The Woman of My Dreams

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She was his best friend's sister.
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When I was a kid, I had the biggest crush on my best friend's sister. She never even knew I was alive, but I always thought she was beautiful. I saw her all the time, and usually, she never even acknowledged my existence. Which, being a shy kid anyway, was okay with me. I grew up worshipping this girl from a distance, and as I grew out of the shy stage, I grew out of my infatuation with her. Once I graduated high school, my buddy and I went our own ways for the most part. He went into the military, and I went on to college, and eventually running my own business. We kept in touch as best we could, and whenever he came home, we'd go out and drink.

One of those times he mentioned how his sister had ended up in a bad marriage to some asshole who treated her like shit, and if his mother hadn't made him promise to stay out of it, he'd go over and beat the shit out of the guy, and get him out of her life. I sympathized with him, and tried to keep him from doing something stupid while he was drunk. We'd always laugh about it the next day, and he'd go back to his unit, and I'd go back to my life.

He finally got out of the military about six months ago, and I hired him to work for me at my company. I knew he was good with security, and he proved me right. The first month on the job, he caught one of my coworkers trying to smuggle secret prototypes out of the building. The guy was going to try to sell them to our competitors, because he was pissed he got passed over for promotion. Now, he's in jail on federal charges, since the prototype he tried to steal was from a government project. I gave Jack a nice bonus for his work.

We'd still go out and drink once a month or so, and he was still trying to figure out how to rescue his sister from the asshole, as we'd named him. Jack knew he was cheating on Stacy, but he couldn't prove it to anyone. I knew Jack was pissed, I just didn't know he was obsessed. A couple of months later, Jack called me at 2am, and asked me to go with him somewhere. I agreed, and he picked me up. We drove to a little out of the way motel, and he pointed out the asshole's car to me.

"He's in one of these rooms, fucking some bimbo he met at a bar earlier tonight. I'm trying to figure out what room he's in, so I can go kill him."

"Jack, be serious. You're not going to kill him. You can hurt him even more by letting me help you."

"I want him dead for doing this to my sister."

"Don't you think your family would be hurt by you going to prison for murder?"

"True. I don't want to hurt them, I just want this fucker gone."

"Trust me, I can help you do this, legally. You in?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm in."

"Okay, let's get out of here. We can't do anything about it right now." Jack drove away, but before we got more than a block or so, we were pulled over by the police.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. We have a report that you're harassing a guest at the motel."

As it turns out, the asshole had spotted Jack's car, and when he followed him to the motel, he called the cops, hoping to embarrass him by claiming harassment. Jack and I convinced the cop we weren't going to be any problem, and eventually, he let us go.

"I sympathize, but you can't follow him around all the time. At least, not in this car. He knows it too well. If you can change cars, do it. I hope you can catch him, legally, of course."

"I have a plan to do just that, officer."

Jack and I went back to my place, and made plans. He went home, and I crawled back into my comfortable bed. Over the next week or so, we assembled what we were going to need to do this. I have a few friends in low places, and called in some favors. I assembled enough covert camera equipment to rig up a room, and found the right place to do it. An old lady friend of mine volunteered to be the bait, and we set her up in the asshole's favorite haunts. The second night out, he took the bait. She brought him back to the room, and fucked his brains out, on camera. We now had video proof of him cheating on Stacy.

The next day, I went to the asshole's work, with my portable DVD player. His secretary showed me in when I showed her my business card, and since he doesn't know me, he was confused as to why I was there. I showed him the recording, and he went white.

"Who in the fuck are you?"

"Actually, I am an old friend of the family. I'm not looking to cause problems for you, I just want you to go away. You're going to go home, pack your things, and leave Stacy. You'll make sure that she's well taken care of, and this video will go away. Any problems, any bullshit whatsoever, and copies of this go to your family, your church, and more importantly, your bosses. This is a family-based company, and I'm sure that your bosses would take a dim view of someone in such a position of trust cheating on his wife."


"Shut your mouth, my friend. It's not a flattering look for you at all. You know what needs to be done, so I would suggest you do it. I think 24 hours is enough time, don't you?"

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing..."

