This Mother's Solution Ch. 02


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As time went by, finishing my day in David's bedroom became a regular thing. I'm sure I looked forward to being there just as much as he looked forward to having me visit. To be perfectly honest, during this time, l became obsessed with what we were doing. Making him cum was my ultimate goal, naturally, but from my point of view, what happened before that was even more important. I thought about it day and night.

After we had been getting together for several weeks, there were times when he wasn't hard every single minute, times when we were talking about other things or just joking with each other. Sooner or later, however, it was my job to awaken his sleeping sex organ from it's slumber. There were all sorts of ways I could do it. Sometimes all I had to do was kiss him, maybe somewhere on his face, maybe on his ears or neck, maybe on his chest. I was not giving him oral sex but sometimes I would pretend like I was going to and kiss him various places, moving my kisses closer and closer to his groin. That drove him to distraction and made it stiffen every time.

Right around this same time in our relationship, there was something else we did a few times that was one of David's favorites. I've never come across a name for this so it requires a bit of explanation.

Years before, when I was in college, in my sophomore year I had a dorm roommate who loved to tell me about her encounters with the various young men around campus she dated. And there were plenty of those. To be blunt, she was a poster child for the word promiscuous. I was more into studying in those days but I liked having her tell me about her adventures as much as she liked talking about them. It gave me a nice break from my bookwork. It seems she had a specialty that gave her a widespread reputation as a sort of playmate, in the Playboy magazine sense of the word. Her area of expertise was oral sex. She was quite proud of this and, as I said, loved giving her roommate (me) all the juicy details.

She told me that one aspect of her technique involved a method she used for heightening the intensity of the experience her young man was having. You'd think that a college age male, being lucky enough to be the recipient of oral sex, would be getting all the intensity he needed but apparently my friend didn't want to leave anything to chance. The way this works, she said, is that first you tell the guy to let you know when he is about to cum, at which point you take his penis out of your mouth, grip it in one hand with your thumb on the top side, at about the mid point of the shaft, and two or three fingers on the other side, by the head. Then you bend the shaft over your thumb until it's at about a 90 degree angle, pointing towards the gentleman's chest, and hold it there for 10 or 15 seconds. That sounds like it would be very painful for the poor guy but she swore that it wasn't. What happens, she claimed, is that the whole orgasm mechanism is turned off and the guy's urge to cum immediately ceases. Then you start the whole process over again and do the same thing another time or two: work him up and shut him down, work him up and shut him down and so forth. And then comes the finale.

After the last time you've held things off, you let your guy go to completion, just like you would normally, and a number of remarkable things happen. First of all, and most importantly, the orgasm he experiences is considerably more intense. According to what her fortunate men-friends told her, it's a real mind-blower. Secondly, the physical aspects are more dramatic also. The guy produces maybe half again as much cum as he ordinarily would, plus there are more spurts and each one comes out with much greater force.

When I related this story to David, naturally he was very keen to have me do it to him. Even though I wasn't giving him blowjobs, as my roommate referred to them, it was easy to adapt her technique to what we were doing, especially considering that my hand was where it should be right from the start. The first time we tried it, we were a little late shutting things down and since I was worried about hurting him when I bent his cock, I did it very slowly. The result was that we didn't stop him from ejaculating. After that, just so I would be more confidant the next time, we practiced the bending part several times and he told me that it didn't hurt at all. After that, every time we tried it, everything went just about the way my roommate had advertised.

Considering that, aside from her sexual proclivities, my roommate was kind of a ding-bat, I must say that I was quite surprised. For reasons I'm not quite sure of, I had never tried doing this with either my boyfriends or with my husband Jim. Maybe that's because I didn't expect it to work, which would have made the whole thing kind of embarrassing.

There was one other thing that David and I took to doing regularly but this one we invented ourselves. From comments that he had made to me, some of which I've already related, I got the impression that David liked the idea of cumming more than once during each of our evenings together. When we did it, the second go-round took considerably longer plus there was a fairly long break in between while David recovered. I enjoyed our extra time together immensely because it gave us a chance to talk. Since we were lying in his bed together, with him fully naked and me half naked, we conversed about things I would imagine rarely come up between most mothers and their sons.

