Three Square Meals Ch. 141


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"Are you going to make me into a completely different person, like you did to Sarinia?" Beldrea asked, her expression conflicted.

John paused for a moment, as he considered how to answer. "No, nothing so dramatic. The best way to think about it, is that your personalities have been badly wounded and I'm going to heal them. All those times you suffered abuse from your mother left scars... not just physical ones but emotional too. Being teased and bullied by your older sisters took their toll as well, and you learned to guard your emotions so you wouldn't keep getting hurt. You're not the only ones who've been abused like this... sadly I've seen it a dozen times before."

Kelenis face crumbled and she fought back tears. "I really wanted to meet the Lionesses, but I was scared they wouldn't like me. Then the other matriarchs talked to them and were having fun... and I was so jealous I couldn't stand it."

Beldrea glanced at the noblewoman in shock. "I felt the same way..." she choked out in a hoarse whisper.

"Come here you two," John said with sympathy, opening his arms to them.

They slid off the seats and into his embrace, their shoulders shaking as they broke down and wept, overcome by all the unfamiliar emotions that had been stirred up.

"Everything's going to be okay," he said soothingly as he held them close. "I'm here to take care of you now."


The chime of the alarm echoed through Lynette Devereux's quarters and her eyes snapped open as she woke. "Alarm off," she called out, flinging aside the covers.

Sliding out of bed, Lynette felt refreshed and energised, raring to go despite the early hour. Only a month ago, she would've awoken to numerous aches and pains, but those had all been banished as John had rejuvenated her body to its prime. Lynette entered the shower and smiled appreciatively as she soaped down her magnificent athletic figure. Truthfully, she'd never looked this good thirty years ago, but she wasn't a secret Lioness back then either.

After drying and getting dressed in her Fleet Admiral's uniform, she checked the time and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning. Her fleet was approaching the Outer Rim and making rapid progress towards Brecken's World, being scheduled to arrive at 21:00 that evening. Before they reached their destination, she had a lot of important preparations to make.

Lynette activated the comms interface and swept through all the messages that had arrived during the night. She snapped off several replies to the most urgent of those, then spent a few minutes composing a message to her fiancé. After telling Charles that she loved and missed him, Lynette added that she wished she could be with him for breakfast. She giggled to herself as she dispatched the message, then bit her lip at the inadvertent slip. It was difficult to remember that she was supposed to be a seasoned veteran in her fifties, when the hormones coursing through her nubile body sometimes made her act like the twenty-year-old she'd physically become.

Reminded of the need to conceal her appearance, Lynette pulled on her peaked cap, then activated a set of microscopic emitters using the device in her pocket. A moment later she was shrouded in a sophisticated holographic disguise, masking her spectacular beauty with the plain features of the dowdy middle-aged woman she had previously been. With her shield generator and laser pistol strapped to her waist, Lynette left her quarters and proceeded to the Bridge.

The Command Deck of the Aphrodite was silent at this hour, the crew all feeling the strain after working the night shift. The one exception was Rear Admiral Tamar Kahale, who sat bright and alert in her Command Chair, eyes locked on the holographic Sector Map that floated in the centre of the huge room. Lynette could see their flight path tracked on that map, the glowing line heading directly towards a beautiful green planet on the outskirts of the Terran Federation.

"Good morning, Tamar," Lynette said quietly, as she walked up the illuminated steps to the Command Podium.

Tamar was so engrossed in the map that she didn't hear her commanding officer's greeting. When Lynette gently patted her shoulder, the copper-skinned woman jumped in surprise.

"I'm so sorry, Fleet Admiral!" she apologised profusely. "I didn't hear you arrive."

"That's quite alright," Lynette said with an amiable smile. "What's got you so distracted?"

Tamar's brown eyes snapped back to the map and followed the fleet as it continued along its interstellar journey. "I can't get over how fast we're travelling... it just doesn't seem real. And the range on this new sensor array is unbelievable!"

Lynette leaned against the executive officer's chair and nodded in agreement. "I remember the first time I boarded the Invictus. Stepping onto their Bridge was like taking a trip into the future."

