Three Square Meals Ch. 095


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He could see the Matriarchs nodding in agreement, several of them already glancing towards the woman standing quietly behind him.

"As I'm sure you're well aware, Edraele Valaden has had a dramatic change of heart recently, and is very different from the woman you once feared. I hope that you have already started to feel that you can trust her as I do, and after careful consideration, I have chosen her to lead you as a group and act as my representative."

The nine women before him reacted positively to his announcement, some even looking relieved and smiling at the House Valaden Matriarch.

Leaning forward, John said in a firm authoritative voice, "A distinctive leader will be important as we expand our alliance with other species, and as you know, I would prefer not to rule you directly, only offer my support. Fortunately, the Maliri already have a title for such a role. So that there can be no doubt about the change in direction we are making for the Maliri people, I have decided to elevate Edraele Valaden to that position. Matriarchs, please let me introduce, Queen Edraele."

The reaction to that declaration was much more visceral. Most of the women looked shocked as the position of Queen was suddenly reinstated after thousands of years.

Edraele placed a hand on John's shoulder and her voice was earnest as she said, "Thank you, Baen'thelas, I promise to serve you to the very best of my ability." Turning to address the stunned Matriarchs, she continued, "Just as I will do my best to serve you, my fellow Matriarchs, to protect you and your Houses from the darkness gathering against us. I see this role as an opportunity to reunite our long-fractured people, guiding the Maliri to work together in correcting the problems that have overtaken our society, so that we can live long prosperous lives just as the Protector desires for all of us."

Her sincerity allayed the worst of the Matriarchs' fears and they started to relax, particularly with the reminder that Edraele would merely be acting as John's representative.

"I appreciate that this has come as a surprise," John said, his tone soothing. "I hope that over the next few weeks, you will see that this change is a very positive one for all of you. If you wish to discuss any concerns with me when I return to Genthalas, I will be more than willing to listen. Otherwise, please think of any suggestions for ways I can assist you."

That put a thoughtful smile back on most of their faces, particularly Emandra Holaris who gave him a coy look under her long lashes.

John gave them a warm smile and said, "That's everything I wished to raise with you today. Is there anything you wish to discuss with me?"

There were brief shakes of the head, his audience still reacting to the startling announcements, with several of them giving him a speculative look.

"Thank you for your valuable time, ladies," he said with a respectful nod. "I'll look forward to seeing each of you soon."

The Matriarchs chorused their goodbyes and Edraele closed off the call.

John relaxed back in the chair and blew out his breath. He glanced up at Edraele with a concerned look on his face. "How was that?"

Edraele sat sideways across his lap, her eyes shining with excitement as she said, "You were magnificent! I was so proud of the way you spoke with them! The reminder of the personal meetings with you was inspired, as I'm sure they'll be so focused on that, they'll forget their suspicions and paranoia about me becoming Queen!"

"Yeah, I was hoping that might work," John said with a self-conscious smile. He placed his hand on her slender stomach and continued, "How many do you think will be interested in the same kind of deal as Emandra is obviously desperate for?"

"All of them," Edraele said without a moment's hesitation. "When they see the dramatic effect on her appearance, they'll be lining up to offer you whatever exclusive trade deals you like in exchange for extending their lives for another century or so. They're all older than me and their mortality will be weighing on them."

John paused for a moment and looked into her purple eyes. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing making that kind of deal with them? I know they aren't exactly benevolent leaders, do I really want to extend their rule over their Houses? They've only banned political assassinations because I insisted on it and they responded because of their inbuilt genetic reaction to me as a Progenitor. They're not acting out of any personal desire to do good."

Edraele studied him for a moment, then said quietly, "Are they as vicious and homicidal as I used to be? No, they are not. However, we're talking about varying shades of black here, with all of them responsible for multiple murders. They are not kind-hearted women... at least not yet."

He raised an eyebrow as he returned her look. "So you think I should actively change their personalities?"

"Yes," she replied, without any hesitation. "Under normal circumstances, I would say that they are irredeemable and should be replaced by a younger daughter that has not yet been corrupted by Maliri society."

"I don't plan to re-enact the scenario that created the Young Matriarchs," John replied, with an unsettled frown.

