The Weekend Pt. 04


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"Turning into a real anal-queen, aren't you? You filthy cow. I thought your greedy little arsehole was gonna swallow the whole bloody thing there for a minute."

Barbara felt herself blush. She couldn't help it. Beneath the outwardly sexually-liberated mature woman, there still lurked the tight, repressed attitude to sex she'd had as a young girl – although her activities over the last couple of years had forced those feelings well to the back of her mind.

"You can be such a crude bitch, at times." She laughed, grinning back at her teasing friend while wiping her lovers residue from her lips with the back of her hand.

"I'M a crude bitch? I'm not the one who just had a gigantic cum with a big vibrator throbbing away up my bum. Am I?"

Once again, Barbara blushed furiously, before laughing again, "Okay. Yes, I admit it. I love things up my bottom while I'm cumming. It just seems to intensify the feelings, you know...Makes everything so much more... I don't know..."

"You mean, what?... Intense?"

"Oh fuck off... I can't talk to you at times. You know what I mean. You enjoy Keith fucking your bum, don't you? You told me a while ago, you loved the feeling of his hot cum flooding inside there... Now you do it regularly, since our little threesome..."

"Yes, I do. And he loves it, of course. I think he prefers my arse to my cunt most of the time. Probably 'cause it's so much tighter."

Both women broke out into fits of laughter, before laying back side-by-side and reclining against the bed-head. After a short period of silence, when they each wandered off into their own thoughts, Barbara mused softly to her lover.

"I wonder what a DP would be like. I think I might like to try that sometime, wouldn't you?"

"Well I have... Sort of anyway. Me and Keith like to use a big dildo to do it. If he fucks me up the bum, I use the vibrator in my cunt... And vice-versa... I actually quite enjoy it. I think I prefer his cock up my arse and the plastic in my pussy though, I have bigger orgasms that way ... He likes to feel the vibrations coming through too."

"Mm-mm, that sounds like fun. What about two cocks though? Don't you fancy that?"

"I don't know really. I've never been with another man since we got married, so it would be totally new."

"I thought you told me a while back – back when you first propositioned me – that you and Keith had talked about trying swinging."

"We had... But we've never done anything about it. It would appear that night with you seems to have got it out of his system – although he still would love to fuck you again, of course."

The two naked women giggled loudly again, both pairs of breasts rippling delightfully as their shoulders shook.

"Really? Well you can tell him it's not going to happen. He's had his fantasy fuck."

"Oh, he knows that. Doesn't stop him grilling me about what WE get up to though. I think he probably imagines him fucking you while he's doing me."

"And you don't mind that?"

"Of course not, silly. I get the best of both worlds. His cock gets harder than ever, and I get to taste your sweet pussy and play with those gorgeous tits of yours."

"You going to tell him what we've done today?"

"Oh yes. It'll guarantee me a good, hard fuck, when he gets home, so, of course I'll tell him all the sordid details of how we made each other cum dozens of times. How we fucked each other with our strap-on cocks. How you came to a quivering wreck with a big vibrator up your gorgeous tight arse... I'll be lucky if he doesn't cum in his pants again"

"You're such a deviant bitch. No wonder I love you so much," Barbara leant over and kissed her married lover, their tongues sensuously caressing each others, "Now I REALLY have to get ready, if I'm not going to be late meeting Dylan to discuss the wedding, so get dressed and fuck off back to your husband, you cheating wife, you."

"It's not cheating if he knows... And, my God, does he know EVERYTHING. I'm glad I don't have time for a shower though, my HUSBAND will be able to smell you all over me whilst we're fucking...It'll get get him even more turned-on."

"You really are a kinky bitch." Barbara laughed at her best friend, watching her pull her clothing on and covering her sweat-soaked body.

"Takes one to know one, dirty fucker..."

"Get fucked..."

"Oh, I intend to girlfriend..."

