The Whoremaker Ch. 09

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Ellie's first time with Mikey.
5.6k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 03/21/2024
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Thanks to Neuroparenthetical for editing this chapter

A week later, Ellie was still shaken up by what Grandpa had done to her.. His actions had brought back the trauma from the library. She told me she'd felt helpless -- that it had only taken him a few seconds to force her to succumb to him. It helped that my grandpa bore some resemblance to me, but that didn't spare Ellie's mental state.

She'd fallen prey to another, "Whoremaker." That's the word she'd used, that made me wonder if I could make a business out of it -- offer my abilities for a price, as "The Whoremaker." It felt like a good plan, and would allow me to devour all sorts of women. It would, however, carry the risk of notoriety, which I most certainly didn't want.

Ellie did calm down by the time the weekend came around, but she said she was having nightmares. I offered to let her stay at my place that weekend, and she agreed to at least come over after school on Friday. Once we were both back at my place that afternoon, we sat and talked. Thankfully my mom wasn't back yet. I then explained what my grandpa had told me, and asked if she didn't get any of that during the blowjob.

"I... I couldn't think or even focus on anything outside making him cum," she replied.. "All I could imagine was his cum in my mouth, wanting it..."

Ellie shook her head, the image she described resurfacing.

"Okay," I said, hoping to shift the focus of the conversation -- though not towards anything good. "So we know now that we need to keep recruiting girls."

Ellie turned to me. "Mikey, let me ask you something: do you think what he said was true?"

I shifted in my seat to focus on her. "About us?"

Ellie nodded, her expression one of concern.

"No," I answered firmly., "Llook, I'm not like him or my dad."

Ellie reached out and held my hand. "If what he said about your dad is true, then I really hope you're not."

We held hands and drank our respective beverages. Mom came moments later, carrying some bags. I had been avoiding her for the past week, rarely coming home and staying over at Kacey or Ellie's places. I was disappointed she'd lied to me for so long -- angry, even.

"Ellie, Mikey," she asked, "How is your day going so far?. Hope you kids aren't not doing anything naughty in my house!."

"Naughty like what, Mom?!" I snapped at her.

"Mikey... calm down, I'm only teasing you. I know my boy is well- behaved."

"Well, Mom, maybe I've been hiding it. Maybe I'm hiding my hobbies because I don't want you to know."

Ellie squeezed my hand, then shook her head. I could tell she didn't approve me being snarky to my mother.

"Mikey, is everything alright?" Mom put the groceries down and sat next to me. She placed her hand on my thigh. "I hope I nothing's wrong." Her expression showed concern.

For my part, I was struggling with whether or not to confront her -- to ask her why she'd kept the truth from me. "I just want to know where Dad is, Mom," I said.

Mom looked down., I wondered what excuse she'd make that time for dad's absence.

"Um, listen, Mikey," she began. "Your dad is... he is not the great husband I wish he could be. Just, try to be patient, okay?. He'll come home and tell you all about his adventures."

"I don't want to wait," I said. "I need to talk to him now!" Then, without meaning to, I crushed my tea cup. Mom gasped and jumped. My hands were searing hot as the contents of my cup drenched them. I was in pain, but it didn't compare in the slightest to my deep disdain for my parents' sham of a marriage.

"Okay sweetie," she said, "let's try to calm down. Ellie, do you mind helping Mikey with his hand while I make dinner?."

"Yes, ma'am."

Ellie took me upstairs to the bathroom and washed my hands. She delicately cleaned my wounds -- seared skin and even a little burnt flesh. Afterwards, she bandaged me. All the while, I remained mad, still wondering why the hell my life had been thrown into the shitter. Everything I knew was a lie, and being able to fuck any girl I wanted didn't nearly seem worth all the misery.

"You okay?" Ellie had finished bandaging my hand, and we'd taken refuge in my bedroom. It was the first time she'd been in my room -- and I hoped it wouldn't be the last..


Ellie wasn't convinced. She took my hand once again --. tThe one that wasn't hurt. "You sure?" Ellie stared right into my eyes, so close we could kiss. Finally, I could feel my hot head cooling down, thanks to her.

"Yeah I'm sure," I said with a smile.

"Good, let's go downstairs then."


I ate in silence., Mom could sense the tension in the air. Often I'd catch her staring at my grimace. She was the only one not aware the marriage ruse was up.

Ellie, though, was probably more concerned with my state of mind. I tapped my foot, probably in an attempt to control myself.

