Threads: The Island


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"Sure. What about?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing major. We can do it after your workout."

"In the bath?" Kyle suggested.

"If you want," She nodded.

"Cool. Right, let's get this over with, shall we?"

Kyle opted for the balcony, so he could have a smoke while they chatted.

"Alright, Kyle," Lakshmi began. "This won't take too long. We've got a few new files for you to look over as possible additions to the list."

He rolled his eyes. "Shoot."

"First one is Charlize Theron," Lakshmi explained. "She should have been on the list anyway, because she's shown an interest."

Patricia rolled her eyes. "I still say she's too old for him."

"Whatever. Charlie's nice and at least I've met her, so she'd have a reason for knowing me," Kyle said. "Put her on the list."

"Next is an actress called Addison Timlin," Lakshmi said, handing him a photo.

"The girl from Californication who played the actress playing Mia?" Kyle said, then frowned. "Did I say that right? Was her character called Sasha?"

"That's her," Patricia nodded. "We think she's single, so what do you think? Could you see her out on a date with you?"

"No, I can't see it, but she'd look good," Kyle replied.

"So that's another yes," Lakshmi noted. "Right, next up is Ari Graynor, another actress."

"I recognise her," Kyle nodded, then shrugged. "Sure."

"Right," Lakshmi said, giving him a funny look.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Just.. you seem to be quite chilled about this in comparison to the last time we talked about it," She said carefully.

"That's easy," He said, smiling. "This is never gonna happen, so I'm not worried about it now."

Patricia raised an eyebrow. "Wait and see, Kyle."

"Sure. Who else?"

"Elizabeth Olsen."

"Is she one of those annoying twins?" Kyle asked, looking unhappy.

"No, their younger sister. She's an up-and-comer this year, and she's different from her sisters. Made a huge splash at Sundance too."

"Don't know. Reserve list maybe? Some more information."

"Sure," Lakshmi said, nodding. "Hey, did you ever watch True Blood?"

"Love that show," Kyle nodded.

"Deborah Ann Woll?" Lakshmi asked. "Plays Jessica, the vampire."

"If she's single put her on the list," Kyle replied. "I've seen a couple of interviews she's done and she seems like she'd be a good laugh."


"Is there more?"

"Last one, another actress. Jessica Stroup," Lakshmi said, flicking through the pages in her binder.

"Never heard of her," Kyle said. "In fairness, I'm not exactly a celebrity gossip fiend."

"Here." Lakshmi handed over a photo of a girl with dark hair and really piercing eyes.

Kyle frowned. "That's Jennifer Connelly. No, wait." He looked up. "That resemblance is freaky. Are they related?"

Lakshmi shrugged. "I don't think so, but that's Jessica Stroup. She's been in a lot of TV shows, but most recently the remake of 90210."

"Never seen it, but she's hot. That could be my Jennifer Connelly obsession thing kicking in though," He grinned.

"Obsession thing?" Patricia asked.

"Yeah, a few years back I got a huge man-crush on her and bought all her movies, put posters up in my dorm room, stuff like that.

"I think she's beautiful," Lakshmi nodded. "Those eyes. And she's really nice too."

"Oh, yes," Kyle nodded. "Pity she's not on the list."

"Want us to check her out?"

He shook his head. "She's married."

"She's too old for you anyway," Patricia added.

"I'd happily make an exception if she was single, and the universe turned on it's head enough that I'd stand a chance," Kyle said, smiling.

"Stop doing that," Patricia said sharply. "You keep putting yourself down, Kyle, and it's dumb. Sooner or later you're going to realise that you're a hot guy with a shitload of money, and a lot of women are going to throw themselves at you. You need to switch on to that fact."

"Well I just don't see it."

"Well you should, and you will," Patricia told him. "Can we press on with the meeting now please?"

"I thought that was it."

"No, there's a few updates on the four names you selected on the first pass. Shmi?"

"Okay, Eva Green is at home in France having a few months off, so there's nothing happening there."

"That's one down," Kyle said, looking pointedly at Patricia.

"Missy Peregrym is in Vancouver, but her sisters band have just been dropped by their record label and I asked our music guys to check them out," Lakshmi explained. "They think the lead singer has some potential so are checking out a few songwriters to work with her in the studio as a possibility."

"Her sisters band?" Kyle asked.

