The Wake


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Janice plopped down back next to him and scooted closer and took another long sip of wine. Janice was starting to cry again but she fought hard to keep the tears at bay. JJ pulled his mother closer, trying to clear his head of the fog that was overtaking him. He knew the alcohol was affecting him and he had a feeling that it was starting to hit his mother as well. She'd always been a heavyweight when it came to putting down a few bottles but he didn't know just how long or how much she'd had.

"I've been so lonely, JJ. And he flaunted the women in front of me all the time. They went on trips, took cruises - the bastard even took one of them to Singapore. Singapore! That was supposed to be "our" place!" She let out a sarcastic chuckle. "It's been so hard, JJ. I'm still a woman with needs and feelings. He was a bastard but I loved him. I just don't think he ever loved me."

This time she couldn't help it and she let the tears flow. JJ pulled her closer and she buried her face into his broad chest. JJ couldn't help himself and let his eyes fall back over her exposed cleavage. The dress had rode up even further and he was able to see the top of her thigh-high nylons. The sight made his cock surge even more and it was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable and painful to sit there with his cock in that position.

"Mom, I'm not going to try to stop you from crying and know you need the release. But if you are going to continue to sit here like this, you're going to make a mess of your dress." He said, hoping he didn't sound too out of place.

Janice got herself together and sat up. She stood up and lifted the dress up and over her head. JJ was floored as he sat there, looking up at this absolute goddess of a woman standing before him. Everything about what he saw was perfect. Her hair was a perfect mix of white and silver, cut and cropped very stylishly. Her arms were toned and her waist was nice and trim. She still had her side hips and big ass but it was noticeable to him that she had had work done on them and they were nice and toned. And then there was the thong. "Wow. A thong! My mom is wearing a THONG," he thought. Her shapely calves were damn near perfect. And her breasts. Not even the big bra could withstand the strain that was being put on it. He felt his cock creep further down his leg. This was not good, he thought to himself. She sat back down next to him.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to sit here and drown you in tears. I've just held all of this in for so long. And the wine isn't helping either." They both laughed, helping break the tension. "I'm so glad my baby's home," she said. "I've missed you so much. You were always the man of the house. I should have never let you go away." She leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek just as JJ was turning to address what she'd just said. Their lips met. JJ quickly sat back.

"Oops. Sorry mom. I was about to say it was ok. All of that is water under the bridge now," he said, blushing a bit at the fact that he'd kissed his mom on the lips. They'd done that a countless number of times in the past, but this time felt different.

"There's never a need to say that you're sorry for giving me a kiss, sweetheart." As she turned to pour another glass of wine, her hand inadvertently slid down his leg and ran over the large protrusion running down his thigh. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look down at her hand. It was halfway down his thigh and she was clearly feeling what she knew was the head of his cock. Janice caught herself and tried to play it off, moved her hand away and casually resumed filling her glass.

"Fuck, he's huge," she thought to herself. She'd only known three men in her life; her first love in high school, JJ's father, John, and Morgan. None of them could touch a cock like that, she thought. "Wow. I know he's made a lot of women happy with that missile," she said to herself. She shook her head. She needed a distraction. "Would you like a glass of your own, dear? Or do you mind sharing with me?" she asked him. She needed an excuse to get up and move. Feeling that made her heart jump up into her throat.

"Yes, that'd be great," he said.

Having his mother's hand on his cock was a bit more than he anticipated happening and JJ need to adjust himself in the worst way. As she stood up, JJ quickly stretched his legs and tried his best to adjust the steel rod running down his thigh. But any adjustments that he tried were futile. He watched his mother stand up and walk to the other side of the room, her big ass swaying and jiggling back and forth. It looked so damn good to him; he felt his mouth watering. The way the thin thread of fabric disappeared between those big cheeks was mesmerizing.

Janice knew he was looking and it felt deliciously evil to torture him. She knew it was wrong in every way, but it'd been so long since she'd been able to make a man react like that and she relished the feeling. It felt good to be attractive to someone, even it if was her son. But she knew that this was as far as she could take it. This was as far as it was going to go. But then she thought back to his cock. "My goodness, his cock," she sighed. "I wonder what having something that big would feel?" She shook her head again. She chalked it up to the wine. "Maybe I need to slow down," she said.

