The Warlord's Kitten Ch. 04


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"Now... What were you asking me earlier, Kitty?" Rugana asked, dragging the still-dazed Lin'qa into her lap.

"I... asked?" Lin'qa had no idea what she was talking about. She had no idea how to do basic math at that moment either, though.

"Let me remind you..." She chuckled, pressing her cock against her the entrance to her boycunt. There was a small pinch as the head popped in, Dellie's fingers hadn't stretched her enough to make the entry completely painless.

"Momma... nooo... I need a break," She whined, even as a familiar shiver of pleasure raced through her alongside the pain.

"I said you're off the hook for cumming without permission. You still owe me a fuck." Rugana laughed as she grabbed two handfuls of Lin'qa's ass and started to pull her downward onto the erect pillar of Orc cock flesh beneath her. Immersed in the heat of the springs as she was, Lin'qa couldn't feel her Momma's cock sliding home the way she normally did. Instead, of the heat, she only felt the stretching and the pressure of it. The sensitive nerve endings in her bitch gland groaned in protest as they were stimulated again so soon after an orgasm. Her body felt the pleasure and the delicious sensation of anal sex but it was too much. Too soon.

"Momma, please... gentle?" Lin'qa looked into her eyes pleadingly. Her hands gripped the Orcess' sturdy shoulders like they were rock outcroppings.

"Very gentle." Rugana assured her with a wicked grin. A moment later, her grip on Lin'qa's generous butt tightened and she roughly thrust her cock up into the waifish cat girl. She bounced up and down like she was riding a bull, the water churning and splashing around them as Rugana plowed her boypussy at full throttle. "Mmm, c'mon Kitty, tighten up a little for Momma. No relaxing just because you had a good time with your new friend." The Orcess laughed as she flicked one of Lin'qa's already battered nipples with the tip of her finger. The flick was light, but the pain was enough to force Lin'qa to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming. Well, she thought it was pain. At this point the line was pretty fuzzy between pain and ecstacy.

Miraculously, she had a moment with a clear enough head that she was able to do what Rugana asked, and she squeezed her tight passage around the invading pillar of Orcess meat. She clenched around the pistoning organ, and Rugana's satisfied growl told her that she appreciated the effort.

"This is what you're meant for, Kitty. This sweet hole was designed to milk my fucking dick. Your sweet little body was made to be molested and tormented. Even Dellie realized that much." Rugana laughed breathily, their rough copulating starting to cause a bit of a scene amongst the other Orcs present.

Lin'qa just squealed, her body felt like it had forcibly reset itself after the first few minutes of rough fucking. She was only now starting to get into a normal sexual rhythm, it was starting to feel good in a way that wasn't totally overwhelming. She started to grind her ass and wiggle her hips on Rugana's lap even as her Momma bounced her upon it like she was a sex doll. A quick wiggle of her butt caused Rugana's next savage thrust to jab directly into her p-spot. Her nails dug into her Momma's dark green flesh as pleasure ripped through her.

"Oooh, Momma... can I cum again? You feel soooo good..." The sexually charged begging and flattery tumbled out of her lips before she even realized she was doing it. Part of her thought that she'd picked that up from Dellie, and it made her face feel hot and flushed. Maybe that was just the hot springs.

Rugana grinned. "Do you think you deserve another cum, Kitty? Have you made Momma — unngh — happy enough yet?"

"K-Kitty's been a good girl! Please Momma?" she squealed. She was beyond embarrassment, she was too enraptured in her passion.

"Yeah. You have been. Go ahead Kitty, enjoy yourself. Momma's gonna... soon..."

Rugana grunted, hilting herself deeply in Lin'qa's soft insides. Her cock grew, twitched, and started to cum. Lin'qa whined in alarm and squeezed her ass down on the spurting shaft. She both pressed her prostate against the iron hard organ and milked it as best her body could, making her Momma's orgasm as good as it could be. She reached down between the two of them and gave her clitty a squeeze, seeking her own orgasm. She was so on-edge that it only took her two quick strokes before it hit her. A high pitched wail escaped her lips as she came again, wriggling and writhing on top of her Momma as the waves of pleasure shook her like a raft in a thunderstorm.

She lay against Rugana's chest, dazed. Her vision blurred out until she went effectively blind, and she moaned weakly. She felt helpless, but also protected and cared for.