"Yes," Lakshmi nodded. "Her sister Amanda, is the lead singer of a band called Corrosive Productions, I think, although we're looking at a solo deal here with session musicians and our own songwriters."

"There's also another thing to consider, and that's our production company making a documentary about her recording her album. If we do that, then there's strong indications that Missy Peregrym will come down to LA for a day or two to support her sister and help promote the documentary."

"So that's the plan for me meeting her? Spend a fortune signing her sister to a record label, spend another fortune making a documentary, and all so I can walk into the studio to say hello?"

Lakshmi nodded. "Pretty much. Then you invite them both to your party, get her sister to play at it, then see where it goes from there."

"That's a ridiculous amount of money to spend just to set something like this up," Kyle stated.

"The record label wouldn't recommend her if they didn't think they could do something, and the documentary thing is a good idea anyway," Patricia added. "This will probably happen anyway regardless of your involvement."

"Wow, this is weird," Kyle said, realising that he might actually meet the girl he considered to be really frickin hot. Missy Peregrym. Weird.

"Weird or not, are you happy for us to take this forward?" Patricia asked.

"If the record label and production company think they can help her make good music then go for it," Kyle nodded.

"Cool," Lakshi said. "Next up, we're changing your schedule for an afternoon at the end of the first week. You've now got a photoshoot in the house. We checked out Charlotte Sullivan and she's quite an accomplished photographer, so our style magazine wants to run an editorial on you, and we've asked her to do the shots for it."

"Wait, what?"

"She hasn't accepted yet," Lakshmi continued, "But we expect to hear later today."

"Holy shit. So I've got a photoshoot with her now? It's only been a day or two and you've hooked up meetings with Missy Peregrym and Charlotte Sullivan already?"

"Told you we're good," Patricia winked.

"Although we haven't got anything sorted with Mila Kunis yet, but our production company is working on getting a meeting with her when you're in the building," Lakshmi added.

"Jesus," Kyle muttered.

"He only worked miracles," Patricia chuckled. "We're way better than that."

"I'm starting to see that," He replied.

"And we're done. Now go workout, and I'll see you when you get back," Patricia said.


"I've got a lot of calls to make to firm up travel arrangements so I'll be in the business suite downstairs."


Kyle popped inside and got some gym kit on, then walked down to meet Julian. While they worked out, this time hammering his arms and upper body, Julian explained how his workout schedule should change now. Half an hour of daily cardio, with alternating days on his arms, torso and legs. No more three workouts per day, only one in the morning, and that would keep him in great shape and continue to develop him for the time being.

Kyle thanked him and walked back to the main house, his arms hanging at his sides after what felt like a monster session, and he got into his suite to find Patricia already in the bath, waiting for him.

"Shower first," She said firmly, grinning at his disappointed expression.

Kyle washed the sweat off his body, rinsed and then slid into the bath, relaxing in Patricias arms.

"You really like this, don't you?" She whispered in his ear as he lay back on her.

"It's nice. Really relaxing and intimate," He admitted, his eyes closed.

"So I wanted to talk to you."

"You said that.".

"Last night I showed you all those videos," She began and Kyle smiled.

"That was a real eye opener. I had no idea you were into all that stuff."

"I know," She continued. "One of the reasons I showed you it was to see how you reacted, see what you would do when we had sex after that. It gave me a lot to think about."

"What?" Kyle asked. "You showed me then to see what I'd do?"

"Sort of," She said, stroking his chest with her fingertips. "Did they turn you on?"

"You turned me on," Kyle said immediately. "Knowing that you were into that was a bit of a turn on for me, but I found some of the videos a bit... rough."

"That's my point," She said gently.

"Hey, I think I could get into some of that stuff. Just takes a bit of getting used to the idea."

He felt her shake her head slowly. "It's okay that you're not into the same things I am, Kyle. That being said, I want that kind of sex life, and I can't see you choking me, or spitting on me. Likewise I know you can't put a collar on me and lead me into a fetish club like a dog on a chain."

"You're joking, right?" Kyle said, sitting up and half turning to face her. "You're dumping me?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No, that's not what I'm saying at all, Kyle."

"Then what are you getting at?"

"That you're into what you're into, and I'm into what I'm into, and that's okay. But there a lot of differences there."

"Okay. So what does that mean?"