"So Mikey, graduation is coming up. You going to homecoming?"

Mom was trying to relieve the tension.

"Yes," Ellie replied, "I was hoping Mikey would remember to ask me, but guess I'll have to just force him to go with me."

The sly comment caught me off guard. "Hey, wait. We're going together?"

Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Look at you," Mom said, "my man of the house and his cute, bratty princess."

"Miss Clark..." Ellie bumped Mom's shoulder. "I'm not bratty. It's just that Mikey is a doofus sometimes."

"You know, Ellie," I said, "this is the first time you've actually been your normal meanish self."

Ellie blushed, pretending to eat and ignore me.

"Wait," I said. "Are you telling me that all that mean-spirited banter was your way of hiding your real feelings?"

Mom and I laughed at our shy princess.

"Look," Ellie said, finally acknowledging me again, "I had a crush on you. I didn't know how to flirt so I thought it was better to try and make you notice me, so I made fun of you, a lot."

"Wow," I replied. "You're the reason I stopped using Aaxe body spray, because you said I smelt like a drug dealer or those kids who eat tide pods."

Mom laughed even harder. "So you're the reason he came home and tossed them all in the bin... ha!"

"No, wait, Mrs Clark. Let me explain., Iit's not that I had a problem with body spray. It's just that that brand makes me sneeze and wheeze a lot. I didn't know how to tell him."

At this point Mom was beside herself with laughter, barely able to chew.

"So your idea was to shame me into not using it," I said.

"I didn't want you to think I was controlling."

"Ohh my god..." I palmed my forehead, and Ellie made me feel stupid.

"You kids are a hoot," Mom said. "I wish you brought more of your friends home."

Ellie took my empty plate and hers to the sink.

"So honey," Mom continued, "you seem to be rather cheery. Can you tell me what was bothering you earlier?"

I didn't want to ruin Mom's mood., Tthings were good.

"It's nothing, Mom."

"Are you sure, sweetie?"

"I'm sure, Mom."

Mom smiled and took her plate to her sink, where Ellie had already started washing dishes. mom then called Ellie's mom to ask her if she could stay over. I could hear them complimenting each other, sharing pleasantries, and finalising Ellie's stay. Ellie would sleep in Mom's room -- or so her mother was assured.

Once Mom got off the phone, she turned her attention to Ellie. "So Ellie, I'm sure one of my older nighties will fit that slim body -- maybe get my son a bit excited."

Ellie blushed. Mom had managed to turn her into the princess she'd accused her of being before. I decided to lock up and mop the kitchen whilst they dried and packed the dishes.

My mom and Ellie behaved differently from how I'd expect them to. Ellie talked to Mom like she was talking to a sister; they giggled and laughed a lot. I'd often hear my name a few times as they gossiped. The playfulness wasn't just in how they talked, though. Ellie seemed to be comfortable, too -- making poses to demonstrate whatever point she was making. I believed she was mocking Stacy's need to raise her nose up at people.

I didn't listen to much of their conversation that night. Instead, I focused on a plan of action. I needed a way to keep finding womean to feed on without drawing too much attention to myself. I thought about that until I got up to my room. I'd pretty much forgotten about both Ellie and Mom.

I laid on my bed solemnly watching my light flicker; listening to the distant howls of the dogs in our neighbourhood and cars passing by; and pondering possible solutions to my pressingissue. Most of them seemed unfeasible. One involved becoming a porn star, but then I remembered that porn involved cameras and a director. A male prostitute made sense, but then I wouldn't choose the girls; they'd choose me.

It had to be something that made a profit, but something that didn't mean I was giving sex. Rather, I wanted to take it from them -- get it by virtue of my position.

"Whoremaker..." I whispered.

Perhaps what I should do with these powers is take girls, girls who have nothing, girls who are struggling and turn them into whores. Whores for my pleasure and the patrons of my establishment, I was going to become the whoremaker.

I was going to create a feeding frenzy -- a palace where my needs would be satisfied for all eternity. Questions remained, however; where would Ellie fit into that? What about mom? What would their roles be in my establishment?

For whatever reason, I suddenly wondered just how long I'd been lying in bed, planning or fantasising -- or both. It turned out that it had been quite some time. Ellie should have already been there with me.

Mom's room

I was sweating, reluctant to open Mom's bedroom door. I could sense it, feel it, hear it -- the heat emanating from the other side. I'd hoped it would happen. I'd prayed for it, finally it was a reality. All I needed to do was open the door and see it.

