Things Turned Out Great

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Think about what you are about to do.
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Things turned out great.

By LoveofmyLife75.

As soon as I got to work, I asked my boss for half a day off and Monday.

He said to me, "Tom if there is something wrong could he help me."

I told him I would tell him all about it next week. I was coming up to lunch time. I left work knowing what I was going to do. I parked my car in a dead-end side street out of sight. Then I went to my house. I moved a chair facing the front door. I sat there waiting for the front door to open and my wife to walk in. She would be thinking I would be still at work. I was waiting for my wife to walk in the living room.

I heard a car pull up outside, followed by the sound of the car door slam shut. Then the key in the front door lock and the door swings open. My wife walks in and jumps out of her skin. She was not expecting me to be at home at that time.

"Your home early."

"To see my loving wife."

She looked at me funny. I knew the reason.

"Would you like a cupper?"


"I have a need for something else that's a lot nicer than that."

"I'm glad you are here."

And out came those famous words.

"We need to talk."

"And what that might be about my love."

"We should sit down."

"What for."

"Chris, I know why you have only come home now. ... it's to pack and leave me!''

Now the cat was out of the bag.

"How do you know what I was about to do?"

Well, I will tell you if you are willing to listen to me. ... Chris, before you leave me. I would like you to think long and hard. ... I want you to know I love you so very much and ask you not to leave me!"

"Sorry, I have to pack! "

"Do you want me to help you?"

"No thank you, I can manage all by myself."

"I have put cases in our bedroom for you."

Chris starts to do her packing. It takes some time to fill the suitcases of all her things. They are heavy. And Chris was having trouble carrying one of them. I picked up each suitcase, took them to the front door, and placed them on the floor.

I turned to Chris saying. "Would you please give at least one hour or so before you leave me?"

"You deserve that much," Chris said.

"Chris, you said we need to talk, can we sit and talk. ... All I would like to know is what I have done to cause us to break up."

Chris looks at me in dead science and does not give me an answer.

"Chris, please come with me to the bedroom."

She follows me there. I look around the room.

"I see you have not packed your jewels."

"You paid for them; they belong to you."

"In that case, can I do whatever I want to do with them?"

"Yes, that's up to you, David."

"Will you please follow me through the house?"

As we walked through, I asked about the things we had.

"David, you paid for them, they all belong to you."

"Please come with me to the dining room then."

We both walked in and on the table were piles of paper.

"Chris here is our wedding album. It belongs to both of us. ... Please take photos out of it that you want. ... I would think you would like all the photos of your family."

"You see there are some DVDs on the table. ... The top one is of us making our wedding vows in church. ... Which was done in front of both our families. ... I hope you can remember the vows I can.

"David, where is this all going?"

"Do you recall what you said right after you came in?"

You said, "your home early."

I said. "To see my loving wife."

"You, you did not give me time to answer.

"I will tell you everything that I know if you give me time."

" David, will you get on with it?"

"Chris, please sit down, I am going to tell you a few things. ... I love you and always will."

"A few weeks ago, we were making love in our bed. ... What I thought was true love for each other. ... When you were having your orgasm, you called out I LOVE YOU, JOHN! ... That name does not sound a bit like David!

"That was when I knew you were having an affair with a man called John. ... but I guessed who it was. ... So, I had to get proof."

"I hired a PD to find out who you were having an affair with. ... The PD confirmed that you were."

I then went over to one of the far dining room chairs.

I leaned over and picked up a large envelope and DVDs.

"Chris, the name of the man you are seeing is John Taylor!"

Her head fell down, and she stopped looking at me.

"In the envelope are photos of you going in and out of his flat. ... And I have a written report from my PD. ... There are no DVDs of you having sex with John Taylor, but we know you did. ... All I want you to do is think about what you are about to do. ... I think you are throwing away a good marriage. ... I will forgive you for what you have done."

Chris snaps back at me with.

"That's big of you."

"Chris, I do not intend to row with you. ... I want you to think about what you are about to do. ... Chris in the last few weeks yes you stopped loving me. ... I know why. ... I have been hoping you would come to your senses."