I leaned forward and put my hands on his desk. I'm a big guy, and he's not, so he shrank away from me pretty quickly.

"No game. A simple fact of life. Your marriage is about to suffer irreconcilable differences, and the best thing for you is to move out, and work towards a fair divorce settlement. That's exactly what you'll tell your bosses, or I'll show them the video. Either way, you'll be divorced; this way, you get to keep your dignity. Which is a lot more than you deserve, quite frankly."

"Get out of my office."

"I'm leaving, but remember. You have 24 hours to get out of the house. Any more, and this makes the rounds."

I left his office, and his secretary stopped me at the door.

"Sir? Is it true?"

"Does he have his office wired for sound?"

"Yes, sir, he does. Is he cheating on Stacy?"

"You heard the evidence."

"I'll make that if he doesn't do what he needs to do, that you'll be able to go right to the top with that."


"He's an asshole. He hits on me constantly, even after I filed a complaint against him. He thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, and if he didn't have money, women wouldn't give him the time of day."

"If he doesn't follow through, I'll see you tomorrow."

She smiled, and I left the office. I called Jack, and told him how it went. He was at Stacy's house, and I suggested he get out of there before the asshole got home. I knew he'd just piss him off, and I didn't want to blow the whole plan. He agreed, and called his mom to come over instead.

The asshole did even better than we could have hoped. Instead of going home and doing what we wanted him to do, he left work early and went straight to a bar. Within an hour, he was tanked to almost double the legal limit. That's when he jumped behind the wheel, and headed for home. He almost made it, too. Less than a block from home, and he plowed head first into a phone pole, and since he wasn't wearing a seat belt, the sudden stop sent him out the front window, and right into the phone pole that started it. Death was instant, and just like that, problem solved.

As an old friend of the family, I was invited to the funeral, and as much as I didn't want to go, I went. I hadn't seen Stacy for close to a decade, and this wasn't going to be the best time for a reunion. I sat towards the back, and listened to the eulogy, and to hear that, he was the greatest guy in the world. I ended up next to his secretary, and whenever things got too syrupy, she'd nudge me, and we'd share a quiet smile.

After the service, I waited until the end to go up and see the family. I shook hands with Jack, and hugged his mom. Stacy was with someone else, with her back turned to me. When she finally turned around, I could tell there was no recognition in her eyes. Jack leaned over and whispered in her ear, and all of a sudden, she lit up.

"Oh, my god. It is you. Wow, you turned out pretty good, Eric. Never would have thought it, considering what a dork you were as a kid."

I looked her over, without being too obvious about it. Stacy had always been a little larger than most girls, and time had filled her out nicely.

"I'm sorry, dork? I was a geek, thank you very much."

We laughed, and she reached out and gave me a hug. While we hugged, she whispered in my ear.

"Jack told me your part in everything. We need to talk, later."

I ended the hug, and looked her in the eye. I could see no anger, and more importantly, no hatred. I was relieved, and agreed to hang around after the reception.

Things moved to her house, and as people came and went, Jack and I quietly discussed how things went.

"I wasn't looking for the guy to die, but this way works out better, don't you think?"

"Who the hell are you kidding, Jack? You were ready to storm his hotel room and tear his heart out when you called me, remember?"

"True, but I really only wanted to scare him."

I might have believed him, but the smile on his face ruined his chances of pulling that off. We laughed, and while we were laughing, Jack's dad sat down.

"So, Eric. Jack told us how you talked him out of killing the asshole. All in all, I'm glam you did. I'm too old to have kids in prison."

We laughed, and Jack and I started to fill him in on the details of the sting operation. He stopped us before we got too far into it.

"I want to hear this, but so do Mary and Stacy. We should wait until the rest of the crowd leaves."

We changed the subject to sports, and killed time until the last of the guests said their goodbyes. Stacy closed the door behind the last one, and let out a huge sigh.

"My god, if I had to hear how sorry everyone was one more time, I was going to scream! I'm so glad this is over."

She came over to sit with Jack and I, and I moved over to make room next to me. She flopped down, and leaned against me.

"I know this is bad, but thank god he's dead. I thought I was going to have to kill him."