Edraele blushed and shook her head. "I'm not suggesting for one moment that you do. I only took that course of action before because I misunderstood your intent, but I also knew those Matriarchs would never cooperate with me while you were away. Things are very different with you present, however I know you wish to eventually retire to raise a family. I will do my best to keep them in check, but if those women are left to their own devices for several decades, I'm not sure how long your legacy will last. I fear they will require your constant intervention to remind them of your presence."

John was quiet for a while, holding Edraele close as he considered her words. She leaned into him and placed soft kisses on his cheek and neck, while waiting patiently for him to ponder her advice.

Eventually he let out a heavy sigh and admitted, "I had hoped that by showing them a better way, they might learn to be more benevolent leaders."

"Some of them have lived through over two centuries of vicious backstabbing and betrayals, and that was just what they had to endure from their direct relatives," Edraele reminded him gently. "I suppose it's possible that they might be able to change of their own volition, but I think it highly unlikely." She hesitated, a mournful expression on her face. "I'm sorry to leave you with a feeling of disappointment. It was the last thing I intended after your wonderful speech to the Matriarchs."

He gave her a grateful smile. "It's not your fault, I did ask for your advice. You were honest and gave me insightful feedback, just as you always do." Looking away into the distance for a moment, he added, "I don't want to make any hasty decisions. I've got a few weeks until I see Emandra Holaris again, so there's no great rush."

She nodded, then gave him an enigmatic smile. "While we're here on the Andresil Enkana, I should contact the Brimorians and let them know of the imminent arrival of our fleet at the border. Would you like that to be my first official action as Queen of the Protectorate, or would you have me serve you in a different function, My Lord?"

John laughed and shook his head. "You're as insatiable as Dana!" Running his hands over her svelte figure he gave her a playful smile. "Let's save fun with royalty for when you have your crown. Besides, Tsarra did a thorough job of draining me dry and that was only half-an-hour ago."

"I'll look forward to it," she said with a look of satisfaction. Glancing at the comms interface, she added, "I'm happy to call the Ambassador while sitting on your lap, but the Brimorians aren't particularly fond of the Terran Federation and you have made quite a name for yourself, Lion."

"Ah, I suppose I better move then," John said with a grin, lifting her up. He rose to his feet, then moved well out of view of the holo-cameras built into the golden desk.

Edraele retook her seat, then scrolled through an extensive list of contacts until she found the one she was looking for. "We aren't that far from Genwynn Station, it shouldn't take too long to connect," she told him, drumming her fingers on the desk. She paused for a second, leaning over to retrieve the captain's golden armoured helmet from beside the desk, then angled the holo-cams so that they only focused on her head.

"Genwynn Station?" John asked curiously.

"The equivalent of Geniya Trading Port, but intended for the Brimorians rather than the Terrans, Trankarans and all the minor empires," Edraele explained, watching the connection's progress. "They were originally defensive stations dating back many thousands of years, but were recently repurposed as trade hubs. While the rest were shut down and rendered inoperative, there are four still being actively used. Genirath Station is the third, and used to trade with the Kintark, while Genkiri is the closest to the Ashanath Collective."

"I've been to Genkiri, but with Ceraden based in Geniya, I did most of my trading from there," John replied, looking thoughtful. "Are there many more stations that were shut down?"

Edraele nodded, then raised a finger to her lips as the intercom chimed. She placed the helmet on her head, checked to make sure her body wasn't visible, then opened the call.

John had seen the Brimorians before, but it was always unsettling to see one of them again. This particular Brimorian was wearing a toga-like white robe, revealing the shimmering teal-coloured scales that covered its muscular body. It had orange webbed crests above its head and to the side of its mouth, which opened into a sharp-toothed smile when the connection opened.

Cold, black, lifeless eyes gazed at the screen and the Brimorian said in its disconcerting liquid voice, "Matriarch Valaden, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Ambassador Circhoi, how good to see you again," Edraele replied, inclining her head towards him. "This isn't the main reason for my call, but I should inform you of a certain shift in power within the Maliri Regency. Are you aware that we have now become the Maliri Protectorate?"

"I was aware of this," Circhoi replied, its toothy grin widening in an arrogant smirk.

