The Year is 2132 Ch. 01


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When Steev and Cherl wake in the morning, they are alone. Their bed partners have slipped away without awaking them. The sun is high and evidently they have slept in.

They had been exhausted by the nuclear disaster, their fear of being buried alive, finding themselves in a strange land, and the sexual affairs late last night. This morning, however, they feel fine. Sleep has cleared away the agony and the ecstasy of yesterday.

They hurriedly dress and simultaneously leave their rooms. Steev takes Cherl aside and tells her what the computer had revealed when he went back to the ExoSphere. Cherl is devastated by the news.

"Steev, is there anyway we can return to our own time and universe?"

"I doubt it, Cherl. Look at the power it took to send us here. How could we ever find that here in this world? No, I think we're stranded here and should try to make the best of the situation. Look at it this way. Yesterday morning, all we had to look forward to was death by starvation. Today, we have a new life and it looks like we have the bull by the horns (whatever that means). Things could have been a lot worse. Actually, I had a most enjoyable evening."

Cherl smiled and recalled her evening with Zhanet. She hopefully had that experience to look forward to again. Her loins ached and felt wonderful at the same time.

"My dear friends. How happy I am to see you rested and looking well. Come, come. We are about to have our morning meal." They go into the dining area and find the table groaning from the prepared food heaped on it.

"Are you expecting an army to eat with us, Claude?"

"An army? Why would I ---- Oh, I see. All the food. No, my friends. I just didn't know what you would like, so I had the staff prepare some of everything we had in the deep cellar. Sit. Sit. Eat whatever you like. Don't worry about the rest." A male server poured a mild watered wine for them.

"Where are the pretty serving girls, Claude?" Cherl asked.

"They've been dismissed, but don't be concerned. We have other servants to keep our glasses full." Steev is devastated. He believes he is the cause of the girls' dismissal. Furthermore, he has strong feelings for them and was hoping to see them again -- in and out of his bedroom. He will miss their natural beauty. His heart is heavy.

They don't even make a dent in the prepared food. Oddly, the table bears only food that they like. Both Cherl and Steev were expecting strange, maybe unpalatable things that they would have to force themselves to eat. Even the food they were served yesterday suited their palates.

"Claude, do you know who owns the land about two kilometers to the west; the area where we met you yesterday?"

"Of course, I walk there everyday for exercise. I own it. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I like the looks of that area. There is a certain serenity about the area. I'd like to establish a camp there. Would you be interested in selling about an acre?"

"Absolutely not. However, I will make you a gift of it. I have no intentions of building there. The land around this estate is there for privacy only. If we are going to trade together, I would find it advantageous to have you near. It's yours. No. Don't protest. I'll have the papers drawn up as soon as you point out exactly whereof you speak and I can have a survey made.

I assume you have an amount of your trade goods hidden in that vicinity. Isn't that from where you brought these fabulous clothes? Don't be alarmed. I have no intention of looking for it. You might find another merchant to deal with in the future if you felt you couldn't trust me."

Steev wondered how anyone as open and forthright could do business and get wealthy in this land or anywhere. It was refreshing, however, to deal with a truly honest man.

"Claude, I am overwhelmed by your generosity. I'd like to give you another item we could trade with. It's not much, but with your business knowledge, you might find a market for it."

Steev finds the canvas bag he brought back from the ExoSphere. He pulls out the throwaway razors and shaving soap and hands one of each to Claude. Claude checks over the razor and asks its purpose. He is not optimistic about its retail value.

Steev explains that it is for shaving the face -- or other hairy parts of the body. Claude is dubious. He has always used an extremely sharp, honed knife with which to shave the hair from his face. Steev asks Claude if could demonstrate the razor and Claude agrees.

Steev uses the shaving soap to lather Claude's face and then begins to shave the man.

After shaving half of Claude's whiskers, he hands the razor to Claude and lets the man complete the shave.

"Steev, I am perplexed. Why would you sell such a marvelous instrument? If it were mine, I would hide it away so no one else would be able to find it. I can't believe how easily and non-painfully it removes facial hair. It is wondrous."