With a few bated breaths -- and then a few more moments to steady myself --I slowly opened Mmom's door and peered inside. My senses had been true, my gut correct. Mom and Ellie were making out.

Not only that, but it was almost exactly as I had dreamt. Mom had her hands between my girlfriend's legs and was fingering her wet hole. Ellie's legs were well-spread, too, inviting all of the attention she was getting. Mom and Ellie -- Ellie without her glasses -- kissed just like how they'd kissed in the dream. It was really happening. I'd thought perhaps they got along because of me -- because of, my relationship with each of them. It had never occurred to me that it was because of a mutual attraction.

They didn't hear the door open;. I was careful.

"Mrs Clark, your fingers feel so good inside of me."

She said that exact line --, the one from my day dream. Then, like a movie I'd already seen before,.Mom licked Ellie's neck,, then guided her to her panties to rub her clit.

I knew not every detail matched, but it was incredibly close. I watched them devour each other, blissfully unaware of my presence. Too late, I realised that mythe dream had ended not long after the action I'd witnessed.

"Mikey!" Ellie blurted out., Sshe'd opened her eyes and spotted me at the door.

Mom turned around, shades of what happened with my dad. Mom visibly panicked and started blabbering on about how it wasn't what I thought. She walked towards me to plead forgiveness while Ellie sat on the bed, looking down.

Gently, I pulled my Mom by her hand, back to the bed. I saty next to Ellie, and Mmom sat on my other side.

"I want you two to kiss again. Can you do that for me?"

"You're not mad?" Ellie asked.

"Why would I be mad? I told you that I dreamt about this. It's finally happened. Now, kiss each other."

Mom and Ellie shared one knowing glance, accepting that what was happening was not as unusual as they'd thought. Perhaps they realised that they wanted it too. Ellie moved first, placing her hand on Mom's face, and then they resumed making out.

They stuck their tongues passionately into each other's mouth. However, they knew they were putting on a show for me, and so they started flicking their tongues together.

"Oh fuck... that's hot, you two... keep going."

The growing bulge in my pants was evident. Ellie, never one to be caught slacking, started fishing out my dick.

Mom probably didn't want to feel like a third wheel. It was also likely the case that she didn't want Ellie to know about our relationship. She almost joined my girlfriend in stroking my dick, but hesitated. I grabbed her hand and whispered, "Get your hands down there and help her make me cum."

Mom was submissive that day, and she did what I told her, placing her hands right above Ellie's.. Ellie had smaller hands; they were daintier and had cute black nail polish. Ellie wasn't big on long, plastic fingernails.Mom, on the other hand, was.

Both of them worked my dick, and resumed making out with each other on top of that. It was wild. My precum was dripping all over their hands. I became keenly aware of how different their respective pairs felt on my dick. For example, Mom's hands were rougher and coarser, but she used them like an artist. Ellie's hands were softer and preferred to tease me, and would often drop down all the way to caress the base of my cock.

I watched their tongues flick, relishing their flushed faces. Neither had their eyes open; both were focused on the kiss. I broke them up, not wanting to watch anymore. It was time for the director to change the scene.

It was my turn to take part, I started with Ellie, pulling her in for a kiss before pushing her down to use her wet mouth. Mom followed her, and they soon started taking slow licks of my shaft, drooling until their spit trickled down to the base of my dick.

I reached back and stuck my fingers inside my girlfriend, making her shudder and breathe a warm breath onto me

"Ahh, Mikey, baby... you feel how wet your mom made me."

"Uh-huh..." I shuddered as well, because suddenly, Mom was doing her best to deep throat me, pushing Ellie down to service my sack. It was so intense that it made me lose focus for a few seconds. I knew I wouldn't last long if Mom kept going like that, so I made Ellie stop licking my balls and kiss me again

As I kissed her, I continued exploring her moist hole. Her pussy was just as hot and wet as it always was. Mom watched, nuzzling my cock as I made out with my girlfriend. Once I'd gotten a good taste of Ellie's cute tongue,. I switched to Mmom who, trying to not be too involved, shifted away.

"Oh sweetie, please, I don't want to distract you from your girlfriend. I'm sure you two are raring to fuck each other."

"Mom you're just as important as she is, so stop stalling and come here."

I yanked her in to assert some authority over her --no demonic powers, just my perverted little mind. I kissed Mom and held her in place. I could still feel her hesitancy.

"I think we should start by taking care of you Mrs Clark," Ellie chimed in, "for being such a good mom to Mikey."