* * *

Barbara's meeting with her daughter Emma's future father-in-law, Dylan Robert Foster – his parents had been hairy hippies way back in the day and were huge fans – seemed to pass in an instant for the mother of the bride-to-be. She found herself totally captivated by the seemingly perfect gentleman sitting opposite her. Although they were meant to be discussing the wedding plans as their children had suggested, they wandered into telling each other about their private lives instead, each story getting more and more personal as the evening wore on.

Hanging on to his every word like a love-struck teenager, she listened attentively as he told her much about his life as a 22 year-old single father left to bring up his son alone, thankfully with the help of his late parents, whilst trying to make his way in life. It turned out, John's mother had walked out on the pair when her son was barely six months old, leaving only a short note for the young single father – they had never married – saying that she was much too young to be saddled with a family and wishing him all the best for the future. Dylan admitted to Barbara that, looking back, he had probably never really loved his son's mother as a life partner, and it was maybe a good thing they had not stayed together, with only the welfare of their son in common.

He felt it would have been inevitable that, as young parents not really in love, they would have become just another statistic on the huge list of failed marriages that seemed to include most of his friends at the time. Maybe he wasn't the marrying kind, he'd explained, openly admitting to having had several – or many, depending on your point of view – affairs and short relationships in the 28 years since the woman had left. He did, however, express his regret at never having found his 'soul-mate' as Barbara had with her late husband, joking that, even at his late age, there was still maybe a chance of him doing so. That statement strangely brought a gentle flutter to Barbara's heart, surprising her and moistening her sex as she briefly thought about the two of them being together; secretly pleased at the possibility that this sexy, attractive, man was still looking for the love of his life.

For her part, Barbara inexplicably found herself talking to this almost-stranger as though they had known each other for years, instead of just the short while it actually was. She wanted him to know everything about her; needed him to know she was available to him; ready and willing to give herself to him in any way he desired. The feelings of attraction and yearning rapidly building throughout her whole body, were like nothing she had ever felt before when meeting a man. Maybe, when she'd first met her David, the love of her life, maybe she'd had similar feelings. But that was love, true love, wasn't it? This was different. Surely, this was just out-and-out lust...

As the evening wore on, and she consumed more of the delicious wine he'd ordered with their meal, the besotted woman confided everything about her life, telling the increasingly enthralled Dylan more and more about what she'd been up to since the passing of her late husband. Not going into any great detail about the sex, but not omitting too much about the situations she'd involved herself in either, she fascinated her attentive companion with her ever-broadening experiences.

"You must think I'm a complete slut." She finally whispered, after eventually telling him about her new and continuing sexual relationship with her long-time best friend, bashfully gazing into his sparkling eyes across the short distance between them.

"A slut?... Not at all... I think you're the most beautiful, sexiest, desirable woman I've met in my whole life."

Barbara's heart pounded at his reply. Oh my God... Does he want me as much as I want him? Will he ask me up to his hotel room? Maybe I should invite him back to my apartment? Many silent questions flew across her mind, confused thoughts fuelled by the alcohol and her rapidly building lust for the gorgeous man sitting opposite her. Seconds later, emboldened by the wine and galvanised by her blatant desire to give herself fully to this handsome lump of testosterone-fuelled sexuality mere inches across the table from her, she took a deep breath and closed the gap between them even more.

"Would you like me to come up to your room for a nightcap?" she whispered, chuckling sexily at the well-worn cliché.

A huge smile broke through Dylan's craggy features. Taking her chin between his strong fingers, he gently pulled her face closer to his, his deep blue eyes seeming to pore into her very soul, "As I'm sober and able to drive, I think it would much better if we just went back to your place and fucked each other senseless, don't you?"

Barbara gasped audibly, her chest heaving with desire for this man as her panties suddenly felt tight and constricting against her throbbing clitoris, "Oh my God... Yes please."

