Three Strikes

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Three Strikes and she's history.
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Strike one happened on a cool October night our Junior year in college. We were students at UW in Madison, Wisconsin. Fraternities and Sororities dominated the social life on campus and that night was no exception. My frat was having a booze heavy dance/petting session in the basement of the house. I had been on an assignment to help bring in another keg of beer from the cooler and get it set up. By the time I got back to Sara she had been unattended for at least twenty minutes but had been happily chatting with her Theta sisters when I left.

Perhaps I should say a few things about us before getting into the nitty gritty of the story. My name is Jason Edwards. I come from Oak Park Illinois and I was a moderately successful Track and Field athlete and student. Sara is from Evanston Illinois. Her parents are both Northwestern Professors so she has always been comfortable in the Collegiate athletic and scholastic environment.

I first saw her in line before me at Freshman orientation September, two years before. She was 5'4", fresh scrubbed girl next door like features with flaming red hair and the most perfectly proportioned body I had ever seen on an 18 year old. She laughed nicely at my corny jokes and sort of clumsy introduction and we ended up having a coke in the Union and making a date for the next night.

Orientation week was sort of a blur and then it was right into Rush. We both came from Alumni families and were just sort of carried away into our parents legacy Greek Organizations, Sigma Chi and Sorority Delta Gamma. Through the frantic pace of pledging Greek and the start of classes we somehow managed to date half a dozen times and were getting quite cozy. By late Fall we were still at the heavy kissing and roaming hands stage but if there had been just a little more privacy, I felt confident that we would be moving around the bases soon.

With Thanksgiving at hand a few more opportunities were going to present themselves in our Chicago suburban homes. Thanksgiving Day itself was all family, dinner and football but Friday looked promising. We had made a date for that night and I had the directions to her house. I was just about to leave for the date when we got word that my Grandfather had been taken to the hospital and I was asked to come with my folks to check on him. I therefore reluctantly called Sara and told her I had to cancel and why. We set another date for Saturday afternoon and she told me she would be going out Friday night with some High School friends instead of me.

When we got to the hospital we had to wait in the visitors area for an hour before a nurse came out and told us that Gramps had just had a very minor cardiac issue and was only going to be kept for observation over night. The group of us were told to go home as only Grandma and my Dad were going to be allowed in. Now with nothing to do, I headed up to Evanston to surprise Sara. When I rang to doorbell a woman I took to be her mother answered and I introduced myself and asked for Sara. Her mother looked a little puzzled but then said that she was out with her boyfriend..I guess that I looked a little puzzled also because I told her that I thought that I was her boyfriend. The mother shrugged and told me she was sorry and with that I left.

I found a couple of high school friends and we went out, found some underage beer and spent the evening cursing fickle College bitches. The next morning at ten Sara was on the phone sounding really upset. She could explain, its not what it seems, its an ex boyfriend that she was breaking up with, etc etc etc. When I could get a word in edgewise I told her that I would get together with her that afternoon to straighten out this misunderstanding. I also pointed out that we had never said that we were exclusive and that I couldn't expect to hold her to a standard that neither of us had agreed to. Before she could get a word in after that I told her I would pick her up at 1:00 and with that I hung up.

I really liked Sara and had fallen in lust with her but at this point I wasn't sure if it was love. I guess that I was really just very disappointed that she had neglected to mention her boyfriend to me and me to her Mother. I do know that I had told her I was unencumbered and I suppose I had expected her to share her relationships also. Women.

I don't know what I expected when I pulled up in front of her house that afternoon. What I didn't expect was to see her flying through the front door, throwing herself into my arms and kissing me frantically. With tears streaming down her face she cried over and over how sorry she was and how much she loved me. After several minutes of display in front of her family and neighbors, I maneuvered us into my car and we headed out looking for some privacy and waving to the onlookers as we left.