We told dirty jokes to each other; I told him about my sexual experiences with other men (not including his dad); he told me about girls that he lusted after, what it was about their physical appearance that he found attractive and exactly what kind of sexual activity he would like to do with them, should he ever have the opportunity; I told him about unusual encounters that women friends had related to me (whips and chains, guys that liked to be tied up, that kind of thing); etc., etc., etc. The conversation I remember most clearly was the time David told me about a double date he had gone on with his best boyfriend, Brian and their girlfriends.

Because we were so open and frank with each other, I knew that David was still a virgin but his date this night, a girl named Kristy, was the girl he hoped would someday relieve him of that unpleasant label. After a movie, the four of them went over to his friend's house because his parents were out of town on a trip. As would be expected, shortly thereafter a make-out session ensued.

"So, did you two have fun after Brian and his girlfriend went to the other room?" I asked.

"We sure did."

"What did you do? Tell me about it."

"Oh, you know. . . lots of kissing, stuff like that."

"Come on," I prompted him, "I'll bet you did more than that."

"Well. . . she let me get into her pants."

"Ooooh, wow. . . she's never let you do that before I take it"

"Nope. Up til then I only got to play with her tits."

"So. . ."

"Well, she was wearing this short skirt, like she always does, and I was feeling up her legs, only this time when I tried to go higher, she didn't stop me. Before she never let me get much past her knees. This time I got to go all the way up and she never said anything."

"Then what happened?"

"I was feeling her through her panties and boy were they wet. . . I mean soaking wet, not just a little damp. Is that supposed to happen?"

David had apparently started to recover from his first climax because he was getting hard again. I wanted to hear the end of what he was telling me, though, so I let him continue talking without doing anything.

"Yes it is," I said, in answer to his question, "that's what girls do when they get excited. You were turning her on."

"Neat. . . anyway, after I felt her for a while through her panties, she let me go underneath and. . ."

"And what?"

After a long pause he said, "and, you know. . . I got to feel her pussy. It was all soft and squishy and stuff."

"Well, congratulations. Is that the first time you ever got to do that to a girl?"

"Uh huh."

"Did you know what to do. . . how to touch her there?"

"What do you mean, how? I just played with her pussy. . . she seemed to like it," he said.

"I'm sure she did but. . . did you make her cum?"

"I'm not sure. . . I don't know if I did or not. If I did, it wasn't real obvious. . . She didn't yell and scream or anything.

"There's a special way that girls like to be touched, David. Just like there's a special way that I touch you. If you want to make Kristy have her climax, you have to touch her that way."

There was a long pause and I said, "Hasn't your dad ever told you about that?"


"Well, he should have. OK, here's the deal," and I gave him the best explanation I could of how that works, all about clitorises and whatnot.

"Why don't you show me how to do it to you and then I'd know for sure?" he asked.

"I could but you KNOW that's not going to happen. We've talked about that before. That's something you'll just have to learn on your own," and to get his mind off what he was thinking I said, "now why don't you close your eyes and imagine what it'll be like if Kristy lets you put this big thing of yours inside her someday," and I started stroking him.

"There's something else you've got to remember too, if you and Kristy ever do it. If she's a virgin, you're going to have to go real slow with her. You could split her open with this monster of yours, make her bleed all over the place. If you're careful though, it'll make her feel soooo good, sweetheart," I cooed to him, "You'll make her cum over and over again."

"I'd rather do it to you, mom. . . I'd rather make you cum."

"I wish I could let you. Really I do. . . but we can't do that. Listen, let me tell you something. You know what you were doing that day I saw you looking at my picture? I'm sure you know, girls do that too. I can guarantee you that Kristy has played with herself many, many times while she was thinking of you."

"Is that right? That never occurred to me."

"You bet I'm right. . . Let me tell you a little secret. . . You do the same thing to me. . . I touch myself that way every single night thinking of nothing but you. You make me cum, my darling little lover, you just don't do it with your thing."

"You mean every night you. . ."

"Yes I do, sweetheart. I can't help it because doing this," I said, looking down at his erection as I moved it through my hand, "makes me so excited I have to." That was the last of our conversation before we concentrated on finishing the task at hand.

Part of my obsession had to do with making David's ejaculations as visually dramatic as possible. So, regardless of the clean-up problems it caused, I almost always held his cock straight up and down when the 'moment of truth' arrived. I remember that on this particular night, most likely because of our sexy conversation, the second time I made him cum, it was even more spectacular than the first. His gush must have gone half way to the ceiling!

