Think Sheldon

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Sister, brother & family.
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The 37-year-old Janet lay prone in her bed, wearing a thigh length sleeping gown hiked up to her belly, having stripped off her panties and thrown the covers off earlier. Her feet positioned flat on the bed, thighs spread, her knees high, she was pleasing herself, slowly climbing the ladder to orgasm. Her right middle finger stroked inside of her wet fuck hole, while her left forefinger teased her clit.

"Sis, are you awake?" She heard her brother's low query after the light knock on the door. "I'm hungry."

"Go back to bed, Jeffrey." I'll get up and fix breakfast in a few minutes. It's too early." She scolded.

Janet was in her childhood home, having left her husband three months earlier and had filed for divorce. Her parents had welcomed her back with open arms, especially her father. Jeff was her younger brother, only 19. A surprise pregnancy to their parents, he was the star of the family, a genius really, and was a pain in her ass as he always had been. Home for the summer months, he would soon have his doctorate in microbiology, but the way he acted one might suspect him of being mentally deficient. To her, he seemed helpless at times... like when it was time to eat.

The spell was broken. Though trying to rekindle the fire between her legs it appeared hopeless and she gave up, cursing her brother. She rose from the bed. Entering the hall, she saw no sign of her brother, her scolding had sent him scrambling back to his bed. She continued to the bathroom, bathing quickly under the steaming hot water. Naked under a terrycloth robe, her flaming red hair combed straight, left damp, she, leaving the light and fan on, proceeded to the kitchen to prepare her brother's breakfast. Passing his door, she knocked firmly and told him in no uncertain terms to be in the kitchen in 10 minutes.

Janet stood at the sink washing dishes, taking up the slack from her mother as agreed, her mother and father having left for work more than an hour ago. Looking over her shoulder, she greeted her brother, Jeff, as he came into the open concept family area of the recently remodeled home.

"Hey, sleepyhead."

"What time is it, sis?" He asked, as he usually did every weekday morning. He wore only his briefs and a T-shirt.

"Time for me to be getting ready for work. Your plate is on the table. You can heat it up in the microwave. And, be sure to wash your dishes. I am not your slave."

"Where is my water and juice?"

Janet threw the washcloth in the sink and reached or two glasses. Shaking her head, she studied her brother as he closed on the table to sit down. She saw the bulge in his briefs, knowing he was well hung, and wondered if he was as sexual as she was, masturbating often of late, not having a husband around. How many times had she pushed her anger and frustration at her husband's shortcomings aside to fuck him. Her sexuality was a curse, her several undiscovered infidelities contributing to her wrecked marriage.

Janet went to her bedroom, tossing her terrycloth robe on the bed. She retrieved a few clothing items and began putting them on, studying herself in the mirror as she put on each item; her panties, covering a thick forest of pubic hair, matching her top-knot and a well proportioned, a mite heavy, bubbled ass; stockings, firming up her smooth, well proportioned thighs that did not touch; her bra, corralling ample breast with raisin sized nipples that were impressively tall when firm; the skirt, black and formfitting, showing off her hips; the eggshell, white blouse that fit tightly across her boobs; And lastly, the black high heels that postured her ass nicely, that, she knew, drew the looks of men.

She left her bedroom and stopped by the bathroom for a brief curl and brush of her hair. Entering the living area, she wished her brother a good day, telling him to be sure to be at supper at 6 o'clock and that they would go for their usual walk afterward.

"What! No kiss goodbye." He accused.

She waited for him to approach, shifting her eyes quickly to the bulge in his briefs, that appeared bigger, then back, reminding her of her feeling of sexual frustration. She received her kiss on the cheek and gave him one in return. She headed for the side door that led to the driveway and her car. Jeff, watched his sister, noting the sway of her ass as she crossed the large living area. Had she been looking, she would have seen the bulge in his briefs become a little bigger still.

Jeff did not have a girlfriend. He had never had one and shied whenever a possible relationship presented itself. He did acknowledge the mystique and stimulating feeling the opposite sex presented. His sister, always conscious of her looks and dress, was unavoidable and presented to him feelings he did not entirely understand.

