Through The Lens Pt. 01

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A sister falls in love with her photographer brother.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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Through The Lens PT1

This story is a report from when i was on here under a different username.

A young woman falls in love with her photographer brother.

Growing up I never realised my sister was attracted to me, in fact I didn't realise it fully until I left home. My name is Richard Lester, my friends call me Rick. Growing up I lived at home with my parents and younger sister. My Dad Paul worked at a local foundry, my mum Helen worked as a cook in a school kitchen. My younger sister Sally was just that, my younger sister. Sally was five years younger than me, as a kid she used to spend time with her friends or watching whatever I was doing.

Mum always had time to listen to me or Sally, my Dad not so much. Dad always liked to go for a drink with his mates, Mum stayed at home. Occasionally Dad would take Mum out, if they could get a sitter for us, if not Dad would go out on his own. When I was old enough, babysitting Sally became my responsibility.

From a very young age I was interested in cameras and photography. My first ever camera was a cheap digital camera I got as a birthday gift. I saved any money I earned from doing odd jobs for people to help pay for a better camera. My problems started when I was fifteen, I told my parents I wanted to do graphic design and photography at sixth form. Straight away Dad got pissed off, I think he thought I was going to follow him into the foundry.

"You need to forget that rubbish and get a proper job!" Dad grumbled at me.

"Dad, that is a proper job." I replied, hoping not to anger him.

"No it isn't. Sitting there poncing about with a computer is a job for a woman, men should do manual work. No wonder this world is going to shit, all these fucking poncy ideas you kids have nowadays." Dad got up and went into the lounge. I was going to follow and talk to him, Mum shook her head as if to say no. Sally sat there looking scared and confused.

After that night Dad took very little interest in what I did, he spoke to me only when he had to. We all noticed how Dad was drinking more, as well as going out more with his mates. If Sally needed any help with school work it fell on Mum or me to help her out.

It was just after my eighteenth birthday that things came to a head between Dad and me. My grandparents had got me a new camera, Mum got me some accessories for it. I was sitting in my room sorting out my old camera when Dad barged in. I could smell the booze on him. He took one look at me and shook his head. As a parting gift he kicked my old camera against the wall, before turning and walking out. The camera was smashed beyond repair, that was the moment I decided to move out of our home as soon as possible.

Sally could see how pissed off I was, she hugged me and said she was sorry for what Dad had done. Mum apologised for him as well, I think she was more relieved it wasn't the new camera that got damaged.

I finished sixth form and found a job almost straight away, three months later I moved out of the house. Mum and Sally were sad to see me leave, they both understood my reasons for leaving. By this time Dad was spending more time out drinking than he was at home. I moved into a grotty little flat close to where I worked, it wasn't much to look at but I felt safer there, away from my Dad.

Sally visited me most weekends, she let me know that Dad was hardly ever at home. It reassured me that he wasn't treating Mum or Sally the way he treated me.

The downside to living away from home was money, specifically the lack of it. My job only paid an entry level salary, most of that went on paying bills and buying food. All of my furniture was second hand, except the bed. My lack of money meant I spent most evenings organising and editing my collection of photographs, sometimes Sally would call me. Our chats broke the monotony of being on my own, it also gave me a chance to keep in touch with Mum as well.

I really enjoyed my job, the people I worked alongside were nice. Luckily there were very few women working there, the few that did were either married or too old for me. I say luckily as I didn't have the money to be able to afford to date. I was in my second year when the company employed another trainee, Denise was nice to look at and she liked to learn. We had been working alongside each other for a few months when Denise threw me with a question.

"Rick, how come you haven't asked me on a date?"

Initially I was shocked, but I struggled to find an answer. I went with the truth. "Simple really, Denise. I like you and would love to take you on a date, the problem is I don't have the money to spend on a night out."

Denise looked at me, and smiled. "Sorry, I didn't realise I was going to be so expensive."

As we worked I explained my situation to Denise. I gave her credit for listening as I told her everything. I hoped as I learnt more I would get a raise, my first task would be to get out of the grotty flat I was renting.

Denise sat and watched me as I worked. "Rick, can you cook?"

