The Yellow Cottage


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"What? Jess made no mention of that."

"Why should she? She is working on her current novel and possibly up to 400 hours of research before even starting what I predict will be a blockbuster. She's setting three to four hours a day for that research that began a fortnight ago so she's not thinking a completion date at this stage."

"Quite, I understand and will keep mum."

"Can I trust you Nadine -- I mean it?"

Appearing a little agitated, Nadine said of course he could.

"When we are satisfied with the first chapter of the possible blockbuster I'll email it to your home address if I can secure Jess's approval. Send me an email tomorrow guaranteeing confidentiality so I can show it to her when the time comes. She's expecting it will take well over a year to complete but I reckon she will complete in under a year with me coaching her on how to drive the story forward and dealing with predicting the future."

That little aside halted for a moment while The White Rabbit was asked by 'Marie Antoinette' next to him to explain to 'Elton John' sitting opposite him what kind of working relationship did Scott have with Falcon and Salmon Publishing.

"Sorry Mike, it's very hush-hush as it involves deep strategy on how to get a big jump on competitors."

"Oh I see. Big bucks for a big delivery."

"You're on to it Mike but please don't pass that information on to anyone."

"No way Scott, and thanks for taking me into your confidence."

Linda thanked Scott for his discreet reply. "I've had rather a large amount to drink in a short space of time so was fearful of giving a little too much away as Mike can be very persuasive."

"Aren't all men?" giggled 'The Bride' sitting next to Mike and drawing a response from Linda. That allowed Scott to turn back to Nadine (Marilyn Monroe) who was telling the guy next to her that no he couldn't cup her boobies to test they were real.

Nadine whispered, "Scott, is the theme global warming?"

"Nadine, it's Jess's novel and no one but me and Jess is supposed to know about it. I just gave you more than a hint, as I believe it will raise your expectations and that will be in Jess's best interest. Now please Nadine lay off or I'll be forced to give you a horse bite on your upper thigh and how will you explain that bruising to Gary?"

"God, you mean jerk," she smiled. "Feel my boobies when I turn fully to you and if you think they are real give your considered opinion to the creep on the other side of me."

"Then he'll demand personal verification."

"Oh damn, I just didn't think. Um, will you send me the first chapter of Jess's current project?"

"Yes, but not until next Thursday. You'll receive a covering letter, the first three chapters and a two-page synopsis."

"Excellent. So when can I expect your package?"

"Perhaps in six weeks. Although I work on your survey analysis six days a week I still have time to think of my story line each day."

"And administer to Jess?"


"Linda told me you live with Jess."

The general conversation had lulled so Linda, pressing her thigh against Scott's closest knee even harder and said, "Listen everyone. A former author of ours came out of jail a month ago after doing time as a paedophile and visited me today. He's short of money and attempted to interest me in commissioning him to write a book. So here's the call for opinions on whether I should consider taking him on to write about how he was brought down. We'll start with Mike and go around the table. If you feel embarrassed about commenting just say no comment to the person on your left."

By the time it was Scott's turn only three speakers said a book should be considered for publication but only if it dealt heavily on the offender's remorse and whether he'd been changed by imprisonment. Five including Jess and Nadine were against publication.

Scott was for publication if the writer was skilful and kept to his brief. Everyone including Linda listened intently.

"Several authoritative books had been published about paedophiles and the social damage they cause as well as many learned dissertations. But I am not aware of the published confessions of a paedophile although I would expect them to exist. I suggest you can forget about this guy suffering remorse, as that would probably be a foreign emotion within him. He could, however, decide to con you into believing he was remorseful. I also suggest the prison system would have delivered some counselling to this fellow but it would be unlikely to be at the level in both time and expertise necessary to make much difference to this fellow. In my inexpert opinion he remains a threat to society as long as he remains mobile even if he strives to walk the straight and narrow. With that in mind, it is a risk to publish anything offered by this man."

"Don't be too hard on the poor bugger," called an alcohol lubricated male.

