Three Square Meals Ch. 142


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"She was only acting on your behalf," Rachel countered, studying him intently. "You didn't order the assassinations, and would've handled the situation very differently if you'd been present, but Edraele achieved the best solution possible given the circumstances. Four tyrannical matriarchs were deposed and noblewomen who hadn't been corrupted by Maliri politics were given the power to help you transform the Regency for the better. All the Young Matriarchs love Edraele for everything she's done for them, but they all know that she only intervened to help you achieve your goals."

He considered that for a moment, then conceded her point with a nod.

Rachel smiled, then continued, "After the Young Matriarchs were rescued, their lives then went through a miraculous transformation. They now rule their respective Houses and are greatly respected by their peers and associates. They're surrounded by wonderful new friends who genuinely care about them, just as they care deeply about each other. They all love you with every fibre of their being... and know in their heart that those feelings are reciprocated. Finally, they're fulfilling their duty in rebuilding their noble line, by having children with the most incredible person they've ever met."

"Alright, I see what you're saying. That does sound pretty good," John said, flushing at her glowing praise.

"It does," Rachel readily agreed. "The Young Matriarchs are so profoundly grateful to you that they would quite literally do anything within their power to please you. This kind of response towards a Progenitor is instinctive and built into their DNA, but you've made the effect even more pronounced by genuinely trying to make them as blissfully happy as you can. They have no expectations that they'll get to spend time with you, but any attention they do receive will be welcomed with open arms."

"But just because they don't expect to spend time with me doesn't mean I should take advantage of that," John said with a frown. "They are the mothers of my children and they deserve as much attention as I can give them."

"I know you feel that way and it's a lovely sentiment," Rachel said, caressing his cheek. "I'm just advising you that it's almost impossible to fail here and end up disappointing them. The Maliri have been genetically bred to be part of a massive harem attending to an unappreciative Progenitor's every twisted whim. The fact that you're not like that... at all... and truly love those wonderful girls, has them all floating on clouds. They might technically be your thralls, but they chose this life of their own free will, and you've rewarded them a hundredfold for it."

He was quiet for a moment as he took in everything she was saying and tried to look at it from the Maliri's perspective. It was very difficult, because their outlook was so alien to his own.

"The way they feel is never going to change, John," Rachel murmured, given him a gentle kiss. "Agreeing to start a family with the Young Matriarchs took everything to another level. Those girls are totally devoted to you and will do everything they can to support you in reforming the Protectorate and fighting the Progenitor War. They'd actually be mortified if they ever found out that you've been worrying about keeping them happy, so please don't say anything."

"I won't," he agreed, having no intention of upsetting them.

"Does hearing that help alleviate any concerns?" she asked, looking at him hopefully. "I can honestly say that I don't think you could make the Young Matriarchs any happier than they are now."

John nodded thoughtfully, then brushed his hand through her long tawny hair, feeling the silky softness slip through his fingers. "What about you? How do you feel about the Maliri?"

"I really enjoyed seeing you get the Young Matriarchs pregnant," she replied with a coy smile. "Watching you conceive a baby with Kali last night was thrilling."

"That's not quite what I meant," he said, looking into her eyes. "I know you don't get jealous anymore... but do you feel any kind of resentment towards the Maliri for monopolising my time?"

Rachel paused to consider her feelings, then shook her head. "I honestly don't. They're all such sweet girls and it was lovely to see how happy they are with each other, with you, and with their pregnancies. There's a big part of me that wishes I could share that too... to be able to start my own family with you and all the other Lionesses. However, I could never leave you to fight the Progenitor War without me... so I know I just have to be patient."

His gaze dropped to her stomach and he reached out to gently stroke her with the backs of his fingers. "I wish that things were different. That you didn't have to wait... that I could've started a family with you months ago."

She let out a wistful sigh, then leaned in for a hug. "I wasn't intending to tell you this, but Nyrelle said essentially the same thing."

"What do you mean?"

Rachel snuggled in closer and said softly, "Nyrelle is elated that she's pregnant, but also feels guilty that she's carrying one of your firstborn children and not me. All the Young Matriarchs felt the same way... until we convinced the Maliri that we were all overjoyed for them. After we watched you impregnate Kali, her friends showed us their appreciation... and believe me, they were very appreciative."