"You've been aboard John Blake's ship?" Tamar asked, looking intrigued. "I saw the footage of that assault cruiser in the Battle of Terra; I can't believe the firepower they have in a vessel that size."

"It's even more powerful now..." Lynette said, thinking about all the upgrades the Invictus had received recently.

Frowning in confusion, Tamar dropped her voice and whispered, "How? I don't understand where he's getting all that tech from."

Lynette gestured to the Aphrodite's Bridge. "All the tech upgrades we've refitted on this fleet were traded with our neighbours. The FTL drive came from the Ashanath, the heatsinks from the Kintark, the shields from the Brimorians, and our engines from the Trankarans."

"I know... I read the executive summary of the tech schematics during the refit," Tamar said, her eyes narrowing. "But I'm talking about the tech on the Invictus itself. The Aphrodite has gone through a massive upgrade... but it's still a pale shadow of what Blake's ship is capable of."

Studying the other woman for a moment, Lynette glanced towards the battleship's Ready Room. "Let's continue this discussion in private."

Tamar gave a curt nod, but the gleam in her eyes reflected her excitement. She darted down the steps and walked at a brisk pace across the Bridge to the adjoining room. "Would you like a coffee, Fleet Admiral?" she asked as she opened the door.

Lynette followed her inside and took a seat on one of the sofas. "Yes please... and there's no need to be so formal, Tamar."

The dark-haired officer poured out the steaming black drinks then handed over a cup. "Of course, Lynette. Now, you were about to tell me about the tech on the Invictus?"

"That's right," the Fleet Admiral replied soberly. "It's classified."

Tamar's brow furrowed in frustration, then the officer smiled when she realised she was being teased. "Alright, I sailed right into that."

Breaking into a smile herself, Lynette took a sip from her drink. "This is beyond your clearance level, but I feel like I can trust you. Am I right in that belief?"

"Absolutely," Tamar said without hesitation. "I'm loyal to you Fleet Admiral, I always have been. I supported you back when you were trying to depose Buckingham."

Lynette studied her speculatively. "That's good to know. I'm always on the lookout for capable, intelligent officers. I have big plans for the Terran Federation and a woman I can trust could have a very promising future in the Admiralty."

Tamar looked delighted and tried to mask her grin by taking a sip of coffee.

The Fleet Admiral paused for a moment and glanced out the window at the vista of stars sweeping past. "Some of the technology aboard Blake's cruiser was obtained from the Maliri. I'm sure you'll never forget those blasts the Invictus used to decimate Kintark capital ships... well they came from a Nova Lance, which is usually mounted on a Maliri battleship."

Tamar let out a low whistle. "Incredible... I thought the Maliri never parted with their tech?"

"They never have before... but John's got a very special relationship with the Maliri," Lynette replied, focusing on the other officer again. "I'm sure he'll share that technology with the Terran Federation at some point, but those weapons require unique manufacturing capabilities that we don't possess yet."

The Rear Admiral could only shake her head in astonishment at the thought of one day commanding a ship armed with that much firepower. "You mentioned that Blake has upgraded the Invictus since the Battle of Terra; it's hard to believe that the Maliri have weapons that are even more destructive than a Nova Lance."

Lynette met her questioning gaze and quietly replied, "They don't... but there are civilisations out in the galaxy that are even more powerful than the Maliri."

Tamar was stunned to hear that declaration, which dramatically upended her perception of the galaxy and humanity's place within it. "Are they a threat? Who are they and where are they located?!"

"I'm afraid that really is above your clearance level," Lynette said with an apologetic smile. "Only a handful of people in High Command know the answers to those questions... but like I said earlier, I think you have potential."

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes and sipped their coffee, with Tamar trying to digest everything she'd just learned.

She looked at Lynette inquisitively, but realised the Fleet Admiral was not going to be forthcoming with any more top secret intel. "Was there something else you wanted to discuss with me? I'm assuming that you didn't visit the Bridge just to drop tantalising hints about mysterious alien civilisations?"

Lynette laughed and put down her cup. "You're right, there was something else; I wanted to talk about the fleet's approach to Brecken's World when we arrive at the system. What are your current plans?"