He did however enjoy embracing his ample cock. Leaving the dishes unwashed in the sink, he had directly for the bathroom, shedding his underclothes and stepping into the bathtub, adjusting the shower. He lowered himself to a sitting, then lying, position in the large tub. He reached for his mostly erect cock and began to stroke it slowly. He had only occasionally looked up porn on the internet, and then, only PICs of naked women and female genitalia. He had marveled at the variety of vaginae and wondered what his sister's must look like. His preference was the large labia, pussy lipped, angry appearing female sexual organ.

He studied his cock intensely as he stroked. On the down stroke he stretched the skin over at his domed head, noting the thick vein that ran up the bottom side. How big was it, he did not care, as length and thickness had no meaning as to good or bad. His mind soon focused on the one sexual vision he had stored away - that of watching his mother and father as they had sexual intercourse, missionary style, a year earlier, as he happened to pass their cracked bedroom door.

The bedroom had been slightly illuminated by the crack in the bathroom door as the light had been left on. Both bodies were uncovered and naked. He saw his mother on her back with her knees ratcheting backward and forward and his father's backside bobbing up and down, stroking inside of her. He had focused on her right thigh and brief glimpses off her ass, that seemed to be spot-lighted by the available light. He recalled his mother's moans, her praising of his father's cock, and her frantic demand of "fuck me hard!".

Her frantic plea! The way Jeff was now frantically stroking his cock, staring at it. He had watched them long enough to hear his mother's subdued cry of completion, followed by his father's own moan of ejaculation. Now, revisiting his mother's orgasm, his cock erupted, squirting cum into the air, only to fall on his hand and wrist. His labored breathing quickly slowed to normal as he stroked his less firm cock.

The chatter at the dinner table was continuous as mother, father and their children discussed the day. Mother and daughter eventually began to clear the table and wash the dishes. Jeff returned to his room to put on his sneakers in preparation for the walk with his sister. Their father retired to the sofa to watch TV.

Within a brief walk of the home was a very lovely golf course. It was where their parents golfed and Janet and Jeff had walked for nature and exercise most of their lives. This evening, as was their custom, they walked briskly hand-in-hand. By the 8th hole, their conversation had reach a lull and Janet was pondering her wrecked life. They had slowed to a stroll. She was thinking, she was in desperate need of a good fuck. It was closing on darkness when brother and sister neared the ninth hole. Janet's hand stretched out to her brothers chest to stop him in mid-stride.

"Look!" She said pointing to a large stand of trees.

"Look at that. Two people." She whispered.

"What?" Jeff questioned, much too loud for Janet.

"Shhh! 12 o'clock. Look at the ground between the two biggest trees. Do you see them? Do you know what they are doing? Let's get to that sand-trap. And don't talk!"

Janet, still clutching her brother's hand, drug him along behind her, both crouching low, as she led the way toward the sand-trap. Entering the deep trap, crossing to the far side of the elongated sand-trap, they peaked over the edge to spy on the couple engaged in missionary sex, positioned in a horizontal view and unobstructed.

Brother and sister watched for long minutes in muted silence.

"Well, at least somebody is having a good time." She said more to herself then to her brother.

"You should be out here closer to midnight... between one and three. They are all over the place." Jeff said sarcastically.

Janet looked over to her right and stared at her brother. "And how exactly would you know that?"

"This is my favorite past-time. Summer or winter you can find horny couples out on this golf course... doing it. You would think they could find a bed, where it's warm, somewhere."

Their attention became quickly refocused on the animal-like groan coming from the trees. It sounded female.

"Damn! I missed it." Janet exclaimed with a disgruntled tone, referring to the female orgasm.

"Quiet!" Jeff hissed. "Be quiet and listen and you will hear him ejaculate."

Squinting to see, Janet could indeed see the fast paced rhythm of the fella between her legs. In a few long moments, she clearly heard his moan, saw his back arch, as he shot off. They both stared intently, seeing no further motion coming from the couple. After a long minute, they watched the couple rise, brush and straighten their clothing, then, leave the shelter of the trees, walking back towards the second hole and the clubhouse.

"Goodness! That's got me breathing hard!" Janet sighed, maneuvering to her back. "So, you come out here and spy on couples fucking. I suppose, you jerk off while you're watching?"

"I suppose, I do, sometimes." Jeff answered with an embarrassed tone. "Did you take note that she must not have taken her panties off? Most don't."

"Eagle eyes. You're something." She praised. "I'm going to take a shot-in-the-dark here, Bro, and guess you have never been with a girl?"