She'd only made it halfway to the bar when she decided to turn around and head back. As she turned around, she caught JJ in mid shift. She stared at him in amazement, his cock looming large in his khaki pants even in the dim light of the room. JJ quickly sat up straight. She started walking back towards the sofa and JJ couldn't help himself. The view from the front was just as mesmerizing from the back. Janice said that she was now up to a KK cup but they looked even larger to JJ. She was simply amazing.

"I think I'm going to slow down on the wine and just sip from your glass, dear," she said. I'm feeling it a bit and I need to slow down.

"That's okay, mom," he said, standing up. "I think I'm done too and I'm gonna go ahead and had on to the hotel."

"Please don't be silly, JJ. You don't need to go to some hotel. This is your home. You belong here," she stepped closer to him. "You belong with me."

JJ didn't know quite how to take that last statement and Janice also found herself not really knowing how to handle what she'd just said. The sexual tension was palpable - there was absolutely no denying it. As much as JJ wanted to, he knew he couldn't take that step. And as much as Janice longed for him to take her right then and there, she knew it couldn't happen. JJ made the first move.

"You know it's already hard for me to be here, mom. Maybe tomorrow. But not tonight. I just can't tonight."

JJ's words gave them an out. There was an odd sense of relief for both of them, knowing how badly they wanted to take that next step.

"I understand, darling," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

JJ turned and started towards the door. They were silent as they walked down the long hallway. As they reached the door, JJ turned and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, then a light kiss on the lips. Janice felt the butterflies in her stomach again.

"I'm at the Canterbury, room 1645. I'll see you in the morning. Love you, mom," he said.

"Good night love," Janice said as she closed the door behind him.

The cold air felt good on his face. It served to wake him up. As he walked down the steps, JJ cursed himself. "What the fuck was that, JJ? What was the reason for giving the room number? Are you trying to get yourself in trouble? Idiot! But ... damn - she sure did look good. Wow."

As he got behind the wheel of his car, he knew he'd adverted disaster.

"Just get some sleep, man," he said to himself. "Today's been a weird day. Tomorrow will be better."

As she closed the door behind JJ, Janice fell against the door. "What in the hell is wrong with you, Janice?" she asked herself. "That's your son for crying out loud. I know you need a release but get it together."

She walked back to the den and sat down and poured herself another glass of wine. "I wonder why he gave me his room number ... what was that about? I don't think he meant anything by it. But I do want to talk more. I need to talk more. It felt good to talk to him. I guess I can just call him, that'd probably be safer. But I don't have his number. Hmmm I could call the hotel. But that's impractical. I should just go there so we can talk. And I can always sleep in another room. The Canterbury has tons of suites too. And if he didn't get a suite, I can just get my own. I'll just put back on my dress and grab my coat."

As she pulled the dress back over her head, she rethought her plan.

"This isn't a good idea, Janice. You should just stay home and wait and talk in the morning. Get some sleep."

As she grabbed her purse and keys, she made up her mind.

"No. Things will be okay. And I still have a lot I want to discuss with him before Jen sits down. Yes, I need to see him tonight."


JJ's head was spinning. He was buzzed, he was confused, and he was horny, with the latter being the most prevalent. He couldn't get the image of his mother out of his mind; her figure was exactly what he liked and everything about her was perfect. Except for one thing. And it was glaringly obvious.

He had to go clear his head, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do that in his hotel room. He needed something to occupy his mind. He looked over at the clock - it was still early. He picked up the phone and dialed his sister.

"Hey, Jen. It's me. I need to talk."

"Sure, JJ - I'm sure you do. I can only imagine the toll the whirlwind day's had on you."

"You gave no idea, sis. No idea," he said grumbling.

"Have you been drinking? I sure hope you're not driving, Joseph Allen Jordan," she scolded him.

"Always the big sis, huh?" he said. "I'm pulling over now."

He pulled into the parking lot and found a secluded space. He turned off the car and opened the door.

"You hear the door chimes? I'm parked now." That had always been their routine. Whenever she caught him drinking and driving, she would tell him to pull over and kill the ignition and open the door so she could hear the chime of the door alarm.

He closed the door. "It's about mom. She mentioned some things tonight about that shitty marriage of hers. What's the story?"

There was a long pause. "JJ ... I don't think that's a topic you want to get into right now."

"Mom already told me about his fooling around and she showed me some of the surgeries she had done for the guy. But I know there's something else."

