Time for Truth Ch. 06


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Benny nodded. "Yes, you know what. Ask Uncle BJ if you can visit next weekend? Grandma Hannah would love to see you, and now that you are eighteen, you can hang out with us. I'll look out for you." He promised. Marisol smiled. She'd only visited California once and it was with her parents. She wasn't sure about coming out there alone.

"Aria can come with you?" Benny suggested.

Mari smiled brightly. "You talk Poppa and Alpha Javon into it and I'll come." Then she noticed the line behind him."Move, I'm serving." she admonished. Benny laughed and joined his family. Blaine and Celia talked with Benny and told them they loved him and were so proud of him. They were proud of him. Nickie joined Theo and Javier. Javier was planning something. He was always planning something. Jonathan was them. The younger kids were with their parents.

Soon breakfast ended and everyone was leaving for their duties. Alpha Madam Elise wanted to speak with Marisol.Marisol, come to my office. she sent.

Yes ma'am. She answered and quickly finished cleaning.

An hour later, she joined the Alpha Madam in her office. Elise loved the young woman that entered her office. Marisol was as precious to her as her own children.

"So, I know you've met your mate. Are you alright? Do you have any questions?" she asked.

Marisol blushed, "No not right now. I mean... I just... He is so handsome and I can't believe he's mine."

Elise just listened. She allowed Marisol time to talk. She liked what she saw. Marisol was so shy. She kept her thoughts and emotions bottled inside. But since last night, Marisol was bubbling with excitement and glee. She kept talking about Zeke and how cute he was. She wanted to dance with him, but he was working and she didn't want to cause problems for him. She couldn't wait to talk with him before he went back to Wildwood.

Elise smiled. "We like him, Marisol. He seems like a good man. However, we still want you to go to college and pursue your dreams, ok. You will mate with him when it's right. Understand."

Marisol smiled. "Yes, Madam Elise. I plan to earn my degree. He said he'd wait and we don't have to hurry." She quickly explained. Elise smiled. Marisol spoke more about this guy than she had in a long time. She hoped Zeke Abraham realized how lucky he was. Marisol looked at Elise and smiled. She loved her pack members. Madam Elise always so welcoming of her and she truly admired this woman. She was so wise and she was right. They had time. There was no need to hurry.

Soon someone knocked and Margaret and Reina entered. They both greeted Marisol and told her that Zeke was the lucky one. The three women talked with Marisol trying to make sure she was coping with this new situation. So far, she seemed fine. All four women sat and chatted. Soon, they regaled stories of meeting their mates. Margaret recalled failing for both her first husband, Oscar and now Lakota, her mate. Marisol loved listening to their stories. Then Elise smiled and began to speak.

Elise rarely told of how she and Javon met centuries ago, but Marisol was amazed to learn that the Alpha Madam didn't really want to be mated to Javon. She considered him weak. Unlike other males at that time, he was not out waging wars or scavenging for goods. He was content with who he was and what he had.

Elise started her story and laughed because when she realized he was her mate, she was furious. True, he was the alpha son, but unlike the other males, he was passive, always thinking. All of her sisters found their mates in men who were more outgoing, much more brawny, tough guys. Why did she end up with a brainy guy? But soon she learned that beneath his calm exterior beat the heart of a true warrior. Not just any warrior, but one that was cunning and cleaver.

She also got to know the man. And when she fell, she fell hard and completely. At first, she tried to deny her attraction to him, but found herself watching him often. She feigned disinterest in him, and Javon pursued her diligently. One day, she deliberately flirted with another male just to see if he would fight for her. It was silly and wrong, but Javon was always so peaceful that she wondered if he had any fire inside him at all. Unfortunately for her, he'd had enough and he walked away. Elise was floored, so she went after him. She never expected him to be the one to walk away from her. No male ever walked away. Her heart pounded as she soon realized that she was about to lose the best thing in her life. Javon Loess was hers and she'd be a fool to let him go. She would not, could not live without him.

Elsie concluded her story, "I shared this story to show you Marisol that finding your mate is a wonderful thing. You are so much smarter than I was. Hold on to him, and love him with all of your being. Don't try to change him, and don't let him change you. Finish school, and he'll still be there, OK" she added giving her a tight squeeze.

