Thicc Sister's Surprise

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Sister is back after years away and she’s packing a surprise.
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Editor's note: this fictional work contains scenes of completely fictional incest or fictional incest content.


This is a story I think I posted and removed a couple of years back, fixed some stuff. Still has large-dicked girl forcing herself on an only partially-consenting family member, so - tread carefully!

* * *

It has been almost 4 years since I last saw my little sister, Kat. I was in college when she left home; she was 18 at the time, and she left for a school in Italy to study art history. At that point she more-or-less went off the map. I knew she kept in touch with our parents - at least for a while - but had no idea what was happening with her. We were never really close; I was two years older, and I always had the feeling that our parents tried to keep us apart, ever since our childhood. I was pretty outgoing, with lots of friends, and loved doing sports, while she was sort of nerdy, always brooding on the side in her hoodie, the inevitable drawing pad in hand. On top of that she was a large girl, exceptionally strong, which I guess made her feel like something of a freak. I knew there was something going on, but she wouldn't talk to me, and I was too busy having fun to really care. I did try to talk to my parents about it, that one time, after she sulked off again from the dinner table, telling them both how much she hated them; they just exchanged glances and told me not to worry about it. And it was way easier not to, so I just didn't. She was weird, and that was it.

Oh boy... I had no idea.

So, when she called me up, out of the blue, I was pretty surprised. She said she was coming back in a few days, and asked me to pick her up at the Airport. I broke up with Jessica, my girlfriend of 3 years a few months before, was still trying to get over it, and was generally in a pretty foul mood and didn't feel like helping anyone, not even my (weird) little sister. But she was arriving in La Guardia, which was all the way across New York from Elizabeth, and taking the train would be quite a pain in the ass. And, anyway, it has been 3 years, and I figured I could play big brother every once in a (long) while; this might be a good chance to try to start building up a relationship with her. I figured I'd pick her up, maybe buy her a burger or even get a drink together, see if we can have a human-type conversation... you know: act like normal brothers and sisters do. Then I drop her off at mom and dad's and go back home, to continue with my favorite pastime, which was to mourn my great, lost love (she's not dead or anything - she just dumped my sorry ass).

As people were filing out of the Arrivals gate, I was wondering to myself, what Kat was like, now. I figured 3 years in a foreign country would change a person - especially if you go by yourself, at such a young age... Maybe it did her good?

She had always been rather pretty, though she never made an effort, dressing up like she was in a punk band or something, always with her hair cut short or messy or (usually) both, never using makeup, always wearing baggy clothes, way too big for her. I think she felt uncomfortable about her body - she had always been a rather large girl, a bit overweight and ungainly, with large boobs that she seemed to be embarrassed about and was doing her best to hide from the world. If you looked closely you could tell that there was potential there - but not many people did.

So, her face jumped out to me - but I had to look again, and again, to make sure. Because nothing else about her was familiar. She looked beautiful, with long, chestnut-brown hair flowing around her head. She was tall - it looked like she added an inch or two and was now over 6 feet; But it was something else that made my jaw drop as I watched her walking towards me: she had a killer body, like something you'd see in a fitness magazine, and she was showing it off. She was wearing a rather short skirt that showed off a couple of very long, shapely legs, with very round, toned thighs that had actual muscle that flexed a bit with every step she took. She had on a jacket that seemed to be two sizes too small, fighting hard to hold shoulders that seemed to be wider than I remembered. It was open at the front, giving a tantalizing view of her breasts, which seemed to be very large, very round, and - judging by the way her very flimsy-looking tank top was squeezing them - very real.

In the span of seconds, I went from being totally indifferent about my little sister, to wanting to rip her clothes off and fuck her right then and there... (Did I mention I haven't had sex in close to half a year? Yeah, I think that is an important detail to know...)

She was now walking towards me, easily carrying a heavy-looking suitcase, ignoring all the people who were turning and gaping after her. I remembered to close my own mouth only when she was standing right in front of me.

She was smiling. "Hey, big brother! Long time no see!"

I mumbled something incoherent. My mind was blank, I couldn't think of anything to say. She laughed out loud - something she almost never did as a teen. "I forgot - you have never seen the new me. Quite the change, right?" I finally found my tongue. "Well, you dropped out of Facebook 4 years ago... nobody knew what was going on with you..." (most of her posts were pencil drawings of demon-women in shadows, but, still.)