* * *

Chapter 3

Early Summer – 2014

Throughout that early summer, Barbara and Dylan's relationship blossomed, their liaison swiftly becoming much more than a sexually-fuelled affair. For her part, Barbara inwardly fought the feelings of love she rapidly developed for her new paramour. She had always thought she would only ever really love her late husband; that she would never be lucky enough again to feel the deep devotion and passion she'd felt toward him throughout their too-short life together. Their love had been sacred, hadn't it? She didn't want or need to feel anything like that for another man. Now, this new man in her life, her latest lover, had startlingly penetrated her inner mind. She was so attracted to him, so captivated by him, she reluctantly had to admit to herself that she was possibly, make that certainly, falling deeply in love with a man for the second time in her life...

Similarly, Dylan was himself reluctant to commit his emotions to a woman – any woman. He'd always had issues with trusting a partner in a relationship. John's mother's abandonment of them had inevitably scarred him, left him distant and wary of any woman's motives. Suddenly, there was this new woman in his life; this sexy, beautiful, incredibly horny being who had infiltrated all his senses and broken down the barriers he'd always placed between himself and any potential partner.

What they did discover, fairly early in their relationship, was that Dylan was very much turned-on by the thought of Barbara continuing with her exhibitionist tendencies. He absolutely loved showing her off, having other men (and women) admire her – even obviously lust after her. She, of course, was happy to indulge his little fetish, hardly ever wearing underwear whenever they ventured out together and many times 'accidentally' exposing private parts of her gorgeous body to complete strangers. Their sex together after such public unveiling of her attractions was never less than spectacular. Many times they would have to sate their lust long before they made it back to the sanctuary of whatever bedroom they were staying in that day, often having sex in semi-public places with the genuine, exiting risk of being caught by some unsuspecting passer-by or other.

Dylan lived down on the south coast, in a small village just a couple of hours away from Barbara's apartment and very near a sandy beach that had its own public nudist area. The increasingly adventuresome couple soon became regular visitors there, with the result of them obtaining deep, all-over tans, with not a hint of any 'white bits' to be seen on their bodies. He owned, and ran, a small boat-yard that catered for the maintenance and repair of the many yachts and motor-launches owned by the local sea-faring community. In addition, he had his own 40ft, immaculate, wooden sloop that was at least 50yrs old and the envy of any sailor who set eyes on her. This beautiful yacht quickly became their main place of abode whenever they were down there, providing even more opportunities for Barbara to expose her nudity to any stranger fortunate to pass within viewing distance. In fact, the reputation of the beautiful yacht, with its even more beautiful female crew member, obviously spread like wildfire amongst the local sailing community, many of whom became frequent, and friendly, neighbours whenever the boat was sailing the seas or, especially, when moored in a quiet little bay to enable Dylan and Barbara to enjoy the freedom and joy of 'skinny-dipping'. Deciding early doors to keep their burgeoning relationship from their respective children, their intention being to not place any extra pressure or distraction on the kids' own romance as they all planned the upcoming nuptials, mother and father somehow managed to hide their obvious attraction to each other from their offspring – not actually too difficult as the younger couple were so besotted with one another that they probably wouldn't have noticed anyway.

With Dylan's full agreement – and enthusiastic encouragement – Barbara continued her sexual trysts with her girlfriend, Diane. They would see each other once or twice a week at Barbara's apartment, spending several hours having the kind of sex together that only women can provide for each other. The kind of sex that didn't need the hard, physical body of a man, but rather the softer, more gentle touch of another female that was rarely in the need for any recuperation time – "A plastic strap-on never needs time to recover its erection," they'd giggled when comparing the relevant qualities of their men's cocks against their always available replica. As Diane had long since discovered, telling their men all about what the two women got up to during their lesbian love-making, always provided an extra stimulant for the heterosexual fucking that inevitably followed the tales of sapphic love narrated to their male partners.

With the prospect of a gorgeous couple of weeks promised by the weather-forecasters, Barbara and Dylan invited Diane and Keith to spend a few days sailing to the Channel Islands and back. Although Barbara was a little nervous about how things would be between her and Keith – given her participation in being his 'fantasy fuck' such a short while ago – she was assured that it would never be mentioned on their holiday together. In actual fact, she wasn't too worried about the subject being brought up, she'd already told Dylan all about her night as an anniversary gift, - yet another story that inspired a night of sexual abandon between the two of them.

