The Winner Gets Everything


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It became obvious that most of Jennifer's friends at least pretended to accept me; while a few others held no secret of that they regarded me just as, 'a mouse that a cat had brought in to the house'.

Most of her friends behaved correct until an arrogant bastard by name of Thomas began harassing me at a birthday party. He asked, with a loud voice so everybody could hear, "Isn't it a great favor for man as you to have a rich girlfriend?"

"A man like me? Do you think I'm an alien from some other planet that Jennifer bought at some pet shop?"

Several other guests began to smile and he continued, "There's a big difference between the two of you. Don't you agree?"

"Of course there's a difference between a woman and a man. Even a stupid as you ought to know that." What else could I reply to such silly question?

Now some people began to laugh that got dear Thomas angry and shouting, "Do you poor bastard think that you are wise guy?"

"Everybody in here ought to be 'wise guys' compared to an idiot like you and if you don't have any objections, we can go out and have a talk between the two of us to find out who is a wise guy."

When I stood up Jennifer interfered by saying, "Sebastian, don't care about him. He continues to be juvenile after a few drinks. Not the first time that has happened."

Thomas' wife kept him sitting down and as he didn't any attempts to get up so I sat down again. Then Rebecka stood up and said, "I suggest that our two arguing friends will behave and, as gentlemen, and take a Wechler test at the local Mensa Club at Monday. The loser shall pay ten thousand Crowns (USD $1500:00) to the Red Cross. Sebastian, do you accept my suggestion?"

I replied, "I do."

Rebecka continued, "Thomas, do you accept my suggestion?"

Thomas remained silent. He had almost nothing to win and much to loose, though the Red Cross money would be peanuts for him. But a documented low IQ would be a shame. After a few seconds he saw a solution and said, "Of course I'll accept, but ten thousand is peanuts, why it will be fifty thousand if my clever friend can afford that?"

Now Eric Larsson, a dentist and the best friend of Rebecka's husband jumped into the game and said, "I'll guarantee Sebastian's stake but from now on it will be hundred thousand, is it okay Sebastian?"

I noted Jennifer's discrete nod and said, "I accept."

That was enough for Thomas' wife, who said, "That silly game has turned to an insane level and Thomas is out of it, that's for sure."

Then Rebecka told her, "We accept Thomas's escape, and really hope that he learned the lesson that harassing innocent people can be an expensive pleasure and hardly worth the price."

Jennifer had no further comments after the party as Rebecka had probably gotten some information about my army service as a medic at a special unit. It was a job what needed a fair medical education that I got, thanks to good results on different tests. I spent the main part of my service at a university hospital, along with medical students of different levels. It was a lot of hard work but also a lot of partying and a good supply of sex. After some time, a head nurse regarding, my qualifications good enough, offered me to work some weekends as assistant nurse. That kept my economy on a fair level during my time in the service.

Everything went fine for Jennifer and me. I had gotten a key to her apartment and she got one to mine. We usually had good sex several times a week. Even my relationship to her parents was now on a fair level. Jennifer and I usually walked Nero together on Sundays and had dinner with her parents, but if she was away somewhere, I did it alone.

One Sunday, when Jennifer and several of her female friends were in London for shopping, her mother began talking about grandchildren. She gave me some strange looks when I told her that, "Jennifer and I want to be sure about that quantum leap because children is a serious matter for both of us."

Then she asked, "Do Jennifer and you have any problem with each other? Why don't you have any plans for the future? Isn't she away for different matters on her own very often?"

"No, we don't have any problems that I know about. To be involved in lot of matters is the lifestyle for a modern woman of her kind. In fact, she asked me if had any objections about that London trip and I hadn't so it is no problem. Jennifer had a long shopping list and I really hope she will find what she wants. Please be patient, your grandchildren will be coming." What else could I say?

But even my own doubts about children with Jennifer had slowly begun to grow because we never talked about the future some years ahead. I had attempted several times but always got the same answer, "Not now, we'll take it later". We had a good time together, but then it began to be obvious to me that we would remain together until she met some successful Mr. Right. A Mr. Right of her own high class who would win a good wife and be a perfect hostess for his many social events.

Only about a month later, Jennifer acted in a very strange ways that got me thinking that now was the time to say goodbye. One evening when coming into to her apartment, it was easy to see that she was angry as a wasp and shouted at me, "How in the hell could you do that to me?"

"Did what to you?"

"Don't pretend to be innocent, why did you do that to me?"

Once again I asked her, "Could you please tell me what I'm supposed done to you?"

Now she sobbed, "Cheated me, and you know the consequences."

"What?" I shouted in surprise.

"Do you intend to confess?"

"Confess what? Could you tell me what's the matter here? Is it a trick for a candid camera or have lost your mind? Please calm down and tell me what this charade is about."

She stared angrily at me and said, "I have heard witness and seen pictures, that's why you can't deny what you have done."