"Excellent," Edraele continued smoothly, unfazed by the tone of his response. "The reason of course, is that I have seen a recent elevation in status. You may now address me as Queen Edraele, for I am now leader of the Maliri."

The Brimorian visibly shook, a silver shimmer flashing across its iridescent scales. "Y-you rule the entire Maliri Protectorate?!"

Edraele's voice dropped a few octaves, dripping with menace. "I do indeed, Ambassador. However, I will not remind you again to address me as Queen."

Circhoi did a strange double gulp as he bobbed his scaly head. "Of course, Queen Edraele! Please forgive me, I did not mean any offence. I was just so... overjoyed... yes, overjoyed to hear of your recent coronation!"

*Aren't you supposed to be ushering in a new era of friendly relations with the Maliri's neighbours?* John asked, watching her intimidating performance with interest.

*Unfortunately, I've had numerous dealings with Ambassador Circhoi and the Brimorians. Trust me, it is far better to keep him on the back foot, than let him believe he has the upper hand,* Edraele replied, while facing rigidly forward towards the holo-screen. *If I ask him nicely, he would politely refuse. Just listen to how he reacts...*

The Brimorian hesitated for a moment, then burbled quietly, "Might I be so bold as to ask the primary purpose of your call, Queen Edraele? Aside from the wondrous news of your justly deserved new status, of course."

"A fleet of my warships is performing an errand in the Trankaran Republic," Edraele declared imperiously. "As a courtesy to my Brimorian friends, I wish to inform you that my fleet will begin traversing the Brimorian Enclave later this morning."

"They'll do nothing of the kind!" Circhoi snarled, baring rows of needle-like teeth. "Queen or not, you have vastly overstepped your bounds! The Brimorian Enclave refuses such passage point blank!"

"Is that so?" Edraele asked, in a decidedly ominous tone. "Need I remind you of the Genwynn Treaty?"

Circhoi looked at her in confusion for a moment. "The trading station? What does that have to do with anything?"

"The treaty was named after the station, that much is correct; Genwynn is where the Enclave's representatives signed the treaty with the Maliri 956 years ago," Edraele informed him in a cold voice. "As you appear to be unaware of the terms, would you care to let me enlighten you?"

The Brimorian Ambassador shivered again, then his forked tongue darted across his teeth. "The exact terms seem to have slipped my mind, Queen Edraele."

"In exchange for a non-aggression pact, and permission to cross the borders of the Maliri Regency to access Genwynn Station for trade purposes, the Brimorian Enclave will grant unrestricted passage to Maliri vessels throughout its territories," Edraele informed him. She leaned forward and said in a quiet voice, "We have not made use of that clause for nine centuries. We choose to do so now."

"B-but, that can't be right!" Circhoi gurgled, his finned crests drooping. "You can't send a warfleet through our territory!"

"So you choose to rescind the treaty?" Edraele asked, leaning back slightly, her voice getting even colder. "You wish to change the status of relations between our empires from non-aggression to... aggression? You are aware of the Maliri's policy towards unwelcome intruders in our territory, are you not? That would of course include every Brimorian currently aboard Genwynn Station..."

"Wait!" Circhoi gasped, raising his three-clawed hands in panic. "I-I need to check this with my government. Only the Deep-Pool can grant this kind of authorisation!"

Edraele inclined her head politely. "Of course, I quite understand Ambassador. You have three hours, seventeen minutes."

"What happens then?" the Brimorian double-gulped.

"That's when my fleet arrives at your border..." she clarified for him. "If they are opposed in any way, then I will be forced to assume the Brimorian Enclave has revoked the Genwynn Treaty."

"I'll call you back!" Circhoi blurted out, darting a frantic look behind him and screeching something in a series of liquid-sounding clicks. His scales flashed silver as his head whipped around to look at her again. "... Queen Edraele."

Edraele shook her head and said magnanimously, "There's no need to go to such trouble on my account. If my Fleet Commander informs me that they were forced to vaporise a hostile Brimorian fleet, then I'll have your answer and respond accordingly. I do hope we are able to speak again sometime in the future, Ambassador Circhoi."

Without waiting for his response, she leaned forward to end the call, the Brimorian's look of relief quite evident despite his alien features as his image faded away.