Jack laughed.

"I would have beaten you to the punch. I wanted to. The only reason I didn't is because of Eric."

She turned to look at me. I smiled, and she laughed.

"You know, when you smile, I see the dork. Sorry, geek. Now, though, the geek is much better looking..."

I must have blushed, because the rest of the family laughed at me. Jack and I told the entire story, and when we were done, Stacy leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

"I had no idea I had such a good friend in you, Eric. You did something pretty incredible for me."

"I just didn't want Jack to go to jail, any more than you did. I'm too pretty to visit prisoners. They'd try to keep me!"

We all laughed, and as the subject changed, I could sense Stacy's eyes were still on me. I looked down at her, and she smiled quietly. She was still leaning against me, and her hand was resting on my leg. She squeezed my leg, and then stood up.

"I'm going to go change clothes, then we'll see what we can do about dinner. Eric, you're staying, of course."

"I actually hadn't planned on..."

"Did no one ever tell you not to argue with a grieving widow?"

I tossed my hands in the air, and everyone else laughed. She went to change, and Jack offered to loan me a change of clothes, so I could get out of my suit. "I have clothes in my trunk. You know, the emergency overnight kit."

We laughed about that. When we were younger, and going out until all hours of the night, we'd both keep a bag in the trunk with a change of clothing, just on case. I went outside and grabbed mine, and Jack's dad came with me.

"Eric, I wanted to say something to you, without anyone else knowing. Stacy has taken a liking to you, as I'm sure you've noticed. Her mother always hoped she'd notice you when you were both younger. Ah, hell. What I'm trying to say is, if you want to date Stacy, go ahead and ask her. I think she'd say yes."

"I'm not sure..."

"Eric. Even I noticed how much of a crush you had on her when you were a kid. She did nothing but talk about that last night, by the way. Getting rid of the asshole has made you an important part of her life, and you should know that. She needs friends now, anyway. Every asshole he knew is going to come out of the woodwork, looking for a piece of his pie. He left her a shit load of money, and they're going to want it all. I want someone I can trust with her to help fend them off."

"I'm flattered, Mr. Walker, really. How do we know Stacy doesn't have other ideas?"

"Who do you think put me up to this in the first place? She found out about your crush about a year ago, and has been dreaming about meeting you again ever since. We never said anything to Jack, because he would have made sure you did meet up, and she was married, for whatever that was worth. When she saw you this morning at the service, she pulled me aside right away and told me I needed to have THAT talk with you."


"Relax. No one expects you to do anything you don't want to do. If you're truly not comfortable with this, we'll put Jack on it. He can protect her just as well."

"Knowing Jack, he'll get himself tossed in jail doing it. The man doesn't really understand the meaning of moderation."

We laughed, and I could sense he was waiting for my answer.

"I will do anything to help Stacy, Mr. Walker. I guess I never really got over my crush, because my heart jumped when I saw her this morning."

He grinned, and slapped my back.

"That's what we were counting on, Eric. Welcome to the conspiracy."

We laughed again, and headed back inside. I saw Jack look at his dad, and the two of them exchanged a grin and a big thumbs up. Part of me wanted to be upset, but I didn't really mind being manipulated like this, especially considering who I'd get to spend time with. I just shrugged, and went to change my clothes.

The next few hours were everything I'd ever imagined family life would be. We laughed, had a great dinner, and spent more than a little time drinking. I was more or less inducted into the family right then, although I definitely was not the younger brother. Stacy and I teased and flirted most of the evening, and even though this was supposed to be a 'sad' occasion, none of us were even slightly depressed. It came out that Stacy hadn't even slept with the asshole for close to two years, as he thought she was way too fat for him. She had a few extra pounds, but the way she carried them, they only made her more attractive, as far as I was concerned. She had full, plump breasts, and a nice round butt. She was chubby, yes, but in a very sexy way.

Stacy's parents left first, citing a long day tomorrow. The three of us waved them out, and then sat at the table and talked about the asshole some more. Stacy wanted to see the video, and even though I disagreed, we showed it to her. Watching him make love to someone else was the only thing that brought tears to her eyes. The entire day, she had maintained a shell of quiet dignity in front of strangers, and then relaxed that in front of her parents. Now, we were seeing just how hurt she was. I stopped the video, and she looked me in the eyes.