"Wouldn't be much fairer to ask me if I've done anything wrong. The truth is that I've never cheated on you; your talk about pictures and a witness is a pure lie. Show me your pictures and let's go and talk with your witness." I told her.

Jennifer replied, "I've seen the pictures but don't have them. The witness is afraid of you. That's why she refused to see you and I've promised not mention to her name to anybody."

"Obviously a genuine invented, stinking crap story. If you met your dream guy and don't love me any longer, just say that to me and we'll part in dignity as some kind of friends. To be dumped is hard enough if you want to get rid of me. No need for you to have your friends inventing such silly crap story for humiliating me any extra. I didn't expect such low level from you, so it is obvious you are making errands for somebody who hates me. Please skip that damn crap and just dump me because you met somebody better."

She surprised me by saying, "I haven't met anybody better, and I love you and don't want to dump you. I'll forgive you if you confess your cheating and promise never do that again."

"Holy Madonna Jennifer, I love you and want to thank you for the pleasant time while we've been together and wish you good luck in the future. I can accept a dumping, but please try to understand that even an average guy as me has pride. That's why I will never accept a further humiliation by confessing any non-existing cheating. That would make me a laughing stock in the whole town. If this damn farce is recorded by a hidden camera, please do me a last favor and push up the damn camera where it belongs."

Then I laid my key to her apartment on a table and walked out. Of course I had wanted our relation to last forever.

I knew that it would take a long and lonesome time for me to forget Jennifer but my life must go on and I would never do any attempts to connect her and be accused for stalking. Neither did I expect her to connect me.

But the next day at my job, I got a call from Jennifer's mother who asked me, "Sebastian, Jennifer's and your parting is the worst surprise I've heard in ages. Can you tell me the truth about what really happened?"

"Wish I could, but regret to say I can't. She accused me of cheating and demanded I confess a cheating I never done. It's what would had made me to laughing stock among all our friends. I have my pride and that's not for sale."

"Jennifer is feeling very badly, the whole family is missing you, and even Nero seems to know that something is wrong. Can we do something for you two?" Her mother asked.

"Jennifer's friend Rebecka, can probably find out the truth about that faked cheating story. I don't know if that story was Jennifer's only reason to dump me or if she was fed up with me or she had other reasons. A girl doesn't need to invent any reason at all for dumping a boyfriend." I told her.

Her mother said, "Rebecka is a very clever girl and I'll hire her for finding out the real truth, be sure about that."

Rebecka rang me the same evening and wanted me to tell her the truth, which I did.

Two days later she called again and said that she had found out the whole truth and asked me to see Jennifer and clear up everything direct with her. My suggestion was a meeting at some neutral place with her as a witness so I wouldn't be accused of stalking.

Rebecka suggested Jennifer and I meet at her apartment. It was just one hour later the same evening. I accepted without any doubt.

It was an exciting feeling to ring Rebecka's doorbell, walking into her apartment and see Jennifer standing in the kitchen. She was dressed in jeans and a simple white top, her hair in a ponytail and her face totally without make up. I appreciated that she didn't try to impress me by dressing up for our meeting.

Jennifer walked towards me and said, "I love you Sebastian."

I replied, "I love you Jennifer."

She continued, "Now I know that it was you who was right the whole time and told me the truth. I was totally wrong about the cheating. Can you forgive me for not believing you?"

"Yes, I can"

Then she hugged me, "Sebastian, I love you so much and hope that we can be together again. My dear Sebastian, do you want to marry me?" She asked with a low voice.

That question took me by real surprise, but I replied without any hesitation, "Yes Jennifer, I love you and want to marry you."

We hugged and kissed for several minutes before saying our thanks to Rebecka and left for my apartment.

When I put the key in my door she hugged me and whispered with a bright smile, "I must confess I had no camera to put up where you suggested."

"That makes you very welcome then." I replied to her.

Our undressing began at the door and going to the bed we were already naked. Our tender lovemaking sealed our promises about a future together. That evening and night we regarded love and lovemaking far more important than talking about solved problems.

When we met again the next evening, she told me the whole story. Jennifer's mother was convinced that I was innocent, that's why she had hired Rebecka for finding out the truth. Even Rebecka had been hundred percent sure that I would never cheat on Jennifer and took that case with highest priority. She had simply told those who were involved what it would cost them if she brought case to the court. That's why they had preferred to confess to her.

It was Thomas' wife in co-operation with one of Jennifer's, now ex friends, who had created the whole mess and used an innocent sister as messenger for spreading their crap to Jennifer. Though their trap had been very well done that had fooled even a clever girl as Jennifer, they had not dared to give her any of their Photoshop fixed faked pictures. They only showed them on a low quality laptop. Jennifer had gotten her first doubts and a terrible remorse after I had left her.

Thomas did a mistake when he began bragging to his friends about how his wife had arranged a successful revenge on that damn Sebastian and his brat girlfriend. The friends couldn't keep quiet, that had been useful for Rebecka when she solved the case.

