There Are Days


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"Breaking ACTION News on Channel 10 with Rod Sterling and Tiffany Van Horn!!"


"Tonight, we are following events related to the crash on the freeway. Our reporter at the crash site has reported that several helicopters belonging to billionaire Richard Pecker have landed and taken control of the area.

Action News Helicopter on-site just moments after the crash shot these pictures of the crash! Don't be concerned, if the picture isn't quite clear. There is no need to adjust your TV, we will control all that on our end," said Rod.

The live shots showed the highway littered with debris from the Ferrari as well as the remains of the smoldering Ferrari where it rested after it bounced away from the concrete barricades.

The live shot clearly showed no one in the car. But there were a lot of heavily-armed men in tactical outfits all over the place.

Tiffany continued, "At this time we are checking on unconfirmed reports that the car involved belongs to Billionaire Richard Pecker. Stay tuned to Action News for live updates!"


Starting the moment or so after Dick lost his dick, began a period of confusion, as is often is the case after such types of events.

Pecker Corp's security staff had lost contact with their boss's car. They snapped to action. With all the resources of Pecker Corp at their disposal, it was a lot of action. They were second at the crash site, but they didn't know that. It took them 8 minutes to launch 6 Blackhawks, fully loaded with crack assault teams on board. It took another 6-and-a-half minutes to reach the crash site. At the 16-minute mark Pecker Corp had control of the site. At the 17-minute mark the team at the site informed their bosses that neither Richard Pecker nor Mildred were at the site. That is when Pecker Corp assumed they were dealing with a kidnapping.

Richard Pecker was a dick, so their list of possible suspects was pretty long.

At the 20-minute mark the cops started to arrive. At 22 minutes things were pretty tense. Pecker Corp had heavily armed and very well-trained (and very, very well-paid) Mercs onsite and in control. They were not the type to back down or relinquish control.

The cops were way out-gunned.

At 24 minutes the fire and rescue folks arrived.

At 25 minutes the order came down to the Mercs, "Stand down and stand by."

Pecker Corp's crack staff of Lawyers, PR experts and lobbyists were up to bat.


The Hospital's CCTV cameras show the bikers roar up to the hospital's emergency entrance. It shows the bikers gently lifting stretchers bearing Mildred and Dick and then loading them on the hospital's gurneys which are rushed into the hospital.

The CCTV shows the bikers milling about. A Doctor comes out after a few minutes and shakes several biker's hands. Then they mount up and roar off into the night.

Later, the members of the motorcycle club would be given the hospital's annual Good Samaritan award for their quick action in saving the lives of Dick and Mildred.


Bob, now continuously on security camera since his arrival inside Hogs, the bar, was pretty well-lubricated. The burner phone vibrated in his pocket. He called out to Windy for his tab.

The cameras captured a somewhat unstable Bob. Windy and another "waitress", Foxy, can be seen taking pity on him. They take his keys away and leave them with the bartender. They can be seen loading him into Windy's car. It also shows Bob copping a feel. Later Windy and Foxy could swear, on a stack of Bibles if necessary, they spent the rest of the night and much of the next day at Bob's house taking care of Bob. He never left, and no else one visited.


About an hour after the crash, Pecker Corp received information that their boss was at Our Quivering Lady Hospital. The nurse tasked with reaching out to inform next-of-kin was a stringer for Action News Channel 10. She had used her personal cell phone to let her contact know about Pecker. She gave them 10 minutes before she confirmed to Pecker Corp that Richard Pecker had been admitted.

When the helicopter loaded with lawyers and personal physicians landed at the hospital's air ambulance helipad there was already a burgeoning media presence below.

The cops were last to know. They were informed by watching Channel 10 Action News.



The cops had a pretty strong case. They had a dick. It had been bitten. They had the bite marks. They had what was left of the car. They had several long blonde female hairs from inside the remnants of the car's cockpit. It had happened in their town, on their watch. The hospital where Pecker and an unknown female were being cared for, was also in their town. Hell, even the local DA thought the cops had jurisdiction.

Pecker Corp had money, lawyers and a massive commitment to their self-interest.