"Thank you for helping, Eric. I wish things...never mind."

"That's my cue to give you two some privacy. I'm on the early shift tomorrow, anyway. New trainees, and all that fun stuff. I'm going home."

We stood, and Stacy gave him a long hug. He turned to me, and shook my hand, then surprised me by pulling me into a quick hug.

"Be good to my sister, pal. You two belong together."

With that, he slipped out the door, and we were alone. She and I stood and looked at each other for a moment, and then we both started laughing.

"Did you ever get the feeling that others are planning the rest of your life for you?"

I nodded, and laughed even harder.

"Did I? Your family did everything but walk us down the aisle!"

We laughed some more, and somehow, Stacy found her way into my arms. We stood that way for a long time, and I have to admit, having Stacy in my arms felt like a part of my soul had come home. I knew I was going to do everything in my power to protect and love this woman for the rest of my life, regardless of what anyone else said or thought. Stacy must have been reading my mind, because she gave a great sigh, and spoke.

"Is it just me, or does this feel completely right? I feel like I've come home after a long trip, and I'm finally relaxing. Does that make any sense?"

I smiled.

"I was thinking pretty much the exact same thing. I was also thinking we need to take things slowly. We can't jump right into this yet. The asshole may have a few surprises up his sleeve, even now."

She slipped out of my arms, and dropped onto the couch. I took the chair across from her, and we looked at each other for a long moment.

"I know you're right, intellectually. Emotionally, however, I just want to go back to you holding me in your arms, and not letting me go."

I reached out and took her hand in mine.

"Trust me, Stacy. I'll be able to do that soon. Right now, we need to know if the asshole had a will, and what it said. He was the type that would put a clause in preventing you from marrying again if you want to receive anything from his estate. As much as I care for you, I won't let that happen to you. We can be patient, for now. Just make sure you call his attorney as soon as possible."

"He had everything done by one of his partners at the firm. He was at the service, and promised he'd call me tomorrow with the details. He knows how little I cared for the asshole, and will do what he can for me, I think."

"Then that's where we need to leave things, for now. Go to sleep, and call him tomorrow. Once we know what we're dealing with, we'll go forward from there."

She stood up, and slipped herself onto my lap.

"I will, but there is one thing I need right now. You need to kiss me, so I know this is really happening."

I smiled, and gently planted a kiss on her lips. We stayed like that for a few minutes, gently kissing, nothing more, then she broke it and stood up.

"Now I can face sleeping without you. Go home, my love. I'll call you tomorrow."

I walked out the front door without saying anything, but knowing sleep would be tough.

The next day, I walked in to find Jack waiting for me in the reception area of my office. "Good morning, Jack. How did the training go?"

"It went fine. What happened last night?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking."

He pushed me into my office and closed the door behind us.

"What happened? How is she?"

I moved around behind my desk and sat down. I sat for a moment, gathering my thoughts, and then spoke.

"Your sister is the most incredible woman I've ever known, and I fully intend to pursue things as soon as possible. Right now, however, we're waiting to get a preview of the will. You know the asshole was the type to put something completely warped in his will, just to fuck with Stacy. We're sitting back and waiting for the dust to settle slightly before we move forward."

Jack sat across from me, and I could tell he was thinking about what I said.

"Shit. You're right. I don't like it, but you're right."

"How do you think I feel? Or your sister feels? We were this close to really going at it..."

Jack made a face.

"You know, I've pretty much resigned myself to you two being together, but don't ever say things like that to me. I have a delicate constitution."

"So says the man that ate a slug on a dare."

"I was fourteen, and trying to impress a girl. Are you ever going to let me live that down?"

I just grinned, and he threw a pen at me. We were laughing when my secretary popped her head in the door.

"Mr. Walker? Your sister is on the phone, but she asked for you, boss. Who gets this?"

I raised my hand, and I could see the disapproval in her eyes. She knew Jack and I were old friends, but I know she thought I was moving in on a grieving widow. I waved her out, and she frowned at me again.