Scott looked around the room and thought what lovely stylish formal décor. He continued, "Linda has the immensely difficult decision between burying her head in the sand and saying 'no way' which is what half of us in this room have already proposed. Or she could fire her social conscience and agree to give the guy a not overly generous commission for a manuscript of around X-number of pages. Half payment of that fee would carry him over to lodgement of the manuscript providing it complied with minimum standards for acceptance, although omitting judgement on public acceptability of content on moral grounds, which is an issue beyond payment for a commissioned manuscript."

"Rather than pay him, Linda should shoot the bastard for what he's put children and families through," said the uncompromising 'Florence Nightingale', half sobbing.

Scott said he supported the man being given a commission. "However, he should write on the theme, 'What goes on in the mind of a paedophile'. He should restrict himself to his childhood background and his thoughts and feelings as he grew up, was he ever abused and if so to generalize rather than be graphically specific. When did he realise he had a problem, what did he do about it and what was the reaction of those whom he went to for help. What constituted his first attraction as a paedophile, whether or not he knew the meaning and scope of that term and how was he affected, before, during and after the approach. How did his style and extent of offending occur -- what did he think and feel about it. Did he ever manage to break off an offence through self-control? Exactly what was going on in his head and what did he think about being remorseful or accepting he was a criminal and how did he think he could have broken the cycle especially had he'd interfaced with an expert counsellor who could have helped him. No way should he attempt to describe his victims nor what he did to them. Finally his experience of prison, had imprisonment effected any changes in him and what of his future? That's all folk -- sorry I took so long."

His host at the end of the table clapped and most others joined in. "Well said Scott, very well said. I now advise my wife I've changed my opinion and now say publish."

"And so do I," Nadine said.

Linda said, "Thank you Scott. That was an excellent contribution and I will present your argument at the first meeting of my small panel of expert consultants. My heart screamed no way when I listened to the guy but my head won the day, saying find a way. Well, I think Scott has come close, possibly closer than I think right now, of showing that way. I'll not be rushing in to it. The media generally will berate us if we publish a book by a paedophile and some of the public, especially those close to victims, will think of a tarring and feathering. But are we an enlightened publisher or not? We must ruminate carefully. At the end of the day after having any proposed book vetted legally at a very high level I'd have to take a hot potato like that one to the board of our company. But first I have my initial decision to make: do I begin the process by handing out a commission? Wise counselling and then my natural instinct will decide that one. Thank you everyone for being a sounding board although that was not the purpose of this social evening. Now PLEASE could someone tell a clever joke to lighten us up -- definitely no paedophile jokes!"

Scott smiled thinking how manipulative Linda. As pre-arranged Bernard would cough modestly and relate the latest great joke from the international circuit. But no, he stayed looking at his cutlery like almost everyone else. It was the half-drunk 'Florence Nightingale' -- Linda's best friend Sharon Gregg -- who came to her rescue. She almost knocked over her red wine as she slurred, "There was this devout English lesbian who met the wife of a holier-than-thou American male TV evangelist in a crowded Dunkin Donuts store in Quincy, Massachusetts..."

* * *

Driving home carefully to avoid being pulled over for a driving misdemeanour although having consumed only one cocktail and two glasses of wine with food over a period of four and a half hours, Jess said to her pie-eyed companion, "You were brilliant in talking about that paedophile author and if what I saw in Linda's eyes you attained her expectations."

"I tink I was set-up."

"I know so -- her friend Sharon said the original intention was dinner for ten people but you and I were added at the last-minute."

"I newsh it was a set-up."

"Yes darling," Jess smiled. "You were so convincing. I felt my mind being opened like a can of sardines."

"Why didn't shoe cap-cap-something?"

"Capitulate? Well I guess my inner conservatism gifted by my mother and my church schooling proved more resilient than your persuasive tongue."

"Oh. Thash sounds like an author speakshing."

"Yes dear. Go to sleep."


"Yes dear."

"Can I buy the yellow cottage for us and you pay me half when you can afford it?"