"Claude, I can secure more of these. It is not a rarity where I come from. This is yours. I'm making you a gift of it. In fact, I have several more to give you. Do with them as you please."

"Steev, you are making me desperate to give you back in kind, and you continue to outpace me. Please. No more or I'll feel shame." Steev realizes what Claude means and makes a mental note to be careful in the future.

"Now Steev, allow me to pay you for the clothing I received from you. I will have to send to my treasury to get the aureas. I can't keep that much here, or I might be robbed of such a vast sum. I have already sent my assistant to nobles and merchants who will wear and sell the goods. The news is good. My assistant sold all of the goods this morning and we will share the profits." He wrote down some figures and showed them to Steev. "Is that about what you had in mind? If you think it's too little, I would be glad to offer more."

Steev almost choked when he saw the amount the goods had sold for and how much his share would be. "Claude, it is a most generous amount, and I am well pleased with it."

Claude held out his hand and the two men clasped each other's wrist. Claude pulled Steev to him and put his arm around him. "We will do well as trading partners, my friend. Thank you."

"One thing more, Claude. Would you be willing to keep my share in your treasury and allow me to draw on it when necessary?"

Claude was astounded. "Once more you embarrass me. You trust me that much? You have brought tears to my eyes, friend."

Cherl had been watching and listening to this exchange and thought that this land might not be a bad place to live. Probably many times better than the bombed out war plagued place where they had come from.

"Speak no more of a camp on what is now your land. You must live here until you can have a permanent house built. When will you receive another shipments of goods? You may store them in my warehouse until you build your own."

Steev felt guilty of deceiving his new friend, but didn't think it advisable to divulge what really was happening. He and Cherl might be accused of being witches or worse.

Steev was also concerned about how long the backup generator in the ExoSphere would last and if the replicator would continue working. He better produce as much trade goods as possible before the replicator quit.

He told Claude he was expecting a large shipment by wagon train at his newly acquired land; he would have to stay there and wait for it or it might go astray. He was mentally making plans to handle this delicate situation. He'd go live in the ExoSphere until he could produce enough goods to last a long while. He sat down with Claude and they discussed what type of merchandise he should order for the next shipment. He made a long list and prepared to leave.

"Steef, Steef!" Steev heard women calling him, but who? The two young girls came running into the room and knelt at his feet.

Steev was taken by surprised. He thought that Claude had sent the pretty serving girls away. He looked at Claude inquisitively as if to ask what was happening.

Claude grins from ear to ear. "Zhanet and I conferred this morning while you were still asleep. She insisted that we give you something in return for your largesse. The trade goods you brought us resulted in a large sum added to our treasury. We can't accept that without giving you something in kind. Since you seemed to enjoy Keri and Sera, we decided to give them to you. Their intrinsic value is not equal to the trade goods, but Zhanet hopes they'll suffice. The girls are more than happy to be your consorts. Will you accept graciously, or will I have to bring in my male servants and force you to take them. Do you want them to wear the skirts or their regular chitons?"

Steev sputtered, "I am speechless, Claude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love the girls. I'd like them to wear their chitons. You couldn't have given me a better gift. But now we are even. Right?"

Claude laughed, "Not in my estimation, but if you say so, I'll accept that. I have set up an apartment for you and the girls. I hope you'll stay here for a long time. I feel that you are a younger brother of mine."

"Yes Claude, and let's keep that relationship. I feel the same way. Now I must hurry back to where the trade goods will arrive. I'll return as soon as possible. Cherl, go with me. I'll need your help and advice."

Cherl is using the replicator to fill the list of trade goods that Steev wants to take to Claude. Steev is staring at the wall. "Cherl, are you aware of something eerily strange happening?"

"I don't think so. Everything is perfect. It couldn't be better."

"That's what I mean, Cherl. Everything IS perfect. What are the odds of that being the case when we find ourselves in a parallel universe on an earthlike planet where everything happens for the best? Think. We end up here where the air, water, etc. is perfect for humans. The ExoSphere is buried and cannot be seen from the road just under two kilometers away. We walk to the road and immediately meet a man who takes us home and treats like long lost relatives. He sells our replicated materials and makes us wealthy.