The hospital kinda won. They actually had Pecker and Mildred.


When the cops finally got to talk to Richard Pecker, they knew about Mildred. They didn't know who Mildred was. Oddly, at that exact moment across town Bob was having exactly that thought.

Several cops, and three of Pecker Corp's lawyers tried to get in. The hospital put its foot down. Only one lawyer and two cops.

Ralph had been on the force for decades. Not too much impressed Ralph. He seemed to be a happy bearded grandpa. If you squinted, you could see a resemblance to Santa Claus. But Ralph's eyes betray that image. They were the eyes of a cop that had seen way too much.

His sidekick was a young up-and-comer, Detective Lacy Froth. She was hot...pushing 9.7. She knew it. She used it. She had been eating men for breakfast for years. She liked women too.

Ralph got a kick out of playing the good cop and letting Lacy unleash her badass on many hard-bitten felons. Their surprise at a hyper-sexy police woman ripping their nuts off resulted in many, many confessions, or other important information and some pretty entertaining interrogation sessions. A man needs to get some joy from his work.

Ralph and Lacy entered Richard Pecker's room. Present was one slimy lawyer from Pecker Corp, a hospital nurse, a hospital doc and a Pecker Corp doc.

Richard Pecker was in traction and from the neck down a full body cast in the hospital bed. He had black eyes, a taped nose and some pretty nasty bruising on his face. He was missing several front teeth. His cheeks, forehead and chin were pretty messed up. It looked like he had been in the wrecked Ferrari Ralph had seen earlier.

"Mr. Pecker, I am Detective Ralph Wood with the City Police. With me today is Detective Froth. We'd like to ask you about the crash."

Richard told of Mildred's husband on a motorcycle with the hand cannon taking out his car and about the conversation Richard had with Bob after the wreck.

"How did you know it was Mildred's husband? Had you ever met him?" asked Ralph.

"No. But before I start on a woman I have her thoroughly investigated; best to know all about a toy before you play with it. Her husband's picture was in the file. I like to play with married women; their husbands are just part of the game," Richard Pecker said, clearly not concerned in the slightest way that he was destroying innocent lives just for his own entertainment.

After Ralph and Lacy finished with Mr. Pecker, they headed on to Mildred's room.

The case was firming up...they now knew Richard Pecker was a real dick. They also now knew it was it was Pecker's dick they found in the Ferrari.


The next day Mildred was released by the hospital. Somehow the media seemed to know about Mildred and her release. She ended up in a loaned trench coat, floppy hat and very large dark sunglasses. She escaped the media by going out the parking garage. She waited on the corner for the bus. She was good. The media missed her completely. As the bus pulled away from the curb, a hog could be heard coming to life.


It was a warm afternoon. Lazy puffy clouds floated in the blue sky. Bob was lying oh-so-peacefully in his hammock...relaxing. The cold beer in his hand, the warm sun on his face...delightful. Bob was just on the edge of a comfy nap...blissful.

It was the noise of several SWAT officers coming over Bob's back fence that hauled Bob back from the edge of nappy-nap time. Bob, in his hammock, watched them move across his back yard to the back of his house. Bob took a swig of his cool refreshing beer. If any of the cops had looked back at Bob's back yard, they would have seen Bob in his swinging hammock with a very nasty grin.

So, it should be pretty clear that the cops hadn't taken Bob by surprise when oodles and oodles of cops broke down the front and back doors of his house. There were bull horns and flash grenades and police misconduct, oh my. Of course, they found Bob's guns 'n ammo. That totally freaked the cops out.

Bob watched calmly from the hammock in his back yard, beer in hand as the cops took control of the "crime scene". They had just finished up "tp'ing" Bob's house in yellow crime scene tape when a rookie cop saw Bob, sipping his beer and watching the action. The cop ambled over to Bob. He didn't know it was Bob; he just assumed, well, who knows what the cop assumed? It actually took the cop a while to realize that he was just hangin' out shooting the shit with the guy they were looking for.

Of course, when the cop figured out who Bob was, he went all Dirty Harry on Bob.

Bob was wounded and arrested. The cops did a perp drag out of his back yard and tossed his ass into a patrol car.