The two of them stayed in that pose for a while, Lin'qa on Rugana's lap with her slowly deflating cock still wedged inside. Some people came by and talked to her, or paid their respects. One person commented on how cute her pet was, but nobody actually addressed Lin'qa.

The sun began to dip behind the mountains, and more of the Chieftains filtered out over time. With a quiet word from Rugana, they got out, dried themselves off and started the trip back to the compound. It was dark by the time they got there, and the foot traffic had died down almost completely. They passed by no more than two pedestrians on their way back to the Singing Spears compound.

Gehra was waiting there outside. "Ruge. Gur wants to have a meeting with us. Just us." His voice was quiet like he was afraid that they'd be overheard.

"Right. Be out in a second." Rugana nodded to him and ushered Lin'qa inside. She took her straight to her room, a small but private little room with a bed and some storage. "Sit tight, Kitty. If you want to sleep in the bed that's fine but I'll definitely wake you up when I get back." Her Momma left her there, and she heard the door lock behind them.

Lin'qa settled down on the bed, letting out a long sigh. It had been a long day. The other Rakshasa, Dellie and Smoke. She'd thought that Smoke had looked like her sister but that had been... a hallucination...? A shock of realization passed through her, as her brain finally properly processed what had happened. Dellie had told her that she looked just like Smoke. That was not a coincidence, that was not her imagination. She and Felida were nigh constantly told they looked like mirror images of one another. The Plexion Claws, Smoke being an arms dealer, it couldn't be a coincidence. Smoke had to be her sister, there was no other way to explain it. Her sister was here, now. Maybe less than a few hundred feet away.

The sound of Rugana slamming the door outside behind her made Lin'qa jump, and she felt a gentle breeze blow through her hair. "Wait... a breeze?" she murmured, looking around. The walls were bare and stark, and there was no window that she could see. The breeze came again, and she looked up. At the back of the room, right next to the ceiling, was a gap. It was high up, but it looked wide enough to squeeze out of.

A chill passed through Lin'qa. Felida was here, she could help her escape. She probably had an airship. But she was aghast as she considered maybe she shouldn't escape. Today had been such a nice day. When was the last time she'd had such an enjoyable vacation? This was kind of like a vacation, after all. Family trips had always been an ordeal, and she dreaded them. She shook her head, wondering how she could possibly be thinking this. She couldn't just stay here, she had to go. She had to try.

She was going to do this. This was the chance she'd been waiting for. And, she could see her sister again, tonight. She went over to the bed, and, slowly, quietly, started to drag it towards the appropriate wall. One of the wooden legs scraped loudly against the floor, and she froze, listening to see if any of the people in the other room had woken up. She heard nothing, and kept working. It took several minutes to get the bed to where she needed it to be. And she felt a wave of disappointment as she realized it still wasn't quite high enough. The nightstand. She grabbed it, and carried it over to the bed, setting it unsteadily down on the hard mattress. She climbed up onto the nightstand as carefully as she could, and slowly rose up to her full height. She reached up, and her hands gripped the edge of the opening. She paused, realizing that she was still naked, and climbed back down to snatch a discarded sheet off of the floor. Sheet in tow, she reached up, and pulled. Lin'qa was not really in great shape, but Rakshasa were good climbers. After a few false starts, she was able to lift her torso up far enough that she was able to swing her leg up and onto the ledge. Grunting, and pulling herself with three of her limbs, she slowly edged herself upwards, and squeezed herself through the narrow opening. Tossing the sheet down to the ground below, Lin'qa lowered herself down until she was once again dangling by her hands on the ledge, She let go, and hit the ground with a loud thud that she hoped wouldn't attract too much attention.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, more from the stress than the exertion of the climb. She snatched her sheet up and wrapped herself in it, covering up the iron shackles on her limbs and her collar and leash. She moved quickly, keeping her head down, looking for the area where she'd seen Felida. She saw very few Orcs around at this hour, but the ones she did come across seemed very disinterested in her. It was a short trip to the area where she'd seen Felida, but it was mostly empty now. She panicked when she realized she had no idea where Felida actually was. She could be anywhere, and if she wandered around randomly she'd get caught for sure.

"You lookin' for Smoke or something, kid?" A voice behind her made her jump, and she turned around to see an Orc leaning against a wall and smoking. He gave her a curious look as he added a little more of whatever it was he was smoking to his pipe.