Margaret and Reina sat opened mouth and speechless; Marisol was just as enthralled. But they knew it ended well, the two were now mated with five children. Elise smiled, and realized she missed her mate. She sent him a mental hug and he smiled and hugged her back. He wondered what the women were up to, but right now he had to focus on BJ.

In Javon's office, the three Alphas met. They decided that they needed to address BJ. He seemed fine after leaving the party and this morning, but they wanted to be certain that he had no plans to confront Zeke.

BJ, come by my office. Javon sent. Lakota and Levin were with him. Thaddeus stopped by and joined the men. BJ was his son and he was determined to stand with him. Even though, he was too worried about him overreacting to Marisol's possible mate.

I'm on my way. he answered. He suspected they wanted to talk to him about the Gaines beta. But in all honesty, he was fine.

Five minutes later, BJ entered Javon's office. He was not surprised the see the Gaines alphas there.

No one spoke, and BJ broke the silence. "Let me guess, this is about the Gaines beta, Zeke, right?" he asked.

Javon answered, "Yes, you may not be aware of this but we believe that..."

"He is Marisol's mate." BJ concluded. Silence, no one said a word. Everyone was tense waiting for BJ to blow. Everyone knew he was protective of his children, and Marisol was the one he shielded the most.

A minute passed, and BJ had not exploded. So Javon continued, "BJ, do you plan to interfere? I must ask you to allow them a chance to develop a relationship. He is her mate and to force her to deny him would be detrimental to her."

BJ looked at all three men and realized they were afraid. He took a deep breath. "I don't like the thought of some guy touching my baby. It makes me want to commit a crime, but he makes her smile. She came home this morning and the shield was gone from her eyes. As her father, I have tried for fourteen years to take away that shield, and this guy did it in one night. This morning, we went for a run, and he joined us. He isn't afraid and I couldn't intimidate him.

He also is extremely respectful, and he loves her. Out of everything I have ever wanted for my children, I want them safe and loved most of all. Now don't get me wrong, he has to pass my daddy test. I mean, if he plans to be with her forever, then he has to be able to take care of her, right?" he asked.

Levin spoke, "You are absolutely right BJ. But Lakota and I want you to know that Zeke is a great guy, if he wasn't we would have intervened." The two alphas shared a look.

"What?" BJ and Javon demanded.

"Well," Lakota replied. "Zeke has known who she was for over two years. He never made any advances towards her, nor has he pressured her in anyway."

Levin smiled, "Um he did like annoying her. That's how we figured it out. We actually banned him from speaking to her for the next four years, and he agreed. He kept his word to us. When Margaret mentioned you or the kids, we'd see him listening for any word on Marisol. He became ill, stopped eating, stopped interacting with other, because he needed her. So we had him to come here."

BJ was silent. This man knew who his mate was and said nothing for two years. Thaddeus cleared his throat. "He seems like worthy young man. I know how hard it is to know your mate and she has no clue of who you are." He added.

BJ took a deep breath. "She is staying at your compound while she goes to school, right?" he asked.

Lakota answered. "BJ, she is my granddaughter. I will defend her with everything I have. Do not worry. Marisol will be safe."

"I am trusting you two with my most precious gift. Keep her safe." He smiled, "Now that I know her mate is there also, I can worry less." BJ stood,. "Gentlemen, I hate to run, but I have a date with my second daughter and some bait. Oh, and if you see any boys hanging around, well..." he added as he left the office.

All four men were stunned. Yesterday, this guy was a powder keg about to explode and today, he was calm and happy. Only one thing could have caused this reaction, and they all said it in unison, "Julianne."


Zeke spent the morning helping clear up the community center, before he and Knox prepped for the drive home. He missed her. He had not seen her since breakfast and he had stayed away long enough. He and Knox were ordered to pack the car for their return trip. He was loading the bags, and hoped they at least got to speak alone before he left. He wanted to make sure she had his number so they could at least talk.

He took a short break and walked over to the dining hall hoping to find her. He walked into her uncles, Blaine and Malcolm. Both men greeted him and decided to offer their support.

"Hey Zeke, are you on break?" Malcolm asked.

"Hi Malcolm, Blaine. Yes, a short one. What's up?" he spoke.

"Mari is meeting with Madam Elise. She will be a while, but we wanted to talk with you before you left. Marisol is special. She is our oldest niece and the most sensitive." Blaine explained. "BJ is my best friend. He is extremely protective of her, so expect to get your ass handed to you. The thing is, we like you Zeke. You've only been here a couple of days, but she's different around you. She's happy." Blaine stopped. Malcolm spoke.