"I was going to follow standard protocols and establish a close defensive cordon around the planet," Tamar explained. "It's a Head-of-State visit, so there's plenty of justification for deploying a garrison of 20,000 troops in their capital. A show of force should intimidate the populace enough to keep any rebellious elements in line."

The Fleet Admiral steepled her hands and tapped her index fingers together as she mulled it over. "I thought you might take that approach, but I'm not sure it's the wisest course of action considering the circumstances. I'm here to convince the colonies that staying loyal to the Terran Federation is in their best interests, not threaten them into obedience."

"I'm happy to alter my plans to accommodate you, Lynette," Tamar said. "If you have an alternative suggestion in mind, I'll do my best to facilitate it."

"We have to handle this mission with a great deal of tact and discretion. For that reason, I don't want the fleet orbiting Brecken's world... I'd like you to assume a neutral formation on the periphery of the system."

"If the planetary population riots, our troops won't have immediate orbital support," Tamar protested, frowning in disapproval.

"I don't want to deploy a garrison either..."

Tamar gaped at her in shock. "But you'll be left totally exposed! Without any troops deployed, any crackpot with a grudge might decide to assassinate the Fleet Admiral of the Terran Federation. I can't possibly condone this, Lynette, it's reckless to the extreme!"

Lynette shook her head and patiently explained, "If we send thousands of troops down to the surface, it could be seen as an occupation, which is only going to make the population more resentful. You know how High Command has dealt with rebellions before and deploying the fleet in orbit will be like holding the constant threat of a planetary bombardment over their heads. I'm going to have a hard enough time convincing the governors that the Admiralty has their best interests at heart without making them more scared and angry."

"You can't go there alone, it's just asking for trouble!" Tamar persisted.

"Oh, I didn't say I was going alone," Lynette said with a reassuring smile. "I'll arrive at Brecken's World on the Aphrodite; it's an impressive ship and fitting transportation for a Fleet Admiral. The Zelus can accompany me down to the planet and I'll leave my personal security in the hands of Commander MacCallum. I think that toes the fine line between ensuring my safety and intimidating the population with an invasion of troops."

Tamar was quiet for a long moment. "I still think you're taking a big risk, Lynette. You're placing a lot of trust in people that are teetering on the brink of rebellion."

Lynette let out a weary sigh and slumped in her seat. "Yes... trust... that's what this boils down to, doesn't it? High Command betrayed the colonists' trust and abandoned them to the Kirrix. I need to restore their faith in the Admiralty and the best way of doing that is by placing my trust in them. This situation's escalating rapidly and we're running out of options."

As much as she wanted to object, Tamar reluctantly nodded in agreement.


"That's right, little kittens," Jade said softly, cradling Beldrea and Kelenis as they suckled from her breasts. "Fill up your tummies."

The trio were curled up on the bed together, the two Maliri matriarchs in a blissful daze as the Nymph shared out John's load between them.

Edraele slipped her hand into John's and darted a smile at him as they left the cabin. "You did so well with those two. You've made a dramatic difference to them already."

"Those poor girls were tortured by their own mothers for decades," he said, accompanying the Maliri Queen out into the palace gardens. "They desperately needed some kindness and sympathy."

"Vestele Waephyra will be arriving at Genthalas this evening," Edraele informed him as they walked inside. "Now that Jade's fed Beldrea and Kelenis, Vestele will be the last matriarch with short hair."

"I want to investigate the Mists of Loralar today, but we'll return to Genthalas to heal her."

"And then you'll be thousands of light years away in the Larathyran Empire," she murmured, her expression conflicted.

"If we can find a hyper-warp gate... yes, that's the plan," John agreed, giving her hand a comforting squeeze. He looked at her with concern and continued, "You're really struggling with us leaving again, aren't you?"

She gave him a strained smile. "Ignore me, I'm just being silly."

He brought them to a halt and looked into her troubled eyes. "No, it's more than that. What's wrong, Edraele?"

The Maliri Queen took a deep breath then gazed away into the distance. "I can't shake this feeling of impending disaster," she said in a hushed voice. "The thought of you leaving me behind fills my heart with dread."

"Is there anything I can do?" John asked, pulling her into a hug.