John looked at her in surprise. "All four?"

"I know I said that they'd become couples, but those girls have spent a lot of time in bed together. They've definitely been focusing on their teamwork," she replied in a sultry grin.

He burst into laughter. "So that's how you figured out they haven't been pining away for me?"

"Partly, but you can't really miss how into each other they are. You've been distracted with meeting all the new matriarchs over the past few days, but next time you spend some time alone with Tsarra and the others, see for yourself."

"Alright, I will," he agreed, giving her a grateful smile. "Thank you for discussing this with me. I've been really concerned about trying to split my time between so many women, but it's a huge relief to know that I might have been worrying for nothing."

"It's not nothing," she said tenderly. "I'm always touched by how much you care about all of us, especially considering everything else you're dealing with at the moment. My advice is to just trust in Edraele and Alyssa; they'll warn you if there's a problem with any of the girls feeling neglected."

*Wise words indeed,* the Maliri Queen said with a hint of amusement.

*You heard her... Doctor's orders,* Alyssa teased him a moment later.

"I'll take that under advisement, Dr. Voss," John said, rising from the sofa and offering her a hand. "Now, I better let you join the others. We've only got a few hours until the Invictus reaches the nebula and we need to plan how we're going to get through the Mists."

"Right away, Admiral," she said with a grin. "Thanks for the lovely hugs... I really missed those."

"Any time, honey," he said, giving her a kiss goodbye before she headed for the Bridge.

John watched her leave, then was just about to clear away the coffee cups when one of the cleaning robots practically sprinted into the Officers' Lounge. She skidded to a halt by the table, her expressive features set into a caricature of mock indignity.

[Monsieur, this is inacceptable!] Trois protested in her outrageous French accent. [Are you trying to see me destitute? Cast aside to the inhospitable streets of Paris?!]

He froze and looked at her in surprise. "No, of course not. What's the problem?"

She used her feather duster to playfully bat away his hands that had been reaching for the coffee cups. [Madame Daphne would be outraged to see his Excellency the Admiral cleaning like a lowly scullion! She would naturally assume that Trois was neglecting her responsabilités once again!]

"I don't want to get you in any trouble," he replied, withdrawing his hands to a safe distance.

[You're forgiven, Monsieur. I wouldn't want to get a spanking again... at least not from the Madame!] she said, giving him a saucy wink.

John laughed at her bawdy flirtation and watched as she deftly cleared away the cups. Trois bit her lip as she cleaned, her long eyelashes fluttering as she wiped up a water ring from the table, making the surface pristine once again. He realised that the cleaning robot must have been waiting just outside the Lounge door, desperate for the first opportunity to clear up after him. He paused and studied the cleaning robot for a moment, thinking back over their brief conversation.

"The Lounge looks spotless, mademoiselle," he declared, playing along with the automaton. "I shall pass on my compliments to Madame Daphne."

Trois looked at him in surprise, then beamed in delight. [Oh, Monsieur! Merci beaucoup!]

"You're welcome," he said with a sweeping bow.

She giggled and curtsied in return.

John was about to leave when he was struck by a sudden thought. There was something about the robot's banter that resonated with a ring of truth to it.

"Trois, may I ask you a question?" he enquired politely.

[Of course, Monsieur!] she replied, pausing on her way to the kitchen.

"You said that you've been in trouble with Daphne before," he stated, watching as Trois suddenly froze, a look of consternation on her cute synthetic face. "Was that when we asked the Collective to help us inspect the Invictus' gun batteries?"

Her expression shifted again, and she looked stricken with guilt. [+++ stated with infinite regret +++ [Begin statement] My dereliction of duty placed the Invictus, the Collective, and array [Invictus crew] in jeopardy. {Little_One} refused my request for self-termination, but I have granted {Admiral John Blake} administrative privileges and that decision can be overridden. Do you wish to proceed?[/End statement]]

John looked at her in shock. "No, of course not!"

The cleaning robot didn't respond and just hung her head in shame.

