The Wild West and Sex Slavery Ch. 14

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Making trouble, making deal and making love.
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Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 05/23/2023
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Chapter 14 Revolt and some Resolutions


In a bourbon bar in Louisville, Kentucky, on May 6, 2047, Frau Dir. Marlene Sprengler, German diplomat Lang Weillig, Kultur, Sex and Sport reporter Bernetta Holzwald, Elvis "Neck" Wallace, Lawrence "Killer" Lewis, Doctor Frank Galton, and Thomas Schnupper are meeting in the southernmost city of the Social Democratic States of America before Sprengler, Weillig, Neck, Doctor Galton and Killer fly on to Little Rock. They have made introductions for those who have not already met everyone else.

It is mainly Schnupper who is not already familiar to the others, although they have all read his articles on sex slavery in the Free American States under God, which he wrote at the direction of Lena Fesch, who is now held as a breeding sex slave on a casino-bordello boat on the Mississippi, the Everleigh.

Everyone has some sort of alcoholic drink, mainly whiskey. Frau Sprengler explained that she wanted everyone to meet before they started the serious negotiations in Little Rock and for Holzwald to meet Schnupper.

Bernetta is unhappy that she is not going to Little Rock with the others. "Obviously, Herr Schnupper cannot travel to Little Rock given the arrest warrant for him by various states of the Free American States under God, and he has no reason to go. I do not see, though, why I cannot go with you to Little Rock for the negotiations," Bernetta Holzwald said.

"I am sorry, Bernetta," Frau Sprengler answered, "but I cannot risk another young female reporter of Kultur Sex und Sport becoming a sex slave on one of the Free State boats. You are certainly attractive enough to find yourself having your breasts pumped for milk while a man pumps his seed into your vagina, as I watched happen to Angela. My reputation is already sehr berüchtigt (very notorious) in Deutschland, with Angela and Lena being breeding sex slaves. I get blamed even though they both knew very well the risks they were taking when they did what got them where they are today. This is particularly hurtful to me, with some even suggesting that I set Lena up."

Neck, Galton, and Killer smiled at the last comment before Neck said, "Yep, folks can be so unfair an lackin in understandin."

"Frau Holzwald, you are not missing much," Weillig said. "These negotiations involve a lot of waiting that seems to go nirgendwo (nowhere) while somebody cannot decide anything until he talks to somebody who cannot say anything until he hears back from someone else. Most of what you are missing is a lot of waiting around in a hotel and conference rooms in a rather small town pretending to be a world capital, although Little Rock was picked to be the Free States national capital solely based on geography. It is rather like Bonn once was."

"Discussions on a prisoner exchange have dragged out, but Lena seems to have figured out a way to accelerate the action whether that was her intention or not," Schnupper said. "My contacts in the Free States seem to think that while Bernetta is interviewing me and we both hang out in the Social Democratic states, there might be some Durchbruch (breakthrough)."

"You have to admit that Lena's last stunt was sheer genius," Frau Sprengler said, "that is if she did it."

"It is hard to believe anything anymore, but I believe Lena pulled it off, although no one knows how she did it," Schnupper said. "I do not know how many details reached Europe, but according to what is said in the Social Democratic States news reports, the boat would not let Lena have any writing paper after her letter to her mother, and they were monitoring her room 24/7 after she begged that her baby be sent to her parents. Still, two King James Bibles in waterproof boxes otherwise filled with bubble wrap washed up on the banks of the Ohio River not long after the Everleigh steamed by Louisville.

"One of the boxes landed in Indiana, where the Free State authorities got it. No problem for the slavers. But another Bible landed near Louisville in the southernmost part of what is called the SDSA tentacle, reaching southwest from Cleveland to Louisville.

"That second Bible was inspected by the SDSA media. It turns out someone blacked out letters in the Bible starting at Genesis to spell words that read together tell a tale that makes the Free States look just awful in the opinion of just about everybody. Thousands of identified women have been framed for crimes they did not commit and sentenced to decades-long sex slavery for the profit of sheriffs, prosecutors and the boats. Also, the sheriffs targeted white women who were in relationships with men considered dark-skinned."