True to the promised forecast, the weather was absolutely gorgeous when they set off mid-morning on the Friday, not a cloud in the sky and just enough wind to propel the boat at a nice lick without being too strenuous for them to sail her. As the temperature rose steadily to the high 70's, it wasn't long before the two women eagerly discarded their bikinis and provided their men with the wonderful view of their beautiful, if totally different, naked bodies. Not only their two partners got to see them though. As they were sailing across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, several much larger vessels than theirs were passed. This provided any sailors who chanced to be looking, the unexpected opportunity of seeing two gorgeous, mature, - and very, very naked – females on open display. True to form, the two naked ladies would wave back whenever the boys looking down at them from the decks way above would try to attract their attention, responding to all the catcalls, and requests to show more, by posing brazenly whenever cameras or mobile phones were brought into play. Barbara would admit later, the thought of all those photos, and maybe, videos, appearing on the internet for all the world to see, and probably before they'd even reached their holiday destination, had caused her pussy to flood with sexual excitement – a feeling that was freely echoed by the like-minded Diane.

Eventually, as darkness was falling, they reached the small island of St.Anne, situated a few miles north of Guernsey, where, after dropping anchor just offshore, they took the boat's motorised dinghy into the tiny port intending to find a nice restaurant and a shop from where they could buy some fresh water and bread for the following day. Their meal, local seafood and salad washed down with two bottles of the house white, was accompanied by ceaseless conversation between the four. To the girls delight, the two men, who hardly knew each other before the trip, got along famously. Only four years apart in age, but totally different in looks, they seemed to like and enjoy similar things in life. The same sort of music – Springsteen, Bob Seger type rock; Both enjoyed good food and wine; Both enjoyed watching soccer – the friendly repartee between the two increasing and getting more raucous when they discovered they supported different teams; And both enjoyed the outdoor life too, with Keith jokingly expressing his jealousy at the location of Dylan's beautiful countryside cottage.

The happy banter of comparing the two men continued until all the wine had been consumed, when, as invariably happens when four adults get together with alcohol, the subject matter suddenly veered toward sex as Diane cheekily pointed out – in a drunken whisper that was probably heard by several people on nearby tables – that both men got incredibly turned on by the thought of their women having naughty lesbian sex together. Startled by the sudden revelation of their mutual lasciviousness, the blushing men looked at each other and sheepishly grinned, shrugging their shoulders in embarrassed admission of their voyeuristic fetish as all four burst into loud tipsy giggling.

"There is one thing we don't have in common."

Dylan's intoxicated quiet whisper broke the temporary silence that had descended on the quartet after Diane's cheeky exposure of what they all knew to be true.

"And what's that, my friend." Keith enquired, his eyebrows raised in anticipation.

"Well... You've fucked my Barbara... Yes? But I haven't been anywhere near your wife..."

A few seconds shocked silence followed from his stunned companions, before all four of them burst out into raucous laughter.

"Well, our holiday's not over yet, is it?"

Barbara surprised even herself with her reply. The other three stared open-mouthed at her, a deep red blush colouring her face as she realised the significance of what she'd just said.

"You mean?..." Diane asked nervously.

Barbara looked her girlfriend in the eye, the other woman's gaze carrying a question that demanded an answer, "Well. I suppose fairs fair, isn't it? If Dyl wants to fuck you, I think I'd be okay with it. What about you, Keith?"

"What?... I mean...I don't know... Would I get to watch?... Would I get to fuck you again?... What does Dylan think?"

Dylan stared at the three friends who'd known each other for over twenty years. Feeling like the outsider he surely was, he replied tentatively, his mind imagining Diane's voluptuous body spread-eagled for him with everything exposed for his pleasure.

"Well I suppose if you three are all okay with it... Why not? We're all adults, aren't we? And after all, it's only sex."