The Wild, Wicked West Ch. 01

Story Info
Shelby's horrific journey begins with an exam.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/25/2024
Created 05/20/2024
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The Wild, Wicked West

Stolen Brides and Modern Slavery


This is not a nice story. On the scale of reluctance to non-consent, this is way on the non-con side of things. But, this is imaginary. Fantasy born of a twisted imagination. In no way do I condone or support this kind of violence against women. In real life, kink should be explored with mutual consent, always.

Don't let the slow build or lack of explicit sexual content initially fool you. There will be a lot of penetrative sex from here on out--oral, vaginal, and anal--and it will be against the will of the female participant. There will be other terrible things that I haven't written yet so I can't warn you about specifically, but they may include other things done in a non-consensual capacity, like mental and physical conditioning, body modifications, fisting, use of machinery, restraints and bondage, psychosis, physical abuse and violence, and more. I know people don't read or trust tags, so this is your fair warning.

If you don't like that kind of thing and you read this anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that has more to do with you than with me.

If you didn't read the prologue, you'll probably be fine from context clues. Probably.

Part 1

Chapter 1 - The initial Exam

Shelby's horrific journey begins with an unpleasantly "thorough" medical exam from a doctor who probably never signed the Hippocratic Oath.

~ Theo ~

The alarm woke Theo at first light, and he dressed methodically for the day, his mind on the slut in his basement. After a quick breakfast, he checked on her and found her still completely unresponsive. Since her pulse was strong and her breathing was even, he dosed her one more time--the last time--with a smaller dose so she'd wake in time for the fun he had planned this afternoon.

If he were some hot shot vet or doctor in town, he wouldn't have to have Saturday hours. As it was, he enjoyed the freedom and flexibility of limited patients, but resented the need to be on-call essentially all the time. At least they made appointments on the weekends and called before showing up in an emergency. His last appointment of the day was Cal Esposito. The old ranch hand had an infected wound that he'd finally stopped ignoring.

It was getting close to noon and Theo was getting antsy, knowing the sedative would be wearing off soon, so he ushered Cal out the door with a bottle of general bovine antibiotic and told him to take half the dose listed. Then he turned his sign around and lowered the blinds.

Not everyone on the ranch was privy to what went on--the inner circle was only a few men that James had hand-selected. Most of the ranch hands and their families that lived on the land resided along the western border and were blithely unaware of the skin trade happening on the other side of the property, across all that acreage that took nearly an hour by car to traverse.

But really, it was more like James played at rancher, while getting rich off a different kind of meat sale.

The slut showed signs of stirring when he unlocked her legs, but he knew that she'd be groggy as hell for a while. So, he hoisted her up over his shoulder and climbed the stairs, trying to ignore the twinge in his knee at the added weight. He'd need to go to a real doctor about that one day.

He got her onto the examination table with relative ease, and it was even easier getting her feet up into the stirrups. He used the thick leather straps that were usually hidden under the cloth that hung below the padded seat to secure her in. One went across her waist, one above her breasts but under her arms, one across each thigh and calf, locking her into the stirrups, and one held her head in place by her forehead.

Before moving her arms to their final position above her head, he took her blood pressure and pulse, then tied a tourniquet and found a good vein from which to take the samples he needed to run the other tests. Once he finished, he attached the final hook from under the table to the middle of the chain that connected the cuffs she still wore so her hands dangled back over the top edge of the medical bench. A quick catheterization emptied her very full bladder after over a day asleep--he'd learned his lesson the hard way on that once, and this room wasn't as easy to hose down as the basement--and he set the filled bag next to the vials of blood for the testing he needed to complete.

He sat back to admire his work for a moment, feeling the blood moving into his cock. He could picture the panic on her face now, as she woke and clawed through the drug-induced confusion to find herself completely immobile, completely naked, and completely at his mercy.

While he waited for her to wake, he began on his notes for her file. The sluts were given folders named only with the date of their arrival and he kept only physical copies of these records. He jotted down what he knew of her basic information and began his notes with her reaction to the dosages of sedative. Halfway through recording his conclusions from his initial visual assessment, she started to stir.

