There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 16


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"Where are you going to find someone willing to blow himself up like that?"

"We've already found him. He's one of ours. He's dying of brain cancer. If we give his family $500,000 as part of the severance package, he'll do it. He's here in Washington, waiting for the word."

"Give it to him. Have you any idea what entrance he's going to come in?"

Pierce opened his cell phone. He hit a speed dial number, and when it was answered, he said, "White Rook takes Bishop."

The responder said, "Pawn takes Rook."

"Queen takes Pawn -- Checkmate." He closed his phone and put it away.

The Vice President said, "Chess is an interesting game."

"Yes sir, this one was deadly."

"I'll transfer the money to your Antigua account."

"Thank you, it will be the best money you ever spent Mister President."

"Thank you Jim. Have you had that accident at MicMillian checked out?"

"We sent four of our best people there, and that's exactly what it was, a freak accident. A four-inch steel cable broke free from its mooring. You could see the scraping on the floor from it. Thing must have weighed six tons."

"I was just wondering if there was an argument between McMillian and those people that got killed at the funeral. I don't like coincidences. We know Bordeaux had nothing to do with it, because he lost both ways. Hang on for a moment, I may be able to find out which entrance Bordeaux is using."

Silvers picked up the phone, "Sam Neil please, this vice president calling."

"Hello Mister Vice President, how can I help you?"

"Sam my office staff has abandoned me to go watch television of this afternoon's event. Have you had lunch?"

"No Bill I haven't. My staff is probably with your staff. I haven't seen this place as deserted since our last fire drill. Do you want to come over here or should I go over there?"

"All the action is over by you so I'll come there. Which way should I tell my driver to go so we don't get caught up in the mess. Which way is that idiot going to come in?"

"No one knows Bill. He could come in by parachute."

"I paid to see that. He trips walking over the carpet."

"He does not; he falls down flights of stairs."

"I hope he's not bullshitting us on this. If someone is fucking the American people, I want them shut down in a hurry."

"So do I Mister Vice President; they have all the leeway they need to do it legally. If they are doing it illegally heads are going to roll."

"I'll see you in 30 minutes?"

"Why don't you make it 45 minutes, this way I can clear my desk."

"45 minutes it is Sam, I'll be there."


"That was a weird fucking phone call. The VP would rather shoot me then have lunch with me. I wonder what the hell is going on John."

"I would love to find some dirt in his closet so he can't run for president. Hell, I would love to put him out of the political circle altogether. His background is clean as snow. He's a Republican from West Virginia, who wants to close down the coalmines, because they're unsafe. He preaches clean renewable energy, and says global warming is for real, when his party says it's a fake. He's looking for the middle ground so in two years he can look the country square in the eye and say, I'm your man; look at my record, read my speeches: 'I'm a Centrist, and I'm perfect.' Our problem is he can sell it to the voters, and we can't refute it because it's true. His only weakness is on immigration, and the country is with him on that. If he is their nominee, we are in trouble."

"He is going to be their nominee, and he has one other problem. ' It's the abortion issue.' If he doesn't clearly state that he will back a woman's right to choose, 90 percent of the woman between 18 and 45 will vote against him. Woman above those ages will split 60/40 against him. That one issue could be enough to swing the election against him."

"Well he can't be coming over here to talk about the election, because it's much too soon. I wish I knew what is on his mind. There's nothing happening up here of any great importance for him to get involved in personally. The only thing, of any consequence, going on here today is Bordeaux's speech. Do you think he is involved in it?"

"He is a very calculating man, and I don't think he'd be that stupid. That's why I think he is involved. I'm not sure how, but I will find out."


"Hi Stephano, how is your day been?"

"Hi baby, my desk is only wrist deep in paperwork, so I'm doing fine. To what do I owe the honor of this phone call in the middle of the day?"

"Are you sitting down?"

"Yes I am."

"Your son has a job interview with Clark Atwater's niece Sandi. She's going to run for the US Senate in Maryland. He is flying down there Saturday, and coming back on Sunday."

