Time Out - The Consequences


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It was lucky that I started fucking Loraine about 5:30 a. m. otherwise we would have been late for work, because I fucked her for more than an hour straight. Even though she was sexually satisfied her pussy was as red as a beet – "No pussy for Braxton today," I snickered to myself as I got up and went into the shower. Loraine was still moaning and lifeless in bed when I left for work.

I met Betsy for lunch and told her that I needed her patience. "If everything goes according to plan in the next week to ten days, I swear that I will have filed for divorce by then, and I want to be together with you, full time. Can you put up with seeing me only intermittently until then, and only occasional sex?"

Betsy smiled. "I waited seven months already – I can wait a few more days."


I called Loraine during the day to tell her that I'd be late and not to hold dinner for me.

"You're a bad boy, Dan. You fucked me so good this morning that I had to walk bowlegged the entire day," was her response.

Her tone was sincere. "Now that I fuck her like a whore she really enjoys it?" I cackled to myself, "And the sex is anything but stale."

"I'll give your pussy a break tonight – if you give me a blowjob," I shot back.

"I'll have to see how my pussy feels then," she laughed. "Don't be too late.

I got to Judy Fettig's office just as she was getting ready to leave.

"Dan – why are you here?" she asked, obviously distraught at my showing up unannounced.

"Let's go back into your office and talk," I sneered.

"I'm leaving for the day but maybe you can make an appointment..."

I cut her off. "Listen, bitch, we're talking now or the cops will be here tomorrow and I'll file suit by the end of the week."

She turned white as a ghost, reopened her office door, and we went inside.

"Why do I have the feeling that this isn't going to be pleasant," she asked.

"Because it isn't," I replied. "How unpleasant depends upon you, however."

"I'm listening," she shrugged.

"Let me cut to the quick; you took money and succumbed to blackmail by John Braxton and Loraine to provide me with advice that was destructive to my marriage..." I started out before she interrupted.

"It wasn't..." she started out.

"Shut the fuck up or I'll walk out of here and you'll have three bad things happen instead of just one," I yelled, standing up. That got her attention; she slumped into her chair. I sat back down.

"You not only provided intentionally bad advice, but you did so so that Braxton and Loraine could go on a ten day fuck fest together to Virgin Gorda, and you kept tabs on me at Time Out and reported what you found out to Loraine. So now, here are the three things that could happen to you."

She was all ears.

"One, you are reported to the therapist licensing organization and they decide what your punishment should be, likely a suspension or de-certification. This one will happen no matter what – what you can control are the next two."

I almost saw tears in her eyes.

"Two, I will sue you for fraud and malpractice and get every dime that I can out of you. Three, I will go to the cops and file a complaint for fraud. Two and three can be avoided – would you like to dodge them?"

"Yes," Fettig replied in the softest voice I had ever heard from her.

"You will testify against Braxton when I file a complaint against him with the licensing board, and also when I sue him for fraud. You will also testify against Loraine when I sue her for fraud, and if necessary at a divorce hearing. You agree to those things, and options two and three go away, and although I report you to the licensing board I soft-pedal your involvement when I testify."

Fettig hesitated – she was thinking.

"One more thing – you do NOT talk with Braxton or Loraine ever again, about anything, unless required to in a court proceeding."

I waited another minute – still no response – so I got up and started walking out as I said "You have 24 hours to decide, but if you have any discussion with either Braxton or Loraine, I revoke my offer and go with one through three!"

"I...I...I don't need 24 hours," Fettig mumbled. "I accept."

"Smart choice; I'll tell you when my attorney needs to meet with you."

My next talk was with Cheryl. I intentionally got home early on a Friday, and let Logan use my car to run an errand, thrilling him since he just got his license only a few months ago. I knocked on her door.

"Hi, Dad; what's up?"

"We need a serious conversation; your room or my office?"

"What...oh...OK. My room is fine," she stammered.

I closed the door and sat down. "I know that you are aware of your mother's affair with John Braxton and have chosen to side with her and not reveal anything about it to me," I forcefully said.

The startled look on Cheryl's face was priceless. She started stammering again "I didn't...wanted...no...I didn't side with her..."

"Glad to hear it," I interrupted. "Now you have a chance to prove it. I am suing her and Braxton and need you to testify about what you know. If you agree to that I will make things easy on you, and will pre-pay all of your college tuition and expenses. If you refuse, any money to pay for your college will be tied up in my divorce proceedings and fraud litigation against your mother. Your refusal will also make me go hard against her, whereas if you cooperate and she knows that you could testify she will settle and both of you will avoid unpleasantness."

Tears formed in her eyes. "Dad, I can't testify against Mom..." she sobbed out before I interrupted her again.

"Think about it for 24 hours before you decide. If you won't testify willingly I'll still have you subpoenaed and if you lie in court will ask the D. A. to prosecute you for perjury. Also, I'll never have anything to do with you ever again. So think hard about it. Also, if you tell your mother anything about this conversation my offer is immediately rescinded and you'll be subpoenaed your first week at college."

With that I walked out the door as Cheryl's sobs turned into all-out crying.

My last discussion was with Logan. I had to see if he knew anything about the affair – my "lie detector" skills were heightened. As soon as he got back from the useless errand I had sent him on I pulled him into the garage.

"Logan, you need to be completely straight with me, and also to keep this conversation confidential until Wednesday – agreed?"

"Uh...sure Dad; why so serious?"

"I'm divorcing your mother and suing her for fraud. What do you know about her affair with John Braxton?"

"What the fuck!" was his honest exclamation. "What affair?"