"Come here," John said gently, pulling the synthetic girl into his arms. "I'd never order you to do something like that. Please don't ever think about harming yourself again, Trois."

[I will delete that subroutine,] she replied contritely, her voice regaining some of its earlier animation.

"Thank you," John said with relief. "What happened with the gun batteries wasn't your fault. We were still recovering from the disaster on Arcadia and I asked far too much of the Collective because we were desperate. You were programmed for cleaning duties and it wasn't fair of us to suddenly expect you to be able to assist with the repairs. I certainly don't blame you for what happened... and I'm very sorry that you've been so upset. Will you forgive me?"

Trois nodded and gratefully returned his hug. [No forgiveness is necessary. All of the Collective wanted to fix our home too.]

"Let's say no more about it then," John said, giving her a sympathetic smile.

[Absolument!] she replied with a cheeky giggle, before tickling his nose with her duster.

Pleased to see her looking happy once again, John turned to leave, but paused when he felt her hand gently touch his arm.

[Thank you,] Trois said quietly.

He looked into her eyes and nodded, feeling a strong sense of solidarity with the cleaning robot. "You're welcome."

When John left the Officers' Lounge, he found his thoughts turning to Faye. He knew that she would've been overjoyed to see how far the Collective had come, the fledgling AIs faithfully following in her footsteps. The robots had proven themselves to be fiercely loyal to the Invictus and her crew, pushing themselves to the limit to assist in any way that they could... as their creator had before them.

John stepped into the grav-tube and let out a sad sigh. "They're growing up just like you, Faye," he murmured under his breath. "You'd have been very proud of them."

He descended in the red glow of the gravity field, his mind preoccupied with memories of the cheerful purple sprite as he dropped down to Deck Three. Not even a fortnight had passed since they'd lost Faye and he still felt her loss just as keenly as ever. With a visit to Mael'nerak's throneworld looming on the horizon, John could only hope that the architect of Faye's Artificial Intelligence might have left some clue to her construction on Kythshara. Stepping out into the corridor, he tried to put his grief behind him, knowing that dwelling on her loss wouldn't bring Faye back any faster.

John entered the Dojo and saw that Alyssa and Jehanna were there already, the two women standing together in the centre of the sparring area. Neither were wearing remotely practical outfits, the elegant dresses designed to showcase their stunning figures rather than allow for strenuous physical activity. However, the latest addition to the Invictus crew was there to train her mind, not her body, and the lessons were already in full swing.

Holding her hand upraised, Jehanna frowned in intense concentration as she tried to focus her will. Hexagons with a pastel pink tinge flickered into existence before her, interlocking at a torturously slow pace as she attempted to construct a hex barrier. She managed to connect seven together into a neat pattern, then began adding more to the periphery to extend the area of protection. Her frown deepened as she struggled to hold her construct together, then the hexagons in the centre began to waver, the trembling intensifying until the barrier collapsed in a flurry of pink motes.

"Damnit!" Jehanna swore, shaking her head in frustration.

"Don't worry, you're doing really well," Alyssa said, giving the dusky girl an encouraging smile. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as they flicked to John. "Trust me... you're nowhere near the worst student I've had to deal with."

"Really?" Jehanna said in surprise. She turned to look at Alyssa, unsure if it was polite to ask who the blonde was referring to, when she finally noticed they had an audience. "Oh! Hi John!"

"Hello," he replied, walking over to join them. "It looks like you're off to a great start."

She grimaced and rubbed at her temples. "Alyssa makes it look so easy; I've no idea how she can instantly make a complete sphere. The best I can do is create one hexagon at a time, then slowly connect them all together... but I start to lose control after about fifteen and it all falls to pieces!"

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself," John said, putting his arm around the frustrated girl and giving her a supportive squeeze. "Nobody's expecting you to become an expert straight away. It takes time and lots of practice to learn how to use your psychic abilities."

"I just want to be a useful part of the team," she said, giving him a wan smile. "The rest of the Lionesses are amazing; I've got a long way to go to catch up to them."

"You're doing far better than you give yourself credit for," Alyssa interjected. "Most of the girls only learned how to create hex shields in the last couple of weeks."