Jess was astounded by that outburst that had sounded if her passenger had momentarily sobered. But by the time she swallowed and gathered in a response and turned to glance at Scott she gathered by the look of his total state of relaxation he was asleep and fortunately not driving.

Jess drove on carefully, heart thumping. What did that mean -- he owning the yellow cottage, um, for them to own the yellow cottage? Did it mean he intended staying with her for the long run? Soon being taken on a ride by her mind, Jess pictured herself in a black mid-thigh wedding dress -- er, white, not black and down to knee length, God she'd be nearing mid-age at thirty-three or thirty-four!

Jess's face took on a dreamy appearance. She felt she was the happiest she'd been since being notified her first book had been accepted for publication which had even eclipsed the joy she'd experienced on the day her resignation from her teaching position had taken effect, allowing her to become a professional writer.

From wedding she went on to think about the influence of Scott on her life. For some time she'd not seen past the glory of receiving a regular supply of sexual activity, very regularly actually. She squirmed and smiled, thinking but not tonight. Then she'd realized it was not just the sex and possession of her sweet body but also Scott was exhibiting a genuine interest in her, and then not just because she was an author: he genuinely liked her and being in her company. She slowly began to feel love for him --love or affection -- when concluding his interest in her had her had extended beyond her body.

Babies -- the perpetuation of himself? Yes, that too. She now suspected she'd become his best mate, not that he had many males close to him. That probably meant although he knew many women, for some reason she'd come out top. For some many reasons not doubt. On the verge of feeling she was floating, Jess snapped up straight and delivered her total concentration on her driving. She did relax a little, thinking of the battles ahead of them, like she thinking emotionally about suitable names for their first child once she was pregnant while he would attempt to come up for names that would remain dynamic to their offspring and acceptable to them when they attained the ages of starting pre-school, school, twenty-one and even when celebrating their fortieth birthday.

Jess sighed, yes he was very much like that. But he was a great writing coach as he had only started on her recently and she suspected she was already being lifted towards a higher level of delivery and her comfortable way of thinking was going and that was rather quite scary. She'd have to keep her anchor on that because she didn't want to be changed from being a warm and soft and a caring person. She'd speak to him about that, but not tonight obviously.

Jess knew he'd be too heavy for her to lug in to bed, so drove right up to the back door and turned to leave his side of the car facing the house. She left the vehicle unlocked and the backdoor to the cottage unlocked after switching on the outside light. Jess then went to bed after a brief visit to the bathroom and fell asleep thinking about her wedding.

Jess awoke just before 9:00 next morning to find him not beside her and saddened because in her thoughts during the night she'd decided Scott was not the marrying kind of guy. He'd work to become an associate professor and that would be good enough for him.

She went to the kitchen-living room and found him asleep on the sofa. She checked and found the car locked and the outside house light switched off and she'd found the back door locked. Good boy, oh wasn't he a good boy. Quietly she made coffee and lightly buttered two pieces of bread and went to the spa pool where she spent almost an hour mostly reflecting on her current novel when Scott came to her, nude and displaying something that made her lick her lips. But before they started he kissed Jess softly and thanked her for driving him home safely and being so supportive of him and enjoying the company of Linda and friends. "Do we buy this yellow cottage?"

She was astonished he'd remembered. "Yes please providing it's agreed I pay off my half-share as I can afford it."

"Great," he said and they sealed that plan with a long, very long kiss.

As they began to pet, Scott said, "I wouldn't be at all surprised if you are in a position to pay me back by Christmas."

As he leant over the edge of the spa on his back, he related to Jess his quiet conversations with commissioning editor Nadine Gosani. Jess's eyes bulged when minutes after they panted to a groaning stop Razor appeared and began licking Scott's face. Jess grabbed a towel, wiped her face and threw it over Scott's groin, but too late.

"Don't worry Jess, finish what he's doing to you. I thought I would be safe arriving just after 10:00 but never mind," said Scott's mother. "I've decided to accept you two do it around the clock. "I'll go in and make coffee."