We found a quiet park and pulled in as she started to calm down and began her explanation. The guy she was out with was her old boyfriend by the name of Rob Anders. They had been steadies in HS but she assumed broken up as they left for College. She was surprised when he called on Friday and only went out with him to complete the break up. She had told her mother that she was seeing someone at school but Mom had always liked Rob and was good friends with his parents. That was the reason she had referred to him as "the" boyfriend. She went on and on about how she was falling in love with me and would do whatever it took to repair the damage she had caused.

My answer was simply to lift her chin up and give her a really deep soul kiss. As our tongues tangled our hands began roving a little more freely and shortly all the good stuff was getting attention and my pants were just about to burst open. As we sat there we did just about everything two 18 year olds could do in daylight hours in a public place. When we came up for air she asked.

"Are we OK?"

In answer I just said "I think it's time to advance the baserunner."

The way she moved back into our kiss told me she understood what I was saying perfectly.

That afternoon, in a seedy little Motel 6, the baserunner got in three runs. In our earlier experimentation we had only seen bits and pieces unclothed. Today we had the time to leisurely investigate every nook and cranny. Granted, the first time was a little frenzied as our genitals got to know each other. Despite the frantic pace of our first fuck I managed to get her off with a big orgasm followed immediately by mine. Happily she told me she was on the Pill and so I had the extreme pleasure of coming off inside her for the first time. As I splashed seeming gallons of cum, she squeezed me hard and screamed her pleasure out loud. As I pumped the last of my first emission into her, I grabbed her butt with both hands pressed old faithful fully fully in and yelled right back at her.

After our first intercourse we never disconnected and our second was making love, pure and simple. For over an hour I moved slowly in and out first in missionary and then rolling over, in cowgirl. Now I could really appreciate and pay homage to her firm little B cups and delectable nipples. After a while I sat up and with overlapped legs we just luxuriated in the pure joy of our skin touching and genitals pleasuring each other. When we came later it was almost an after thought part of the continuum of our joining.

As we separated this time to attend to the bathroom necessities, I started the shower and pulled her in with me. We had great fun loving under the spray and getting our fun parts extra special clean. After we dried off it was back to bed for a serious conversation. I wrapped my arms completely around her naked body and said "Does this mean that I have graduated to the "Boyfriend" title with your Mother?"

"Not only that but I think it would be appropriate to have it tatooed on your forehead. Mother will have to update her Contacts list as soon as I'm done with you today."

"Not done yet?"

"No I'm not. I can feel Mr Happy sort of probing against Miss Kitty so to put it tactfully, I think you are up to it."

Thus began our third session. It wasn't fucking, it was a leisurely, sensuous blending of our minds and bodies.. The particulars of the sex were not important, just our union. Sometime later there was something resembling a joint orgasm and after that we fell into a peaceful slumber.

Hours later we awoke and were immediately bombarded with text and voicemails. Reluctantly we dressed and rejoined the world only this time as a bonded couple.

Then it was back to school. We were together part of every single day and we even found places in borrowed rooms and dorms to practice our bedroom arts. Greek life dominated the social scene and we were both in decent houses. On a pleasant night in Spring at one of the frat dances I took Sara outside and got down on one knee and asked her to wear my pin. She shrieked at of course said YES! and then tried to swallow my tonsils. Getting pinned is of course a precursor to engagement and is really a big deal in Greek oriented colleges. Both of us got the traditional shower by our buddies back at the dorms but that really didn't spoil the mood because that too was part of the tradition.

It took us a couple days but we managed to find a really nice dark spot behind some shrubs in the campus park and formally advanced our relationship to the next level. As we were winding down from round one we were whispering endearments to one another and professing our love. Somehow the whispers turned naturally to pledges of faithfulness forever and absolute honesty with one another.

The next two years sailed along quite smoothly. We were in love, we were an admired couple and we were both doing quite well academically and we were destined for great things. Now back to the beginning of this story. I came into the rec room and started looking for Sara. The lights were turned really low to add to the ambiance in the room and to make it easier for the brothers to cop a feel from their willing dates. Suddenly I saw Sara. She was slow dancing with some guy who I didn't recognize but it wasn't really dancing. It was more like humping on the dance floor. He had her ass in his hands and was pulling her up against his obvious hard on. Her arms were around his neck and it looked like she was a more than willing participant.