"Well, lots of things happened," she said. "Let's go, I'll give you the scoop in the car. Just let me get this thing off..." Saying that she put her suitcase down, and took the constraining jacket off. Her tank top was very tiny, showing off wide shoulders, round, fairly buffed-up arms, and the bottom part of very impressive, very toned abs. Like I said, her boobs were always large, but now they were on display, her top cut low, showing off her 34DD tits. She saw me gawking, and smiled proudly. "3 years of work! Take a look at that -" She held her right arm up, and gave it a light flex. Her bicep rose up, large - bigger than mine! - and with a visible vein running up its impressive length. She laughed."What do you think? Not bad for a girl who refused to attend gym class her last 3 years of high-school!" I muttered something about us needing to get going, the afternoon traffic being very, very bad, Verrazano was probably bottled up, maybe I should go north and take i-95... I was babbling - but it did the trick: I managed not to cream my pants in front of her; Now I just had to survive the long drive...

We walked to the parking lot to get my car. She was still carrying her suitcase - said she hated the noise the little wheels made - and she started to tell me about her time in Europe. She was very excited about going to school in Italy, but after a few months she met a German guy and fell madly in love with him; she said he was very kinky - not sure why she mentioned it, and I had no idea what sort of kink my sister - in her previous incarnation - could satisfy. Was he into fat goth chicks? Though at no time was she really fat... for some reason, that line of thought really excited me... He was a fitness fanatic, and she soon got the bug, too. It started interfering with her studies, and she decided to quit school after the first year. Turns out Art History can be pretty boring - especially if you have the option of having lots of fun and sex, and it gets in the way... Her boyfriend was from a rich family, and the family's money allowed them to live together comfortably.

We were now next to my car. I tried to take her suitcase, put it in the car trunk, and almost fell over... That thing was heavy! She laughed, took it back and effortlessly threw it in the trunk.

She didn't give me much more details as we drove out of the airport, but what she did tell me was pretty insane. She moved with her boyfriend to Germany, but they broke up not long after. A friend helped her set up a camming operation, showing off her body - and "stuff" - to paying customers; turns out there's a lot of money in it. (I was dying to know what that "stuff" was, but was afraid to ask...) She was having fun, but at some point she got sick of Germany, and decided to come back home. Said she'd had an offer to join a streaming outfit, working out of a studio in New York, which was supposed to pay very handsomely.

I was pretty shocked, hearing all this. "Do mom and dad know about any of this? Think you could go on with this, staying with them?"

"Ah," she said. "About that. I'm not really on speaking terms with them, I don't want to go there, not to say 'hi' and certainly not to stay with them."

I looked at her, surprised. "So, where are you staying? Where are we going now?"

She looked at me sheepishly. "Well, I'll be moving in with a friend in Brooklyn, but her roommate will only be leaving next week. I was thinking, maybe I could stay with you...?"

"Stay with me? I have a one bedroom apartment - it can get pretty cramped..."

"Please, Benji - I don't mind crashing on the couch for a few days. You have someone else living with you, girlfriend, partner...?

"Haven't had a girlfriend for half a year, now..."

She gave me a strange look, then smiled. "What, good looking guy like you?! OK, don't worry, I'll set you up with someone, just need to get settled in. Anyway, what do you say, big brother? Put your kid sister up for a few days?"

I knew that was a bad idea. I was sneaking looks at her as I drove, and it almost drove me crazy. Her tits were really big, almost spilling out of the tiny top, and her thighs were very tan and round and shapely and all of it very much in my face, and my dick was so hard it was painful... Having this sexy goddess in my home for a few days? The only way this could end was B.A.D.L.Y.

"I... guess so? Sure, I'll manage for a few days."

It was only around 9PM when we got to my place, but she was dead-tired - her internal clock was still on Berlin time - and she said she would turn in. I told her I wanted to watch TV, and she told me no problem, she was so bushed nothing could disturb her sleep. She went into my room to change, soon coming out in what seemed to be her sleep ensemble: a pair of very colorful, very baggy sweatpants, and a sports bra that seemed molded onto her body. She apologized about the bra.