"Of course, we all read about that, although we did not know the details about the two Bibles and where they were found," Frau Holzwald said. "What the lawmen have been doing is awful. Lena is blamed for the floating Bibles?"

"Cutie, you shittin us?" Neck said. "Who the hell else would be clever and bold enough to somehow float those boxes tellin all sorts of details that Lena probably got out of politicians, sheriffs and other law enforcement officials between times they were fuckin her? The fact those sons a bitch sheriffs, Hawley, Suney and Tauro, who set Lena up, were highlighted as chargin women with adultery who had committed no crime usin false witnesses was lost on no one, although those three assholes were far from the only ones identified," Neck said. "It seems Lena managed to get the proper names, addresses, and victim names of all 20 of the SOB sheriffs I told her about."

"The only real alternative is that someone else who had the facts released them to make it look like Lena did it." Doctor Galton said. "Nobody has explained how Lena could have gotten all the information or transferred it onto the disks stuck in the Bibles, but the disks could have been slipped to her. On the other hand, some old computers were in the stockroom near a room deep below deck where they worked Lena over. Lena could have transferred data there, although no one is sure when she could have done that.

"Also, there are passages highlighted about Moses' sister making sure that Moses was raised by kin and that Solomon, the child of sin, became the King of Israel after David. These passages were circled in lipstick of a type known to be on the Everleigh, along with a line spelled out like the rest of the statements in the Bible that God favors allowing kin to raise children and the children of sin to rise. This is interpreted as Lena venting her wrath at the idea of the baby being taken away from her and them not allowing it to be sent to her parents and her hopes that her child will nonetheless prosper. There's no question that she is totally enraged about them taking the baby and obsessed with its future. There is also other information that only Lena knew.

"Some people, though, think that the lipstick highlighting was done to make it look like Lena was responsible when actually someone was using Lena as cover. Lena's fingerprints are on the Bibles, so she must have had some role."

"Probably Lena did it with help," Bernetta Holzward said. "If it was Lena, you cannot fault her. What was described in the Louisville Bible is beyond outrageous. Did sheriffs in the Free States pay informers to say that they committed adultery with attractive women in mixed-race marriages to break up the marriages and get women for the boats, tell the husbands that their wives would suffer horribly if the husbands did not go along, and pay the husbands to move out of the Free States and take any mischling (mixed race) children they have with them? Did rich men who wanted to get rid of wives hire such witnesses? And what about all the women on boats because of larceny they did not commit?

"Believe it or not, I ain't rightly sure, but I don't doubt it," Neck answered. "A lot of parts of the Free States are akin mixers, an they pay sheriffs a big collector's fee for turning in adulteresses and other petty criminals if they look good enough.

"I do know that not even ole Putin can square this with traditional family values - payin men to swear false testimony to break up marriages. Many people in China's new African provinces are making a fuss about how the Free States should end racism," Frau Sprengler said. "The Free States were never part of the U.N., but the U.N. Human Rights commission is trying to do an investigation for whatever that is worth."

"There was also stuff in the Bible messages identifyin certain ministers as havin sex with boys," Neck chuckled. "Course, the gay ministers were not in bed with Lena, but somehow, she or someone else got an amazin amount of details about them and their victims. Also, surprisingly enough, the guy who tried to get Lena stoned to death at her trial was listed prominently for having affairs with his parishioners. Weelp, no, maybe that ain't surprising at all if Lena put together the Bible truth-bombs or supplied info to those who did.

Bishop Joey Holstein is in deep shit as the guy who wants his church job is a son of the govner an the govner has been lookin for a reason to get rid of Holsten because it's said Holsten wants the govner's job."

"Of course, the Free States are claiming the Bible messages are a complete fraud," Galton said. "The problem is, though, that the Bible contains a remarkable amount of detail, and there is that old-style data storage disk from old cameras or something taped to Ecclesiastics that contains a complete record of the arrests and shows which convictions were obtained using professional witnesses by indicating what the witnesses were paid. There are also payments listed to the sheriffs and deputies.

"There is no way Lena could have gotten those disks with all that data from talking to customers, but she might have gotten the disks themselves from the junk room next to the torture chamber if she had somehow got there in the night, but that seems very difficult.

