Three Square Meals Ch. 115


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"It sounds like you've got everything figured out," he said with amusement.

*It was worrying you, so we've been discussing the issue at length,* Edraele admitted, an edge of concern to her voice.

*I'm really looking forward to running a harmonious household,* Jade said enthusiastically. *It'll be so wonderful when we have all the children running around too!*

John smiled at the dopey grins on Dana's and Alyssa's faces, then realised he probably had one of his own.

*Oh yes,* Alyssa confirmed for him a moment later.

He laughed and released the girls, before squatting down to pick up his discarded gauntlets. "Let's get moving, Sparks. I'll do all the psychic shaping you need for the Tachyon Cannons."

"Just let me know when you're ready to assemble them," the blonde requested, watching as the pair walked away towards the grav-tube. "I'll send Jade up to help."

They waved goodbye and headed out through the double-doors into the airlock corridor beyond.

*I know John's worried about you and your girls needing a break from combat, but he's struggling too,* Edraele thought quietly to her fellow matriarch.

*He puts himself under too much pressure,* Alyssa agreed, watching pensively as John left. *And despite the calm facade he's putting on for our benefit, he's struggling with the compromise I made with the Kirrix... it goes against his every instinct.*

*Considering what I did to the Fulmanax, this will make me sound like an unbelievable hypocrite, but I agree with you regarding the Kirrix and Kirr-Inax,* Edraele said, a harder edge to her voice. *After all the atrocities they've committed, they don't deserve any mercy.*

The blonde turned on her heel and headed back towards the Primary Hangar. *You're no hypocrite, Edraele. The vicious psychopath that used to inhabit your body has paid for what she did and was obliterated... I'm very fond of the woman you are now.*

*The feeling is mutual, as I'm sure you're well aware,* Edraele said softly. *It's not just John I'm looking forward to seeing when all of you return to Genthalas...*

Alyssa leaned against the doorframe and gazed out across the hangar at the crowd of colonists, watching her girls keeping them calm. *The thought of returning to Maliri Space feels like we're going home... even more so after what just happened on Karron.*

*That's so wonderful to hear!* the Maliri matriarch gushed, genuinely touched. *We'll do everything we can to make your stay as restful as possible.*

*I know you will,* the blonde said with an affectionate smile.

Edraele hesitated for a moment, then asked, *Are you sure you can't delay the trip to Arcadia and come straight home? Waiting even longer to see all of you will be torture, for both myself and the Young Matriarchs. Kali in particular is desperate to see John again... If you were to return here as soon as the Kirrix threat has been dealt with, we could refit the Invictus with the new tech you've acquired, then you could head directly to Arcadia from Maliri territory.*

Alyssa listened to John's thoughts, his ever-present worries about his parents having grown all the more insistent in the last few days. *He's had this hanging over him for so long... I can't ask him to wait another three weeks when we're so close to getting some answers.* Her mouth lifted into a wistful smile as she continued, *It was so wonderful meeting my mother for the first time and being able to say goodbye to my father... I want John to get some closure and experience that same sense of inner peace. He really needs this, Edraele.*

*I wish I could be there to help ease his mind,* the Maliri said longingly. *I suppose I'll have to rely on my daughters to offer him succor.*

*They'll certainly be doing plenty of that,* Alyssa said with a grin, her eyes flicking to the Maliri twins, easily identifiable with the white Lionesses on their pauldrons. *He adores your girls, Edraele, and I know they'll take great care of him.*

*Ah, maternal pride... it's such a lovely feeling,* Edraele said, with a contented sigh. Her good mood evaporated a moment later as she faltered, *I only wish their father was still here so that he could see what incredible young women his daughters have become.*

*John's determined to find a way of arranging that for the twins... and you know how relentless he is once he sets his mind on something.* Alyssa smiled fondly as she thought about the extreme lengths he'd gone to in facilitating her reunion with her parents. She would always be grateful for the massive risks he'd taken for her.