"What did you say your name was? Who are you calling? Whose son has a job interview? It can't be my son. It's not possible. He doesn't know what the word work means. He calls in three men to pick up the pencil."

"My name is Patricia. You didn't get to fuck me until our wedding day. And yes it is your son Robert who has a job interview."

"How much do we have to pay them to keep him gainfully employed."

"I don't know, but whatever it is, we will pay it."

"How did this come about Patty? He could not have done this on his own."

"He had a very rough morning today. Callum and Christian really got on him at breakfast, and then the girls turned the knife in his back to the point he realized he had to make some changes in his life. He is so used to being fawned over by everyone, when the girls reacted to Callum and Christian's manners, instead of his, he was crestfallen. He asked me, "What am I doing wrong mom?" You know how gentle I can be when someone asks me a question like that, so I let him have it, right between his eyes.

Finally, I asked him what he wanted to do with his life. He said he wanted to get involved in politics. I called Clark and told him about Robert. He spoke to Robert for a few minutes and told him about his niece, and Cindy called him back shortly afterwards and offered him an interview this Saturday. We'll see what happens, but I'm sure he's going to be offered the job.

I laid to law down to him. I basically said, are you going to quit when the going gets tough, or are you going to stick it out to the end. I expected one of the smart alec responses, but I didn't get one. He gave me an honest answer and you know how rare they are coming from him.

He said, "If they offer me a job I'm going to take it. Then we will find out what kind of man I am."

"Was there a ventriloquist in the room? Was there anyone in the house that could imitate Robert voice. That does not sound like my son at all. I would pay for his schooling if he learned to say something like that."

"We did pay for his schooling, and he did say something like that."

"You mean it worked?"

"There is that possibility. I have a question for you."

"Go ahead, I will answer anything you ask me."

"What do you do with chestnuts?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"Are you going to answer the question?"

"You soak them in water, you use a knife to cut the top open, and roast them."

Patty yelled, "The next time you get shot at and don't tell me that is exactly what I'm going to do to your balls. Do you hear me husband?"

"Tell Paul they're fired. That sonofabitch can't keep his mouth shut."

"What does Paul have to do with this?"

"Wasn't he the one that told you about this?"

"Paul knew and he didn't tell me. Rita is going on strike."

""If it wasn't Paul that told you, who was it?"

"Clark Atwater. He asked me if you had cleared up the mess that happened down there. I told him I had been away, and he told me the whole story. If you were here I would've beat the crap out of you. I can still do that you know."

"I'm just trying to keep you safe. You've been through too much already. You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine. We put blackout drapes over all the windows. We've moved the desks away from the windows so no one has their backs to them. Jennifer Luck came up with the solution, and when our security team tried to beat it, they couldn't. If our guys can't beat it, neither can anyone else's."

"Mister Valentino, I don't care about anyone else. It may sound harsh, but all I care about is you. So I'm going to have a bowl of cold water sitting on the counter. I'm going to have a sharp bladed knife sitting next to it, and a roasting pan nearby. If I have to hear from someone else that someone tried to hurt you, I'm going to be the one that hurts you, and I'm not going to give you any anesthetic before- hand. I don't want to lose you; I fought too hard to get you."

"It didn't seem that way at the time. It seemed like I was the one trying to get you."

"Should we argue about that now after almost 22 years?"

"Do you know where the paddles are?"

"Yes, they're right where they were since the last time I use them on you."

"Get them out, dust them off, and oil them. I'm going to rent a jet. I think you need a spanking."

"As long as you stay there, I'm safe here."

"You won't be in six hours. Goodbye dear."

"Threats will get you nowhere."

"Tell Paul that helicopter had better be in Albany and six hours, or I'll cut off his dick."

"It would be a fate worse than death for Rita. You can hurt Paul in a lot of ways, but you cannot take his dick."

"I'll send her two 18-year-old boys as a replacement for one 50-year-old man."

"She would measure their dicks first."


"Janet call Austin airport and rent me a jet to Albany departing in two hours. If they don't have anything, call Galveston and then Houston."

"Yes Mister Valentino, when you will you be back?"