"I think Lena got the Bibles with the information she knew off the boats somehow to friends of hers who arranged for the Bibles with the chips to wash onto the shore with a whole lot of effort being made to make it seem like Lena did it all. But only Lena knows. The word on the streets is that she says she did it all herself and then winks.

"Speculating on how all the information was brought together and sent out has become one of the favorite pastimes the last couple weeks in Little Rock, Memphis, New Orleans and some other towns. The Free State politicians are pretending not to investigate Lena or the Bibles because they would admit that the Bible stories are real. They are also saying that the Bibles don't prove they are racist because they allow white men to have black wives. Also, the Free State politicians say they are going to maybe pardon some of the wrongfully convicted women on the boats, although, of course, no such victims exist. Finally, they say the U.N. should look into the murderously high income tax and estate taxes in the Social Democratic States and the Pacific and Mountain States if it wants to investigate atrocities, and what about the cruel deprivation of the people in the SDSA and PMSA of their right to bear arms?

"The Governor of Mississippi did pardon four women on boats for adultery who'd been on boats for over five years after saying that he had thoroughly investigated the charges and found that their convictions were proper. The Governor was just being generous, he said.

"It was noted that one of the women pardoned was the Governor's sister-in-law, and another was Bishop Hostein's first wife, who had claimed she was framed for adultery because Hostein did not want to sleep with her. He says they will review the convictions of all the white women who had relationships with black men before they were convicted.

"Melus Knox's second wife, or was it third, I can't keep track, Ann Bowlin was also pardoned," Neck said. "Folks were afraid that Melus would get mad, but it seems he's forgotten her entirely, an they even let her have her kids back and move to Norfolk, England, wheres I guess she had some sort a connection."

"I guess that Lena can claim to have liberated a few women," Frau Holzwald said. "Well, no, I guess she better not even admit knowing about the Bibles."

"Au Contraire, she's reportedly insistin that she is solely responsible for everythin although that seems damn near impossible. Course they are secretly investigatin to try to make sure it don't happen again," Neck said.

"Turns out about five of the Bibles on the Everleigh are missin from women's rooms but not the one in Lena's room. Seems she's one of the few women on the boat who read her Bible. In her Bible all sorts of passages about sin and forgiveness are highlighted with makeup cause, as you heard, she ain't allowed to have no pencils or pens since the letter to her mother thing they didn't like.

"I was brought in to talk to Lena wearin a wire a couple days after the Bible washed up in Louisville with the thought she might tell me sumtin, but Lena saw right through that and glanced where the wire was, shot me a little smile an kissed me on the nose like I was a bad baby.

"Wells anyway," Neck said, "after the Bible incident, the 24/7 monitorin began with two guvment guys constantly monitorin Lena. She's been moved from the Everleigh to the hospital on shore, where they always take the women who are almost due, but she's in a special room. She can't see the toilet without two guys watching to make sure she isn't pissin messages on the toilet paper to be flushed to spies on the river. There's bin talk she might a used her pussy muscles to send messages in Morse code to certain customers or sent messages to co-conspirators using seagulls. Anyways, the guvment officials that wanted to get rid of her after the letter that got through the censorship office are besides themselves. They want to get her out of the Free States dead or alive.

"The word on the street is that Sheriff Hawley an some preachers wanted Lena tortured to reveal her sources but Brownell an some other halfway sane guys said there was no fuckin way they were goin to torture an eight-month pregnant woman that was known worldwide, an if Hawley and his friends did that an caused her to miscarry they'd all be guilty of murder under Tennessee law. That set em back a bit."

"Some of the Free State politicians are showin signs of sanity as the years add up from the great national divorce. There's some even askin if the prison sentences for shopliftin an adultery ain't a bit long. The publicity on the baby sellin is causing some politicians to ask if that should be considered by some sort of blue-ribbon panel. Mind ya, nobody gave a shit about the forced pregnancies and adoptions when it was all Free State women and contest losers on the boats, but now it's happened to a goddam international celebrity that they couldn't even hide away because of the constant flow of customers. An now the floatin Bibles have gotten out an Lena is still facin a lifetime of fuckin, breedin, and being milked.

There was a pregnant pause before Killer said, "I will get her off the boat by any means necessary while staring into the bottom of his whisky glass.