The Channel 10 ACTION News chopper broadcast all of it live. From when the cops scaled Bob's fence to watching the cops breach his house, to the cop chatting with Bob to Bob getting shot, in the hammock, spilling Bob's beer, to cops beating Bob and then dragging him off in cuffs.

Bob's lawyer was watching too. He already had called Action News to preserve the evidence.

It was a good thing Bob wasn't black; things could have gotten really ugly.


Wilfred had arrived on the west coast. He met up with some friends. Wilfred had a lot of friends. He knew many tough, hard-bitten bikers; he knew many weekend badass bikers who had 'normal' day lawyers, doctors, cops and other interesting folks. Wilfred had time to kill. He and Bob were waiting for things to 'ripen'.

Wilfred knew a mega music producer (who was thrilled to show off his new hog to Wilfred). The music producer had been riding as a 'pretend' biker for years. He really looked up to Wilfred as a "real" biker. He'd say they were tight. Wilfred hung at his joint up in the Hills. They did up the ol' wine, women, X, weed, tequila and song thing for a few days. Wilfred was letting his beard grow back.

After a Tuesday, Wednesday and a Thursday that would have crippled normal men, Wilfred jumped on his bike and headed out to the valley. He had some recon to do.


Back in town, Bob, star of Action News, was coolin' his heels in the hospital. He was handcuffed to the hospital bed watching himself on Action News on the TV when the most stunning women he had ever seen entered his hospital room with what Bob guessed was either her grandfather or her sugar daddy.

Ralph started in on Bob.

"Well scumbag, looks like we gotcha!" said Ralph.

"I'm gonna fuck you..." Lucy leered at Bob.

"We got an eye witness to you trying to kill Richard Pecker!" growled Ralph.

Declarative statement after declarative statement flew at Bob.

Finally, Ralph and Lacy wound down.

''Are you done?" asked Bob.

That's when Bob's lawyer walked in.

'Yep, you're done," said Bob. Lacy left him her card.


Bob's lawyer dropped papers on what seemed like the whole town. There were the cops. They got several lawsuits, way more than Bob had fingers and toes. Then there was Richard Pecker and several dozen of his companies. There was the divorce action against Mildred. There was the emergency court filing for custody of Bob's kids. There was a court order compelling Mildred to reveal the location of Bob's kids.

Oddly, Mildred couldn't be found.


Wilfred dropped a dime on Samantha aka Mercedes Butter. She had Bob's kids. In the Days of Q, you would be amazed at what a tip about kidnapped children who were being held in the home of a porno actress (and registered Democrat) out in the Valley, could create.

After the show at Mercedes' house, Wilfred headed south. He was going to collect his pound of flesh, so to speak.


Where are they today?

Bob is still in town. He never divorced his wife. In fact, after she left with Richard Pecker, Bob hadn't seen hide nor hair of Mildred. So, after three years he was able to get her declared dead. That is when he found the account that had a cool million (plus just over three years of interest). That also triggered the life insurance companies to pay off. That was another cool half-million dollars. All in all, a nice capper for the settlements from the lawsuits that had been filed. That put his retirement account at just over $30 million.

Bob never lost his common touch and often frequented Hog's, the bar. Bob had his kids. Bob wasn't married. Lacy, Windy and Foxy kept up the house, played moms to Bob's kids, and took care of all of Bob's needs. There was a lot of togetherness in Bob's house.

So, don't worry about Bob, he was doing just fine.


Wilfred had traveled over the border; that's where he "picked up" Mildred. He and Bob had agreed that Wilfred should get a reward for helping his brother out. Mildred had been "awakened" by Richard. Wilfred wasn't about to let that go to waste. Wilfred totally used Mildred, sexually, for about a year-and-a-half as they traveled around south of the boarder. Mildred really loved it. I mean she was getting all the sex she ever desired, and Wilfred, while looking like Bob, wasn't nearly the gentleman that Bob was. Wilfred just USED Mildred and she just LOVED IT. Then one day, Mildred started bitching at him. Wilfred actually really liked sexing it up with his brother's wife. But the bitch's bitchin; was just a bridge too far for Wilfred. He really didn't need her shit. He left her at a beachfront bar in a small Mexican fishing town.