"Usually I sleep in the nude, but this would be a bit much, right? But it is too hot for a shirt..."

I nodded in agreement; I wouldn't have minded it had she chosen to sleep in the nude - I'm a good brother, I am! - but, yeah, sure...

She curled up on the other side of the couch and immediately fell asleep, as I sat and watched TV. Well, I say I watched TV. I was sitting a few feet from the sexiest body I've seen in my life, the most beautiful woman I have ever been near to in my life, her amazing tits almost DARING me to rip her bra off and suck them there and then - but I knew I couldn't, this was my sister... Sure - a sister I didn't really know, but we did grow up together, so, eeeewww?

I just sat there and stared at the TV screen, not really seeing or hearing anything. It was torture, but I had to take it. Just a few more days...

* * *

Well, it didn't get much better. I worked in Newark, at a facilities design office, so I was away for most of the day. She slept in late, went to the gym and mostly worked on her new page at the streaming company's website (which she wouldn't allow me to see). She drove me to the office, one time, and came up to see it - which actually turned out to be quite a good idea, as my boss, who was quite the asshole, usually giving me a hard time, just melted at the sight of her; the rest of the week he would stop by at my cubicle, casual-like, and ask me questions about her. She just had that effect on people... Too bad this applied to me, too.

We'd go out for dinner, that first week, then go back home and watch TV, she sitting next to me; she still had some dumb sweatpants on, but now she would be wearing bikini tops, each more revealing than the next, and it was driving me insane. She acted like it was the most natural thing in the world - Europeans saw this kind of thing as completely normal, I guess - but I was hard pretty much all of the time: when I was with her, when I was at work, constantly thinking about her, when I lay alone in my bedroom, staring at the ceiling, thinking about her. I couldn't even jerk off - I was terrified she would catch me doing it, it was just too embarrassing...

We also talked - a lot, which I guess moved us on the path to having a relationship that would be normal between siblings. She listened to me whine about Jessica, but she didn't have a lot of sympathy to offer me. She didn't say it in so many words, but the hidden message was very clear: stop being a pussy, get your shit together and start looking around; 4 months is more than enough time to mourn over a girlfriend. Well, I couldn't disagree, but easier said than done... She had a blunt edge to her, a way of seeing through bullshit and calling you out on it; maybe it was just the surly teenager peeking from behind the super-hot babe facade - or perhaps her experiences in Germany, which she wouldn't talk much about. Whatever it was, I actually grew to like that side of her. And truth be told: I might have been talking a lot about Jessica - force of habit, I think - but now I was mostly obsessed with HER... Man, I was starting to realize that maybe I am fucked up

Thursday evening was my weekly pickup basketball game, and Kat tagged along. She wore a rather conservative (for her, anyway) outfit - baggy jeans and a t-shirt, with regular sneakers - but she still looked like a million dollars, and the guys were floored. My buddy Sully has been friends with me since high school, and he was flabbergasted, seeing the new Kat. He was showing off for her all throughout the evening; after the game he invited us to a pizza restaurant, and there he started to pour on the charm in earnest...

He was a pretty good-looking guy, tall and athletic, and I have always been a bit jealous of the way he could hit it off with the ladies so easily. I mean, I wasn't ugly or anything - I've been told I was pretty good looking, maybe even too good looking... But, yeah, Sully was a manly-man, the Clint Eastwood to my Timothee Chalamet... I told myself it would be nice if he got together with my sis - after all he was my buddy, and a good guy, and she was hot as fuck - but for some reason I felt resentful of the way she seemed to be taken in by his charm offensive... She had 3 beers - which she said was about 2 above her monthly limit - and after about an hour seemed to be pretty drunk, and was flirting with Sully like crazy, getting pretty handsy with him. I figured I would be spending that night alone (and maybe, finally, get some mastrubating done!), but when he asked her if she wanted to come and see his collection of original Vampirella art (don't ask), she stroked his face, pouted and told him that no, not tonight.

"I only got 4 days left till I move to New York... I wanna [HIC!] make the most of this, get to know my big bro, you know?" Turning to me and hugging me, her large breasts against my body making my little guy jump to attention.

