shoulders and tried to tug unobtrusively at the waist of her gown. The nipple retreated behind the thin material.

Bill got up to clear the dessert plates off the table and bring back brandy snifters.

"The color of the material certainly compliments your skin," Patricia remarked as she stood and walked around the table. "And it must feel wonderful to wear it." Patricia ran her fingertips over one shoulder strap. Then she slipped her fingers under the strap and rubbed it between fingers and thumb while staring deep into Nancy's eyes.

Nancy couldn't tear her eyes away. She felt the fingers slip down the strap a few inches, the fingernails gently skimming her skin.

"Here's the cognac," Bill announced returning to the table. "Why don't we move into the den where we can relax?"

The little group moved in to the den. Nancy was going to move to her usual seat on the couch, but she found she was hemmed in by Bill on one side and Patricia on the other.

"Bill, did you pick this lingerie out for Nancy?" Patricia asked.

"Yes, I bought it for her and asked her to wear it tonight."

"Husbands are always happy to buy lingerie," Nancy giggled. The second bottle of wine had loosened everyone.

"How do you think this color would look on me?" Patricia asked.

"I think it would look good." Bill stated. "Let's find out. Nancy, take your gown off and let Patricia try it on." He looked directly at Nancy with an air of authority.

"Okay, I'll go change." Nancy turned to walk towards their bedroom, but Bill was blocking her.

"No!" He said firmly. "Just take it off. You're both female. You haven't got anything that she hasn't seen before."

Nancy looked around at Patricia. The younger woman had already unbuttoned her blouse. "I don't know –"

"Just do it!" Bill was firm and authoritative.

As Nancy took off the peignoir, she felt a blush of shame and then a shiver went through her body. When she pulled the nightgown over her head, she felt her nipples harden like never before.

She turned and held out the silken garment toward Patricia. Patricia was just stepping out of her thong. Nancy noticed that her red bush was full, but neatly trimmed to be concealed by her thong. The redhead reached behind and unhooked her bra. Then she took the nightgown from Nancy and slipped it on.

Bill stepped up behind Nancy. "I think it looks good on her, too. Don't you?"


"Here, feel how the material slides over her skin." Bill took Nancy's hand and moved it to Patricia's waist. "See how smooth it feels?" Then he moved it up her side until the heel rested on the side of Patricia's breast. "Feel how soft it is."

He pulled his wife's hand away. "Why don't you take it off, now."

Nancy lowered her head as if she wasn't looking. Patricia could tell she was. As she handed the gown back, she spread her legs slightly. She knew her wet lower lips were now visible. She saw Nancy's eyes widen.

Nancy reached for the garment, but Bill grabbed it away. "Patricia, why don't you sit down in that chair?" She did as he asked. "Now, lean back."

When she was seated. Bill spoke again. "Nancy, kneel down on the floor in front of her."

"Now, Patricia spread your legs. Nancy, lick her."

"But she's a female," Nancy whined. "I'm not gay."

"Do it, bitch!" Patricia grabbed Nancy's hair and pulled her face against the wet gash.

Nancy started to lick. Soon it was obvious to the other two that she was enjoying it. Nancy marveled at the taste. She was sweeter than either Monica or Becky, but the tang of woman was still there. She ran her tongue down to the bottom of the slit and thrust in and out several times.

"That's a good bitch." Patricia cooed. "You like licking me, don't you? You aren't gay, but you like lezzie juice sometimes. Oooh, that's the right spot. Right there, little lezzie, right there."

In a few minutes Patricia made that funny noise that Bill knew meant an orgasm. Her legs grabbed Nancy's head and then flopped open.

"My turn," he commanded as he grabbed Nancy's shoulder. He sat on the couch. She leaned over his lap and began pumping and bobbing. She had been working on Bill for a few minutes when she suddenly felt a warm body behind her.

"You are good," she heard Patricia whisper in her ear. "I could get used to you." Patricia slipped a hand between her legs and gently stroked her clit. "Next Saturday, I'm going to bring my strap-on and fuck you while you blow Bill. How would you like that nice fuck 'n suck."

Nancy shivered.

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LT56linebackerLT56linebacker4 months ago

Yeah, Casey44. It is. 1 star.


Casey44Casey445 months ago

This was just plain BAD!!!

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 2 years ago

When he saw cue ball at the mall, he should have pummeled him. When they showed up at the bar after New Orleans, he didn't do anything. Such a coward. Also, I hate when writers make the wife into a mindless puppet zombie as we see here. Not going to happen. God that pisses me off.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Second time around score is now downgraded, it is a shite tale


ErotFanErotFanover 3 years ago
That's quite a story

Since you published thas over 10 years ago I assume there will be no chapter 4. Too bad the Finishthedamnstory collaboration is no longer in operation.

Each chapter certainly had a different flavor.

So if he was going to stay with the wife in some sort of a threesome, why go through all the divorce preparation?

Humiliation payback can be a real bitch.

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