By the way, the money here is a combination of Greek and Roman; however, the numbers that Claude showed me are Arabic -- 1, 2, 3, etc. Everything about this place is easy to understand as if we were back on planet Earth. What are the chances that it could be just a coincidence?

Claude takes everything we say and do at face value. He doesn't question how or where we get the trade goods. He is so honest that it's embarrassing. He doesn't break a sweat when his love lady offers to sleep with me.

Claude gives me two of the most beautiful, sweetest, most luscious young women I could ever imagine. Those girls are virgins, yet they were able to give me incredibly good sex last night. They are every man's fantasy. Yet, Claude has owned these female treasures and hasn't deflowered them. How could he have resisted? It's as though he was keeping them intact until we, uh, I came along. The only thing missing is a woman to satisfy your needs. I would bet she shows up soonest."

"Are you saying we are dreaming this? Or are we dead and have gone to our individual heavens? By the way, the woman I needed DID show up -- last night -- Zhanet. She is incredibly talented in Sapphic art. She DID take me to heaven. I have never experienced lesbian sex as good as last night. It WAS perfect. Why are you complaining that this is so good?"

"Don't get me wrong. I appreciate it, too. I'm just curious as to WHY it is so perfect. This is my theory: The ExoSphere and its computer are actually one entity, and it has been programmed to defend itself and to survive no matter what.

When the nuke hit its site, the ExoSphere, in a split second, figured it had to do whatever was necessary to survive. We were looking at ancient Rome when the blast occurred. The ExoSphere took many factors in consideration and made a leap. Not to another part of Earth that is probably a dead planet by now, but to this dimension and this world.

Opposing powers have launched so many super H weapons that they will continue raining down on the planet long after the human race has been extinguished. The ExoSphere had to take itself out of that catastrophe. In that split second when the missile caused a huge power surge, the ExoSphere must have taken advantage of that opportunity to jump not just to another spot on ravaged earth but to a parallel universe on a planet where you and I could flourish.

The ExoSphere needs us as much as we need it. It depends on us for power. The auxiliary power supply, although it's charged to capacity by the H weapon power surge, will not last forever. The ExoSphere brought us to a planet where we wouldn't have to concern ourselves with mundane matters. It expects us to focus on its needs.

Have you noticed that there is a combined Roman-Grecian atmosphere to life here? My undergraduate courses were steeped in Ancient Rome. I was fascinated by the Roman Empire and all of its factors. That's why I came aboard this project. I wanted to actually see Rome in its finest hour. What did you study in your early courses? I'll bet it was ancient Greece. Right?"

"You're right. Greece. So we are in a world where there is a confluence of Roman and Greek culture. How is it that there is such a world?"

"Think of what scientists have been saying for centuries, Cherl. They believe there is an infinite number of parallel universes. Everything that can possibly exist does exist somewhere, somehow, somespace. That's why the ExoSphere brought us to this one. It IS perfect for our needs and -- for its needs. It doesn't want us to have to deal with menial tasks. We must figure out a way to supply the power it needs. I have a hunch the ExoSphere will set up a few obstacles for us just to keep us alert, and so we won't grow complacent, but, all in all, we may have a carefree existence from now on. We may have to manufacture problems for ourselves just to keep life interesting.

"Have you noticed any changes in yourself, Cherl?"

"Like what, Steev?" She looks down at her body.

"I don't know. Any physical or mental changes? I have changes in me that I'm aware of: After a shaky start, I'm speaking Latin like I've been speaking it all my life. I hear myself speaking words that I know I didn't learn in school;

my sexual performance last night, uh, my erection seemed to be larger and harder than I ever remember it; I had some physical problems before we arrived here and had to take meds to keep them at bay, but I'm completely non-symptomatic now; I don't seem to need as much sleep although we've only been here a short time and that may be due to other factors; I have much more strength and stamina than I ever had before; I just feel better than I ever did on Earth."

"Now that you mention it, I am the same as you health wise and sexually. I don't mean I grew a hard penis, although I've always wondered what it would be like to be able to actually fuck a woman. That's a tantalizing thought. Maybe my clit will get big enough to do that. Yum.