"It means that us fucking is a lot of fun, but if your ultimate sexual fantasy is to make love and spiritually connect with someone, then mine is to get used and abused like a dirty slut." She paused and then frowned. "My point is, we're not going to be able to have a long-term relationship as a couple because our sexual tastes are too different."

"You don't know that," Kyle said, shaking his head. "Where the hell is all this coming from?"

"Lakshmi and I had a chat. Well, several chats," She admitted. "She was concerned what would happen if we kept seeing each other like we were dating, and then you dumped me, or if I wanted to dump you. She also pointed out that if you do date public figures then you have to be able to follow through."


"We can't date. Not in public, and you know that. You'll never be able to have a threesome with me and another guy in case it gets out, or any of the other fantasies that I'd like to fulfill one day, and I don't want to fall in love."

"Jesus, Patricia," Kyle muttered. "So basically you're saying we can't see each other any more? Do you think being naked in the fucking bath with me was the best place to tell me that?"

He stood up to leave, but Patricia grabbed his hand.

"Wait. I'm not finished yet."

"There's more?" Kyle said, shaking his head. "And I thought I'd already had a shit morning." He sat down at the other end of the bath, facing her. "Go on then."

"As I was saying, we have a lot of differences, but there's also a lot of common ground too," She told him slowly. "I like fucking you, Kyle. I like sleeping with you, I like fooling around, I like the baths together and I don't want that to stop."

"What the fuck?" Kyle stared at her, confused and feeling hurt. "One second you're saying we can't date, we're too different sexually and I have to be able to fuck other people and you want to too. Is that right?"

She nodded.

"And now you're saying you want to keep doing what we've been doing, right after you said you want to stop?"

"That wasn't what I said," She protested.

"Then spell it out for me, because this is making no fucking sense at all."

"Alright, here's the bullet points," She said, taking a deep breath. "We can't date. We shouldn't become a couple. We can have fun though. We can hookup, say if neither of us is dating anyone and we fancy some fun. Like friends with benefits."

"Fuck buddies?"

"Yeah, basically," She nodded. "Continue doing what we've been doing, but with no expectations of a relationship and knowing that we're both open to date other people. When we're not, then we can... amuse each other."

Kyle sat there looking at her, feeling like his feet had been whisked out from under him and gravity hadn't decided if he should fall yet.

"I don't get it," He said a moment later. "You got all that from my reaction to your porn choices?"

"No, that just confirmed what I'd been considering, and Lakshmi was right to speak to me too. I needed to figure this out, so I did. This is a solution though, and it lets us continue to fool around. Plus, it makes things easier in the long run."

"How's that exactly?"

"Alright, let me give you a hypothetical. Say you go out on a date with... I don't know. Missy Peregrym, right? You two hit it off and she's into you, you're into her, and you can't stop yourself. It's magical and you want to keep seeing her. What happens then?"

"This is if me and you are still seeing each other?"

"Yeah. She turns out to be your soul-mate, so what happens then?"

"I guess we'd have to have a chat, work something out," Kyle shrugged. "I don't believe in soul mates though."

"So we have a chat, I get upset and my work goes to shit because I've been dumped. Do I quit? Should you fire me? Every time you look at me you're going to feel guilty and hate yourself." She paused and looked at him. "My point is, do you really want to go down that road? I don't."

"That's a ridiculous scenario, Patricia."

"What if you don't meet this person then, and a year goes by? We've been seeing each other all that time, I'm still working for you and you go off me? How do you dump me and still expect me to work for you? This way we avoid any of that happening." She paused and looked at him. "Don't you see, Kyle. This way we both get the best of both worlds."

"It doesn't feel like the best of anything," He replied.

"Granted, I could have explained it better, and maybe I should have just said let's be fuck buddies, but I wanted you to understand why." Patricia leaned forward. "I'm sorry if I've upset you, Kyle. I didn't mean to."

Kyle took a deep breath but couldn't quite figure out what he wanted to say. He tried to start several times, and Patricia waited for him to speak, but he couldn't put it together.

"You need some time to process?" She asked gently.

"I guess so. I feel angry or disappointed or something, but I can't explain why. Stupid, huh?"

"Not at all," Patricia replied. She stretched her arms out to him. "Want to come back and let me cuddle you while you mull it over?"

Kyle frowned. Normally he wouldn't have hesitated, but it just didn't feel right. "I'm gonna get out, go and have some lunch and hang out with the guys for a while. Just need a bit of time to think, I guess."