John gave her a quiet round of applause. "Very convincing, Queen Edraele. Was all of that true about the Genwynn Treaty?"

Edraele removed her borrowed golden helmet then fluffed out her white mane. She smiled as she rose from her chair and gave him a theatrical bow. "Every word was true; they really did sign that treaty nearly a thousand years ago. When the Brimorians started expanding and made contact with the Maliri Regency, the treaty was signed to give us free movement should it ever be necessary. Trade with the Brimorians was beneficial to us of course, and the Houses were too busy fighting each other to want to waste the time or resources slaughtering a neophyte space-faring species."

"Won't threatening to declare war over some ancient treaty make future relations extremely tense?" John asked, looking worried.

Edraele shook her head. "The Brimorians will often try and renegotiate a deal, but they will adhere to a treaty's terms if it's in their benefit to do so. Maintaining the peace with the Maliri and being allowed to trade with Genwynn station is very much in their benefit." She shrugged as she continued, "They signed the treaty; just because the Maliri never left our territory, it's not our problem that they've forgotten all about it."

John slipped his arms around her. "Well it was a very impressive bit of aggressive negotiations. You're very good at being bad."

"Good enough at it to make you want to slap cuffs and a collar on me, and bring me to heel?" she murmured, pressing herself against him and gazing into his eyes.

Before John could reply, his stomach rumbled loudly in protest, and he grinned at her in his embarrassment.

"Oh dear, I really am neglecting you as your Matriarch!" she exclaimed with a frown. "Let's go and get you something nice for brunch. Perhaps you'd like to eat here instead and try some Maliri dishes?"

"Now I am being spoiled," John said with a smile and gave her a grateful kiss.


"Alright Faye, that's the sensor systems linked up to the first section of synthskin," Dana said, glancing up into the sprite's luminous eyes from where she knelt beside the robot's slender purple forearm. "Want to fire them up?"

Faye nodded eagerly, her holographic wings fluttering in a blur as she focused on the robot's internal data-network and activated the relevant sub-system.

"The data stream looks good," Irillith called out from the Engineering Podium. "Temperature and pressure sensors are fully operational."

"Oh my!" Faye gasped, her eyes widening as she stared at Dana. "I can feel you holding my wrist!"

Rachel smiled at Dana, then leaned close to the robot's forearm and blew on the purple synthskin. A ripple of goosebumps freckled the artificial skin, Faye's robotic body reacting just as an organic would have done.

"Oh my gosh!" Faye squeaked, her eyelids fluttering as she wobbled unsteadily.

Irillith laughed at Faye's reaction, then raised a hand in caution, "Be careful, she's not used to all that sensory data yet. You might overload the buffers."

Rachel frowned and said, "I thought we were testing her systems. It's important to get her used to normal human contact..." She swooped down, then placed a delicate kiss on the robot's purple upturned wrist, the synthskin feeling soft and smooth against her lips.

Faye flickered and vanished with a yelp, her elfin face reflecting her utter astonishment.

Irillith sighed and nodded. "Yep, reboot time."

Dana rolled her eyes and poked her girlfriend in the ribs. "Hey, quit fucking around! We weren't sure if the sensor suite was going to be effective, so we've got the sensitivity turned up to maximum!"

"Ah, I didn't know, sorry," Rachel said, giving the two girls a look of apology. She knelt beside the redhead and stared in fascination at the purple forearm. "This Maliri synthskin is absolutely remarkable! It looks so lifelike!"

"Yeah and recolouring it from blue to purple was easy enough," Dana said, looking very pleased with herself. "Hooking it up to the full network of sensors is a bit of a ball-ache, but it'll be worth it when she's done."

The brunette nodded. "Definitely! If Faye's going to pass as a convincing organic, at the very least, she'll need to be able to feel every square inch of her body."

"That's easy for you to say," the redhead grumbled. "You're not the one attaching all the nano-probes!"

Rachel reached for the piece of synthskin moulded for Faye's left hand and studied it for a second. "If you'd like some assistance, I'd be happy to give you a hand?"

"That would be awesome actually, thanks Babes," Dana replied, giving her a grateful smile.

Rachel passed the redhead the moulded synthskin. "Okay then, here's your hand..."