Ellie undid Mom's bra and started licking her breasts. For someone doing it for her first time, she sure seemed to know what she was doing. Her tongue made Mom jump up and down. Mom even moaned into my mouth; heck, she forgot all about my hard dick.

Mom finally relaxed;, Ellie's change of focus from me to her had worked beautifully. Mom began returning my energy with her own, pushing her tongue just as deep into my mouth as mine did into hers. The levels of lust in her shot right up; Mom was hot.

I knew that it was time to raise the tempo. I spun Mom on her back and told Ellie to position herself on the other side. We each put one of her breasts into our mouths. I plunged my fingers into her whilest Ellie tapped and rubbed her engorged clit.

I had never thought about that position before that, but I knew Mom had really sensitive nipples. It was her weak spot, and also why she was happy to give me boobjobs. With the two teens sucking her hard nipples, Mom was sent sky- high. Her body just couldn't stay still, and her mouth...

"Mikey! Elliie! Suck Mommy's tits. Oh, suck Mommy's nipples! Ooh... you two are gonna drive me crazy... ahh ohh fuck... right there, you two!"

Mom held both our heads, caressing our hair. Ellie was ever enthusiastic with her licking, and I'm not too proud to admit that her tongue skills were far superior to mine. It was a thing of beauty; it's what made kissing her so wonderful.

Mom didn't have any resistance left in her., I felt her gush all over my fingers, once...

"Ohh fuck I'm cumming, you two... you like making this sexy milf cum?. Ahh... fuck you guys are too good at this..."


"I'm cumming again, I'm fucking cumming again... Ahh, Ellie, your tongue... ahh, baby, lick Mommy's tits..."

Thrice... that time with her legs clenching:.

"Oh fuck... baby, baby, ahh, Ellie... so fucking good... ahh, I'm cumming again... ahh fuck! Oh, you two are making me lose my mind! Ellie, baby, please stop. Please... ah ah... ahh......"

Ellie and I kissed as my mom orgasmed and convulsed beneath us. It was one of mutual adoration at our efforts. Thick as thieves, we conspired to give Mom one final mind- breaking orgasm, just because of how much we loved her. I told Ellie that her tongue had one last job to do.

It took a lot of strength to pry my mom's legs open,, but eventually her clit and pussy were ready to get licked. Ellie took her last job seriously and started lapping up the remnants of Mom's pussy cream.

I stood and removed my pants. My mom was flat on har back with her tits out. I straddled her and placed my hard dick between them. Mom was a bit out of it, but shot back to life once I started fucking her boobs.

"You two will be the death of me."

Mom pressed her breasts together while I kept her legs open. I watched her stick out her tongue to try and lap up the drops of cum coming out of the tip of my cock.

"Sweetie, your cum is so sweet..."

"I know, right?" Ellie replied.

I didn't understand what they meant, but I didn't care to ask. I just kept fucking Mom's tits. Her writhing legs told me that Ellie was doing a good job. She kept trying to close them.

I was enjoying her breasts thoroughly; Mom's were the best. That's just one man's opinion of course, but they felt so good. My dick rubbed between them until her chest was essentially stained with cum --her mouth and chin, too. I'd made quite the mess.

Mom noticed it, too. "Ahh... Baby, you've never put out this much."

I rose up and placed my dick on her mouth, slowly easing it into her greedy mouth. I just wanted her to get a mouthful of some of my cock before I returned to her breasts.

"Fuck, I could drink that all day."

"Me, too," Ellie said behind me.

Between the pleasantries, Mom would flinch -- often when Ellie hit the right spot with that luxurious tongue of hers. I moved off her and focused solely on keeping her legs open. With that extra help, Ellie could go deeper, and she did.

Her tongue eased past Mom's pussy lips, then slid up and down on her slit. Ellie's eyes were focused completely on Mom's wet pussy.

Mom's fourth orgasm was on its way; the proof was in the form of a confession; she'd stopped complaining about getting too much stimulation and was instead asking for more.Ellie finally found the most sensitive part of mom's red, well-enlarged clit. Not long after that, Mom was loudly announcing to us both that she was cumming -- as if it wasn't obvious from her thrashing all about.

It must have been a good one, because in addition to jerking and spasming, Mom also squirted all over my girlfriend's face. Ellie was taken aback, closing her eyes and visibly cringing at the juices covering her face.

"You two need to stay away from me from here on out," Mom sighed. She was back to complaining.