The Village

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Husband and Wife want kids. A "Ritual" is completed.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


This story is a work of fiction and any persons that resemble someone real is coincidence (minus the wife and her husband ;) ). All persons in this story are of age 18 or older depending on your country. Please enjoy~


In a world where birth rates dropped dramatically and kids were rarely seen, war had broken out across the world. Nations against nations fighting for land and resources. The war subtly came to an end when there was no one left to fight and those that remained wandered off to try and restart humanity. Small villages began popping up around the world, just like in the olden days when settlers first discovered America. As the years went by the land was once again blanketed in peace and people began revising ways to ensure fertility and birth. Each village had their own rituals or practices and after a few years, it had become normalized.

Laura and Max had been married for 3 years now and they were finally talking about trying for kids. They knew what that meant and what would happen, but they were eager to start a family together...if it worked. Laura sat down at the wooden table across from her husband as he enjoyed the breakfast she had made for them.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Max asked his wife after he swallowed his bite and smiled at her as she stared at him with loving eyes.

"Yes," Laura answered after a brief silence where she was thinking about what they were planning. "I want to start a family with you and raise kids of our own."

Max smiled at his beautiful wife and he stared deeply into her hazel eyes that glowed in the sunlight. "Well...ok then. I'll let the Elder know so he can start preparing the ritual." Max wouldn't admit it, but his flaccid cock twitched as he stared at his wife from across the table.

Laura knew that look he was giving her. "No. We can't. Not if we are preparing for the ritual now. You must be full of virile cum and then we can fuck as much as you want after the ritual."

Max grunted and chugged his milk. He then wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "I know. I must now wait a month until the fateful night where you will be filled with seed from the selected few including myself to ensure pregnancy."

Laura looked down and blushed as he spoke those words. She's only ever been with Max and she knew what the ritual entailed. The Elder would select virile men and they would gather at her house during the night and take turns breeding her; depositing their thick cum into her after a month of abstinence. During this time, once they were selected, they had to refrain from masturbation, sex, and anything that would cause them to ejaculate. It was thought that the fuller their balls were, the more potent their cum. Her husband, Max, would follow the same guidelines and he would be the first to deposit his seed into his own wife before the others took their turn. The whole ordeal secretly turned Laura on.

"Right then. I suppose I'll head to the Elder's house and inform him as soon as I finish breakfast, so he can start the selection process," Mad smiled as he watched his wife turn different shades of red.


The Elder was literally just the oldest man in the village who had helped build up the village during the wars before everyone essentially killed themselves off. He was elected Elder once the village was completed and his people respected him. It was his idea to start this ritual and he believed it would help bring fertility back up. After his family had been murdered by a group of scavengers, he had found shelter amongst the ruins of a small town that had been blown to bits by bombs and artillery. It was originally just him, putting the stones back in their place one by one. Stragglers looking for shelter found him and decided to help him rebuild the small town and after so long, here it stood. He was a humble man, always caring for his people and providing the best life he could for them since there was no one left looking out for each other. The war he ended and nations no longer existed, but villages still fought each other for children, food, and shelter. Some banded together and created trading routes, others formed raiding parties.

His town was considered neutral grounds and for that, many traders would stop by and donate things to keep his town striving. All in all, his town was at peace and stayed out of the rivalry between villages. In return, they left his village alone and would often meet in the village's center for peace talks or agreements. For this reason, Laura's father and her found refuge in the village and that is when she met Max. They instantly connected and fell in love and were soon wedded by the Elder who took a particular interest in Laura.

She was beautiful and stunning. He'd swear he had never met anyone quite as beautiful as her, and he would tell Max of this often. "You are such a lucky man," he would say. Or "I hope you are treating her right with how gorgeous she is." Max would laugh it off and shake his hand or smirk and say thank you.

" two have finally agreed to try for children then? That is amazing news! I would love nothing more than to have our village blooming with children and carrying on our stories," the Elder smiled as he began pouring a glass of whiskey for him and Max. Alcohol was a rarity nowadays, so this was a special occasion which took Max by surprise.

