There Once Was a Highwayman


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“But, if you don’t marry Percival, you risk losing your home and estates.”

“Better that than to end up stretched on Percival’s table like a slaughtered bullock, and to be violated by him and his foul friends.”

The day passed slowly. Elaine kept looking back out the coach window for any riders. She believed Percival would be upset by her absence, and she believed Rebecca would be whipped for allowing her to leave. She also believed Percival would attempt to stop her. Elaine was not wrong in her estimation of the man.

The sun was dipping toward the treetops when she saw the lone rider approaching at a gallop. She first recognized Percival’s white gelding, although logic had already told her it must be him. He soon was beside the coach, then at the reins of the team, and the coach quickly stopped. Elaine was proud of the bravery in old Eric’s voice. He was but a feeble old man, but she knew he would defend her to the death if necessary.

“Sir, let go my horses and let us be on our way, or you’ll taste my lash.”

“Shut up, you shriveled old wart, or I’ll stick you like a pig on the gambrel. Now, turn this coach around and drive it back to Barkley Hall.”

Elaine opened the coach door and stepped to the ground.

“Do nothing of the kind, Eric. We shall proceed home.”

Percival kneed the white gelding toward Elaine.

“Hah! My future bride thinks she can negate her father’s agreement. You will soon learn, girl, that women do not meddle in the affairs of men. Once I get you back to Barkley Hall –“

“You’ll do what? Strap me on your table as you do Rebecca?”

Percival attempted to remain aloof, but Elaine saw the little grimace. That expression confirmed her supposition about Percival’s true aims toward her. He did not even attempt to deny her accusation.

“Once I have tired of pleasuring myself with you, yes. My friends are anxious to make your acquaintance in a…, more intimate setting.”

“My father will –“

“Your father is a blustering old fool who will be pleased when he receives word that we fell in love and were married the day after you arrived. Should he come to call, you will do nothing to hint otherwise or you’ll feel my riding crop on your back. Now, get in the coach.”

“Are you man enough to put me there? I think not.”

Percival swung easily from the saddle and strode toward Elaine. He grabbed her roughly on the shoulder, and was surprised as her arm slipped around his around his neck and grasped his hair. His surprise was greater when he felt the needle sharp point of a dagger slide beneath his codpiece and lightly prick his organ. Percival sucked in his breath and froze in place.

“Now, Percival, can you put me in the coach before I turn you into a gelding, or will you leave us to our journey?”

“Surely we can work out some sort of an agreement. I was only distraught at the thought of losing you. I meant you no real harm.”

“So said the cat to the sparrow. Now, unhand me. Eric, fetch a rope from the boot and tie him to the wheel. We’ll see how he feels when trussed up like a holiday goose.”

As she was checking Percival’s bonds, Elaine heard the clop of hooves and a deep chuckle. She turned to see the highwayman from yesterday shaking in mirth.

“I thought I might have caught a real prize this time, but I see it is only my poor hen and her chick again. How is it I find you with a man tied to your coach wheel? Have you taken to robbing fellow travelers?”

“This pig was my intended husband. Now, I’m trying to decide what to do with him.”

The highwayman laughed.

“Sir, it is no business of mine, but I fear your romance has taken a turn for the worse. Be of good cheer, however. It is better this happen now than after you were wed. No man could live happily with a woman who ties him up at the point of a dagger.”

“When I get free, I’ll show her how a man treats a disobedient wife. I’ll –“

Elaine ripped away Percival’s codpiece, exposing his cock and balls.

“I didn’t think it looked so big when I saw it through that keyhole. Millie, look at the wool padding which fills the sack. Can you believe a man could be so vain?”

Percival was nearly frothing at the mouth.

“You little bitch. I’ll flay the hide from your ass and then hang you from the ceiling beams. We’ll fuck you in every way possible until you lose consciousness.”

Elaine slipped the blade of the dagger under Percival’s cock and lifted the flaccid organ with the flat of the blade.

“What do you think, Millie? Should I dock this lamb’s tail? It is becoming quite a nuisance.”

Percival whimpered and began to beg.

“Don’t. Oh, please don’t. I’ll leave you to your return. My father will send word that I have changed my mind about the marriage. Just please don’t move that dagger.”

The highwayman slipped from his saddle and walked to Elaine’s side.

“M’Lady, if I might make a suggestion? Send this coward on his way with his shrunken cock still attached. I have no concern for his ability to sire an heir, for such a dastardly fiend should not be allowed to reproduce his kind. It is only that, without a spigot, he would soil himself at the toilet, and would then be an odorous coward as well as a sniveling one. I’m certain your father will be pleased to inform the nobility of this cad’s behavior, and he’ll not be able to show his face again. He shall live his life alone, for no moral woman would have such an animal as a husband. Upon his death, his estates will return to the king, and the lineage will die with him.”