"Tuesday morning. I'll tell Doctor Luck and arrange transport with security."

Yes Mister Valentino."


75. On Approach

Throngs of newspaper reporters, TV commentators, and cameramen, and visitors to Washington crowded the East side entrance to the US Capitol. Word had been received the Congressman would be escorted by the Capitol Police, and arrive at the East entrance of the Capitol building.

Dovid Korzan, a member of the Jewish Press, according to his credentials, was in the second row of journalists, carrying his microphone, and a large recording device at his hip. It looked perfectly innocent, and hundreds of journalists carried the same type of equipment with them all over the world.

Today, his was a killing machine. It carried 6 pounds of C4, and 14 pounds of ball bearings and nails. He knew he would be killed when he threw it into the air, but so would his target. According to his doctors he had less than three months to live. The pain he was experiencing was becoming unbearable. Doing it this way, he knew his family would never want for anything for the rest of their lives. He verified the money was in his family's accounts, and he would fulfill his obligation to his boss. He had cleansed his body, gone to the mosque, and prayed. Underneath his suit he was wearing his death cloth. America and Americans had been good to him and his family. He had no enmity towards them. He felt sorrow in his heart because he was going to kill so many innocent people.

A buzz in the crowd made him look to his left and he could see a long line of police cars, with their lights flashing, moving slowly towards where he was standing. The crowd started surging forward, and the rope line that was supposed to keep the crowd back from the stairway to the Capitol building was going to be overrun.

Hundreds of Capitol Police ran down the steps trying to keep the rope line in place, and the reporters and general public back. Their efforts were successful.

The police cars continued forward and stopped 20 feet from the foot of the stairs. Korzan's position was perfect. It didn't matter how far he threw the device resting on his hip. As long as he was able to get it up in the air everyone with in a 30-yard area would be killed or seriously injured.

The doors to the police cars opened. Every officer was armed with an automatic weapon, and was wearing bulletproof gear. Five officers formed a 'V' by the rear door of one vehicle. A sixth officer helped out a man in a full 'Bomb Proof Protective Outfit.'

Korzan didn't know what to do. The ball bearings and nails would have no effect on his target. Should he throw it anyhow just to scare him? "Why should I kill all these people, and not a target?

"He had $500,000 reasons to do it."

He turned sideways, and pressed the record button. He was ready.

With a phalanx of police surrounding him, they started walking towards the stairs of the east entrance. All eyes were on the man in the bombproof suit.

Korzan shouted, "ALLAHU AKBAR."

Corporal Shane Preston jabbed a needle into Korzan's neck as Corporal Allison hit the 'Stop' button on the recording device and removed it from Korzan's hands.

As people turned to look where the shout came from, Preston said, "I agree with him. If those bastards at the CIA, and NSA are tapping my telephone calls for no reason, and they got caught, damn right God is Great."

The police continued walking the man in the bomb suit up the stairs and into the great Hall of the people. Once securely inside, they undressed him, and the bomb technician said, "Can't we ever do something like this on a cold day?"

"I still want to know how Bordeaux is getting in here without being seen."

Dressed in civilian clothes Colonel Canyon said, "It was very easy Captain. We walked in here with a tour yesterday and we spent the night in his office. We didn't think anyone would look for us in there, and we were right."

"Very sneaky my friend, but how are you getting out of here?"

"In the bomb suit you so kindly brought in."

"Remind me not to play cards with you. You probably cheat."

"Advise your men that a truck, from the Government printing office, will be here in 15 minutes. It will be carrying 500 sealed boxes of evidence, Congressman Bordeaux will be testifying to the evidence that's in those boxes in a few moments. If you would have your men stack them in here, and guard them until the members of Congress have them picked up by their staff, we would appreciate it."

"I will guard those boxes personally, if it will put those spooks in jail."

"I'm with you Captain, that's why I'm here with the Congressman."

Lucius looked at his chronometer, and opened his cell phone. "Bring the Congressman out Paul."


"Here is Captain, Congressman Horace Bordeaux."