"I want you to give up John Taylor and return to me?".

John Taylor, he was a chap I had a drink with at the pub. He was borrowing a few tools to do a job in his flat. After that visit, he came around once a week.

"Chris, I noticed he went and helped you in the kitchen and was not helping you. ... I watched you both kissing. ... He was touching your body all over. ... What I saw was tearing me apart. ... Chris, you only had eyes for him."

"I dare not to face him I would have landed up in a bed in hospital. ... Chris there are papers on the dining room table. ... I want you to sign the papers before you walk out of the house."

"Well, what are they, David?"

"One is for us to get divorced. ... One is for the house to be in my name only. ... One is for me to have full parent control of our daughter Kim. ... Which means you will never see Kim again."

Chris shot back at me straight away.

"I want to see my daughter when I want to."

"Sorry, Chris, if you are leaving me, you are leaving your daughter as well. ... Or Chris you can take Kim with you today and she can live with you and him. ... She loves you to bits, and always runs to you for hugs and kisses from you."

"Chris sorry, you cannot have it two ways it is one thing or the other. ... It is the only way. ... I don't want to explain why her mother does not live with us. ... That is why you must never see Kim again."

Chris glares at me and then she realizes. I meant every word I had said. Chris sat there in her mind thinking she said nothing.

"Chris, I have closed our joint bank account. ... What was left of our savings is in your account. ... I used my half to pay the PD to pay for information about your affair with him. ... Chris, please think about what you are about to do if we divorce there is no coming back."

"I know what I am doing, you are only thinking about yourself."

"Chris; I am trying to make you see sense."

"David, is there anything else you want to say before I leave?

"Yes, you have not signed the papers."

Chris signs all the papers.

"Chris, please, I must tell you a few things I intend to do. ... Your parents will never see their only granddaughter ever again. ... Not even one member of your family. ... I will be selling the house. ... I will be changing my job."

"I will be moving as soon as the house is sold. ... I am going to change my name and Kim's. ... You are not going to be able to find both of us. Kim loves you to bits."

"Now I am going to tell you a few things about him. ... But you will not believe me. ... I went out for a drink on Tuesday night this week. ... It was one hour early. ... I walked into the pub by the side door.

John Taylor was shouting out of his big mouth that's what he does the best. ... He was talking to two men. ... Taylor did not see me."

"Taylor used your name just as I came into the pub... I can't remember all the words, but this is more or less what he said."

"I am going to take Chris Hughes from that twit David Hughes on Friday. She is moving in with me for a damn good screwing. I am going to do the same to her. Have free sex for a while. Like I have had with lots of others. I have screwed up. Then it will end David Hughes's happy life for good. Chris Hughes is not bad in bed, when she is divorced from him. Out she goes like all the rest."

"Chris and that's what he said!"

"I then left the pub."

"I am going to tell you some more about him. ... Since I met him in the pub, he boasts about all the women he has screwed. ... When he has enough of each woman, he has screwed; he throws them out like a pair of old shoes."

"Then he moves on to his next prey and goes another notch on his bed. ... Mark my words. You will be another notch on his bed. ... And that will include us!"

"If you do not believe me, give Jack Davis, Fred Jones, and Bill Traverse a ring. ... John Taylor did the same to each of them. ... They all are divorced, and their wives are living a lonely life."

"Here are their phone numbers. ... I would pick up our house phone now and ask them if you do not believe me."

"You are just saying that," Chris said.

Chris stops for a minute or two and thinks.

"You pick one ring now and ask him if what I have said is the truth. ... Chris, I am trying to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life. ... Please think about what you are about to do. ... Chris, I can see you do not believe me."

"Keep the front door key and for your own sake please ring any one of them now. ... You have their numbers now.... I will be going to see my solicitor at ten am on Monday. ... I have to hand him the papers you have signed."

"I want you to stay. You are my only one and only love. ... And I am willing to forgive and forget. ... If you change your mind please be back on Sunday. ... If not, I will see my solicitor at ten am on Monday."

"Chris, please think about what you are about to do. ... Think about Kim, your daughter, and your family. ... It will tear them all apart. ... I still love you. ... We can forget all about it and him."