"We watched you last night. Your eyes never left her, but you didn't crowd her either." Malcolm exhaled. "I liked that." Zeke started to speak when Blaine spoke once more.

"The thing is, she is the first of our children to find her ..." Blaine paused. He had to ask before continuing. "Is Marisol your mate?" he asked.

Zeke didn't hesitate, "Yes, she is mine. She's my other half." He answered smiling.

Blaine and Malcolm recognized a man in love and they laughed. "Well, we're here if you need to talk. Oh and man, welcome to the club. We both had to get past BJ before we could date his sisters. You, my friend, plan to take away his little girl. Get ready to be tested." Blaine offered. Zeke noticed the time and begged off. He and Knox had to pack the car. He didn't get to see Marisol, but he did get to meet some of her family. That counted for something at least. He thought of Blaine's words. He said it jokingly, but he feared it was an honest to goodness forewarning.

He turned to walked back and help Knox. When Blaine called out, "She's helping out at the daycare around lunch. You can see her right before you guys leave." Zeke smiled and waved thanking the other man for the information.

Soon, the women finished talking and then they had to finish packing for the drive home. Marisol left and reported to the daycare to help with the kids. Margaret smiled as she left. Her granddaughter was a beautiful young woman and she was looking forward to her moving to Louisiana for school. Reina was excited also. She knew the pack loved when their friends from Loess Falls visited.


Marisol arrived at the daycare where all of the kids were working on something. Some of the older kids were there helping out. Rosita was with her friends and the twins were helping Ava and Amie. She was working with a toddler when she looked up and saw Zeke walking over. Calling someone to take the baby, she walked out to meet him.

She hugged him, so unexpectedly, that Zeke wrapped his arms tight and pulled her close. He kissed her lightly, drawing snickers from the twins and their friends. "Hey, I missed speaking to you this morning." She whispered.

Zeke exhaled. It took every ounce of his restraint not to kiss her the way he really wanted too. But he didn't want to make her uncomfortable, and he wasn't sure if Daddy was around. Marisol grasped his hand and he squeezed her hand back in return. As if on cue, BJ walked up and cleared his throat. "Um, Zeke, don't you have work?" he asked.

Zeke smiled, "Yes sir. I just wanted to say hi to Mari." He turned to Mari. "I was hoping we could grab lunch together." Mari smiled and BJ spoke.

"I have plans to go fishing and my fishing buddy is here." He declared.

Rosita laughed, "I'm here, Papa. Come on, let's go." She added excited. BJ smiled and hugged his little girl, he then placed her fishing hat on her head and gave her a fisherman's vest that matched his. She and Marisol giggled. Ava and Amie wanted to go, but BJ hugged each girl and told them next time. The two young vampires smiled and went back to playing.

Rosita and BJ left with her telling her dad, that she was not baiting all of the hooks. BJ laughed and soon they were off to the lake.

Marisol laughed and finished told her coworkers she was taking a break. She and Zeke went to the dining hall and picked up sandwiches and drinks. Marisol grabbed a checkered table cloth for them to eat on. They wanted to be alone, but didn't have a lot of time. So Marisol had him to walk to the lake. She spread out the table cloth and they sat down for a quick picnic lunch. Marisol watched him eat. Man, even the way he chews his food is sexy! she thought. He's such a great kisser. I wish we had more time. Zeke felt her watching him, so he stopped. He smiled and she visibly stopped breathing. "Breath girl, I know I'm so handsome that I take your breath away already. You don't have to prove it."

"You are an egotistical jerk." She laughed. "Are you ready to go back?" she asked trying to change the conversation.

"No, I want to stay here with you." He whispered. Marisol gasped; his answer was simply perfect."

"I don't want you to go, either." Marisol replied shyly.

Zeke took her hand and kissed it. "Let me see your phone." He held out his. She took it. "Now put your number in my phone and I'm putting my number in your phone. That way we can at least call and talk." Zeke explained.

Do you have a faceworld account?" Marisol asked. "We can talk on the computer sometimes. I'd like that."

"No, I don't but I'll set up one, OK. Call me anytime and text me whenever you need to, Ok." Zeke explained.

Marisol smiled, "As long as you promise to call me too." She added. They took a moment to program in the numbers and then hesitated to return each other's phone.

