Three Cocks and a Wedding

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Another adventure for the Three Cocks Service.
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They were a good-looking couple. He was dark and handsome: she was blonde and pretty. They were both in good shape from their shared love of badminton (which was how they met, they told me), but she still had all the curves. They were holding hands and obviously in love as we discussed their wedding. I was certainly looking forward to fucking her - twice! And I was going to be paid for it.

In what we call the 'Three Cocks Service' we service ladies, who are usually middle-aged and not like this beauty. I could not believe my luck, as I explained what was going to happen.

"Lovely to meet you, Erica. I am sure Paul has told you what we do, but I want to make things absolutely clear. What is basically going to happen is that three men are going to fuck you, one immediately after the other to keep things going, with increasing size of cock, the last one being quite impressive, but you should be able to take it after the previous ones. We will make it as nice and as long for you as we can, but it will each will be a simple and serious fuck, which is what we find ladies appreciate. If you wish, I can give you foreplay to orgasm first, but only by hand, not oral, or your husband can prepare you."

"No," she interrupted, "Paul will get me ready. You boys just fuck. Please carry on."

"Right," I continued, "for everyone's safety we always use condoms, OK? Now are there to be any restraints, as if so I need to know your safe word."

She shuddered. "Ugh! No, we are not into bondage, thank you."

"OK, as to timing. The date you have given me is the night before your wedding, I understand."

"Oh no, I will be much too worried then. I want you to service me afterwards while I am still in my bride's outfit."

She beamed. What a charming smile. What a wonderful prospect! I was getting stiff already.

Paul broke in. "We have had a lot of sexual adventures together, but now we both want children, and will not have anyone else from now on. This is a final treat. When I was in Dubai, someone told me how well your team had done, especially the final cock. You still have the same guy, right?"

"Yes," I said. "My friend Dick is available."

Paul continued. "I will do the honours after our wedding vows and fill her up with as much sperm as I can manage." They looked at each other adoringly. "We think it will be in her fertile period, so we hope that this day or the honeymoon will get her pregnant." Another loving gaze.

"So you won't need to do anything, Tom. She will be slippery and eager for your two guys."

What? Not do anything. "You don't want me to fuck at all?"

"With respect, Tom, we have seen the pictures and I think you are a little smaller than me, so we thought we would skip you. You will be paid just the same of course."

Shit! Shit shit shit shit fucking shit!

"Now Tom, you said you did anal if required, so we would like the second session to be anal, and for you to start off." Better than nothing, I suppose.

"OK, Erica. I must ask have you had much experience of anal sex? Dick might be too big for you if it is a first time."

"Oh, it's not for me," she said, grinning. "It's Paul. And the answer to your question is yes, he has had a lot of experience, but only with a dildo. We both like pegging, and I thought it would be a treat for him to have a real cock for once, so three would be a dream come true. Of course, you will be wanted then."

"We've never done men," I spluttered. "It's a service to ladies."

"It is a service to me," she insisted. "It's my wedding gift to my darling husband." Another adoring gaze. "Anyway, it can't make any difference to you, can it? An anus is an anus."

"I suppose," I began, but she cut me short.

"Another thing. Could you, that is, Tom, do it bareback so he feels what it is like to have someone come inside you? I would love him to know what he does to me."

"Absolutely not," I said. "The only way to protect everyone is to wear a condom. You don't know us, we don't know you, and if we do it for one, we would be asked again."

"You said you always use a condom, so you are probably safe, and we have not had sex with anyone else for over a year. Suppose we all get tested, and bring certificates? We would be willing to pay you more, of course."

"Sorry. Money is not the issue. It is a matter of principle."

She started to unbutton her blouse. "How about if you fuck me with a condom?"

She undid her bra and two perfect breasts sprang out, gently oscillating in their freedom.

"Right now?"

"I, er, well..."

Off came her skirt, and she smoothly removed her panties. She had a tight waist from playing sport, a neatly trimmed blonde bush, and stood dressed only in a black suspender belt, stockings and high heels, plus a lovely smile.

"Well. Will you do it? Will you promise to shoot as much spunk as you can into my darling Paul's bum? Will you do it? Or shall I get dressed?"

"I'll do it," I said.

