Thylacine Alpha Ch. 07

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Final chapter at the ceremony.
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This is a continuing story, read from the beginning.

Tasmanian Tigers are marsupials that look more like canines than felines, even though they are called tigers. They are also called the Tasmanian Wolf, but are not related to wolves in any way. The tiger part originates because of the stripes on their coats.

Hope you enjoy the story.



They drove off down the dirt track with Jess waving back to them.


The track was in poor repair and although the SUV was top quality David found he could not travel as fast as he would have liked. Already the sun was setting with the shadows lengthening and he was running short of time. The ceremony would begin soon after full dark. The crunch was ominous, as was the sudden halt to their progress. The sun was partially blinding them as they drove straight towards it and the shadows low to the ground had hidden the tree trunk lying across the trail. It was obvious to both of them that the vehicle was unlikely to convey them further. Neither were mechanics and the broken shaft they could see underneath didn't need expertise to understand their plight.

The shaft that appeared sticking out of David's back also needed little explanation as he grunted at the sudden pain. Jessica let out a scream at the shock of its arrival. It was soon backed up by another that just missed him after he had dropped down to the ground pulling Jess with him. Now he was alert to the attack as the archer ran at him with a blade drawn. David recognised the assailant as a pack member and friend of his brother, but had no time to ponder anything else as he was caught in a fight for his life.

David managed a few words before he had to fully concentrate on fighting, "Peter, why are you doing this? Stop now before it is too late."

"Shut up and die. We have been too weak for too long."

Attacking another pack mate was anathema to their credos, unless as a sanctioned dominance fight. In these sanctioned cases it was generally stopped when one forced the other to submission, or sufficient blood was shed to proclaim the victor. This unprovoked attack could only end with death. David could tell his opponent was skilled with the blade, but had made the mistake of underestimating David's abilities and the disabling effect of the arrow. He also had not realised the increase of David's strength after finding his mate, though it was unlikely that he knew of the mating.

A week ago they might have been fairly evenly matched in a fight as this man's skills would have equalled David's higher strength but less practice in fights. As it was, Dave took a few cuts to his forearms as he defended himself, but when the fighter overreached a strike he was able to grab onto the wrist of the knife arm. Jessica flinched as the wrist was squeezed with the bones breaking loudly. He had brought his second hand around and with both holding that lower arm twisted and bent it backwards. The attacker found himself unarmed, in more ways than one, and would have been in great pain except their advanced analgesic system providing endorphins to relieve it. The slight pause in his attack that did occur allowed David to end the fight. He punched the man in the throat to crush his windpipe, then picked up the knife to embed it in his heart, breaking a few ribs with his strength.

To ensure that he would not recover too soon, David twisted the knife to fully shred the heart. Jessica watched the action although it was almost too fast for her to take in any details. The last bit she did manage to see clearly, making her feel nauseous and lose all colour in her face. She could not move as she stared at the loser of the fight and her mate standing over him panting to recover his breath. The sight of her mate gasping for air with blood staining his clothes and skin brought her back to reality. He had fallen to his knees and had been yelling to get her attention. His voice finally sank in to help remove the arrow.

As he was getting her attention his mind could not help but wonder at Peter's words. They were baffling as they seemed so out of sync with their whole way of life. His thoughts stopped as he communicated with Jess on more immediate concerns.

"Jess, I need you to pull the arrow out. Just grab in both hands and ease it out. I will heal afterwards, but I need it out," then with louder voice he yelled, "NOW."

This got her moving as she tried to grab it after he laid down on the ground. Tears were streaming down her face at the situation, the sudden violence and its ending. Her world had never contained this type of thing and she was having trouble coping.

In a calmer voice he gave her instructions, "Now Jess. I need you to concentrate. Okay."

She nodded, which he must have noticed as he continued, "Right, you need to brace yourself with both hands gripping the shaft and put a foot on my back next to it. That's it," when he felt her take position as the arrow moved causing the pain to sharpen, "Next, push down with your foot and pull with your body and both arms. Keep pulling till it is out. I can then change to my beast and it will repair. But I can't do that till the arrow is out.

"Before you do so, it is getting late and we will not be able to get to the camp in time like we are. I will go ahead on my four feet. I am much faster. Can you follow as quickly as you can. I will take care of anyone as I go, so just be as fast as you can be. This track will lead you there, so just keep going. I love you."

"I love you too David. I will be there just behind you."

He guessed she would need to be occupied as she performed this bush surgery on him, so he gave her a lecture on their use of the bow and arrow, "Our kind love to hunt and we normally leave it to just using our teeth and claws. It allows our beasts to gain the satisfaction of the hunt and fresh kill to eat. However we do sometimes like a different challenge and the bow and arrow is a favourite of many. We cannot always be in a safe area to change to beast so hunting with basic weapons can help to soothe a jumpy beast. Some just use a knife and hunt by stealth or ambush as this weapon more closely resembles the claws and teeth. The bow and arrow is also a fun way to get your prey for variety, needing some skill for a good hit. Saves a lot of running around or waiting in one spot for ages. We rely more on a clean hit to kill than you would if the arrow had a deadly barb that just ruptures the insides. Our aim has to be spot on or the arrow falls out, or just sits there ultimately hurting the prey too much."