"I have never had a serious girlfriend, if that is what you are asking?"

"So, if I were to ask, have you ever dried fucked, you would have no idea what I was talking about?"

"You would assume correctly."Jeff answered. "I have vast knowledge but I am in the dark when it comes to sexual terms... other than the obvious."

"Do you have a hard-on?"

"Yes." Was his simple, sheepish answer.

"Would you like me to show you?"

"I am always open to learn new things."

Janet rolled to her back and grappled with arms and hands to grab hold of her thigh high skirt, lifting her ass to hike it up under her. Laying at approximately 40° from horizontal on the incline of the sand-trap, she spread her legs wide, her knees up, her heels digging into the sand. She held her arms out to her brother.

"Now, lower your shorts and come over here between my legs. No, no, leave your briefs on, dumb ass. Keep your head down!" She commanded, giving no thought that they stood out revealingly against white sand. "Adjust your... your... cock... so it is straight up and down and place it against my crotch. Ahhhhh!. That's about right. Now, push lightly against me. Ahhh yea!"

"Is this a proper thing for a brother and sister to be doing... I don't think so?" Jeff queried and answered.

"Keep your voice down! And no... this is probably not proper. If you say anything to anyone I will bury my foot up your ass. You understand, Bro?"

Quite naturally, Jeff was supporting his weight over his sister, snuggling his face into her neck. The feeling in his groin was familiar but quite different. It was much more pleasurable than when he jerked off, but he made no connection concerning being with a person of the opposite sex. Janet wrapped her feet over his legs to give her a bit of leverage. He had not answered her question but she did not press for an answer, as she was quickly lost in her own lustful feelings.

"Take your time, sugar." She coaxed. "It's always proper to let the lady orgasm first. Just like that. Yes. It won't take long."

A few long minutes passed as brother and sister dried fucked, lying precariously in the Sand-trap. Janet was hugging her brother tenderly.

"Don't stop, Jeff! I'm getting close." She huffed lustfully. "Is it good for you? Ohh fuck, it's good for me. Ouuuuuuuu! Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhhgggg!!"

Her arms tightened around her brother as did her legs. Jeff groaned hardheartedly as his briefs were filled with his ejaculate. For all practical purposes, they had come together. Janet thrust her crotch against him, her pussy soaking her panties. Their bodies slowed to a stop. She lay exhausted. Embarrassment soon gripped them both and they was reluctant to move. Jeff remembered watching his mother and father.

"I suppose, you want me to get off of you?" He asked.

"What?" Janet stuttered, the spell broken.

"I suppose, you want me to get off of you now?" He repeated, sounding knowledgeable.

"No. No. Of course not. Cuddle as long as you want."

A long minute later, Janet was standing, scrubbing her face with her hands, dismayed by her lack of discretion. She watched her brother adjust his shorts into place. After brushing each other off, she took him by the hand, and instead of heading towards home, she led him out of the sand-trap, continuing their walk. They walked for long minutes without speaking. Janet became aware of her brothers funny walk. Jeffrey was feeling the oddity of having his briefs soiled with cum.

"If you had a girlfriend, you'd be used to that." She teased. "I apologize for my indiscretion, but I am all by myself right now and I've always had a hard time controlling my libido. Watching two people go at it was just too much. We need to keep this between you and me, okay?"

"Libido? Controlling it? Ahh, you like to fuck?" He thought it through. "Of course, Sis, you and I are best buddies!" Jeff chirped.

Janet cut her eyes curiously at her brother and thought 'men, they are all alike.' They were nearing the gate that they used to to exit the golf-course and walk the half mile back to their home.

"So, what you are saying, is that you enjoyed our little indiscretion?" She questioned, near the driveway.

"Did I say that?"

She continued, ignoring the obvious, "I suppose best buddies could... lets say... be naughty together occasionally, if they were so inclined?"

"I didn't know you could read minds?"

They both chuckled.

It had been two days and Janet, laying in her bed lightly toying with her panty-covered pussy, was wondering why her brother had not brought up the subject that they had agreed-upon. The light knock at the door startled her, causing her to jerk her left hand from beneath the covers.

"Yes." She acknowledged.

The door opened a crack. "Janet, are you decent?" Came the whispered query.

"Come in, Jeffrey."