She took a condom out of her handbag, opened it and put it to her mouth, looking expectantly. I quickly undressed. Paul looked on amused as she covered my straining cock with its overcoat, giving it a bit of sucking and tonguing for good measure. She pulled my face down onto her boobs for a moment then moved elegantly to a chair and bent over, displaying a magnificent rump.

Her buttocks were firm and high from her exercise to which was added the soft roundness from her femininity. I resisted the temptation to bury my face in them.

"You can put your face on my bum if you like," she said sweetly. "Men always seem to like that."

I did not hesitate to enjoy those cushions until she said "That's enough. Show me what you can do."

At last. But what they did not know was that I was reckoned pretty good at this, and she was going to get more than a simple fuck. I would show her what she would be missing!

In I slid. She was already wet, so it was easy. A good start. I slid my hand towards her clit and Paul frowned and shook his head. Pity. I leant forward and slid my hands around her ribs. There was no objection from either of them as I felt the delicious shape and weight of her boobs. I massaged them, allowing her nipples to move between my fingers, which seemed to go down well. I savoured the feeling of being buried deep in her, pressed into that magnificent arse, with my hands full of wonderful boobs. Almost reluctantly, I started to move gently.

Moving my hips a little from side to side, slightly crouching or going up on my toes, I explored every corner, feeling what she liked, then played her, sometimes pausing to try to lose a bit of my excitement and hold off. I noticed Paul had started with a smirk, but quickly lost it, seeing his wife being fucked by someone with quite a bit of experience. I managed to hold off pretty well, but she was hot stuff and getting excited, so it was time to thrust for the prize. If I had been allowed some foreplay, I am sure she would have come, but I certainly did, holding her hips and burying myself deep inside, spurting again and again.

I pulled out and she stood up. Her face was rather red, I was pleased to see, and Paul had his mouth open.

"I hope that was all right, Madam. I certainly enjoyed you, so thank you." I have learned that a bit of politeness and praise does not go amiss.

They both looked at the spunk collected in the end of my drooping condom. "That looks good," she said to Paul, and he nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want me?" I asked hopefully, and she hesitated.

"Thank you, but no. I want you to save all your sperms for Paul." Yet another loving gaze.

Oh well, at least I had had her once, and not just a simple fuck.

"You're right, Paul," she remarked. "He is smaller than you."

"But very nice," she added quickly, smiling at me


What had I done? I had effectively made a contract to commit a homosexual act. Not even with a condom. My cock was going to be in direct contact with another man's shithole. If money had changed hands I would have given it back, but I couldn't take back that glorious fuck. Sometimes in the contracting business, you discover that you have underquoted and will lose money on the job. But there is a sort of honour to complete the contract anyway. With Dick and Harry it had happened a couple of times. But when people knew you were reliable whatever, everyone respected you, and you got more work. I had taken a non-refundable deposit in advance, and it would spoil my clients' main project, their wedding. I had to go through with it. I only hoped the others would agree.

As Harry was not available, the 3C Service had been running with George, who wears a cowboy hat and calls himself Chuck to fool folks (by which I mean women) into thinking that he is an American oilman and not a contract electrician. But his Belfast accent rather gets in the way of his effort. I don't think he even fooled those women in Kazakhstan who didn't speak English. (If you want a punch in the face, tell him how much you admire the Irish and think the British should get out.) But he is an excellent electrician.

If I say "Big Dick" I have described him in almost every aspect. A large man, with a big dick and none too clever. But a willing worker and a loyal friend. He didn't like it, but sort of accepted the debt of honour and my argument that a hole is a hole.

Chuck was more a problem. Every so often he would remember his moral principles. This fornicating, card-cheating bastard who took a pride in always nicking at least something on every job, would suddenly act as if he was some kind of vicar (which he would have pronounced vakker). To be fair, he was a terrible cheat, and only stole very small things like a pair of pliers.

I persuaded him in the only way I knew how, by offering more money, from my share. Effectively I would be doing it for free. To look at it another way: that is how much Erica cost me. She was probably worth it, though I resented the others getting paid to screw her.