"Yes! I'm her new assistant, but I don't know my way around here. I'm kinda lost" Lin'qa smiled nervously. The Orc just pointed across the way with his thumb.

"That building," he said, blowing a puff of smoke in her direction that made her nose wrinkle.

"Thank you!" She gave him a smile to hide her nervousness and dashed off towards the indicated building. It was small and unremarkable, it looked like every other building in the concourse. Lin'qa never would have been able to pick it out without directions. She circled around to the other side and made her way to the door. There was no door handle, but instead there was a series of faintly glowing lines across the middle of the door in a complex pattern that looked like a series of waves. Lin'qa recognized the illusionary lock that her sister loved to use, and she peered closely at the lines, looking for which of them were worn. She must have had this illusion active for a while without refreshing it, because Lin'qa was able to easily trace her finger from the left edge to the right edge of the door, following a branching path along the lines. The door flashed briefly, and she heard the lock disengage. She didn't wait even an instant before she shoved the door open and darted inside, closing it behind her.

"Who in the nine... Lin'qa!?" Felida. It was definitely Felida. She stared at her in shock, like she was seeing a ghost.

"Felida!" Lin'qa ran over to her and embraced her in a hug, tears running down her cheeks. "It is you! Goddess, I... I didn't..."

"Lin'qa, what are you doing here? How are you... Mother said you ran away like a week ago."

"No. I was kidnapped, I managed to get away just now. I saw you here, I thought, maybe you could help. I don't care about you selling the Claws, Feli I just can't stay here any longer." Lin'qa let her out of the hug but didn't let her go, her hands still clutched her shoulders tightly. Felida had to gently raise her hands and move Lin'qa's off of her.

"Lin'qa, please calm down, I just... I need to think." Now relieved of Lin'qa's hysterically grasping hands, she rubbed her forehead, looking overwhelmed.

"You have an airship don't you? We can fly away before they notice." Lin'qa fidgeted nervously, and the sheet she was using as clothing continued its slow descent off her shoulders. She fixed it before it could get too far, without breaking her gaze off of her sister.

"Well, yeah, but... I can't just take off without clearance, they'll shoot me down. Tell you what, Lin'qa, I'll go see if I can get approval to take off. You stay here and I'll be back as soon as I can. We'll get you out of here so just stay calm, okay?" Felida flashed her a sorrowful smile.

"Okay, good idea. It's... it's so good to see you, little sister, I thought I'd never... never see any of you ever again."

"You too, big brother." She smiled at her as she slipped out the front door, closing it behind her and locking it with a soft click.

Lin'qa let out a shaky breath of relief and looked around the room. More than anything, it looked like a workshop. Half-finished mechanical objects were scattered across the table, clamps were attached to surfaces, rulers and pressurized canisters on shelves. Chisels. Lin'qa's brow furrowed, and she went over to the table, grabbing one of the chisels, the kind that was used to engrave metal. She tested the weight for a second, and then sat down, extending her left arm and peeling the sheet off of it. The blue runes that adorned the metal band around her forearm glowed softly in the light, and she laid her arm out flat so as to have the best angle at it. Gently, she lowered the chisel to the metal, applying a tiny bit of pressure. She knew she had to be careful, this was a sharp implement and if she slipped it would easily leave a very deep wound. Escaping would be much harder if she was bleeding out.

Cling! Cling! shhhk, shhhk

Lin'qa scraped and chipped away at the metal band, little slivers of metal peeling off with each movement. She removed one of the runes, blue motes of magic dissipating into the air as the metal they were etched into was slowly scraped away. Before she got any further, she heard voices at her door, and put the chisel down. That seemed awfully fast to her, she barely felt like she'd been working long at all She stood up to meet Felida, covering herself back up with the sheet as she moved.

"Feli, I think I can—" Lin'qa trailed off, her eyes going wide. Felida had entered, but with two Orcs in tow.

"Here he is," She spoke, her eyes narrowed, glaring at Lin'qa accusingly. The two Orcs grunted in affirmation and moved forward to grab Lin'qa.

"Felida? What? Why...?" Lin'qa fell to her knees as the Orcs approached. Despair overwhelmed her. She'd trusted her sister and now she was turning her over? The Orcs tore the sheet off her and grabbed her by her arm, lifting her back up onto her feet. They started to drag her out of the little room, and she barely even resisted as tears fell from her eyes, looking desperately to Felida for an answer. The sting of betrayal hurt so much she didn't even notice she was naked in front of her sister.