I nodded. "Yes, I can. It's hardly gourmet cooking but it's edible, most of the time."

"Okay, well how about you cook me dinner one evening? We can treat it as a date, I'll bring a bottle of wine. How does that sound?"

I agreed and we set the date for Friday night. My culinary skills were not the best, but I managed to cook a nice chicken risotto with a salad. Denise arrived at 7pm, she handed me the bottle of wine before removing her coat. At work Denise was always dressed conservatively, knee length skirts and blouses with no cleavage on show. Tonight she was wearing a short skirt and a t-shirt, she also had on a little make-up. We talked as I served up the food. As we sat down I hoped the food was okay, if I cooked for myself and screwed it up I didn't mind that much.

"This is nice, Rick. You are a better cook than you led me to believe."

"Thank you." I nodded and smiled. "It's nice to cook something different for a change."

We talked as we ate, I learned that Denise was the youngest of three children. Her older brother was in the air force, her older sister was married and expecting her first child. Denise told me her father left home a few years ago for another woman.

"I wish mine had." I replied. "If he had left I might still be living there."

We finished eating and went through to sit on the sofa, I planned to do the dishes when Denise went home. We talked for a while about what we wanted out of life, Denise listened as I told her about my photography hobby.

"Is that why you took the job at Milton's?" She asked.

"Yeah. I want to do the photography side of the job more than the graphic stuff. I hope I won't have to wait too long."

Denise moved and cuddled into me, her arm laying across my stomach. I put my arm around her. We looked at each other before we kissed. It was obvious we were both nervous. Slowly we relaxed and the kissing led to a make out session, I groped Denise's tit through her clothes. Her nipples were hard, as was my cock. We didn't do anything other than make out, after all it was our first date. I walked Denise home, when I kissed her goodnight we arranged to meet again. Sadly Denise was going to spend the weekend at her grandmothers, I said we could talk on Monday. Back at home I washed the dishes and went to bed, I lay there thinking about Denise. My thought's caused my cock to get hard, painfully hard. I masturbated in the hope I would be able to relax and get some sleep. I went to the bathroom to get a washcloth to clean up, it would do for tonight and i would shower in the morning.

When I woke in the morning, I realised I had to go shopping. I had agreed to take a few family portrait pictures in the afternoon, they were for a friend of a friend. Once I completed the shopping I rushed home, put it away and grabbed my camera. The photos were basic family portrait stuff, Mum, Dad and the kids. I took a few of them on the sofa and some of them sitting on a blanket in the garden. Happy with the photos I left for home, as I did the guy passed me fifty pounds. I didn't object as I was planning on doing them for a lot less. I had just finished sorting the photos out and uploading them to share when someone knocked at my door, Sally smiled as she entered the flat.

"Hi Rick. I hope you don't mind me calling round? I had nothing to do and realised we haven't seen each other for a while."

"No, not at all. Fancy a soft drink or a coffee?" I asked.

Sally bought me up to date with things at home. Dad was still going out drinking all the time, Mum wasn't happy but she kept quiet for some reason. Sally told me Dad was starting to moan about her all the time, whatever she did or didn't do was wrong. I smiled and thought welcome to my world. We talked about my job, I mentioned Denise, but did not go into great detail. Sally was in her last year of school, like me she planned on going to sixth form. When Sally left she suggested she might bring Mum next time, I said it was a good idea. I haven't seen my Mum for a while, we spoke on the phone regularly. I refused to visit in case Dad started any trouble.

Denise and I agreed on another date for Saturday night. As I had the unexpected cash from taking the family portrait pictures I said I would splash out for a takeaway, we settled on Chinese food. Not sure if we would get any further than making out, I bought some condoms just in case.

After eating we sat on the sofa, it didn't take long before we started to make out. Denise moaned quietly as my hand slipped inside her t-shirt, I felt her tense up as cupped her breast. The nipple was hard, so I stroked it with my thumb. Denise unfastened my trousers and slipped her hand inside, I nearly shot my load when she held my cock. My hand slid down her body, I stroked her thigh before cupping her pussy.