Chris stares at me and says nothing. I stand up, pick up both suitcases, and carry them to Chris' car.

Chris is still in the house looking around.

"Please think about what you are going to do if you still have the front door key."

I kissed her cheek and smelt the woman I love so much. I turned around and sat down. Chris starts to walk through the front door, and my head falls into my hands. I burst out into tears of sorrow. Chris knew the state she left me in closing the door. Chris drives away to his flat.

I had to arrange things for Kim. The only people I could turn to my mum and dad. I packed Kim's clothes and things and went to my parents' house. Kim was my main concern. I asked mum if she would look after Kim until I have sorted things out.

Mum and Dad said, "what was going on?"

"She has left me for another man!" I said.

"Please take care of Kim. She must never know what her mother has done. ... Mum and dad, I am hoping she comes back to me if she does not. ... Then it will be a divorce."

Mum and Dad picked Kim up and looked after her.

Friday night I got drunk and my dad tried to talk to me on the phone. I cannot recall much of what was said.

But I do remember this.

"Son, there are no answers in the bottom of the glass," dad said to me.

Saturday, I went to the front door, and I found a brick with a note. I said, I won, twit.

At ten am on Monday, I was with my solicitor. I told him to move on the divorce. Have my name on the house. Written control of my daughter Kim. I asked for an order against Chris not to be within a quarter of a mile of Kim. And an order against John Taylor not to be within a quarter of a mile of my home. I asked for the papers served on Wednesday at his flat.

Chris did not say a word when the man served the papers. The penny dropped if divorced there was no turning back. The order not to be within a quarter of a mile of Kim was given to her, and it came as a complete shock. The man asked to see Mr. John Taylor. He spoke with him and gave him his order.

"I don't want to be anywhere near the brat. ... She is nothing to me," he said.

Chris heard every word that he had just said.

After seeing my solicitor on Monday. I went to the gym. To a sport I gave it up years ago before I got married. I started that night one hour on and ten minutes off. I was well and out of shape. I even changed my diet.

Tuesday in the gym while I was having a rest. A man the same age as myself started to talk to me.

"You are hitting that punch bag with hate, you will hurt yourself and cool down," he said.

He was right. I asked after that night's session if he would like a drink with me. We went for a drink. I had a beer and he had spring water. I asked him why he drank water. He told me he only drank water and one wine.

It does not screw up his physique. And he orders it by the case from France.

We talked for an hour or so. His name was Eric. I told him why I was hitting the punch bag so hard Chris! He looked at me, and he knew I was angry.

"Would you like to get him back?" Eric said.

"Too true I would."

"Meet me here I will show you places that will help you," Eric said.

The next night he took me to a Judo and karate club I joined both. The instructors gave me a diet sheet to build my strength up. Eric has become a good friend to me in two days. He even gave me two bottles of his wine. I did my sports on separate nights. My muscles and bones were aching like mad. I ordered two cases of Eric's wine from France.

Sunday, I was cooking my new type of dinner. I heard loud bangs outside the door. I went to see what the noise was and opened the front door. I stopped dead in my tracks and burst into tears. Chris was standing there. She looked awful. I wrapped both arms around her. Chris held me within her arms, we kissed.

"Dinner is almost ready," I said.

"You know I always make too much; do you want to freshen up before we eat?"

Chris nodded, and she was sobbing. I held her as tight as I could.

"David, where is Kim? I have missed her."

"Kim is staying with my Mum and Dad for some time from now on. ... I thought it was for the best."

"David, can we go and see her?"

"That depends on you!"

Chris kept on saying, "please forgive me for what I have done to you."

"We must talk things over while eating our dinner," I said.

Chris goes to the bathroom to wash-up. I pick up her cases and take them to the spare bedroom. Chris returned and she looked much better. Yes, we had a strained meal.

Chris said. "This food is not what you normally eat."

"Yes, I know I have changed my diet last week."

We sat down with a glass of wine that I wanted to use up.

Chris said. "Please let me tell you what has happened since last Friday."

"As long as you are here to stay with you, do not have to tell me a single word," I said.