However, I have noticed my breasts no longer sag. They are fuller and tighter. I don't even need a bra now. My waistline is smaller. My vagina gets wet much more easily and I overflow when I have sex. I thought I was going to drown Zhanet. I had attributed that to her sexual prowess. Speaking of having a penis, that woman's tongue makes a great substitute. Listen to what I'm saying. I have no inhibitions telling you about my sex life. I am different mentally and yes, I speak Latin fluently although my exposure in school was very limited. I am even thinking in Latin when I speak it. What happened to us, Steev?"

"I suppose the ExoSphere saw to it that everything was made easier for us. I don't know how it changed us, but the evidence is there; maybe the shift through hyperspace caused the changes, so we would be right at home here; however, maybe we are dead or dreaming. If so, I hope we don't awaken back on earth during that-that debacle, that chaos. It is so pleasurable here that I'm afraid that I'll wake up.

By the way, now that I think of it, were you aware that Claude's home had indoor plumbing-showers-toilets-and even soap? I didn't think twice about it; it should have stood out like a sore thumb, but my mind just accepted it as normal -- but in ancient Rome? They had aqueducts and such but not to the extent that we find here. And where are the aqueducts? Where is the water coming from? Underground pipes? I'm even getting the impression that things are actually changing, as we speak, and we're not aware of them. This is truly the Magic Kingdom.

I'd like you to do something that I'm too hesitant to do. Check the replicator's catalogue file and see if there happens to be any of these items: Roman and Greek clothing and coinage. No need to look for anything else. That should clinch my theory."

Cherl punches the replicator's buttons, waits a second, punches more buttons, and waits another second. She turns and looks at Steev but doesn't speak. She takes a deep breath and nods to him.

"Well, there are a lot worse places than Utopia," Steev quipped, "but it might be very boring. Don't scream when too many things go right. I hope we can handle it." Cherl shook her head and made a face.

Steev tells her to run off a few togae and chitons for them to wear. They don't want to look out of place until some of the population begin to wear their trade goods.

The two scientists load up the trade goods, close up the ExoSphere, and go back to Claude's estate. The two young women meet them at the door and ask if they can hug Steev and Cherl. They are giddy with excitement that Steev is back.

As they follow the girls into the mansion, Cherl asks why Claude gave both of the young women to him and not one to each of them. Steev thinks, laughs, and says, "Cherl, as wonderful as it is, it's still a man's world." Cherl punches him on the arm. Steev continues, "However, you can bet your panties that somehow there will always be women ready to please you. I have absolutely no doubt of that."

"If your theory is correct, that will probably be so, but I'd like to have a woman of my own. I wouldn't have to hesitate in telling her want I want her to do. Ooh, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I just got wet."

When Claude looked over the merchandise they brought him, he was ecstatic. "How much will you accept for this treasure?"

Steev thought and said, "How about splitting the income fifty-fifty?" Again, Steev noted an anomaly: Claude understood the idiom. He thought he would try using other Earth idioms and slang. Would Claude understand everything he said?

"No, that wouldn't be fair. You must have material costs and overhead. Shipping costs alone must have been huge. However, I will take advantage of your poor business acumen and accept twenty per cent. I will dream tonight of aureas and drachma pouring into my -- our treasury." Steev is now positive that his theory is correct.

"Claude, you must be aware that Cherl prefers the sexual favors of other women. How would we go about obtaining a 'serving' girl for her?"

"No problem at all. We'll go to the mart and purchase one for her. I'm sorry I didn't think of that myself, but I assumed that Zhanet would be taking care of Cherl's sexual needs. She is a graduate of the Academie des Arts, as are your consorts. They too can service Cherl after they have totally sated you, of course, in a year or two, and providing you are willing to share them with Cherl," Claude jested. Steev noticed the modern French terminology and made a mental note to ask Keri and Sera about the Academy.

Steev, Keri, and Sera are in the apartment that Claude set up for them. The girls are nude, having dropped their chitons when they entered the room. When Steev asked them why, they were confused. Sera said, "Steef, that's the way we were trained at the academy. We are not supposed to be covered when we are alone with our owners or with company if we are so told.