"Good morning Marion. Another lovely day for us all?"

"Ah, spoken like a lady Jess. You are such a wonderful match for my uncouth boy."

Jess rose and turned to smile at Scott. Her knees almost gave out on her when catching him looking at her thoughtfully and he didn't turn away.

That evening, at Scott's request after they reached agreement on price, Jess wrote to Harold and Alice Monk asking if she and her partner Scott Street could offer to jointly purchase the Monk's riverside cottage and if they were agreeable, the joint purchasers would be prepared to pay them $73,000 which was 20% above the year-old registered value of the land and improvements, mainly the aged dwelling on which no further exterior work other than repairs, window and door replaces and recladding and re-roofing would be approved by the District Council that was set to ultimately take over all the riverfront properties.

Two mornings later Alice Monk called Jess and first asked if Scott was Marion Street's son as she thought Marion's son was working overseas. With that sorted and learning that Marion and her new husband were well, Alice revealed that the offer had come with perfect timing.

"Mr Monk hasn't been particularly robust after a bout of 'flu during the winter Jess. He had been talking about returning to his birthplace in Bournemouth, England, to visit relatives and old school friends so we now see this as an opportunity. But you might not accept our proposal. Our advice from our son who knows about these things is we should place our cottage of the open market to achieve the highest possible price."

"I understand you have that option Mrs Monk."

"Let me finish dear," Mrs Monk said, her dentures clicking.

"Harold and I have decided if you raise your offer by $20,000, Harold will instruct our solicitor to transact the sale as soon as convenient to you both."

"Oh, that's a lot more money, Mrs Monk. Just a moment and I'll confer with my partner."

Jess whispered to Scott that the Monks wanted another $20,000 and would sell immediately."

"They have us over a barrel -- it auctioned or placed on the open market we could well have to another $25,000 or perhaps more as a property in a choice location like this tend to sell within families."

Jess whispered, "How long do you intend living with me?"

She winced when he replied for as long as she remained lovely to him and kept fucking him like she did. She blushed and assumed he was being deadly serious.

"Is your money available to make an immediate purchase?"

"Almost. Tell her we'll up our offer by $10,000, meeting them halfway. They probably are expecting us to say that so make sure you say it's our final offer."

Jess said shakily, "Are you sure?"

"Yes and say settlement thirty days from the date of both parties signing the contract."

"You tell her all this."

"No, she'll prefer woman-to-woman. Get it done Jess, think of yourself as your heroine Sandy in your upcoming fact-fiction novel."

Jess braced her shoulders and did what Scott had suggested. Ten minutes later they rushed over hand-in-hand to tell Marion they'd purchased the yellow cottage and at mid-afternoon the next day signed the unconditional contract with the Monk's in the office of the Monk's lawyer.

It was a standard residential sales agreement with Scott and Jess only having to check the price was the agreed $83,000, the date of signing was also correct and the date and time of settlement were 10:00 am thirty day's hence. The lawyer pointed out to Jess and Scott before the signing that on January 1st in four years' time none of the foreshore cottages and baches could be on-sold to anyone but the District Council at valuation at that time when all titles would be cancelled under Government Order in Council when the entire strip would become a designated public reserve. There was provision for all remaining dwellings to continue to occupy their sites provided they were maintained in a reasonable state of repair under transferable licences issued by the Council. The licences would be revoked at the end of ten years when all affected dwellings would be demolished at the Council's expense.

Jess and Scott had possessed that information before making their offer and were aware the registered valuation of the Monk property had fallen 70% on the previous valuation because of the ultimate demolition of the riverfront properties. Scott argued that with two years to go before licensing and then ten years after that to go before demolition their purchase price was equivalent to $7000 a year to terminal time in twelve years. Jess thought that was acceptable. The other choice was not to buy it.

Scott lifted her spirit further when he'd suggested they could well recover their purchase price plus a hefty premium if they sold within the two-year limit left for private sales and value would remain, although diminishing each year, if they on-sold their licence or sold the property to the Council for immediate clearance.