"Because you're a weirdo and you're in the way, Lin. You've always been in the way. Get him out of here. If a security breach like this happens again I'll have someone's head." Felida glared at the two Orcs, who grumbled in annoyance, but didn't actually protest. Lin'qa was dragged naked back out into the concourse, and Felida slammed the door behind them.

"We taking him to the barracks?" The Orc who had her arm in a vice grip asked the other.

"Maybe. He's got tattoos in his ears, see that? You recognize that crest at all?"

"Oh, you're right. Yeah that's the Singing Spears' crest. Maybe drop him off there? It's closer." The two of them rumbled in agreement and dragged Lin'qa back off to where she'd come from. Back towards Rugana. She felt numb the whole trip, and didn't resist at all. She couldn't even truly believe what had just happened. The sound of a fist banging on the door drew her out of her reverie.

The door swung open, and Rugana was there. Lin'qa had never felt so small, and Rugana had never seemed so imposing.

"You found him." She stated flatly. The word 'him' stabbed through Lin'qa like a spear. That single word communicated how displeased Rugana was with her.

"Yeah, he broke into Smoke's room, begged her to fly him away or something. She came straight to us." The Orc shoved her forward. She kept her eyes on the floor, shame and terror overwhelming her. She knew if she looked up into her Momma's eyes that she'd start crying.

"Thanks. Hey. You two, who do you work for?" Rugana put her hand on Lin'qa's head as though to keep her in place. It wasn't necessary, Lin'qa doubted that her legs would carry her even if she tried. Rugana kept talking to the two Orcs who'd handed her over without giving her so much an acknowledgement.

"We're security for the Clansmeet itself, no Clan affiliation, Ma'am." One of the Orcs answered cheerfully.

"So, if I were to give you two fine Orcs a bonus here and ask you to keep quiet about my slave slipping out, you wouldn't be betraying any of your fellow Clanmate's confidence by doing so, yeah?" Rugana dug into a pouch slung around her waist and withdrew a quartet of coins.

"'Course we would. We were never here?" The two of them grinned widely, and Rugana handed the money over. They left in a hurry, as though afraid that at any moment their good fortune would run out if they remained.

Rugana grabbed Lin'qa's leash, and turned to some of her retinue in the room who were up and about. "Hey, you two. Take Kitty to the airship for me, lock him in an empty cargo hold, make sure they know to feed him and check up on him. If Kitty gets away again then someone is losing their dick, understood? I really really don't like having to bribe security goons." Of the two who approached to carry out Rugana's request, the Orcess seemed pretty amused at her instructions, and the Orc seemed a little pale.

"Momma, please, let—"

"Kitty, now is the time for you to shut the fuck up. I'll have some words for you when we get home." She glared at her, and Lin'qa shuddered in fear, snapping her mouth shut. As she was dragged off into the night, she felt tears rolling down her face.


Lin'qa spent the next four days with her hands and feet bound together, lying on her side on the hard wooden floor of a cargo hold. It was dark, almost pitch black except for when some of Rugana's crew came to feed her, give her water, or take her to the bathroom. The food was stale and the bathroom trips were just trips to go in the grass outside with her wrists and ankles still bound. At least the water was just water. Sometimes they opened the door just to make sure she was there, and closed it a moment later. She spent most of her time crying and feeling sorry for herself. There was no fight and no anger left in her. She only felt crushing defeat and disappointment. Felida had turned her in without a moment's hesitation. 'You've always been in the way,' she had said. After the first day, Lin'qa had begun to suspect that her kidnapping had been at least partially orchestrated by Felida in the first place. She'd been selling weapons to the Fifty Clans for years, apparently. She certainly had the contacts necessary to drop a hint about a wealthy young Rakshasa heir landing in Lek. What had Go'a said? 'You're a bit of a higher profile job than we normally do.' She was torn. Part of her couldn't believe how she could be so stupid not to realize that it had been Felida. The other part was mad at how stupid she'd been to think that her family actually wanted her back.

After what must have been days, the room began to shake and tremble. They were taking off, going back to Rugana's fortress. Going home. Someone came by to feed her during the trip, but other than that it was no different than the past several days. Darkness, and solitude. Eventually, the rumbling stopped with a soft jolt. They had arrived.