The wedding was at a hotel. It was not a religious service but they used some of the words, promising to love, cherish and such. We were there in our suits but kept out of the photographs. Erica was gorgeous in a nicely low-cut white lace gown, showing her figure off to advantage. Paul looked like a groom, but handsome with it. I wondered how many of the guests had participated in sexual adventures with them.

There was a lovely lunch. I told the guys just to have one drink but couldn't stop them having three. Dick would probably be all right as he is a big man, but Chuck is less reliable. There were the usual speeches. I got the innuendo, but not the references to people. Then the bride danced with several men and it turned into a general free-for-all as the happy couple departed hand in hand, and people nudged and winked to each other. As instructed we went to the toilet then to the bridal suite.

We knocked, and were surprised when the door was opened by the wedding photographer - a bald little man with a moustache and a posh voice.

"You will be the stud farm, I expect," he said cheerfully. "Come in and take a seat." He ushered us to a corner with three chairs. "Sit here, and you won't be in the pictures."

"My name is Grayson. Now let me get your names right. Which one of you is Tom?"

"That's me," I said.

"Right. I understand you will be sitting this one out. You can go, or you are very welcome to stay and watch."

"What the heck is going on?" I said, moderating my language. "You're going to take pictures?"

"Oh yes," he said. "It's increasingly common. People are so open about sex these days. You can see a lot of pictures of brides being shown naked, and often the consummation. Mostly these are dreadful amateur shots, but many couples like to have it done professionally as part of the wedding package. It is often just private, but quite a lot share. They often bring another man in as well, usually with the husband looking on, which I find very touching."

"I didn't expect to be photographed," said Dick, looking worried.

"Don't worry, I will only take closeups. It is your genitals not your faces she wants to remember. As I understand you gentlemen will be wearing protection, we shall take some preliminary shots without it, in which you will not penetrate." He emphasized the last few words. "I will then put the pictures in sequence and will do some editing so that it looks as if you are au naturel."

"Now let me deal with the running order. Who is who?"

Chuck had his cowboy hat and boots of course, and started "Howdy, Ah'm..." but he had not gone far through his little speech before he was interrupted by the photographer saying something like "Yous from Norn Iron," and some other words I did not know in a Belfast accent. I gather he apologised that there was no time to chat, but the bride would be needing her beef soon (whatever that meant). He reverted to English and gave clear instructions.

What would look like a quick sequence in the album took a long time, as he took several pictures of each pose with one camera on a tripod and another in his hand from different angles. He also changed lenses sometimes. My cock went up and down, and I expect I was not alone.

It started with the bride and groom fully dressed, the picture of innocence, by the bed. Then he got her to massage Paul's cock. It was popped back into his trousers and a portable light made a clear shadow of his erection, back in the same pose.

The bride then raised her dress to show she was wearing no knickers. I noted that she had dyed her bush black, to aid contrast, I suppose. Closeups and lying on the bed. Off with the dress, then on again and off in a slightly different way until Grayson was satisfied.

Off came the dress and up went some cocks (though not Grayson's I think). The dress must have had a built-in bra, because her lovely breasts were proudly displayed above a black and white basque which accentuated her waist. A white belt and suspenders held up white lace stockings, perfectly framing her bush, which I now saw was in a heart shape. God I wanted her!

"Time for the close-ups, I think," said Grayson. "We did Paul's last week, so please show me, Chuck dear." Chuck was ordered to open but not drop his trousers. Erica looked on approvingly as the camera clicked away, and flashes occasionally occurred. He was ordered to pose as if entering her. She put her hand over her pussy and he put his knob to it. When Grayson ordered, she took her hand away and he moved around quickly taking pictures from various directions. This was done with her lying back, on the edge of the bed, and again bent over. Chuck had to move back a bit, and more pictures, then away as if about to plunge in.

Dick had to do the same. When she was bent over the bed Grayson positioned an umbrella reflector to give a soft uplight from the window side, and actually lay on the floor between Dick's legs and took pictures upwards. She put two fingers over her hole, and Dick put his knob to it, while Grayson took pictures from the side and top.

They were then told to go and have a pee in the onsuite toilet. Grayson explained that they would want fresh erections for the final shoot which was about to take place.