"Please, let's drink shall we?"

Max accepted the glass and took a swig which made his chest burn as he struggled to swallow the strong liquid.

"Hah! This is the real deal. Unlike the moonshine most are making nowadays, this stuff won't make you go blind or kill you. I'm pouring this because it has been a few years since we've had a ritual! I was almost beginning to lose hope of ever having children in our village," the Elder spoke softly as he sipped on the whiskey after swirling it around in his glass.

"Well, the Jericho's have children. I think they were the most recent ones to partake in the ritual?" Max asked after rubbing his chest to try and cool it off.

"Yes, they were. And now they have a beautiful baby to add to the village! With you and Laura, we could have two babies and that just might encourage more to seek out our village to help it grow bigger and bigger." The Elder paused as he took a look at Max and sighed with a smile on his face. "It warms my heart that I married you two and now you are both ready for a baby. I'd like to be part of the ritual."

Max choked on his drink and quickly wiped the spilled drink from his shirt. The Elder usually oversaw the ritual, but never took part in it. Sure, he counted as a member because he had 3 kids of his own before they were murdered.

"We would be lucky to have you, Elder," Max looked down, avoiding his gaze. In truth, Max did not want him included in the ritual because he was too old. The Elder was in his 60's and had grey hair covering his head and beard. He wore broken glasses to see and stroked his long beard often when he was thinking. He couldn't refuse the Elder, however. To have the Elder participate meant that this ritual was going to be extremely important and he owed the Elder his and Laura's life for letting them into his village and eventually marrying them.

The Elder smiled and took a sip of whiskey, swishing it around in his mouth before swallowing. He'd had eyes for Laura since she stepped foot in his village with her father. He never participated in the ritual because he wasn't attracted to the woman that went through it. Sure, it was selfish, but no one questioned him. Now, he had his chance to finally see Laura naked and fuck her, spilling his seed he had been saving for this very moment.

"Right then. I'll begin the selection process and in 1 month, we will meet back here to begin the ritual. As with the others, no ejaculation by any means until then, understood?"

Max sighed and set the glass down on the table before walking out of the door with a wave, "Yes. I'm aware. Thanks."


Laura met with her father while Max was talking to the Elder. She loved him dearly for protecting her all of these years and raising her after her mother had died. He was 40 something, but still fit as a fiddle. Or, at least that's what he would say.

Laura walked up to his house as he was feeding his chickens and she stood there and waited for him to see her. Laura's father happened to glance over where she was and he instantly smiled and walked over to hug her tightly.

"Hello! How are you? How's you and Max?"

"We're good, dad. How are you?" Laura replied as she hugged him back.

He stepped away and continued feeding the chickens, but watched her as he talked. "I'm good. Fit as a fiddle! What brings you over?"

Laura played with her thumbs as she looked at her feet, "Max and I decided we want to try for kids."

Laura's father smiled wide, "Grandchildren then? Good!!"

He looked at his daughter up and down and thought about the ritual. He hadn't been involved in one in about a year or two, so he secretly hoped he'd be selected next. He loves Laura with all of his being and if she wanted children, he wanted to help. Sure, it was lust driven because Laura had blossomed into a beautiful woman throughout the years, but he also genuinely loved her.

Laura smiled and bent over to grab a bucket of chicken feed to help him. In doing so, she unknowingly showed her pale cleavage to her father. He stared down her shirt and swallowed hard as he stared at her firm, perky orbs that dangled towards the ground, only held in place by her bra which acted more as a push-up bra than anything else. Her black tank top was stared at seductively rather than innocently as intended. He could feel himself hardening in his pants, but he paid no attention to it and only walked with her while feeding the chickens.

They walked around most of the time, talking and laughing and bonding together as father and daughter. Her father was thin and getting up there in age, but she respected him and wanted his love and attention, whatever the cost.

Later that day, after Laura had left, the Elder knocked on her fathers door. Laura's father opened the door and when he saw the Elder, his heart skipped a beat.