Having something to do had brought her out of her funk and she was feeling better, able to put the horror of recent events out of mind. There was nought else to do but pull, so she did. He let nothing out but a long low growl as she was able to slowly remove the shaft. It had no barb and, fortunately, had not punctured anything vital. The amount of blood that followed the arrow made her feel squeamish again, but she kept her concentration on her mate. This change to his beast was not as fluid as the first one she had seen. She almost looked away, but curiosity and her love for him kept her watch without flinching very much. To her mind she had to be there for him, and nothing would make her back away. As he rose to his feet in Were Tiger form and shook checking for any lingering injury, she dropped to her knees to receive licks to her lips making her giggle in response. Her arms went around his neck for a hug, then helped remove his remaining human clothing to save being entangled. When he was free he gave a whine, a yeep, and rubbed a cheek to her's, then was gone running up the dirt trail. She watched him till he turned a corner and was out of sight. Without thinking why she bundled up his clothing with the arrow and set off in pursuit.


The ceremony was already underway when he arrived at the clearing. The Alpha Stone was set in the middle of the circle, without any glow emanating from it as would be expected. Reginald was near the stone making his speech to the pack as they congregated quietly outside the circle. Setting himself in as much cover as possible he looked around the area. It was easy to spot Reginald's crew as they hung back behind the people, except for a couple who stood just inside the circle perimeter. David may not have ever been overly concerned about the pack politics or management, but he was incensed that his brother would allow anyone inside this circle at this time. The only ones in the circle should be the potential Alpha, those willing to stand for the pack to select them. The other time would be if it was a challenge and then it would be to fight for the Alpha position. It had been a long time since any challenge had been made.

It would not be long before he was noticed so he quickly looked around with his third sight, and was amazed at how more powerful Reggie seemed. His offsiders all looked the same except one who was behind the crowd the other side of the circle from David. This one had more power making David search his memory for who it could be within the pack. His only answer was that a mating had occurred that he had not heard about. It was a male, so not anything to do with Reginald's sudden power surge. At least the strength being shown was not as much as his own, so he did not worry too much. Reggie had even less fighting experience and expertise than David did, besides being unusually overweight and slow. To his right he saw his two friends, Trent and Nicola, keeping separate at the edge of the crowd.

David stepped out, still in Tiger form and made his way to the circle. Pack members felt him approach from behind and automatically stepped aside to let him pass. His power levels were obvious without needing to look at him. As he stepped into the circle Reginald stopped speaking, his face turning red as he was about to yell at the trespasser. His two friends came forward to intercept the newcomer until they recognised David. All movement stopped and Reggie turned pale at the sight before him. It was obvious to anyone looking that this new arrival was not expected.

Trent and Nicola silently made their way around the circle and pushed through their pack mates to stand near David, yet remained outside the circle. They would not break custom except to defend him if needed. Dave felt their presence but made no outward sign, instead he allowed his human side to emerge. The change being very smooth and swift, telling of the strength now in his possession. It was apparent the other three in the circle had used their third sight to look and were not happy with the result. Reginald may have gained strength, but was still nowhere near that of his younger brother. David stood naked before the pack, not at all worried about his state of undress. Nudity was, after all, normal as they all undressed before changing to their beasts.

He looked around the circle, making eye contact with all that he could. He began the formal declaration of his intention to become Alpha if so approved by the pack. This was an unusual occurrence as rarely did two candidates come forward at the ceremony.

Reginald spoke, "Too late little brother, I was just making my acceptance speech. You can see that there were no detractors as I talked."

David looked around and smiled, "The look on the faces around us tells me no vote was taken."

"A vote was not needed, I am the only one who can take the position. I am the elder brother."

"You were always wanting everything big brother. I too can stand to be the Alpha, the law states that all sons are eligible. It would be up to the clan to decide which one is to be the Alpha. Therefor I put it to the vote, as is my right."

Reginald scoffed at this, "Little brother, you have never been interested in the running of the pack. You refused to be there for the mundane everyday things our parents had to do. Too boring I think you called it. Why should anyone consider you suitable Alpha material?"

"I know this Reggie, but some things have changed my view of what is necessary."

He then turned away from his brother and in a clear voice addressed the pack, "I am here now to claim what my father left open when he was savagely murdered along with my mother and their guards. Someone has attacked our pack through actions toward our last Alpha, and towards myself," causing a murmur through those around the circle, "These multiple attacks have failed, and were carried out by a group of human mercenaries, paid assassins. I can only guess at who is paying them as I have not yet gotten an answer to that."

This last comment was made as David turned to stare at Reginald, who paled slightly before straightening as if to say something, just to be cut off as David continued, "I am working on that and will get to the bottom of it. Just today three attempts were made, the last in this very forest as I made my way here. By one of us, Peter Lyons. I left him on the trail. Perhaps if he recovers we can get something useful there."

Reginald barked out interrupting his brother, "You lie, I know Peter. He would never attack a pack mate."

David ignored the outburst, "Lastly I am here to prevent this pack being led by someone who is selfish and only wants to control, not doing what is best for everybody. Who believes that bullying and threatening is the way to lead," again staring directly at his brother.