"Now of course this is going to be for the pleasure of Erica, so you boys are going to go smoothly one after another. I will not stop you, but I may adjust your trousers for continuity. There is going to be a camera on a tripod which will only show you up to the waist which I shall operate remotely. I may also move around and take some more, but do not stop. Please give this lovely lady the fucking she so deserves!"

While they were away, Grayson showed Paul and Erica some pictures, and they agreed what to do.

It all went very smoothly, one of the best performances of the Three Cock Service. I was, of course green with envy and stiff with lust, but had promised to save my juice.

Erica lay back on the bed looking a beautiful bride. Paul lovingly fingered his wife until she said stop. He entered her and the cameras clicked away, and fucked her slowly at first then harder till she was writhing and coming. This did not take long as she was excited and well prepared. The camera clicked away taking pictures of her face and from further back. Paul carried on and they managed what I think was a genuine simultaneous orgasm. She was half-raised from the bed, holding and gasping as he spasmed and gasped "I love you!"

He pulled out, and stood for a moment as Grayson snapped his dripping cock and her dripping cunt, then he dragged her to the edge of the bed and Chuck approached, with his condom on and his trousers down. Grayson stopped him, adjusted the trousers somehow and waved him on. It only took a moment, then he was in with his bigger cock, and Erica said "Oh yes!"

Chuck eagerly delivered a plain simple fuck as promised, quite fast from the start, and she achieved a nice orgasm in good time before he had his. When he had pulled out, Dick came forward but Grayson held up his hand. Erica rolled out of the bed and stood bent over, as Grayson took quick shots of her open cunt and some sperm trickling (Paul's), then waved Dick in.

Grayson went to the other end and photographed Erica's expressions as Dick carefully inserted his mighty dong. She had two orgasms before he was finished. He pulled out and she collapsed forward on the bed, allowing Grayson to picture her gaping cunt, then her exhausted but satisfied face with smudged makeup.

"Thank you, gentlemen," said Grayson. "A fine performance and I am sure it will make a lovely wedding souvenir. I will not be present for your next activities, but will make a start on my images. I wish you well, and please take some business cards in case any of your ladies would appreciate a discreet photographic service, in which case I would look forward to working with you again."

"Thank you," said Erica weakly from the bed. "See you later."

I asked Paul if I could use the ensuite bathroom to take a cold shower. It helped.

We had dinner. Dick and Chuck said how much they had enjoyed Erica and what a shame it was that I could only watch. They hoped to get some pictures. This teasing me was good, as it took their minds off what was to come, which I think we were all dreading. I had to work hard to stop them drinking too much to get Dutch courage.

At the appointed time we went back to the room. I was surprised when it was opened by Erica, wearing the hotel dressing gown. She ushered us in and I was surprised to see no trace of Paul, but Grayson and an attractive woman in a green dress. Were we to service another cunt? My hopes rose, but fell a few seconds later as I realised the woman in the dress was Paul.

"This is my friend, Paula," said Erica.

"Pleased to meet you gentlemen," simpered Paula, and offered each of us a limp hand to shake. Obviously at second glance his athletic frame gave the game away, but with the wig, dress and makeup she was not bad looking. But what was Grayson doing?

"Don't worry," he said. "I only need one more shot of Dick with Erica, then I'll leave. Erica, dear, do you think you could get Dick up again?"

"I'll do my best." It didn't take long.

She took off her dressing gown to reveal the same underwear as before. Dick was already rising as she massaged his dong to its impressive final volume. She put in a condom, then rolled it back so it was just covering the knob. They got into position with his knob just in but the length visible, and Grayson did his job. They parted and he showed Erica some images on the camera, to which she nodded.

"Bye, bye," he said. "Have fun." I wasn't sure that we would but at least there would be no record of our shame.

Erica took charge. "Now I think you will agree that Paula is pretty alluring." Paula looked down and fluttered her eyelashes. "But just in case you need help, I will be here as what I believe is called a fluffer. Now you, Tom, you lucky man, you are going to take her virginity and fill her up with your spunk. It does not matter if it does not take very long, because you must be excited for her, but please fuck her as hard as you can and come as hard as you can. Chuck and Dick, you can take your time. Take as long as you want but make sure you really stretch her out. I have cleaned her well inside and she is dripping with lube and desire. She hasn't been touched for two weeks, so she should be really tight now. See how much you can open her up."