"You have been selected for the next ritual we are holding. It will be 1 month from today. You remember the rules?"

Laura's father grinned ear to ear. "Yes, I do. And it has been many months since I've came, so no worries here, Elder. May I ask who the lucky girl is?"

The Elder smiled, "No. You know the rules. All will be masked to hide identities so it stays private, but let's just say...she's a young one and it should be rewarding."

The two nodded in agreement before the Elder left to notify the other remaining few that would be filling Laura with cum.


The day finally arrived and Laura was nervous. Max was ready to fuck his wife again and he'd pop random boners all the time and it was getting frustrating. Any longer and he felt he'd go insane. They spent the day getting ready for that night. Laura cleaned up around the house and Max ensured everything was running smoothly with the Elder and his selected men. As the sun set, Laura slipped her petite, slender body into the ritualistic dress that resembled a wedding dress for purity and fertility. It was sheer and see-through as well as easy to take off, only requiring the clasp, resembling a flower sitting right between her breasts, to be unhooked.

Laura let her shoulder length brown hair down and curled it to make it look cute and appealing. She donned her makeup and got dolled up for her husband...and maybe to show off a little for the selected men. Max had a semi-erection most of the day as he anticipated that night.

A knock on the door made Laura's heart sink to her butt and pulled realization into Max's head. Max opened the door and greeted the Elder.

"Hello you two. Are you ready?"

Laura grabbed into Max's arm and held it tightly, her voice shaking with nervousness and excitement all the same. "Yes, I think we are."

The Elder kissed Laura's forehead and instructed her to head to her bedroom. As soon as she was gone, the Elder let the selected men enter the house under the instruction of Max. As they entered, the men had on different masks ranging from plain white and black to animal shapes. In total, there were 4 men, not including the Elder. When the fourth man entered, the Elder closed the door and straightened his robe. Max looked at the others and saw they all were wearing brown robes and they stood around staring at Max, waiting.

Mad cleared his throat and spoke to the small group, "As you all know...Laura and I are going to try for children. Is this anyone's first ritual?"

Mad watched as one of the men wearing a white mask raised his hand slowly, almost as if he was shy. The Elder leaned over to Max and whispered, "This is his first ritual and he just turned 18. This is more or less a trial run for him...and I do believe he's a virgin, so he's extremely potent."

Max breathed heavily and nodded at the white masked man. "Alright, welcome then. I hope that after tonight we are given a baby."

Max smiled at the white masked man and noticed a pitched tent rising in his robes. This guy hadn't even seen Laura yet and he was already getting hard? The combination of youth and virgin was clearly showing itself by pitching a sizable tent in his robe, outlined the tip of his cock.

Laura's father watched Max carefully, hoping to not be recognized. He was wearing a black mask, and he could feel himself getting aroused as they all walked towards the bedroom door. Max knocked and waited for Laura to answer, allowing them to enter her room.

Laura stood at the edge of the bed, her hands folded elegantly and resting against the bottom of the white dress. Her hazel eyes traced everyone that entered the room until Max entered and shut the door behind him. The 5 men and Max made a horseshoe around Laura.

The Elder walked into the center of the group and smiled at Laura. He then addressed the men and Max. "As you all already know, we are gathered here tonight to ensure Laura and Max have a baby. You 4 have been chosen based on your potency and virility. I will also be participating in this ritual."

Laura's eyes widened when she heard the Elder mention he would be participating as well. He had never participated before, at least that's what the gossip said. She had never thought about fucking an older man...and old man at that. The whole thing felt taboo, but then again, so was this whole ordeal she was about to go through. People were taking extreme measures to have kids, and this was one of those.

Laura forced a smile onto her face, "Thank you, Elder."

The Elder smiled at her and caressed her soft, pale cheek. "Alright. Let's begin. Gentlemen, please disrobe."