Jen was hesitant to go full disclosure. "JJ ... you've always known that we share everything and there's nothing we keep from each other. And I'm not saying that I'm not going to tell you, but right now, it's just not a good time."

"What the hell you mean it's just not a good time?"

"Do you trust me, JJ?" she asked.

"You already know the answer to that. Of course I do."

"Then trust me on this. Please. All in due time."

Just as Jen finished her sentence, JJ looked up and saw his mother sitting at the stoplight right front of him.

"I wonder where she's going", he said aloud.

"Who?" Jen asked. JJ wasn't aware he'd said it out loud.

"Mom, I'm sitting in the Oakwood Plaza parking lot and I see mom in her car at the stop light not 20 yards in front of me. Kind of hard to miss her with that new hairdo. When I left the house she was half-nacked and about to go to bed," he said quickly, correcting himself and hoping that Jen didn't catch what he said.

"Hmmm. I dunno. The wake is tomorrow and I've already taken care of everything. It's 9:00 - nothing is open at this hour for her to have anything to get for tomorrow," Jen said, sounding very puzzled.

JJ had a feeling he knew where she was headed.

"Jen, I think I need to leave. As in go back to Chicago. Things have kinda gotten whacky. I shouldn't have come."

"What are you talking about, JJ? What happened after I left?"

"I'll tell you later. I need to go get my things. Love you, Jen. I'll call you soon. And promise me that we'll lay everything out on the table."

"Ok. I promise."

JJ hung up the phone and sat there pondering his next move.

End of Chapter 1

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

Good character development. Plot logically developed. Estranged son and mother interaction realistic.Son's anger at his mother is understandable. Mother's futile and vain attempt to regain the attention of her husband and compete with women 15 to 20 years her junior all too often reflects real life. To the extent she failed is demonistrated by the fact her own son did not initially recognize her. The chemistry and sensual sensitivity between mother and son is beautifully described by the author and felt by the reader. Supposedly an emotionally, psychologically and culturally mature individual, the mother has demonistrated her poor decisions based on inferior selection of a replacement husband, willingly loosing her son, and trying to compete with women 20 years younger than herself. Her lack of self-awareness, self-confidence, lack of ego and/or id is unbelievable. With all the above said, this is still a good story which accurately reflects too many real life situations.

Johnny0432Johnny0432about 7 years ago
I don't like this story

mommy dearest was a selfish cunt. I would dump her ass and never come back. big tits are a definite turn off for me. her probably hang below her belly button without a bra. it's a fallacy that big tits are stand up perky NEVER happens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
so things went south for new husband just after cunt mommy dumped son???

not one in 5 years did she apologise or even speak to her son??? WOW what a slut whore. sorry moms are a dime a dozen, but this one isn't worth a dime...why fuck that skank bitch????

mafia_patriarchmafia_patriarchover 10 years ago

When you write a multi chapter story, please label it as such. Good story, keep it rolling.

Shadowforce1Shadowforce1over 11 years ago
Good and Bad

First off dont listen to all the negative people. KK tits especially fake ones are fine especially when you noted that she had DD before. So far good story has promise but like they said bad place to end a chapter. Hope to see a second chapter soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Don't listen to these clowns

You're doing fine. Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You lost me when his mother became so hot because she had cow sized breasts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Eh !

What a waste of my time, get to the point...

live4thebjlive4thebjover 11 years ago
Don't agree ever this is a good place to just stop

I get you want to keep writing more parts but also keep in mind there is a lot of time (24hrs or more and clearly more for it's been already 24hrs since you posted this) that you post the next part. If anything I would have written this in such a way where you end to the point you get to the sex and it finishes and then hit a cliff hanger. Your cliff hanger is before the sex, and to me that isn't a good place to stop.

Just my opinion.

mumblegooseeggmumblegooseeggover 11 years ago
I agree and disagree

with many of the comments. I agree that KK-cup tits are a deformity rather than sexy, and I believe that most women don't look for cock size as the primary factor in sexual attraction. But alas, such are the conventions -- the tropes? -- of porn. As long as you don't have him shoot "gallons" of come when a tablespoon is more than most can manage, we'll be OK. What I disagree with is the flaming of the technical quality of writing. There were little errors here and there (typos mostly) but I found your writing to be not only grammatical but pleasant to read. A heck of a lot better than what most authors on Literotica achieve. A four-star effort and don't let the critics get you down!

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