Her voice heavy with regret, Edraele murmured, *I hope with all my heart that he manages it someday.*

Alyssa hesitated, then asked, *Edraele... How would you feel about being given the chance to speak with your parents again?*

The Maliri matriarch was silent for a long time, before she quietly replied, *There's no solace for me there, Alyssa. My father took no interest in his daughters... and the most valuable lesson I learned from my mother, was that some people are just evil to their core.*


Tony felt the bed shift beside him and started awake, disorientated by his unfamiliar... and very clean surroundings. He took in a deep breath and was astonished by the crisp air filling his lungs, quite unlike the dusty staleness that he'd known on Karron. There was an enticing female form lying beside him with one of her legs thrown over his and her warm soft skin felt amazing. It took him a moment for his befuddled brain to recognise the glossy golden mane draped over his chest and he smiled when he realised that Perl was still fast asleep.

"Sorry I woke you," Kelli murmured from across the bedroom, her apology followed by the alluring gurgle of a drink being poured. "I was getting thirsty and I remembered Faye left us a big bottle of peach juice."

"Yeah, I'm parched too," he grunted, swallowing around his dry throat.

She sat beside him, a second glass in her hands and a caring smile on her face. "Way ahead of you."

He lifted his head up and she gazed into his eyes as she brought the glass to his lips. The juice tasted incredibly fresh, the flavour lighting up his taste buds as he drank his fill.

"More?" the brunette asked when he finished the glass.

Tony shook his head. "I'm good... thanks."

She put the glass on the side table and knelt at his side, looking down at him with adoring eyes.

He felt an unfamiliar flicker of guilt and had to look away. "It's not right, you lookin' at me like that... I don't deserve it."

Kelli's small hand gently turned his chin so he was facing her. "Sure you do. Forget about all the shit you went through before we met... it's what happened afterwards that matters to me."

"You're our hero," Perl agreed, followed by a cute yawn as she snuggled into him. "I don't care about your past either, Tony. You did some bad things... I get that. If you can forget the things me and Kelli had to do to survive, I'm willing to do the same."

He stared up at the ceiling in silence, mulling that over. "I can't forget," he finally said, his mind made up.

The blonde cringed and turned away from him. "I'm... sorry."

Tony looked up at Kelli's hurt expression in surprise, then he realised what had upset them and reached for them both, pulling them close. "No! I didn't mean you two!" He sighed and stroked their backs. "I meant all the shit I've done... I can't forget that, not if I'm gonna try to make up for it."

The change in them both was dramatic and they hugged him tight, bright smiles on their faces.

Kelli then frowned at him quizzically. "So does that mean you want to go back to Karron then?"

He shook his head. "No... Most of the people I screwed over there are gone now. I'm just gonna try to be a better person, not an asshole ganger."

"All three of us can start again, someplace new," Perl agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "As long as you still want us tagging along?"

Tony glanced at Kelli and smiled. "Someone told me last night I had to get used to you two bein' around. I guess that won't be so bad..."

The brunette giggled and shared a sly smile with her nubile bedmate. "He doesn't seem very excited about that... Maybe he doesn't appreciate what he's got Perl?"

The blonde nodded, gazing intently into his eyes. "You treat us right, Tony, and we'll do anything you want..."

Tony gulped and it wasn't because he was thirsty. The smouldering look that Perl gave him was something he'd never witnessed before... and seeing it mirrored by Kelli made it twice as shocking. Their excitement had an immediate effect on his anatomy, making him painfully hard in moments.

Kelli propped herself up on an elbow, her smile widening as she undid the cotton belt tying his robe and slipped a hand inside. "We're going to take such good care of-" Her eyes went wide. "Holy fuck!"

Her shocked exclamation accompanied her dainty hand wrapping itself around his cock.

Perl giggled at her friend's stunned expression. "Whatcha find, Kel?"

"Have you seen the size of the meat he's packing?!" the brunette gasped, sitting up to take a better look. She suddenly looked sharply at the laughing blonde. "Hey! You knew!"

Trying to hold back her giggles, Perl nodded. "I asked him about his nickname back on Karron."

Kelli giggled too, her eyes locked on his throbbing shaft. "Yeah, I get it now... that is a fat cock..." Her confidence wavered and she darted a quick glance at Tony. "Giving you anything you want might be a bit of a stretch... literally. There's places I'm not sure that monster will fit."

Perl sat up and placed her forearm next to the appendage in question, her fingers curling into a fist. "Nah, you'll be alright."

The brunette blushed and struggled to meet Tony's shocked gaze. "Okay, you can take my ass too if you want..."

"You've got to be fuckin' with me?" he asked sceptically. "You're only little, Kelli..."

"And that's no starter cock," Perl interjected with obvious approval.