"Just a few moments and I'll be with you," he said dismissively to her. He needed to finish recording the assessment and he'd only just gotten to the part about finding the plug.

His writing became loose and sloppy as his excitement picked up. He had a selection of a few treats, as well as some new plugs for her, that they might or might not get to, depending on how she acted.

A few minutes later, she started exploring the limitations of her movements. He heard the jingling metal noise of the buckles and cuffs, followed by the groan of leather resisting being stretched. When her struggle began in earnest, he finally looked up.

Her eyes were wide open, staring at the ceiling as her body made small, inefficient jerking motions under the restraints. She could only move her eyes so far, and when she looked his way--not quite far enough to actually see him--he made a note that her eye color was blue. He'd forgotten.

A breathy, musical noise came from the holes in her gag. Likely, she was crying.

Notes done, he stood and retrieved the old-fashioned tape recorder from the top drawer of his desk. He began the recording and started it how he always did.

"Initial physical assessment of new candidate, performed May 19th. Record to be destroyed after pertinent details physically copied into the subject's file." He slid the recorder into the breast pocket of his white coat. When he stepped into her line of sight, he could see that her eyes were bright with tears. "Subject is crying as we begin our exam."

At the word exam, her eyes widened and her throat worked on a swallow that sounded painful and dry.

"You've got questions, I'm sure, and I'd be willing to give you some answers, but only if you don't scream when I remove the gag. If you scream, two things will happen. First, you will irritate me because I don't like loud noises. Second, I will replace the gag and I won't give you any water until our session is complete. You've been asleep for 24 hours, slut, I know how thirsty you are.

"There will be no third thing that happens--no one will hear you, no one will come to your rescue, no one will know you screamed except you and me, and the exam will proceed as planned. Close your right hand into a fist if you understand."

Two lines appeared between her brows as they came together in a plaintive look. He did not repeat the command, and waited instead for her to realize her plea was pointless. It took a moment. Then, she fisted her right hand, closing her eyes against whatever shame she felt.

"The subject confirmed. Close your other hand if you agree that you will not scream."

She did.

"The subject confirmed. I am removing the gag now."

Theo stepped up to her and pulled the plastic ball out of the loop that held it in her mouth on the side. It was easier than trying to access the buckle behind her head. When it was out, he braced himself. Sluts were often liars.

She worked her jaw up and down a couple of times, and he heard a faint cracking noise. "Subject shows signs of TMJ," he noted.

She tried wetting her lips, but her tongue was as dry as the rest of her mouth. She coughed a few times, and it was a raspy noise. "Water," she croaked, barely above a whisper.

He approved of her sense of self-preservation. If she was going to scream--he still couldn't be sure--she was going to get her water first. He pulled over the rolling rack that held an IV bag on one side and a hanging bag of water on the other and placed the tube connected to it in her mouth so she could drink, much like an animal would from a gravity-fed dispenser. He kept the flow very slow so she wouldn't make herself sick.

When she'd had a few ounces, he pulled the tube away and waited. This was the point at which some of them tried screaming.

Not this slut. That was good.

"You're not James, are you?" she asked. Her voice was small and tears fell sideways down her temples on both sides.

"No, I'm not," he agreed. "I'm the tip of the iceberg."

~ Shelby ~

Shelby sucked in a breath of sweet, unimpeded air and felt her chest constrict against the immobilizing strap. The leather was biting into her flesh, holding her tightly against some kind of flat bench. The air around her was cool against her skin in a way that alerted her to her own nudity that she couldn't quite see, as the goosebumps prickled up and down in waves. She could tell her legs were up in the air and her uncovered, delicate flesh was on full display, and it filled her with a hot kind of shame that commingled with sharp fear.

The worst was not being able to move her head. Being deprived of a sense without actually having it taken away was a unique kind of hell. She felt blind, though she had full use of her eyes. But all she could see was the white ceiling, with a few odd cracks and stains, and about halfway down each wall. The wall on her right had a window, she could just see the top of it, with a shade pulled down.