Before the wedding, Jennifer and I had some arguments about the economy. I wanted separate economies, that she refused to accept. She demanded shared responsibility in all matters in the family and said, "I can't have a husband who can lay a key on the table and walk away when we have some problems." To my great surprise, both her parents and Rebecka refused to assist me in that matter, that's why Jennifer got what she wanted.

Jennifer and I let her mother plan most of our wedding. It ended up as the main social event in our town that year. We didn't care, her parents could afford it and Jennifer was their only child so why not.

My best friends from my old hometown were invited to the wedding with their spouses and we got something to think about. I found out that one childhood friend was newly engaged to my ex Nelly. Jennifer said, "No problem, invite them both."

I did, they came to the wedding and Nelly was dressed up to be 9,5 points of 10, the one and only at that level among the guests. No doubt that Nelly was 'Belle de evening' among the quests and all the guys wanted to dance with her. That got my very beautiful wife, Jennifer saying, "You dumped that gorgeous lady and married me, you can't believe how happy I am. I love you so much."

Of course, I got many hugs, kisses and congratulations.

Due to our jobs, we had a weeklong honeymoon at the romantic Italian island Capri where we began "working hard" for a baby. Rebecka also had skipped her pills, that's why it was some kind of competition between the two friends. I really did my part of that competition with a great pleasure.


Today, about five years after the beginning of this story, Jennifer and I have bought our dream house in a nice area where we now are happy married parents to two small children, a boy and a girl.

Jennifer's mother looks ten years younger now and has gained lot of energy after she got her much wanted grandchildren and she never miss an opportunity to take care of them. Jennifer and I understand that the kids will be very spoiled but we'll let it be for the time being.

Even Rebecka and her husband has two children nowadays so there are a lot of 'baby matters' and our families are doing many things together and also in our daily life. We've nowadays gotten great assistance from Irina, a lovely Estonian au pair girl temporary living in our house and helping us with the children after her lessons at school. To a great advantage for us, she even helps us with several other matters, not included in the au pair contract, so we pay her extra.

Though Jennifer is a pretty loving wife, we of course have different opinions in some minor matters, but never let it go to any shouting or screaming. However, nowadays we never have any arguing in presence of Jennifer's mother who has a pleasant habit of interfering and in the most cases, to my great pleasure, agree with me, an unexpected advantage indeed. At least until Jennifer, as a funny joke, bribed me with some marvelous sex. It was to get me to skip using in her very unfair advantages for winning our arguing.

I went to the right place at the right time when a co-worker persuaded me go with him to an event for singles, had a blind date and after awhile, ended up together with the most wonderful wife and children a man can ever dream about. One thing is for sure, this must be a genuine loving wife story.

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HighBrowHighBrow3 days ago

Ultimately, pointless…

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Every couple has an envious acquaintance that is a s@@@stirrer. My wife taps my arm and we walk away. This woman is an idiot.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

Too much sugar for me in this lemmonade. The first part was sounding like a nice original plot until lemonade started oozing in the Jennifer part. Not much here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Whilst this story as a happy ending,would he really marry some one who accuses him of cheating without any proof other than gossip.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Nice story but...

... the most intriguing part was Nelly and her relationship with her weird cousin Emil and that was never clarified. In comparison, Sebastian's relationship troubles with Jennifer were boring and predictable. He took her back awfully fast considering she doesn't seem to trust him AT ALL. Two days after she rips into him with very shoddy proof of his "cheating" she asks him to forgive and marry her? Yeah, you should have waited a while on that one, Sebastian. She clearly has trust issues to be worked out.

It was nice and had a happy ending but it wasn't a very satisfying story.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Nice story low lives were found out and had to deal with embarrassing themselves

Normally I like more punishment but as your culture seems to be milder and after being known as wild in Viking days I will accept

Romantic story poor boy wins rich girl

4 stars

Just don't tell any of my fellow Marine Corps and Nam veterans

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Used to

Your stories used to have the wronged party always get his revenge. What happened?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Why no revenge against Thomas and his wife?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What is the story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Man that was bad!

This is the second story of yours that has ended like crap. She dumps him without really talking to him, with little or no evidence of his cheating. She lets him walk out and doesn't really object. That should tell him how little she really cares for him. On the other side, he walks out without really talking to her or trying to prove to her that he's innocent. That little scene made him seem guilty. Why would she want him back? Why would he want her back? When Mom calls his answer should have been that he was done and for her to have a good life. That NOTHING could be done or should be done to resurrect the relationship as it was over and done with. Your ending simply sucked.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 7 years ago
not the only one

I see Harry noticed the problem too.

How do you go from the level of distrust that accusing him of cheating requires to let's get married in a single breath?

How does he get over her lack of trust without needing her to earn his trust again?

Liars expect others to lie.

Cheaters expect others to cheat

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

if they can pass the 1st hurdle. TK U MLJ LV NV

fisheronefisheroneover 7 years ago
Building a strong marriage

I liked that the mother asked him for his side and help.

It cleared many things up for a strong marriage.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

Great to have a loving couple in a happily ever after ending.

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