Kelli gave him a furtive smile. "No, we're not teasing you." Her smile wavered a little as she added, "Just... please be gentle if you're going to fuck me in the ass. I'm not much into pain, but everything else I'm totally up for."

Perl leaned down to lightly brush his lips with hers. "I don't mind," she whispered quietly.

He stared at them in disbelief, not having expected this side to them at all... even with everything he knew about their past.

The girls saw his shocked expression and darted worried glances at each other. "Shit... was that too much information?" Kelli asked in alarm.

Perl winced and gave him a look of sympathy. "We fucked up didn't we? You said you'd try to forget we used to be whores... we're not making it easy."

"No, it's not that, what you did in the past don't matter," Tony said, shaking his head. Choosing his words carefully, he continued, "I got used to you two being really scared... and needin' lookin' after. I just wasn't expectin' you to be so... confident in bed."

Kelli smiled slyly at him. "We can play the shy virgins if that turns you on?"

"No that's not it," Perl replied, quickly shaking her head and studying him carefully. "He just needs to get used to us taking care of him... right Tony?"

He nodded and quietly replied, "Yeah, it feels... weird. But you were already watchin' my back last night... when you saved my life."

The girls looked at him in blank incomprehension.

"Alyssa... she would've killed me for sure if it wasn't for you two," he reminded them. "So if you're doin' this because you think you owe me... you don't. We're all square now."

Their smiles softened and they took turns giving him a tender kiss.

"I don't know about you, Kel, but I want him even more now," Perl purred, her eyes sparkling.

Kelli nodded, squirming against him. "I'm so wet... I can't even remember the last time I was this horny!"

The blonde smiled mischievously at her friend, then turned back to Tony and crooned, "You just relax... let your Perl look after you..."

The girls exchanged another glance and sat up, peeling off their cotton tops. He gazed in fascination at their uncovered breasts for the first time, their pale mounds no more than a handful. They rolled their shoulders and arched their backs slightly to emphasise their compact but very pert busts.

"Like the merchandise?" Kelli asked, a flicker of insecurity in her voice.

He reached up to brush his fingers over their velvety skin, self-conscious about his rough hands against their softness. "You're a couple of smoking hot bitc-... beautiful women," he murmured, correcting himself.

Perl's eyes gleamed and she leaned closer. "You don't have to be polite... you can say whatever nasty things you like... we love it..."

"Dirty talk gets her going," Kelli said with a grin, peeling off her shorts and grinning at the big damp patch. "Told you I was horny..."

Wriggling out of her own shorts, Perl patted the bed beside Tony and smiled at Kelli. "I better double-check your pussy, baby. You're gonna have to be lubed-up to take that beast."

The brunette climbed over the speechless ganger, pausing only to grind her glistening labia against his shaft with a low moan. He was pretty sure checking was unnecessary after the slick way she glided on him, but Kelli quickly rolled to the empty space on the bed. She lay back and spread her legs obscenely for her friend, drawing her knees up so they framed her perky chest. Perl moved with deliberate slowness, a coy smile on her face for Tony as she knelt between those splayed thighs. Moving with practiced familiarity she descended on Kelli's sex, covering her clit with her mouth and lapping away immediately.

"Oh, Perl..." the brunette cooed, running her fingers through those blonde locks. She turned to look at Tony through hooded eyes. "This okay? You don't mind us playing first?"

He rolled onto his side and cupped one of her breasts, kneading the flesh, and brushing his thumb over her puffy nipples. "You two look hot together..."

Kelli pulled him down for a kiss, her eyelashes fluttering as Perl slid a couple of fingers inside her. She groaned into his mouth as their lips met, her tongue flickering against his as the kiss deepened. Her breathing got heavier as the blonde sucked and licked her clit, leaving Kelli teetering on the brink of climax.

"There, all ready," Perl said with satisfaction, wiping the brunette's juices from her mouth. She reached for his cock and gave him a sympathetic squeeze. "Let's get this where it belongs..."

Tony moved into position, replacing the blonde between Kelli's thighs. His eyes were drawn to the moisture beading her neat lower lips that made her glisten in the light. The petite girl was definitely ready, but whether she'd actually be able to take him he wasn't so sure.

Perl pressed herself to his side, her hand stroking his back as she looked down at the panting brunette. "I'm going to help Tony ruin you for other men..."

Kelli gazed starry-eyed up at him. "There won't be any other men... not anymore. I'm his now..."