"David, I must tell you everything that happened before last Friday.

I went and topped up our glasses.

"David, I am going to tell you everything I have done with him. ... The first time he made a pass at me. I was in the kitchen and you were watching TV. ... We kissed for a minute then we went back to you. ... He could not take his eyes off me for the rest of the night."

"The following week in the kitchen. ... We kissed for a long time. ... His hands started to play with my breasts. ... I pulled away and called out for you to come into the kitchen. ... When you come in."

You said. "I looked a little red, you must be hot."

"That was because of John Taylor what he had been doing to me."

The next week again in the kitchen. ... We kissed for a long time. ... He was much more passionate this time and his hands played with my breasts. ... He whispered to me; how soon can we meet? ... We broke away, and you walked in the kitchen saying. "

"Could you help?"

"You missed him making a pass at me. ... Then both of you left the kitchen. I went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror wondering what to do."

Next week in the kitchen. ... We kissed for a long time. ... He wanted more from me that time. ... His hands played with my breasts, then one hand was in my pants fingering me. ... I wanted to pull away from him, and I wanted to stay with him. ... I did not know what to do."

"He whispered to me, "How soon can we meet?" ... I am falling in love with you. ... I was taken back a bit. ... But I was thinking of you, please forgive me, please."

"Please let me say a few things about that night, '' I said.

"I had noticed he went and helped you in the kitchen. ... He was not helping you. ... I watched you both kissing. ... He was groping your body upstairs and downstairs. ... And I saw his hands inside your pants. ... What I saw was tearing me apart. ... Chris, you only had eyes for him at the time. ... I could not argue with him because I may have landed up in the hospital."

"David, you watch us."

"Yes, he is much stronger than I am." ... I did not want to get hurt. ... I prayed and hoped you would see sense. ... Please forgive me, my love, please."

Chris starts to cry again with tears of sorrow.

"I went to his flat the following week. What a fool I was. ... He took me to his bed. ... We were there for half an hour. ... He made love to me once. ... I felt good, please, will you forgive me, I love you so very much."

Chris is still crying.

"Yes, I went to his flat the next week. ... We were in bed for half an hour. He made love to me once. ... He told me he loved me, and he wanted us to get divorced. ... He also said he would adopt Kim."

"I am going to hate myself for what I am going to say, He had me exactly where he wanted me in his bed. ... David, will you please forgive me?"

"I moved into his flat that night. ... He had a phone call, and he had to go to his sister. ... And he only got back to the flat on Monday he had to go to work. ... Monday I was due on. ... Thank God In the last week I didn't have sex with him."

"David, when the papers were served to me at his flat. I did not think you would do it to me. ... The order for me not to be within a quarter of a mile of Kim was a complete shock to me."

"Then the man asked to see Mr. John Taylor. ... He spoke with the man at the door and was handed an order. ... He read it and then said to the man. "I do not want to be anywhere near the little brat. ... She is nothing to me."

"He did not know I was behind him, and I heard every single word he said. ... We went back to the flat I had to think. ... That was when I woke up to him. Thank God I only slept with him twice. ... Then he went out for a drink.

"I picked up the phone numbers you gave me. ... I spoke with Jack, Fred, and Bill. ... Each of them told me what you had said to me. ... Their wives hate his name, and they are missing their kids. ... They all wished they could pay him back. ... John Taylor he was bad news. ... They said, ``get back to your husband before it is too late."

"That was when I realised. I was a fool. ... I thought about our love life. ... And the sex with him ... He was rough, not kind and loving like you. ... Yes, it was just sex to him."

"I thought I would have a quick fling and you would not mind how wrong I was. ... That is what I was saying to myself all the time."

"What Jack, Fred and Bill told me woke me up even more. ... I had to come back to you if you would take me back.... David, I am so sorry I messed up please forgive me I do love you."

"David, can we go and see Kim?"

I stood up and refilled our glasses with more wine.

"Chris, you said you only went to bed with him twice.... Well, that's too many times in my book."

"Chris, all I want to know is what you want to do from now on. ... As far as I can see we can still divorce because of him. ... And there is no turning back because of the papers you have signed.