"Congressman, you have some pair of balls. I didn't know there were any up on this hill, but I have to say I admire you, and the country will to after today."

"Thank you very much Captain. I don't feel very brave, as my stomach will attest to, but the country has to come first. The Constitution of this nation has to be protected by all of us, and if we don't protect each freedom, we don't protect any of them."

"Damn right sir, damn right. Knock them dead in there. We will all be listening to you."

"Try not to fall asleep. Most of my speeches tend to do that to people."

"I don't think this one will sir."

"Congressman, you have one minute, and you don't want to be late for this appointment."

As they walked towards the Sergeant at Arms Lucius said, "Did you hear what the captain said Congressman?"

"Yes I did Colonel; he repeated your words exactly. You have a habit of being right."

"After you walk out of this chamber, my men and I will protect you with our lives to make sure you can testify against those bastards. After that, you will decide when you don't need us anymore."

"Colonel, in that case, don't plan on going anywhere for a very long time. You are going to be at a lot of White House dinners."

"Do the forks go on the left and right?"

"You are too much Colonel. I'll meet you out here in little more than an hour."

"You have a great time Congressman, hit them with both barrels."

Sergeant Zachary said, "Congressman remember to be humble."

"I promise Paul, you worked too hard with me to forget that now."


As the Sergeant at Arms opened the door to the chamber, Bordeaux asked him, "What is there mood like?"

"Stunned sir, they didn't think anyone would pick a fight this big."

"Especially me, because I'm some little shit from Louisiana."

"The United States is made up of little shits sir."

"Oh well, no sense delaying the inevitable. Thanks Charlie. See you later."

He began walking down the center isle towards the table where he would testify to the entire lawmaking body of the United States Congress. His fellow Congressman stood up and applauded. He acknowledged them with a wave of his hand but kept it below his shoulders. When he reached the desk he stood by the chair waiting to take the oath upon the Bible. His friend and mentor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives read it to him, and he answered it with a resounding "I do!"

"Mister Bordeaux do you have an opening statement?"

"I do Mister Speaker, but before I begin I would like to make an announcement. At this moment, the police are placing 500 sealed boxes of material in the East corridor, with all the evidence I have collected over the past 11 months. These agencies have run roughshod over American businesses and the American people to gain access to the minutest portions of our lives. They have bypassed the courts. They have bypassed the legal system. They have used and been used by American businesses to destroy the property of others to make a profit. This is not the way the American government or the American Business system is supposed to work. It is our job in this chamber to stop these abuses, and to put the people who are responsible for this abomination in jail. When we do, I hope it's for longer than we put a child in jail for the use of crack cocaine. White-collar crime is a crime against people, the American people, and they deserve our best efforts to get these criminals out from positions of authority and into a place where they can make mops, and license plates for the rest of their lives. Thank you.

Now I'd like to make my statement.

Before he could start he received his first standing ovation. It lasted well over five minutes. He never expected to be received this well.

The Vice President, sitting in his chair alongside the Speaker of the House, and the President Pro Temp of the Senate said, "This boy has a good set of lungs."

Both men recognized the jab at Bordeaux's character, and were miffed at the VP.


His speech was supposed to last 70 minutes, with all the applause in the middle it lasted just short of two hours. As he said his closing line, "I now resign my seat in the House of Representatives and go to join my family in hiding. The people and businesses I mentioned tonight have been looking for me for weeks. Thanks to the work of some very dedicated friends I am still alive. Tonight they know exactly where I am and they will try to rid themselves of me. All I ask is that you not let them get away with the crimes they have committed. I am not important, this country is. This country must always be a beacon of honesty and integrity. If we let our intelligence agencies ruin people's lives, they ruin our Constitution which is the fabric this country was built upon. Don't let them do it. Our enemies may think we are nuts for playing by the rules. We haven't become the greatest nation in the world by being like them. Their people are cold and starve during the winters. Our people are warm and fed. Our country is a beacon of light to the world. Their world is a picture of fear and darkness. We must never be like them. They must always strive to be like us. Thank you and goodbye."