On May 15, 2047, a meeting was held in Memphis to announce certain decisions that had been made after weeks of intense negotiations. Present at the meeting were Supreme Spiritual Advisor Harry Powell, Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Chief of Dixieland Security, J. Edgar Smith, Deputy Chief of Dixieland Security Maxwell Klug, Killer, Lena, Lang Weillig, Frau Sprengler, Neck, Killer's Wyoming friend Wayne, and Jack Colby. They are seated at a long table with Lena near the middle in a blue cotton maternity dress, looking as beautiful, pure and innocent as the Virgin in some Renaissance painting of Mary sitting on a donkey on the way to Bethlehem.

Attorney General Brownell began the discussion. "Spiritual Advisor Powell, Chief Smith and I wanted to meet with you to announce that we have agreed to the final details of an agreement on which we have been working for months, round-the-clock the last few weeks. Herr Weillig and Frau Sprengler, as well as other principals in Europe and the Free States know what the terms of our agreements are, but we want to make clear to everyone what has been decided and to make clear to Neck, Killer and most of all, Lena, what is to happen and what must be done and not be done to avoid very serious consequences to the lives of many.

"First, the details of the agreements shall not be the subject of public statements by anyone but the governments of the Free American States under God, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union. Violations of this understanding could have very serious consequences for Frau Lesch, her family and others."

"So, it is a secret deal worked out behind closed doors that I am to accept without question, and you are threatening me and people I know with physical violence if I do not stay quiet about it?" Lena said in a tone that was somehow sweet, humble and firm at the same time.

"Exactly," Brownell said.

"Frau Lesch," Powell said, "you have heroically fought your fight, but you are not in a position to complain. We believe that you will be tolerably happy with the arrangements after you have heard them all, although they are not exactly what you would have asked for."

"Continuing now with a description of the arrangements and to the good news," Brownell said. "Frau Fesch is to have her baby in Memphis, travel with the child to Wyoming, and stay there for a month. This will give her parents plenty of time to get there. We are also sending out an indentured servant who acts as a nurse and lactation consultant because Lena might need help.

"After a month, Lena will return to the Everleigh to provide sexual services for two months. After that, which should take us to mid-September, Frau Fesch can return to Wyoming, and she is free to leave the Free States in September 2048."

"These arrangements may strike you as overly complex, but for various reasons, it is desired to conceal a number of the aspects of the quid pro quo or at least to allow the public to determine the scope of the quid pro quo over time.

"I will not burden you with all the details, but the agreement also involves a woman on the Flying Dutchman named Grette Zelle, sometimes known as Leanna van Cleft, certain other women on the boats and release from French prisons of the 22 living Free States men who were involved in a regrettable effort in 2036 to bring European women to the Free States. These men have been in prison for over a decade."

"I suspect it was feared that trading murdering kidnappers for sluts would not go over well with the widows and orphans of the victims of the idiots of 2036," Lena said.

"You are wickedly perceptive, Ms. Fesch," Powell said. "If you, Gretta and other women were released simultaneously with the release of the 2036 conspirators and the announcement of certain other arrangements, there would be all sorts of unpleasant criticism from people of both the Free States and Europe."

"This is particularly true given the complication regarding one woman, Brownell added. "The French government wanted Frenchy von Schlupp back for prosecution for murder as part of the deal, but it was persuaded to drop that demand in return for a promise that von Schlupp would be extradited to France if she ever was to leave the Everleigh for more time than that necessary for childbirth, and that the government of the Free States would be buying a large number of jet fighters from France at a price that is very profitable for the seller."

"So, Frenchy has a life sentence as a breeding whore."

"Precisely," Powell stated.

"There is also money to be moved around," Brownell said, "Mainly, your friend Neck here has to pay compensation to the Flying Dutchman. The families of the men being released from French prisons, you know Mrs. Altschule and others, are going to pay out some money to compensate the Everleigh for letting you off the boat. That amount was not as large as your market value would be if you were a sex slave. You were only given to the Everleigh on consignment, so to speak. The Everleigh did not have to pay a full auction price to buy you because of the suggestions so thoughtfully presented by Neck at the time it was decided to confine you to the Everleigh."