"He's the best big bro a gal could have [HIC!], you know? The best! I just love him so much!" She turned to Sully, who looked pretty deflated, and told him in what I'm sure she thought was a whisper, but actually made the glasses jump on nearby tables: "He's in mourning, you know. His girlfriend left him, I gotta [HIC!] give him support!"

Sully looked disgusted. "Fucking Jessica... This moron here just needs to man up, go and get fucked and get over that bitch!"

Kat pointed at him and roared her approval, making people turn around to look at us. "There you go! There you go [HIC!]! It's what I been telling him!! High five!"

Sully raised his fist, sneaking a peek at me; yeah, thanks for nothing, buddy! Kat bumped his fist with enough force to make him wince. "Right on!" She turned around and grabbed my cheeks in both hands. "Just look at this face! Such a CUTE face [HIC]! What girl wouldn't want this sweet face?! Don't worry, big bro, I'll take care of you!!"

I could see Karl, the owner, looking over at us, looking pissed-off. I rose, grabbing my sister's hands, which were now stroking my face. "Com'n, sis - time to go home."

Her head was now slumped on my shoulder, and she took a bite of my shirt, growled and then hiccuped. Yeah, she was plastered. Sully looked at her forlornly, no doubt regretting those 2 extra beers he encouraged her to drink.. "Yeah, I guess so... Damn, for such a big girl she sure gets drunk pretty fast!" He patted her on the shoulder, and spoke up loudly: "Hey, you call me tomorrow, OK?"

She nodded and made something resembling the OK sign with her hand. I shrugged at him - what can you do, right? - and gave Karl a "we're leaving" sign with my head; this was one of my favorite spots, and I didn't want any trouble. I walked Kat out to my car, leaving Sully to deal with the check (and no doubt figure out a way to deal with his hard-on).

Kat was pretty much out of it by the time we got home. Walking up to my apartment was quite a struggle, as she was almost out. Good thing she wasn't - that girl had 2" and about 20 pounds on me, no way was I carrying her up a flight of stairs! I helped her lay down on the living room sofa and took her sneakers off. When I looked up, she was already fast asleep. I debated whether I should get at least her trousers off, but that seemed too creepy. What the hell, she'll probably wake up in a few hours and take her clothes off, herself.

I had trouble getting to sleep. I lay in bed till about 2 AM, my mind working like crazy - mainly trying to placate my libido, you might say... I finally did fall asleep - quite lucky, as Friday morning was approaching fast, time to go to work...

* * *

I was facing the window when I woke up, and I lay there for a minute, not sure where I was or when... Some instinct made me turn around, and I gasped as I saw the figure towering over my bed.

"Kat!! What... What is it?"

She said nothing, just looked at me. There was enough light coming from the window to see her face, and it scared me a bit. She was still in the clothes she fell asleep in, but she looked very much awake now. There was a glint there I didn't recognize - something dark, predatory even, peeking from behind those beautiful green eyes. She was biting her lower lip, as if debating with herself. I half-rose.

"Hey, sis - you OK? You want me to get you something?"

Whatever it was she was debating in her mind, it seemed as though she had come to a conclusion. She got on the bed, sat on her knees, and gave my chest a shove. I wasn't ready for that - or, more likely, her shove was too strong - and I fell back, my head hitting the pillows.

"What the fuck, sis -"

Still saying nothing, she lifted her hands, and pulled her t-shirt off. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her tits flopped down; I've figured her before for a 34DD, and knew they were pretty perfect, but now I could see her nipples, and it was like they were made to order, especially for me - the aureoles not too puffy or large, the nipples themselves small, dark pink and hard-looking. The way those breasts stood proud on her wide chest, casting large shadows over her toned abs - in the moonlight I could see it very obviously was a six-pack - yeah, this was a sight Little Benjamin very much approved of, as I could feel the front of my boxers start to rise up.

Kat noticed it too, and she gave a little smile - which only made her seem scarier. Scarier - and sexier... Jesus fucking Christ - what is happening to me?! This was insane, I had to stop her...

"Kat - come on, you're not feeling too good, you've had too much to drink, maybe I'll get you a coffee... You want, we can switch beds for tonight..."