Laura's eyes widened as the men all removed their robes and were now standing naked in a horseshoe around her. She'd never seen so many cocks before and it was turning her on. Some were anticipating what was next and began rising upwards while others were already erect and had begun forming clear liquid beads at the tip. Laura blushed when the Elder removed his robe and saw his veiny, older cock erect with a trail of precum clinging to the robe as he removed it. Even her husband, Max, looked like he was throbbing as he undressed and took his place in front of her.

"My look...excited," She whispered as he kissed her neck.

"Of course. I've been waiting for this day and I can't help but be turned on even more knowing you are about to be stuffed with these men's cocks. All strangers except the Elder whom you've known for years," Max replied as he unlatched the clasp holding her dress together.

Laura bit her lower lip as her dress hit the floor, exposing her naked body to everyone in the room. Her eyes darted over her husband's shoulder as she watched the men tilt their heads and stare at her, naked as the day she was born.

Her father, hidden behind the black mask, moaned softly as he saw his baby girl naked and standing just a few feet away from him. He'd never imagined this day would happen, even if he lusted for it every now and then. He looked down at his twitching cock as it began forming veins, eager to feel his daughter's pussy. He had given her life, and now he would provide life.

"They're all watching me..." Laura whispered against Max's neck as he began fondling her in front of the men.

"Good, let them watch as I fuck you and empty my balls into you. Then they will have their turn until everyone in this room has had a chance to empty themselves. Then, hopefully we will have a baby," Max replied as he bit her ear softly and trailed his fingers down her belly, to her pelvis. He dipped a finger between her legs and touched her pussy which was now drenched in juices.

"This is really turning you on, hm?"

Laura held her tongue and grabbed his throbbing cock in her hands and softly stroked him. "As much as it is with you," she finally replied. "You're harder now than you've ever been before."

"Max groaned and turned her around and bent her over the edge of the bed, doggystyle. With one hand he guided his cock to her pussy and rubbed the tip against the entrance making her moan before pushing forward and very easily sliding right into her. She was extremely tight, even more so after a month without sex.

He grunted as he felt her clench on his cock. "That's not nice," he replied.

"I can't help it. You're too big and it's been a long, long time," Laura replied as she pushed against him, making his cock dig deep into her womb. She looked back at the men as they watched, now all erect and beginning to leak. They were forbidden from masturbating during this act. Every drop of cum needed to be in her womb to increase the chances of pregnancy. And so they stood there, hands tightened into fists to restrain themselves from stroking their rigid cocks as they watched Max fuck Laura.

"Look at them," Laura whispered to Max. "They are all so eager to feel my pussy and begin filling me up. You can tell they are all full and brimming with cum."

Max moaned and began thrusting faster, already on edge and needing to cum. "Yes, my love. And they will have their by one."

Laura came hard, squeezing her legs shut which clenched down on Max's cock and made him cum right after. "Oh fuck!! I can't even hold it back! Ahhhh yeah babe..." Max groaned as he felt his balls deflate inside of his wife. He'd been waiting weeks for this moment and every drop was like a powerful wave leaving his system.

"Good job my love, fill me up as much as you can," Laura grunted as her orgasim subsided and she regained her breath.

Max withdrew his shrinking cock and watched as his cum dropped free from her pussy. He admired his work just a bit longer before stepping aside and taking a seat near the bed to support his wife.

"Alright. The husband has begun the ritual. Due to being the Elder of this village, I will go next. My dear, I thank you for allowing me this night to feel such a wonderful body such as yours," the Elder spoke as he walked up to Laura who was now facing him and standing once again. She watched as his thick, throbbing cock swayed left to right, slapping against his thighs as he walked to her and touched his hands to her soft skin.

"As soft as velvet, and even smoother than that. How I envy your youth. And how I envy your husband for being able to fuck such a beautiful woman such as you."

Laura smiled and watched as he caressed her breasts, taking each one into his hands and fondling them softly. Her breasts were firm and perky and her pink nipples the size of dimes had hardened with pleasure as he touched every inch of her body. He was definitely savoring this moment as he caressed her soft skin and groped her firm butt.