“If I let him go, he will only follow to do us harm.”

“I shall ride with you to your destination, M’Lady, if you permit. He will not dare face my pistols or my sword.”

As the coach trundled away from the site, the highwayman watched Percival cautiously mount his white gelding and start off in the opposite direction. It would be several days before Percival would care to dip his wand into Rebecca again. The small nip Elaine had taken from his foreskin would be painful until it healed, although it would pose no serious threat to his health. The highwayman admired the fierce courage of this woman. If only there were some way….

Eric drove until he was exhausted and stopped the coach. The highwayman tied the stallion to the back of the coach and instructed Eric to sit inside and sleep. He would drive the rest of the way. As Eric opened the coach door, Elaine stepped out.

“There will be more room for Eric if I ride with you. Please help me up.”

The highwayman offered Elaine his hand and helped her to the driver’s seat. With a quiet click of his tongue, the horses leaned into the harness and the coach began to move.

“Sir, what is your name?”

“And why would a lady wish the name of…, what was it you called me? Ah, yes, I believe you called me a common thief.”

“Yesterday, you were a thief. Today, you saved me from Percival’s wrath. I wish only to know the name of the brave man who came to my rescue.”

The highwayman looked at Elaine, and slowly removed his mask.

“You already know my name.”

Elaine had only a brief moment to gaze into the steel-grey eyes before he pulled her close and kissed her. In a heartbeat, her arms were around his neck. She was overtaken by sensations of warmth, security, and love such as she had never before felt. Her lips hungrily moved against his and she inhaled deeply. The sensations of his touch, his scent, his presence set her body atingle. When he gently pushed her back, she slackened her embrace.

“Ashton, is it truly you?”

“Oh, so you kiss just any man who takes you in his arms, and confirm his identity afterwards? I believe I’ve fallen in with a trollop.”

“But how did you know?”

“I feared for your safety, so I rode back to Barkley Hall this morning. It was my intention to convince Percival that sending you away would be more pleasant than tasting my steel. When I arrived, he was stamping around and cursing the house servants for allowing you to leave. He summoned his horse, and galloped down the road to intercept your coach. Fortunately for you, in my sort of employment it is convenient to know of shorter routes to various places. I came upon you just as he ordered Eric to return.”

Ashton chuckled.

“When you stepped out of the coach, I started out of the trees to stop him. I quickly saw you had things well in hand, so to speak, so I sat quietly and watched. Your method was interesting, to say the least. I think he will not forget you very soon.”

“If he comes to my fathers house, I’ll do worse than that. That man is a disgrace to all men of good character.”

“Percival is a whimpering coward at heart, but he is not a stupid man. His father is of the same ilk, but would do anything to preserve the honor of the family name. He would quickly disown his first-born son should Percival embarrass him. Percival would lose title to the estates, and be forced to live out his life as a commoner. Besides, Rebecca welcomes his sadistic attentions, so he has no need of another woman for that. In time, he may even find a fat, ugly hag who will turn her head to his indiscretions and bear him an heir. You are free of him, free to seek another more suited to your beauty and, if I may say, to your spirited nature.”

“I think I have already found that man, Ashton.”

It was early afternoon the next day when the coach stopped at the entrance to Balmore Grange. Elaine’s father walked from the house to greet his visitors and was surprised to see Elaine and Millie accompanied by a stranger.

“Hello. What manner of thing is this? My daughter returns early from her journey, and she brings a young stranger to my house instead of her future husband?”

“Father, this is Ashton, the man who saved our very lives. Do not think unkindly of him, for without Ashton, unspeakable things might have befallen me.”

Ashton smiled.

“Your daughter was quite in control of her situation when I came upon them. I merely assisted in driving the coach after Eric became tired.”

“Even so, you must be my guest for the night. I would reward you for your chivalry. Now, come, Elaine, and tell me what happened.”

As Elaine related her experience at Barkley Hall, her father’s mood changed from disbelief, to anger, to disgust.

“Percival is not fit to sweep the stalls of my draught horses. I have friends, friends close to the King, who will hear of this. No man may expose my daughter to such goings-on without reprisals. We’ll see how he fares during his next visit to court. And now, young man, what reward could possibly be worthy of the safe return of my only child? I am not a rich man, but I would be much poorer indeed without her.”

“Sir, you have only one thing I would wish for, but it is I who am not worthy of that treasure.”

“I have offered you anything I have. What is your wish, and why might you think yourself unworthy?”