Eventually they switched back, and Zeke had a burning question, "Can I really kiss you? Not a small peck, but a real kiss."

Marisol nodded, and he waited, "Yes" she finally whispered. She sat up and leaned forward,

"No, not like that, like this." Zeke laid Marisol back on the blanket. He covered her body with his, and then he gently kissed her lips. He nipped her bottom lip until she opened and allowed him access. Slowly he kissed her massaging her tongue with his. The weight of his body pinning her down caused a fire to burn deep inside the young woman. As he kissed her, she openly explored his back, as she rubbed him, soon she felt hot, unconsciously spreading her legs allowing him access to the part of her that needed something more.

Unable to resist her womanly sirens, Zeke moved between her thighs pressing his hardness against her body. He was as hard as he had ever been in his life. He grinds against her and her jeans, Marisol felt his budge pressing against the apex of her thighs. Her pussy was throbbing, and she needed more. Soon, he began to nibble her neck, as she moaned begging for more. In this moment, he would give her everything she asked for just to taste her sweetness once more. But someone laughed, and he realized that were not really alone.

He broke the kiss, and moved, Marisol reached for him wanting desperately to continue, but he told her someone else was out there. She sat up, and soon she heard her little sister laughing as their father wrestled with a fish that he caught.

"Zeke, I really wish you didn't have to go." She stated once more. Zeke leaned forward and kissed her on the lips and said, "I'll be back to see you as often as I can, OK." He promised. Soon their time was up, and they returned to the compound. He held her hand during the whole walk back. Soon it was time for them to leave. Marisol went to the Alpha home to say bye to her family and thank them once again for a fantastic birthday. Zeke and Knox stood beside the car waiting on their alphas.

Not caring that it was improper, Marisol walked over to her mate and kissed him before everyone. Zeke held her and whispered, "I love you, Marisol. I'll call you when I get home."

Marisol looked deep into his gorgeous eyes and whispered, "I love you too, Zeke. I'll be waiting for your call." She kissed him once more. Everyone watched in silence. Julianne was secretly impressed. Her little girl had game. Poor Zeke Abraham never stood a chance.

Soon the car was loaded and everyone climbed inside. Knox was driving first and Zeke watched Marisol until she was no longer in sight. Knox opened the partition in the limo to see if the alohas needed to stop or anything they didn't so he closed it. He finally spoke to his friend.

"Zeke, man you are one lucky bastard. That girl is gone over you, and from the looks of things you are just as gone for her. I watched the two of you. You look good together. I'm happy for you man. If I can ever help, let me know." He added finally.

Zeke smiled, "I want to come back and spend time with her. Can you cover for me for at least a weekend, and I'll take whatever days you want me to cover for you?" He asked.

Knox smiled, "I'm already there. Besides, now I can have all of the ladies to myself. Zeke Abraham is no more." He laughed.

Zeke laughed with his friend and was content in the knowledge that Knox was exactly right.


Phillip had to decide when to tell his parents. He wasn't ready to tell his family yet. He'd tell them later. He decided to talk with Alpha Michael first. As he pondered, someone interrupted his thoughts.

"What are thinking about?" Aria asked as she approached Phillip. Phillip was a great guy and she had fun dancing and joking with him at the party. They flirted, but nothing would come of it. Besides he was heading back to California tonight with her brother.

Phillip smiled, Aria Loess was every guys dream. Tall, beautiful, and smart, she was the absolutely gorgeous. Last night at the party, they talked for a while and spent the evening together. Last year, if someone had told him he'd be hanging out with the alpha daughter, he would have laughed. But now he had the greatest experience of his young life. Aria was funny and smart. He could see why her father, brother, and cousin banned him from pursing her. She wasn't his mate, but he knew when she met her mate he'd be a lucky man. He just looked at her. Unlike most of the girls he'd met, she was not vain and hung up on her beauty. Feeling a sense of glumness, Phillip wished he'd asked her out just once. He knew Ares and Benny would beat him senseless, but it would have been worth it. He looked at her and smiled.

"Nothing, just going home. I was thinking about classes. I need to find a tutor to help me prepare for finals. I guess I'll find a guy because a pretty girl would distract me." He added. Aria punched him in the shoulder and Phillip yelped. His sister, Candace, laughed as she joined them. Aria relayed what he said and she punched him too.