Suddenly I knew exactly what had to be done. I strode out to the loving couple and inserted my left hand into her cleavage to find the back of my fraternity pin and with my right I grasped the front. As fast as that, the pin was in my hand and I was saying

"I hope you have a wonderful date Sara and you fella, just keep up with the humping like that and you'll have her creaming all over the floor. Just hope you have a room nearby because she is one fantastic fuck."

With that I took my pin and left the room. As I rushed up the lower level stairs I heard a shriek over the music but I really didn't give a shit. All I cared about was hitting the nearest bar and drowning my sorrows. I guess I did a fairly good job of it because I barely remember a couple of the brothers getting me back to my dorm and positioning the wastebasket next to the bed.

The next morning was Sunday and so I slept in till 11 and then dragged through a shower and wandered over to the house for Sunday Dinner. The President, Chad Sommers grabbed me as I came in and said that his girl Karen had called him that morning and said that there was an explanation for Sara's actions and that I needed to talk to her right after lunch. Chad then added that the guy, a guest of Jimmy Fisher, had been caught spiking girls drinks with some kind of home brew Ex and that some of the brothers had tuned the gent up and that his reproductive equipment wouldn't be working too well from now on. That information helped Sunday dinner go down a little better but I still had a lot of questions about the why's and how's of the event.

I met with Karen in the early afternoon and she explained how drugged out of it Sara and two other girls were when they got back to the dorm last night. Karen had taken them to the campus emergency clinic and all three had blood drawn. Apparently there were traces of Ex in their systems. All three were held over night and the Police were notified.

While the why question had been answered, what still bothered me was how the fuck did she get mixed up with the guy in the first place. The answer wasn't exactly forthcoming when I met her at the clinic. All she could do was cry and sob as she clung to me and the way she was all over me, dissolved my defenses. Even with no makeup and in hospital scrubs, she was the most beautiful and sexy woman I had ever known. Despite my anger, she perversely was giving me a wicked hard on and if it hadn't been for the clinic staff I just might have dropped down and fucked her in place.

Eventually my gentle holding got her to calm down enough to relate the story of last night. Apparently this guy was lining up shots on the bar on the QT because hard alcohol wasn't allowed in the house. He had a group of girls eager for the free shots and one of the girls handed one too Sara to try. It was supposed to be some kind of super expensive whiskey. Being a good sport and a little gullible, Sara tossed off the shot and she said it burned all the way down. It was horrible but it suddenly made her feel really strange and light headed. The next thing she remembered was throwing up in the girls restroom at the fraternity house as she was tended to by Karen and her saying that she had made a spectacle and that you were pissed off.

"The worst thing is that I can't find your pin anywhere. It's not on my dress and I know I was wearing it last night."

"I took it back for safekeeping Sara."

"Why did it need that?"

"If you really want to know it was because you were close to fucking some stranger on the rec room floor sweetheart."

"Oh Fuckl! Thats why you were gone the rest of the night. I'm so sorry honey, I din't know what I was doing and still can't even remember that assholes face. Can you ever forgive me?"

Of course I forgave her and the pin was now proudly displayed on the pert little left breast of every outfit she wore for the rest of our college careers. Forgiveness is one thing but trust is something else. Oh sure I would trust her with my wallet and life savings but could I trust her fidelity? Only time would tell.

For the next year we were together almost every waking moment of the day. It was like she was afraid to give even the slightest impression that there could be another man in her life. On my part I didn't fight it. After all, she was this drop dead gorgeous, sexy young girl that seemed to worship the ground I walked on. I guess I certainly didn't want our relationship to end and so despite my nagging trust issues, I decided to ask her to marry me. Since we had a Spring Break trip to south Florida planned that would be the time.