"I just wanted to tell you that mom and dad have left for the wedding." He said, coming into the bedroom and walking to her bedside. Janet was not overly surprised, but still curious, as to why he wore only his briefs and T-shirt. She could see a large bulge in his briefs. She pondered how large her brother might actually be. He felt hugh as they dry fucked on the course.

"And... you wanted me to know that... because?"

She inwardly chuckled as she watched her brother fidget, trying to find the words. "Are you horny, dear brother?" She asked, as she threw the covers to her left. She saw a startled look come to his face as he gazed upon her naked breasts. She would have given $1 million for a camera to freeze the moment. Had he noticed and understood the reason her nipples were firm that standing tall?

"Why don't you go in close the door and locked it. We would not want to be caug... surprised." Janet suggested.

As he returned to the bed, she beckoned him with open arms between her parted and lifted legs. He entered the bed from the side and maneuvered between her legs, catching his weight on his elbows, embracing her shoulders. He kissed her on the lips awkwardly and firmly, causing her to shake her head to break the kiss.

"What the hell, Brother!"

"Isn't that what lovers do?" He quizzed.

"Ohhh. We are lovers, now? Then, don't attack me. Kiss me tenderly. There... that's better."

Jeffrey reached to straighten and place his cock inside his briefs, while in effect pushing his knuckles, unintentionally, against her pussy.

"What the hell, Jeffrey. I didn't say you could touch me there!" She challenged, not willing to acknowledge it felt good.

"Sorry... sorry about that." He apologized

Together they maneuvered together, this time, Janet drew her knees back in a more natural missionary position. Her first moan of pleasure ceased his awkward maneuvering and he began to lightly thrust against her without being directed to. Janet's eyes closed as her mind focused on the pleasure.

Long moments passed. "What took you so long to come to my room?" She breathed next to his ear.

"I was waiting for you to give me a signal. Mom always gives dad a signal."

"Do tell! You're not such a dumb ass after all." She praised. "Ours is not a conventional relationship. We cannot be kissing and fondling one another to let our desires be known. It's going to be a dilemma. How about just asking or I will tell you outright."

"That will work, I suppose. I would have liked to do this two days ago... and the next day." He admitted.

"I should be ashamed to admit it, but me too."

Brother and sister dried fuck, at her direction, in a leisurely fashion, she, reminding him to keep his orgasm in check while she sought hers. She suggested he fondle her breast and suck on her nipples, making sure he understood he was being allowed to, telling him, it would keep his mind occupied, adding, that it would enhance her pleasure.

"Grab my ass now. No, don't worry about your weight. You not able to suck my tit... stop trying! Just hold onto my ass tight and push against me hard. Keep your rhythm kind of slow. Dammit, Jeff! What the hell! Keep moving."

Her brother's moan relayed to her his failure to hold of his orgasm. She revved up her own rhythm thrusting up firm against him in an effort to hurry herself along, his firmness holding. It worked and in short order she moaned her own lustful completion. They slowed to a stop.

"I'm sorry, sis! I lost my focus grabbing your butt like that. That was very erotic." He rationalized.

"It's okay." She sympathized, thinking 'men', they're all a like'. "Being with a woman is all new and exciting to you. I will teach you, Bro, and make you a worthy lover for your next encounter.

Over the next 10 days, brother and sister dry humped every opportunity that presented itself. The two were like newlyweds and seemed not to get enough of each other. Janet expanded their foreplay but still would not allow him to come near her treasure... her pussy. Jeffrey was becoming quite the kisser.

Then, they found themselves alone together for the first time in the late evening hours, their parents having gone to a masquerade party. Janet and initiated a make out session on the sofa while watching TV. Then, she suggested they retire to her bedroom. She had given the evening's play a great deal of thought. Standing, facing each other in the closed curtained, near total darkness of the bedroom, she outlined the activities and boundaries.

"I am naked, as you are, Bro." She began, standing very close to him, near touching. "We are going to stand here a bit, kiss and snuggle and touch. Your hands are allowed anywhere except directly between my legs. You will find, if you haven't guessed already, that I have a very thick bush on my mound. If any of these words are new to you just ask. You are allowed to explore that forest with your hands, nose or mouth. I desire you at some point to kiss and nipple on my buttocks. I am allowed a bit more liberty exploring you. You'll fine out how in a bit. That's just natural, me being a woman. Trust me. I don't think you'll mind."