"Take me to bed, Rick!" I stood up and led Denise to the bedroom. We stood facing each other, I don't know about Denise but I was as nervous as hell.

"Is this your first time?" Denise asked. I looked at the floor, the embarrassment on my face obvious for Denise to see.

I knew Denise had been with one other guy, she said they were together during the last year of school. We undressed and lay on the bed, our hands exploring the other's body. My finger slipped inside Denise's wet pussy. When she sucked my cock it didn't take long for me to come.

Denise swallowed my cum, I didn't expect that. "I like the taste, Rick."

I made my way down to her pussy, I hoped my oral skills were as good as hers. Thankfully Denise kept her pussy neatly trimmed, finding her clit was easy. I must have been doing something right as Denise wriggled as I licked at her pussy, she gasped and closed her thighs against my head as she orgasmed. When Denise recovered she told me to lay down, my cock was standing fully erect. I watched as Denise rolled a condom on my cock. Straddling my waist, Denise lowered herself down on my cock. The sensation as she enveloped my cock with her pussy was amazing. My hands went up to gently grope her breasts. Denise smiled at me as she slowly moved up and down. Denise was breathing heavily, I felt my crotch getting wet as she came.

"Oh God, Yessssssssss!" Denise hissed.

"Fuuuucccckkkk yeah!" My cock twitched as I came again.

Denise rolled off me and lay by my side, she cuddled into me. "I hope you have more energy and condoms, Rick."

We fucked two more times that night. The first was in the trusty missionary position, the second time I took her doggie style. Denise really liked that. She pushed back into me and screamed as she came.

Later that night I walked Denise home, she told me she would consider staying over one night. I kissed her goodnight and made my way back home, I looked forward to her staying over one night. My next purchase of condoms would be a bigger pack, I had a feeling we would be needing them.

Monday night Sally visited me again, this time she had Mum with her. We talked and Mum said Dad was still the same.

"He's either at work or in the pub! His drinking is getting worse, no matter what I say he won't listen."

"I don't know how you put up with it, Mum." I replied

"He's still my husband, Rick. I just hope he changes." Mum replied, the look on her face told me that might not happen anytime soon. We talked for some time before they left for home.

My relationship with Denise got stronger, we spent several nights together each week. We were both doing well at work. A year after we started dating we agreed to move in together. We rented a small house as we didn't have the deposit to buy a place, I was just glad to get out of the tiny flat. Sally became a frequent visitor, Denise didn't mind as she knew about the situation at home. My plan was to use one of the spare bedrooms as a photography studio, thanks to a guy at work I had acquired some second hand lighting. They needed some minor repairs but I could manage that. My idea was to do portrait work and make some extra money.

Some of the guys I worked with asked me to take photos for them, usually family stuff. One couple approached me about a shoot, the guy wanted a picture of him cuddling his pregnant wife. Her hands would cover her breasts, apart from panties she would be naked. He planned to wear boxer shorts and nothing else. Denise said it sounded like fun and was happy for me to go ahead. The couple, Derek and Kim were great and easy to get along with. They stripped down to their underwear, when I was ready Kim turned away and removed her bra. Denise moved some lights for me.

I took several shots then turned away as they got dressed. I loaded the pictures onto my laptop, Kim was impressed and bought the complete set. As we tidied up Denise said she thought the shoot went well, I was happy with the money that I got from it. Through my photography I was making decent money on the side, most weekends I had a shoot booked.

Sally left school and started working as an admin assistant for a firm of financial advisers, she was still living at home. Denise's gran was taken ill, it was touch and go for a while. Eventually she was well enough to return home, Denise and her mother went to visit most weekends. Through Sally's work connections I got more shoots than I ever thought I would, she usually accompanied the people as a way of introducing me to her colleagues.

Recently I had started to notice a few changes in Denise, nothing major, but changes all the same. We still made love and very rarely argued, sometimes I got the feeling she was here in body, but her mind was elsewhere. Naturally I asked if there was anything wrong, she said no.

Several weeks later I found out through some mutual friends what the problem was. When Denise was visiting her grandmother she met with a guy she knew when they were kids, unknown to me they rekindled the friendship. I know they went out on dates, I didn't know if they had slept together. When I raised the issue with Denise, she surprised me with her answer.