“I would wish for the hand of your daughter, but I have no title to match her status. I am only the second son of the Duke of Weyburn. “

“My daughter says you are brave. I say you are also a bit a bit of a dunderhead. It is true that titles are inherited by first-born sons. It is also true that titles may be conferred, bought, or inherited by marriage. Elaine, would you have such an thickheaded man as your husband?”

“If it pleased him to have me, Father.”

The wedding was an elaborate affair attended by nobles from far and wide. The Earl of Dunmore and his son, Percival, were conspicuous by their absence. That invitation had been returned with the explanation that Percival was ill and would be confined to Barkley Hall for an undetermined period of time. A handsome set of silver tableware was included as a gift for the couple.

That night, Elaine led Ashton, the newest heir of Balmore Grange, to the main bedroom of the house. Her father had moved to a smaller room on the ground floor. “The big bedroom is too cold at night.”, he had explained. Ashton closed the door and turned to find himself enveloped in Elaine’s arms.

“You once told me you were a simple gleaner of the leavings from your father and older brother. How does it feel to have fields and livestock of your own that others will glean for their living.”

“Not so nice as the feeling of you in my arms. I never told you, but I’ve loved you since I stopped your coach that morning. I thought you a treasure beyond my reach. To think I am standing here, in a house that will someday be ours, with you as my wife, is still somewhat of a dream.”

Elaine sighed.

“I suppose you will become as busy as Father, and I shall be forced to spend everyday listening to Millie’s chatter. The responsibilities of a noble are so great.”

She stepped away from him, unbuttoned her wedding dress, and let it fall around her feet.

“One of those responsibilities is to sire an heir. Do you think you will find time for that task?”

Ashton lifted Elaine into his arms and carried her to the huge canopied bed. With the care he would have shown to a fragile porcelain vase, he laid her on the sparkling white sheet.

“’Twill be no task at all, M’Lady. I intend to give that responsibility my utmost attention.”

Little Ashton was born ten months to the day of the wedding. In her latest role, that of midwife, Millie brought him into the world, cradled him to her breast, and crooned away his first cries.

“He’s a fine boy, M’Lady. A fitting heir to Balmore Grange. And look, he’s mouthing for a meal already.”

“Please, Millie. Give him to me, and go tell Ashton he has a son.”

As Millie scurried away with the news, Elaine lay contentedly nursing the tiny baby. She gently stroked his pulsing cheeks and felt the milk flowing from her swollen breast.

“Well, little Ashton, your father will be so very proud. He’s a very brave and good man, you know. I shall tell you all about him, how we met, and how he came to be your father. You see, there once was a highwayman…”


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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy7 months ago

Great story full of wonderful characters!


Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

All the good stories you've posted this year, just had to dig deeper into your works. Loved this tale! 5.0*

texlootexlooabout 1 year ago

While this was not what I expected, from the category, it was very well written. I think it could have been about twice as long, to build up the depravity of the despicable scoundrel. The escape and danger aspects coyld have been beefed up. Still, I greatly enjoyed it as an 'adult fairy-tale', enough to favorite it.

cruisewestcruisewestalmost 5 years ago
Good Romance!

What an interesting tale. You had me when you described the machinations of Percival. Oh what a bore! The hero, who was our highwayman, got the girl. Very nice indeed and you wrote it well with plenty of action and suspense! I will read more of your works.

KarensClit1990KarensClit1990about 6 years ago
Not long enough!

I really liked your character Elaine, then Ashton.

Why was there so much focus on the BDSM?

When there was almost zilch/zero sex between Elaine & Ashton?

I thought this was a romance?

Seems like the BDSM was indulged for the shock, did its purpose, but then nothing else.

The story could have been so much better with some sweet sex between the main characters.

Well written though.

Thank you for your story.

Horseman68Horseman68over 6 years ago
A Strong Second to that Wish.

Greatly enjoy all of the stories we are fortunate to have from this writer.

mommylovestoreadmommylovestoreadover 6 years ago
I wish you were still writing

Another great story. You have a great talent that I am very grateful you shared. Just because one enjoys reading erotica doesn't mean one necessarily wants to read four lettered words every other word.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


PallasAthena123PallasAthena123about 10 years ago

Well written. I really like Elaine.

But there was a lot to disappoint me. First, we get a very vivid description of the kinky fucking in Percival's study. But only a strong implication that Elaine and Ashton have shared anything other than a chaste kiss.

For a romance, it wasn't very romantic. We don't see any of their falling in love, only know that they do. It felt kind of like you had a very good idea of what you wanted for the story for 1/2-2/3 of it, but after Percival's chased them down, you just slapped a trite ending on it and called it a day.

Oh well.

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