"Where am I? Who are you? What do you want?" She could barely see him out of the corner of her eye and lost sight of him entirely as he moved away. She heard a drawer open and metal clang against metal in a bright, high-pitched sound that sent a shiver down her spine.

He spoke calmly, lazily almost. "You're in your new home, I'm your new doctor and what I want is for you to be a good slut who does what I say, when I say. Do you think you can do that?"

"Please," she cried. "Please don't hurt me. Please let me go! I'm begging you... I won't tell anyone, I swear! Just... please...." Sobs wracked her chest, making it even harder to draw in a breath against the pressure of the leather band.

Panic welled inside of her as she wondered what he had planned. Was he going to kill her? Rape her? Rape her and then kill her?

"The human body is capable of withstanding an incredible amount. Hurting you is not the true intent--well, it's not MY intent--" something about the emphasis on the word "my" made a fresh wave of fear wash over her, "and killing you would be a waste. I will, if you try to escape or harm me, but I won't if you don't make me."

Hot tears forged down her temples, warming the cold wake of the last round. The fear of death waned, only to be replaced by a terrifying dread. He didn't want to kill her, he wanted to keep her. "Please," she whimpered again, knowing it would get her nowhere.

She heard the sound of the wheels on a rolling chair and sensed his presence next to her. She still couldn't quite see him in her peripheral. "I have a few questions and I need you to be honest with me or I may do something that will cause harm to your body or fertility. Have you ever been pregnant, or is there a chance you are currently pregnant?"

She closed her eyes, briefly considering a lie. "No."

"When was the last time you had sexual contact with someone?"

His tone was so clinical, his words so frank and factual, for an instant she believed she really was speaking about normal things with her normal doctor. "About six months ago."

"Are you on any form of birth control?"

Another tear slipped beneath her closed lid. He did mean to rape her, then. Of fucking course he did--she was restrained with her legs in stirrups and her bare pussy in the open air. He wasn't getting ready to take her to dinner. "I take the pill," she admitted.

"When was your last cycle?"

"Um... A few weeks ago."

"Good." There was a pricking pain in her arm. "That was a birth control shot. You will receive them every three months until your new owner decides it's time for the first child."

Owner? "Who the fuck are you?" she hissed, suddenly pissed. He'd posed as her online lover, kidnapped her, drugged her and injected her with something, and now he casually talked like someone was going to own her? She was a human being, not an animal!

"That's enough of that," he said. He pushed the ball back between her lips, forcing it against her teeth hard enough that they started moving in her gums. Relenting to the pain and desire not to have a tooth broken or knocked out, she opened her jaw, and he fastened it back in place. "I had a few more questions, but I don't really need you to speak to get the answers I want. The bloodwork will tell me about any STI's and your body will tell me the rest."

Shelby raged against her bonds, switching to tearful pleading noises when he appeared back in her line of sight, looking displeased. She was reminded acutely that she was bound and helpless, and that he'd threatened to kill her if she "made him." He was clearly a psychopath--she didn't really want to find out where that line was drawn.

His gaze became hungry as he tried to worm a finger under the strap on her waist and was only barely able to get it between the leather and her skin. His finger trailed up towards her breasts, leaving a wake of lingering sensation from his touch that itched for more contact. The openly hungry look made her skin crawl, but the cool air moving through the room was frustratingly making her nipples harden.

Yes, the cool air. That had to be why.

He palmed her entire breast with a large, heavy, gloved hand, squeezing harshly and making her suck in a breath in shock at the sudden violence. He continued to squeeze for a few seconds, holding her breast tighter and tighter until she whimpered a bit from the force.

"Subject displays a good amount of initial pain tolerance to breast play. Breasts are too small for breast bondage."

Who the fuck was he talking to?

He took her nipple between his fingers, and stroked the very tip then swirled around it gently. "Subject has good sensitivity in her nipples." Harshly, he pinched one. She cried out this time, squeezing her eyes shut as the pain lanced through her chest. "Below average pain tolerance in the nipples. This is perhaps a suitable area for punishments and behavior modifications. Shape is a good candidate for piercing."