"We need clear leadership, but not a dictatorship. I will be a leader you can follow, not one who pushes you to be subservient."

By this time Reginald was nearing David with his hands clenched in fists, his anger showing in his face and the way he moved. His whole body was shaking with the emotion of seeing himself denigrated in front of others. David felt the anger emanating from his brother and turned again to keep his eyes on him.

"Before we go further, why not let the Alpha Stone show us who should lead."

The noise that arose from the pack at this suggestion was loud enough to get Reginald's attention from his anger. He looked at the pack members realising that he could not say anything to divert from this course of action. He then managed to look with a smirk at David as he recalled the stone had been dormant for decades. Since leaving their home place in Tasmania to settle here it had not shone even with a little glimmer. He smiled and let all those gathered know he would be happy to let the stone show the way, knowing full well it would be of no use.

He strutted to the stone and placed both hands on the stone and let his power flow into the crystal. Supposedly it will shine with various colours and brightness if the power entering it is strong enough. The brighter light shows a stronger leader, colour varies through the spectrum from red, being of bad character, to the blue end, of good character. Fairly simple but then it is just a stone.

He was amazed that his power actually lit the stone although it upset him that it was shining like a household light bulb with a orange-yellow tint. Still, this was much more than they had seen for a long time and boosted his confidence. He did a full turn around the stone, keeping his power levels high and hands on it, to ensure that everyone could witness the effect he was having. It was with a smile that there were many comments being made between those witnessing this.

Now with his most snide voice he said, "Well little brother, what do you say now. Are you still convinced I am not suited to lead. I will be courteous towards you and allow you to stay in the pack, after all you are my family. But you must never say or do anything against me again. I don't know who is attacking you, but I will not hesitate to let them have success if you go against your true Alpha in the future."

David stood there staring at the man. He did not say anything but walked to the stone pushing Reginald aside. Standing there, he began to doubt what he had started. With a deep breath he brought both palms to the stone. Closing his eyes to help ignore any distractions. With all the concentration he could bear he let his own strength flow into it. The results astounded everyone.

The stone became as bright as sport's stadium floodlight, colours moving up through the spectrum to shine a brilliant blue as clear as the summer sky. The rising sound of talking made him open his eyes to see the effect he had. Then an amazing thing occurred as Jessica entered the clearing having followed the noise being made. She had seen Reginald's effect on the stone with a sinking heart as she was aware from the words that were spoken, this was an important measure of ability. David was now circling the stone in the same way his brother had, letting all witness his touch.

Jessica did not stop at the outer parts of the clearing, but approached the circle passing between those in her way. She was determined to be with her mate. They were all too intent on being witness to the stone's behaviour to even realise someone was passing. She went between Trent and Nicole who were late to realise that a woman was entering the circle. Trent went to put a hand on her shoulder to pull her back as David saw his mate enter the space. He smiled at her and when she returned that smile the stone upgraded its display. The light coming forth was in the upper end of the spectrum, almost pure violet, and blinding all with its brilliance.

Two people were unaffected, one maintained his touch on the stone and the other was female who approached closer to him. Without thinking of what she was doing, that it might be a taboo or cause a major problem, she reached out to settle her hands on the backs of David's. Immediately their love blossomed from each heart, feeling the mating pull and the full emotions of what that meant. Not moving they smiled and held the stare of the other, looking deeply enough to almost see the soul of the other. The light in the clearing became like a solar flare to become a brilliant white.

The pack members did go blind for a few moments until they could adjust. What nobody could fathom was the additional result that the power this pair were putting out into that field. By the time they stopped their loving look, released the power and the stone, they were the only humans of the pack left standing in the field. The entire pack had been changed. They were all now in their Were Tiger form, caught up in any clothing they had been wearing. The pair looked around them amazed at what had happened, even Reginald was in his beast form.

Only one other being in the clearing had not changed. He was standing alone behind the pack members. David's attention was brought to him as he looked around to where the man was waiting. The astounded look the stranger was showing would have made anyone laugh, except tonight was not a comedy. He soon controlled his response and behaved unconcerned by tonight's drama.

Pulling Jess behind him, David faced the interloper releasing his inner sight to get some idea of what he was. He was actually surprised that it was another Were Tiger, but not of any pack that he knew.

He demanded, "Stranger, who are you and why are you present here tonight at our private ceremony? My understanding was that there were no invitees allowed."

The man raised an eyebrow as he looked at David, seemingly unconcerned at the attention now on him, "My dear David, or perhaps I should say Alpha. That was a masterful display, and I commend you for your ability to pull that off. If I had not witnessed it myself I would scoff that it was possible to do. I was here at your brother's insistence as he hoped I could help him become the Alpha.

"It seems I was not as much help as he had hoped, but then there was not meant to be a challenge."

He looked down at the unconscious animal by David's feet and scoffed, "Even with a helpful boost he still couldn't do much," then raising his head he looked at David again, "I will take my leave of you and your pack for now. It is obviously not the time to do more now. Do not worry, the attacks on you should cease. It would just make things worse for everyone.