*This isn't your fault... it's Saelihn Immanthe making her feel this way,* Alyssa interjected, her voice turning solemn. *There are echoes of Valada all over the palace and Edraele must be picking up on the psychic traces she left behind.*

*Why didn't you say anything before?* John asked his blonde matriarch.

*I've been fine over the last few days. I don't think Valada spent much time lounging around by the pool in a bikini,* she joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood. Realising that John wasn't going to be dissuaded, she continued, *It was easy to separate my feelings from Valada's because I have no intention of letting you leave here without me. I didn't think anyone else would sense anything, so I didn't mention it, but you've been massively expanding Edraele's eldritch network recently and it must have made her stronger... and more sensitive to psychic echoes.*

"Sorry," he said to his Maliri matriarch, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "It looks like this was my fault after all."

She hugged him back and sighed with relief. "I was worried I was overreacting. At least I know why I'm feeling this way."

"You should head back to Genthalas after breakfast," John said as they separated. "I want to limit your exposure to these echoes if they're upsetting you."

"I'll return there with the matriarchs," Edraele agreed. "Emandra Holaris found it too painful to be around the others last night, so she's already back on Genthalas."

They headed deeper into the palace and soon heard the sound of laughter and animated conversation drifting through the corridors. Despite the tragic history of the palace, the present occupants were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

"Good morning, ladies," John said, smiling at the dozens of women in the dining room.

The Lionesses and matriarchs were seated around several large dining tables, and they all turned to joyfully welcome him to join them. John was pleased to note that rather than sitting in cliques, Alyssa's and Edraele's wards were completely intermingled together.

*I saved you a seat,* the blonde said, patting one of the two vacant chairs beside her.

John led Edraele to one of the empty seats and held it out for her as she sat down, then turned to address the group. He hadn't planned on making any speeches, but the chatter had fallen silent and everyone seemed to be watching him with anticipation.

"It's wonderful to see all of you here this morning," he began, slowly walking around the room and brushing his fingers across Calara's shoulder then Nakiasha's. "I can see that you've made some new friends and I couldn't have asked for a better result from the party last night."

He continued circulating around the room, making brief contact with each of the matriarchs and Lionesses as he passed.

"I was really impressed by the way all of you embraced the spirit of the evening," he said, gently caressing Kehlarissa's back. "I know that for some of you, putting past differences aside must have been incredibly difficult... and for others, talking to complete strangers would've been a real act of bravery."

Phelora looked up at him as his fingers brushed across her bare skin, her eyes shining with joy at his warm praise.

"I saw the effort you put in... and I'm very proud of each and every one of you," he said earnestly. Pausing behind Marsendra and Lyvia, he continued, "Before I was introduced to the newest additions to our group, I must admit that I had some reservations about what you might be like."

"I'm not surprised... you'd met our mothers," Faranise interjected, her joke generating a flurry of laughter.

"I had... and I'm relieved to say that you're nothing like them," John said solemnly. "Over the last three days, I've had the pleasure of meeting some truly remarkable women. You've banished all of my concerns and I can honestly say that I'd be delighted to spend the rest of eternity with each and every one of you... which is very fortunate considering the circumstances."

They all laughed again, but there was an undercurrent of sexual tension in the air now, which ratcheted up several notches when he stopped beside Kali. John massaged her shoulders and when she tilted her head back with her lips pursed, he leaned down to give her a tender kiss.

"I know what all of you want... and I've made you some promises that I'm eager to keep," he said, glancing around and making brief eye contact with each of the new matriarchs. "But our first and foremost priority must be protecting ourselves from the Progenitors. When we've purged their tyranny from the galaxy, we can all focus on something far more important... our future together."

That part resonated with the Lionesses even more than the matriarchs, and he could see the looks of hope and anticipation in their eyes.

Dana leapt to her feet and declared, "Alright, let's go kick some ass! I wanna get knocked up!"

That defused the tension in the room as they all laughed at her playful antics.

John walked around to the grinning redhead and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Sounds good to me."

His audience broke into a round of applause and John smiled at them as he returned to his seat. He'd just sat down when Tsarra Perfaren cleared her throat and rose from her chair, drawing everyone's attention.