"Can I make a request?" Patricia asked gently as he stood up and got out the bath.


"Can you try to think of it in simple terms? The only thing I've told you I can't do is be your girlfriend. But I can be your assistant, your friend and your lover, and you get to date anyone you want, any time you want. Can you try and think of it like that, Kyle, please?"

He looked down at her, seeing her looking up, her eyes wide. She looked unhappy, much as he supposed he did. "I can't promise anything, but I'll try, okay?"

"I'll be around if you want to talk. Just call me or come get me." She gave his hand a squeeze and let him go.

Kyle got dried and slipped on a pair of jeans, boots and a t-shirt then wandered out to the balcony and lit up. He slumped down in his favourite seat and put his feet up on the railings.

"Why are you so upset, Kyle?" He muttered to himself, and the answer came back to him. Because you wanted her to be your girlfriend.

"So becoming a billionaire with a hot secretary that'll blow you while you bone your way through the FHM Top 100 transforms you into a crybaby man-bitch, does it?" Ed shouted over the noise of the speedboat as the three friends raced the girls around the Island. "Man, you need a punch in the balls to remind you they're there."

"Ignore him," Casey said, shaking his head. "I just think you're too close, buddy. You need a little distance from the problem is all."

"How do you mean?"

"Step back and think about what you want. Look at the big picture," Casey said, mentally reminding Kyle of the hundreds of discussions they'd had in the office. "Over the next year you're gonna be all over the world, bro. You're going to meet hundreds of hot babes, probably princesses. If you get the come-on from some of them, would you like to be able to indulge yourself?"

"Fucking right, bitches!" Ed bellowed loud enough to heard over half the Island.

"So she's telling you that you'll be able to play the field and have some fun, and if there's no action happening, it's cool with her to get some Patricia time?"

"It's not going to work like that though," Kyle frowned. He was really worried that emotions would start coming into play if he was bringing chicks back, or how he would react if he knew she was out on a date.

"Not if you're more emo than a sparkly fucking vampire-loving teenage girlie-boy," Ed told him.

"As rare as it happens, dude, the Ed does has a point," Casey said. "Take what she's offering bro, because if it was me, I'd be tapping that fine body every chance I got."

Kyle's mind conjured an image of Patricia, sprawled on the bed, half wrapped in sheets and naked. He felt like he could hear the sounds she made during sex, or feel her arms and legs wrapped around him in the bathtub.

"I want to keep seeing her," He admitted. "I just don't know about the other stuff."

"Then keep seeing her," Casey said firmly. "Just take the other stuff a day at a time, bro."

"And get me some Patricia fap material, or I swear, frozen turdage shall magically appear."

Kyle exchanged a look with Casey, both remembering Ed's phase of wrapping turds in plastic bags and freezing them. Then he would put them in the jacket pockets of people who had pissed him off, in the glovebox's of cars in dealerships, in the hoods of assholes on the bus. As far as Ed was concerned, anyone being a dick was fair game, and he always took the bag away. By the time the deposit defrosted he was long gone and it sometimes took a while for people to notice the smell.

"Ed, if you start that shit, I swear to you, I'll have you thrown off a helicopter out at sea," Kyle said, grinning. "And no, you can't have any naked Patricia pics either."

"Yeah, man. Don't start all that again," Casey added, a distasteful look on his face.

"Anyway, I thought you were all in love with Caroline?"

"I am, but can't a man roll the fleshy blunt without some spank material any more?" Ed moaned. "Fucking pair of frigid bitches."

"Fuck off, Ed," Kyle grinned. Despite the obscenties, disgusting topics and constant insults, Kyle actually felt a bit better about the situation having talked it over with his friends.

"Hey, the girls are overtaking us, Ed," Casey said sharply. "I thought you knew how to drive this thing."

"Shut up, bitch, and go back to being ballast," Ed said, leaning in to the controls. "No fucking way they're beating us."

"He's a fucking imbecile," Casey laughed.

"Yeah, but he's our imbecile," Kyle added, laughing too. "Hey, wait. Is that a good thing, or did we get screwed in that deal?"

Kyle entered his suite an hour later. The girls had beat the guys and Ed had insisted on another race, and then another before he finally beat them. As soon as they docked Kyle had gone ahead to the main house.