I debated with myself as to what the setting should be for the proposal. What I choose outdid even myself in planning of lusty, sexy events. After an afternoon of sun and water we had showered together and retired to the king size bed for a little application of Solarcaine fun and adventure. I loved to lather her tight little body up and then gently work the healing creme into every pore of her skin. As usual, I spent extra time working on her laser bald pussy, She especially liked it when I sucked her clit between my lips as I massaged her g spot with two curled up fingers. After her third explosive orgasm I slowly ran my cock up into her and slipped the engagement ring on her third finger. She took one look at it and screamed YES!, YES!, YES! over and over as I accented each YES! with a powerful thrust of my cock. Finally, after about 50 more thrusts I started one of those eye rolling hum dingers of a climax just as she grabbed me in an iron grip with everything in her arms and legs and sobbed out her own orgasm.

The rest of Spring Break was sort of like a marathon of sex with the World Series and Super Bowl thrown in. Sara had always been a highly sexed young lady but boy did we peel off the layers separating lady from slut. Wholesome slut but slut nevertheless and I loved it and her.

The balance of the school year we sort of floated on a sexual cloud nine and surprisingly it didn't affect our academics. Sara ended up graduating with honors in Accounting and Business and was immediately scooped up by a local Big Three accounting firm for her CPA apprenticeship. I didn't graduate yet because I was on a joint program with Commerce and Law. In two more years I would get a dual degree, a BA in Commerce and a JD in law. Sara and I had planned this out carefully. We would marry the following summer and I would graduate the following June with my Law Degree. At that time we would decide if we were going to stay in Wisconsin or move on to a bigger market.

Our sex life through the various academic programs and single to married state was remarkably constant. Except for her period breaks our main form of evening recreation was one form or another of intercourse. It just didn't get old hat and it was a rare day in which we didn't get it on at least once. Money was a little short but the sex was rich and fulfilling. It was so regular that the first thing Sara did when she came it the door was to go into the bedroom and strip down. She would then put on her cute little Japanese style robe that just covered her butt and was held together in front with a simple tie. Only then would dinner prep begin. When I would come in after a day on the Hill, the first course would be readily accessible. One of my favorite things to do was to sit at the kitchen table nursing a beer with Sara on my lap and her cute little nipples available to my lips. Her pussy was always kept smooth and it was an easy thing to just lift her up and onto the table so that I could feast on her delectable inner lips and clit.

Occasionally Sara had to work overtime during her apprenticeship with the Accounting firm but generally it didn't interfere with our love life and the overtime pay helped balance the budget. She was doing well in her job and after the first year she made the dreaded cut, got a nice raise and took the CPA exam. She passed with flying colors and got an incentive bonus for her achievement. Apparently her bosses knew that I was in my last year of law school and that we may be free agents in June.

Their concern was well founded because I was recruited by one of the top firms in our hometown of Chicago. We eagerly accepted and Sara was able to take a transfer to the Chicago office. Our starting dates were both July 1 so we had four weeks to find suitable accommodations within easy mass transit distance of the Loop, get settled, visit a little with our families and most importantly catch up on our fucking, fooling around, fucking, love making and oh yes fucking. We really needed to build up a backlog of sex because the first year in a new firm is really a bitch.

The power structure in a large law firm is a pyramid with the Senior Partners on top. Next are the Partners, Senior Associates, Associates, Junior Associates, Para Legals, Legal Secretaries, Secretaries, File Clerks, Clerks, Mail Girl, Coffee Girl and finally Newly Minted Lawyers. It's not really that bad, officially the newbies are between Associates and Paras but practically speaking, the Secretaries probably knew more practical law than us. Law School is basically about the big picture and grand concepts. It is most importantly about learning how to learn. Most Schools don't teach you how to do much more than that. Go forth young man and be a sponge.

And so, the first year in a firm is learning as much as possible from all the people that will take the time to show you the ropes. You do this while making the Associate to whom you are assigned look really good so that hopefully word of your progress will flow up hill and you can miss the inevitable shit that comes back the other way. So that your wife and/or sig other is not surprised, they tell you up front that if you are not putting in ten to twelve hour days that you probably will not make it past the first year. The bottom line is that your love and other life needs to be strictly and rigorously organized. Couple the workload with studying for the Illinois Bar Exam and the love life really suffers.