Wilfred is still a wild man. A man who lives for the open road. Wilfred is getting a bit older. Slowing down some might say. He lives with Mercedes, who is still a porn actress...W1GWAG, but Wilfred is cool with that. A couple of times a year he and Mercedes head south to visit Mildred. Wilfred was a kinky son of a bitch.


Mildred got her wish. She was whisked away to a new life. The closest she got to her old life was when Wilfred and Mercedes would drop by for extra-long weekends at the bar and whorehouse that Mindy (Mildred's whore/Brothel/Bar owner name) now owned and ran.

The years weren't that kind to Mildred, after all she was a pretty high-mileage gal by this time. She had taken to whoring like a duck to water. She loved it and she was very good at her job. She had "retired" from working the floor day-to-day and took on the Madam role full time.

Eventually Mildred tried her luck as part of a donkey/girl show, just to push the envelope. it was a huge success. Customers flocked to see Mildred's show. Mildred made bank. It was also true she loved that donkey's dick. These days she has a personal stable of donkeys behind the whorehouse.

Mildred was living her dream...

Mindy had got a lot of dicks over those years, but none were bigger dicks (although at this point, any dick was bigger than Richard's stub) than Richard Pecker. That's saying a lot.


Richard Pecker's days of doing married women are long over. His bones never healed correctly, leaving him a twisted gimp. His once charming face after several rounds of plastic surgery had grown more grotesque. His doc's efforts at reattaching his dick were utter failures. He hated how he looked. So, he stayed out of sight. Over the years he became so reclusive that he made Howard Hughes look like a party animal. He now rues that day he fucked Bob's wife.

Now, please be well,

B Wrongerer

Great thanks to TRCIII for his editing and assistance!

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman2 months ago

LOL !!!!! Can't decide which name or line was best but I like "Our Quivering Lady Hospital" Reminds me of an old Jhonny Carson joke, Is that noise a Weeping Willow or a Virgin Pine.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Holy shit! I've read some over-the-top shit, but this story takes the cake! I loved it! Thank you for sharing this story with us.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Why the happy ending for the whores? They don't deserve it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A good entertaning read

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It’s a bummer that politics show up in stories on Lit. Do you realize that probably turns off half of your American readers?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Not over the top or anything.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Creative and hilarious. Bob W seems to be an equal opportunity cynic about politics. I love it. 5*.

WisquejacWisquejac11 months ago

Started well finished meh.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I gave it a 1 because it was slightly funny, but don't quit your day job as a undercover reporter for CNN 's LQBTSX division.

XluckyleeXluckyleeabout 1 year ago

Too strange for me. 3

gomer63gomer63over 1 year ago

Man, I love your sense of humor! It reads as you flow through the puns and hilarious debauchery seamlessly! Thanks for putting a big smile on my face and many a guffaw!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

God laughed and rubbed his hands in glee.. when he gave this writer his writing abilities...cos..HE gave him too much .... Thus the writer keeps spouting words and words and meanders all over and around the bushes without actually coming to any clear point! All in all... one paragraph of story stretched with meaningless tribes to make a potato mash of a pretty unoriginal story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bob is more like a republican with his guns and his scorched earth reaction to betrayal... no wimp politically correct excuses here, even if he Was a nice guy and didn't do the heavy lifting.

So it's confusing when you disparage the fox people.

I wonder what this story would be like in a few months, now that the republicans have the power to actually investigate Jan 6. 14.000 hours of footage are about to be made public. That's gonna change the narrative, I guarantee you. On top of that, Pelosi personally modified the security plan for the Capitol building, leaving it vulnerable. She personally rejected Trump's offer of 10,000 reserve troops to maintain security.

Ray Epps is exposed as a plant with the full intent of escalating the situation, others revealing they were approached to help create chaos on the day.

Better if you just leave politics out of it.

I don't support either side, but I know criminal intent when I see it.

Without the political crap it was a good story.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Enjoyed the entertainment of this story. Thanks for your writing.

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