She choked on another sob. She didn't want a piercing! What was happening to her? Why was he doing this? What had she ever done to deserve it?

She expected him to move on, but he maintained the pressure on her sensitive tip long enough that the pain melted into something else. The sensation moved through her, heading down to that place between her legs. She cried out again, hoping he'd stop before she got wet from his rough handling. Unfortunately, the reminder of her helplessness and restrained state was amplifying the effect of the pain.

What was wrong with her body? Why could it turn pain into something that felt good?

He repeated the action on her other breast, and by the end of his second long pinch she was heaving huge, sobbing breaths through the gag, babbling incoherently for him to stop as snot and spit and tears created a wet mess out of her face. He didn't. Instead, she heard the wheels of his chair move and then felt a warm, dry touch on her pussy lips. The friction created by the latex made her wince and she tried shifting her hips away from his invasion. It was fruitless, of course--the straps were completely immobilizing.

Her parted them and she felt pressure against her opening. "Subject shows no visible signs of infections or STD's. There is some evidence of arousal from aggressive breast and nipple stimulation, and perhaps from being restrained. Subject is not a virgin."

There was a squirting noise of something liquid being expelled from a tube, then she felt something so cold against her pussy lips it had to be made of metal. Almost unintentionally, she clenched against the foreign entry.

"If you don't relax, it will be harder for me to get the speculum in and it will hurt more," the doctor--if that's even what he really was--said in the infuriatingly reasonable tone that men used on her sometimes. He certainly sounded like a doctor. "It will be going in either way; the amount it hurts is up to you. The speculum will allow me to perform the internal exam more easily."

Trembling with the effort, she forced herself to relax her muscles. She clamped down instead on the ball in her mouth as the cool metal slid inside her, lubricated with synthetics and her own fluids.

A ratcheting noise indicated the speculum was being opened. "Subject shows good pain aversion instincts," the doctor mused.

Shelby wanted to scream because he made it sound like she was playing right into his hands. Just because she was cooperating, didn't mean she wanted this! Just because she didn't want to be hurt, or torn didn't mean she did what he asked willingly.

"Average vaginal depth, good elasticity in vaginal muscles," he remarked. Suddenly, she felt something moving inside her past the speculum. She winced as it brushed against her cervix, then grunted as his other hand came down to rest on her lower belly, pressing in various areas. "No abnormalities detected."

There was more ratcheting and at first Shelby thought he was closing the speculum. Instead, she felt more pressure. It built and built until she whimpered with the pain of it. Even as it hurt, a tingle built behind it. She'd never been so open before--it was the strangest and most thorough kind of vulnerability she'd ever experienced. He was literally looking inside of her. Deep in her belly, the pressure was stoking a spark into more of a flame.

"Very good elasticity. Subject is a candidate for vaginal fisting, if trained."

She cried out as his words sent a jolt through her. Fisting?? Should couldn't take a fist inside her!

When she felt something gently brush against her clit, her whole body tightened and her pussy tried clamping down on the unyielding speculum, which made her moan in pain. It sounded like desire, even to her own ears.

"You may choose to answer this. If you do answer, and you answer honestly, you'll be rewarded. If you don't answer, there will be consequences. Now, you showed up with a plug in yesterday so your stretching is too recent for me to tell," the doctor said. It took Shelby a second to realize he'd switched from talking to himself to talking to her. "Have you ever been penetrated anally by anything larger than that plug? Squeeze your right hand once for yes, twice for no."

Defiance flashed through her as mortification made her cheeks burn. Fuck him and his belittling, invasive questions. She opened her hands wider so he could see she wasn't going to close them.

"I see." He sounded disappointed. For some reason, this scared her more than anger might have. There was a release of pressure and the tinny sound of metal against metal. Suddenly, she was empty. The speculum was out and she heard him set it on a tray. "We'll try this again in a few hours when you're feeling more cooperative."

Now, that was unexpected. Shelby felt relief swell--he was going to stop abusing her, even if only for a little while! The wheels brought him and his chair away from her, then there was a rummaging noise. Suddenly, he was hovering over her and she could actually see him again.