John nodded in agreement. "You already proved that you're an excellent marksman and solid squad tactician. When you've mastered all your psychic abilities, I think you're going to make an invaluable addition to our ground team."

Jehanna looked delighted, her face lighting up with enthusiasm. "Are you going to teach me some more about how to use Shadow runes?"

"Focus on your hex shield for now. Learning how to protect yourself from psychic attacks is your highest priority."

She nodded her understanding. "Okay, will do. Can you offer me any tips?"

John glanced at his blonde matriarch and grinned self-consciously. "Actually... I'm the terrible student Alyssa was referring to. I'm really not the best person to give you advice."

"John's gifted at many things, but creating shields isn't one of them," Alyssa said with a wry smile. "Am I right, handsome?"

"We all have a natural inclination towards certain psychic runes," he explained. "Rachel's our resident expert at creating hex barriers, so if you want any tips, she's the person to speak to."

Jehanna looked at him curiously, wondering what runes John was inclined towards.

*Don't ask,* Alyssa said firmly, interrupting the former reporter before she could satisfy her curiosity. *I'll explain why later...*

"Everything alright?" John asked, seeing Jehanna open her mouth as if to speak, then snap it shut an instant later.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied, recovering quickly after her goldfish impression. "I suppose I better get back to practicing my hex shields."

"If you want to help research Valada's files, I can keep an eye on Jehanna and make sure she doesn't push herself too hard," Alyssa offered. "I'll let you know when she's ready for some Shadow lessons."

"Alright, thanks," John said gratefully. "Just let me know if you need any help with anything."

The girls waved goodbye then returned to their training session, with Alyssa gesturing for Jehanna to begin again. She frowned in concentration and began carefully forming hexagons, only for the blonde to roll her eyes and wave them away in a shower of pink fragments.

"You're never going to improve by building a hex shield slowly like that. Why don't you try picturing seven hexagons already connected together, then make them appear in a flash," Alyssa suggested, flicking her fingers and instantly creating a shimmering white cluster of hexagons.

Jehanna took a deep breath then made a flourish of her own and an identical group of pink hexagons appeared before her.

"Nice one!" Alyssa enthused, patting her on the back. "Now dismiss it and start over. Practice that a dozen times, then you can try something a bit more challenging..."

Seeing that everything was well in hand, John left the two girls to their training session and departed from the Dojo. He was crossing through the armoury when his practice sword caught his eye, and he walked over to pick up the gleaming blade. Turning it in his hand and watching it catch the light, he thought back to Luna's critique of his fighting style and her encouragement to create one of his own.

*Alyssa? What's Sakura doing at the moment?*

*She's running across the Bridge to the grav-tube, delighted that you need her help,* Alyssa replied drily. *Why do you ask?*

He chuckled at her response. *Never mind, I was just curious. Thanks, Alyssa.*

*You're welcome.*

It didn't take long for the former assassin to appear and Sakura rushed into the Armoury, her eyes shining with excitement. "Hey, John!"

"What a coincidence, I was just thinking about you," he said, returning her smile. "I was wondering if you might be interested in helping me develop a new fighting style? If you want to get back to Valada's research though, I totally understand."

"No, I'd much prefer being with you!" she gushed, bounding over to give him a joyful kiss. "So, how can I help?"

"Could you gear up for me, then start going through the kata for the different fighting styles you know. I'd just like to watch for the moment and think about the strengths and weaknesses of each approach to combat."

"Yes, of course," she agreed, stepping over to the armour-equipping frame.

"Thanks, honey," he said gratefully. "When you're ready, let's head down to the hangar. You'll have plenty of room there and we won't distract Jehanna from her training."

"Makes sense," the Asian girl agreed, as the armour plates were locked into position. "How's Jehanna getting on?"

"She's pushing herself hard," John replied, standing under the second equipping frame to don his own set of armour. "I think she's worried about letting the team down."

Sakura reached for her twin ninjato, then turned to smile at him. "She doesn't want to disappoint you, John."

"I'm not that harsh a taskmaster am I?" he asked, looking at her with concern.