His heart pounded in his chest when he saw that look and Tony glanced at the excited blonde beside him. "Can you help me make it real good for her?"

Perl's gaze softened and she gave him a soulful kiss. "I'm gonna tell you all her secrets, baby. You own her slutty pussy now... and mine too."

Tony kissed her fiercely, then turned his attention to Kelli, lining himself up with her sopping hole. The brunette moaned wantonly, wriggling around as though trying to impale herself.

"Take it slow with that fat cock, she's a tight little girl, even if she is ready to fuck..." Perl hissed, her fingers busy on her own clit. "Stretch her out nice and easy..."

He started pushing forward, watching Kelli's lips form a perfect oval as she felt his girth spreading her wide.

"Holy Fuck!" she squeaked, her pupils like big dark pools as she stared at him in wonder.

Following Perl's advice, he took his time, pausing every few inches to let the young woman adjust to the penetration until the blonde squeezed his ass to urge him onwards. Kelli was incredibly tight and he could feel her inner walls stretching to accommodate him, then fluttering wildly around his shaft. She whimpered as he went deeper, but made no move to stop him, her thighs trembling as she finally took his full length.

"You're stuffed full, baby," Perl murmured, moving up the bed to lie next to the impaled brunette. "Does that big cock feel good?"

"So hot and hard..." Kelli moaned, writhing helplessly beneath him. She gazed up at Tony and panted, "I fucking love it!"

Perl's hands moving to caress those pale breasts, before she nuzzled into Kelli's neck, kissing her exposed throat. When Tony started to move too, Kelli's eyes rolled back and she cried out as she climaxed, having been teetering on the edge for what felt like hours. Shaking uncontrollably, she bucked back against him, her body responding instinctively to his thrusts. The blonde began showing him where all Kelli's most sensitive spots were and what she really liked and when. It was like being read an instruction manual on how to drive the girl crazy, and as he ramped up the pace, he followed Perl's advice to spectacular results.

Kelli climaxed over and over again, whimpering for Tony to stop, then begging him to keep going, a helpless slave to the ecstasy her lovers were coaxing out of her. They finished with Tony gazing deep into Kelli's shocked eyes as he pumped her womb full of cum, the brunette announcing her final release in a wordless orgasmic scream.

"Never seen a girl go crazy like that before..." Tony groaned in disbelief, sliding his softening cock out of Kelli, who lay sprawled insensate on the bed. "Hottest thing I've ever seen."

"You taught her pussy who was boss," Perl purred with satisfaction, her eager tongue darting out to lick his cum-covered length. "Now, let me just clean you up..."

When she was satisfied with her handiwork, she moved over to Kelli and made eye-contact with Tony as she licked their combined cum from those puffy lips. The brunette let out a feeble moan as she twitched on the bed, too exhausted and dazed to respond with anything more. Tony watched Perl slowly and lovingly lapping at her friend, her throat bobbing as she swallowed everything he'd pumped into Kelli. She was in no hurry, taking her time to finish the job while gently soothing the brunette's swollen pussy. By the time Perl had finished, Tony had started stiffening again, incredibly turned on by the lustful looks she'd been giving him as she filled her tummy with his sperm.

The blonde pulled back and gave his throbbing shaft a hungry look. "You ready to break in another horny little bitch? Perl needs it real bad..."

"C'mere, sexy girl," he replied, grabbing her and pulling her over him as she giggled in delight.

Her laughter died as Perl found herself straddling him, the contact of his cock to her glistening pussy like a bolt of electricity coursing through her body. Biting her lower lip, she looked at Tony under long lashes as she lined up his throbbing head with her entrance and started rolling her hips, easing him inside. He held her slim waist in his broad hands, and looked down at where they were joined, watching as his thick cock inched its way into the tiny opening. Perl relaxed, letting him slide deeper into her snug depths, every inch gripped tight by her velvety passage.

She took all of him, her obscenely spread lips touching his groin at the same time his blunt head gently nudged her cervix. It was like a switch had been flipped in her and the wild gleam in her eyes softened as she gazed down at him.

"Oh, Tony..." she whispered, leaning forward for a kiss.

This was new for him too as Perl melted into his arms, the blissful expression on her face making his heart skip a beat. They kissed with languid passion, just revelling in the connection as their relationship was irrevocably changed from friends to lovers.