"Yes, we have been out together! Rick, I don't see the harm in me meeting an old friend."

"Meeting an old friend is one thing." I replied. "Going on dates with him is totally different. I need to know what is going on, as I am not going to share you with someone else."

Denise looked at me for a few seconds. "If I want to go out with Bruce, I will. You don't own me. We are not even married for god sake."

"No we're not married, but we are in a relationship and living together. Surely that counts for something?"

"Not really." Denise sniped back. "I don't see any harm in me seeing Bruce."

"Okay then, let me put it this way. If you want to keep dating Bruce, then you break up with me and move out. I am not going to sit here like some chump while you date another man."

"Okay fine. If you are going to get pissy about it, I'll do that!" Denise moved her clothes into the spare room, and she slept there for the rest of the week. At the weekend Denise packed her bags and left, she was gracious enough to leave me money towards the bills. During the week I had tried talking to her, she wasn't interested in listening to reason. I knew I could afford the rent and bills on my own, it meant money would be tight for a while.

Sally turned up with two colleagues and their kids. When the shoot was over they picked the photo they wanted, I agreed to get it enlarged. Sally would get it to them when I was finished. I didn't have the equipment to print or enlarge photographs, a store in town had a machine for public use. I could insert my memory card and choose the size of photo that I wanted, I factored this cost into what I charged.

Sally realised something was off. "What's wrong Rick? You don't seem happy."

"Denise moved out this morning. While she was visiting her gran she met an old friend, they started to go out. When I confronted her she said she wasn't going to stop seeing the guy. I basically said it was him or me, she chose him. I have no idea where she is staying, to be honest I don't really care. I thought we had something going, clearly I was wrong!"

"I'm so sorry, Rick." Sally rushed over and hugged me. Sally seemed more upset by the split than I was.

I strolled into the office on Monday morning, as I made my way to my desk Denise approached me.

"Morning Rick. How are you?"

"Morning, fine thank you." I just kept walking to my desk. As I sat down Denise stood beside me.

"It doesn't have to be like this, Rick. Bruce is a friend and nothing else." Denise looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"If he is just a friend then there is no need for you to see him every week, Denise. You started going out with him when I wasn't around, that tells me you wanted to keep him a secret. Let's be honest if someone had not clued me in, he would have remained a secret. No, it's clear what you have or plan on having with Bruce is not right. You also pointed out to me that we are not married, just as well because it saves me filing for a divorce!"

"I'm sorry you see it that way." Denise turned and stomped off. As I was about to leave for lunch my boss called me into his office. He wanted to let me know that Denise handed in her month's notice, he also asked if I knew why.

"As we are no longer together, you will have to ask her. Sorry but I don't want to talk about it." I left to take my lunch break. By the end of the day most people knew what was going on, I still refused to talk about it. As upset as I was, I didn't want to badmouth Denise.

Going home to an empty house felt strange, not having someone there to talk to was the hardest part. I still had stuff to do for my photography hobby, as it was now spring I spent more evenings out taking pictures. After a few weeks, the only place I missed Denise, was in bed.

Sally continued to find people who wanted portraits taken, most of the time it was parents and kids.

I had just got indoors one night when my phone started ringing, I did wonder if it was Denise calling. I answered the call, it was Sally. She was in a panic and babbling at a million miles an hour.

"Sally, for god sake calm down." I yelled down the phone. Sally stopped and repeated everything again, slowly this time. Sally told me that Dad had lost his temper over her having a boyfriend, he said dump the idiot or move out. She wanted to know if she could move in with me, just for a short while.

"Of course you can, Sally. When do you want to move in?" I expected Sally to say at the weekend. No, she wanted to move in tonight.

"Rick, can you help me move my stuff? I can't fit it all into my car." I agreed, knowing I would probably have to face my Dad again.

Luckily Dad was out when I arrived at the house. As we loaded Sally's stuff into the cars, Mum was upset and crying. I assured Mum that Sally would be safe, and that she was free to visit whenever she wanted. Both Sally and I hugged Mum before we left.