As close as we were, everything David and I did together wasn't sexually oriented. For one thing, once in a blue moon, as they say, I slept overnight in David's bed. However, I never did it with anything sexual in mind. A few times it was because he was sick and I wanted to comfort him. Other times I just felt the need to be close to someone, especially David, while I slept.

I always made it a point to wear something in addition to my nightgown because of those unintended things that can happen when you're fast asleep and the person you are intimate with is sleeping next to you. I remembered from my time being married that it was common to find myself having sex with Jim without being conscious of how things got started. I knew this was a possibility with David too but I figured that having to remove a bunch of clothes before we went 'all the way' would make me wake up, at which point I could put a stop to things.

One night David was suffering from a cold and after our usual erotic romp, we decided it would be nice if I stayed the night with him. Somehow, no matter how sick he was, he still liked having me play with his "thing". Anyhow, afterwards, when we turned off the lights, David went to sleep with me holding him in my arms. I couldn't go to sleep right away myself and after a while the reason became apparent. To put it simply, I was horny. VERY horny.

I should have climbed out of bed, gone back to my room and relieved myself the way I usually did after our nightly encounters but because of our sleeping arrangement, that was difficult to do. Since one side of his bed, the one I was sleeping on, was situated next to a wall, I was afraid that climbing over him would wake him up. Instead I tried to push my emotions out of my mind. Eventually, after about an hour, I drifted off. Exactly what happened after that, I'm not too clear about because a lot of it took place while I was still at least partially asleep.

I think there was a lot of lips-on-bodies type kissing and wrestling around. I'm guessing that David was awake for longer than I was but possibly not. Regardless, he was the aggressor and a very pleasurable aggressor he was. While I was in my dream-state, I'm pretty sure that David was kissing and licking my legs. What ever he was doing, it gave me this blissful feeling, sort of the same way a very pleasant dream would. As I was waking up, I became aware that his lips and his kisses were right where my thighs and the crotch of my panties come together.

"David. . . DAVID. . . " I said loudly enough to be sure he was awake and from the tone of my voice to let him know that what he was doing had to stop.

He made no answer but he rolled away to the side. For a brief moment I worried that something I had wanted to avoid had happened but as I became more aware of our situation, I realized that it had not. My nightgown was bunched up around my waist but other than that, what I was wearing was not disrupted at all. Surprisingly, that was the end of it. I took David in my arms again and we both went right back to sleep. The next day we didn't speak about what had happened and haven't to this day.

There was another incident, this one of a different sort, that happened another time we slept together. This one was entirely of my own making. Sometime in the middle of the night I partially woke and realized that I was massaging my clitoris. I hoped that I could quietly satisfy myself, with David being none the wiser, and then go back to sleep.

I was careful not to make any moans and groans and avoided all the body movement I could. Unfortunately, I forgot about the facial expressions I was making. Just when things were going very nicely, I can't be sure but out of the corner of my eye I thought I glimpsed David looking at me. At the time my mouth was wide open, my lips were curled in a grimace and my head was tilted back on my pillow because I was in the throes of my orgasm.

I didn't look over at David, which would have told him I knew he was looking at me, but instead I closed my eyes and kept my climax going for a while longer. It was too late to stop and pretend that nothing was going on. If David was looking at me, he must have had quite an eyeful, even if all he could see was my face. After it was over, I kept my eyes closed and took a few deep breaths. I let myself calm down for a few minutes, rolled on my side with my back to David and went back to sleep, just as I had originally intended. The same as the other time, the next day neither of us spoke of this.

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AkpervertAkpervert19 days ago

Sexy and HOT! I'm hoping it moves on to another level in the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So this chapter explains how the son almost performed oral sex on his mother. She wrote nothing happened and never did later. His aggressions for more “hands-on” would lead towards more body contact and intercourse. Perhaps the author will reveal more of what the two did.

x_pac6969x_pac6969over 2 years ago

Exelant reading 5+ stars

x_pac6969x_pac6969over 2 years ago

Wow another incredibale chapter i can not wait untill i have a read of the next chapter when i have time.


mgchnds2mgchnds2over 6 years ago

This series is INCREDIBLY sensual and erotic! I hope you have a more recent update for us soon! All the best, Ed

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