"That's the first thing I needed to know – you didn't know. Next, I hope that you will consider choosing to live with me when we divorce. You're sixteen and have a choice. What your mother has been doing for the last decade is a horrible example for you, and I hope that you will consider that I will be a better influence on you than she is. I'm not expecting a decision now – just forewarning you."

"WOW; isn't there a chance of reconciliation?" he asked, tears forming in his eyes too.

"Once you know the entire story you will see that there is not. Again, don't say anything to anybody until Wednesday afternoon; after that I'll answer all of your questions."

I quietly exited the garage and then started making dinner. after he regained his composure Logan came into the house and went to his room.


Judy Fettig met with my team of attorneys on Saturday. Cheryl sheepishly came to me on Sunday and said that she'd talk to the attorneys and if it would help facilitate a settlement between Loraine and I would say that she would testify, although she was unsure if she would go ahead with it. She talked to one of my attorneys Monday morning before her part-time summer job.

I talked to Betsy on the phone twice a day, and met her for lunch on Monday and Tuesday, and told her everything. She was anxious to know the details, but appeared to be surprised by my vehemence. Nevertheless she was clearly in my corner since the sooner we could be together the better as far as she was concerned.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, I fucked Loraine every chance that I got. They were angry revenge fucks, including using a butt plug while I fucked her, but she seemed to be completely satisfied and maybe – just maybe – was even rethinking her plan to run off with Braxton.

Wednesday morning I went to see Ellie Braxton – John's wife, the one with the trust fund that he was waiting to get his grubby mitts on. Of course I knew her well, and we always got along, since she was in our tennis group and we often went to parties or charity events together.

"Dan, what a surprise," she smiled after her maid announced me.

"Hi, Ellie," I mumbled.

"Why the long face?" she asked.

"We need to sit down – can we go into the library?"

"Sure – do you want some tea or something else to drink?" she asked as we entered the room.

"No thanks. This unpleasant task won't take long," I sighed.

"Get right to it then Dan," she replied with a concerned look on her face.

"Today I sued John and Loraine for fraud. They will be served this afternoon. I also have filed a complaint against John with the licensing board," I blurted out making only fleeting eye contact.

"What the fuck?" Ellie replied putting her hand over her mouth – Ellie never swears.

"They've been having an affair for almost ten years, and plan to leave us and run off together once John's prenup expires. They fraudulently set me up so that they could take a ten day fuck fest together on Virgin Gorda seven months ago," I somberly related, "when he probably told you that he was going to a conference."

Ellie looked like she was about to faint. I called for the maid. Between the two of us we got her somewhat back to normal. I made sure that she was alright before I left, leaving a copy of the suit papers against John with her. "I'm really sorry," were my last words to her.

Wednesday afternoon the shit hit the fan. As I told Ellie I would I filed – and had served on Braxton at his office – my complaint against him with the licensing board in our state. I also filed the complaint against Fettig in our adjoining state. I also had John sued for fraud and alienation of affection, even though the latter cause of action would likely ultimately be dismissed despite the fact that my attorneys put a unique spin on it that tied in beautifully with the very viable fraud complaint.

I also sued Loraine for divorce, and separately for fraud, both complaints also served on her at work Wednesday afternoon.

I turned my cell phone off, and spent the afternoon with Betsy at the beach on a nearby lake – but no sex, just cuddling, touching, and feeling.

When I got home, Logan was squirrelled away in his room, Loraine was softly crying in the living room, and Cheryl was sitting near her with a dour look on her face. Loraine looked up as I walked in.

"How could you do this to me, you asshole?" she barked.

"How could you fuck John Braxton for a decade and make plans to run away with him as soon as his prenup expired, you bitch," I replied in exactly the same tone that she used.

"You've got it wrong..." she sobbed before I interrupted her.

"Actually, I have two credible witnesses to the contrary. I suggest that you consult an attorney and make me a decent settlement proposal." Then I stormed upstairs and threw all of her clothes, jewelry and toiletries into the guest bedroom and installed the new lock that I had purchased at Ace Hardware in the master bedroom door.


Within two weeks of service of papers on John and Loraine, they did the smartest thing that they had done in a decade – they got good legal advice and settled. Faced with their upcoming depositions, Fettig's and Cheryl's testimony, and the fact that many salacious details would become publicly available:

–John accepted a one year suspension from practicing psychology, or having any contact with a patient or student, five years' probation, and a $25,000 fine.

–Ellie interceded on John's behalf on my fraud litigation and begged me to accept a settlement whereby she would pay me $100,000 and my attorney fees with respect to John.

–Judy Fettig accepted the same one year suspension and five years' probation as John, but because I interceded on her behalf, she didn't get a fine.

–Surprisingly Ellie stayed married to John, primarily because he was able to convince her that he was just leading Loraine on for the sex, and had no intention of leaving her. Ellie's no fool, however, and to stay married he had to sign a post nuptial agreement whereby the best split he could possibly get if there was a divorce was 20-80, and if he had sex outside of marriage he would get only $100,000 and his personal possessions (Ellie is worth millions).

–Loraine was humiliated by John's representations to Ellie, and couldn't deal with the public's view of her since some details leaked out even though I was not the source. She settled the divorce and fraud suit by taking a 30-70 split of our assets (with me getting the house) and moved to the furthest part of the metropolitan area from what was now my house. She was able to keep her job simply because she was really good at what she did.

–I prepaid four years of tuition for Cheryl's college education, and she splits time between my house and her mother's apartment when she is on breaks. Relationships with both of her parents' are testy, but all parties are trying hard to regain some normalcy.

–Logan decided that I should have full custody of him, although he maintains a decent relationship with his Mom. I think that Logan's decision was sealed when he got to know Betsy, and when he met Betsy's fifteen year old daughter Gretchen who had decided to live with Betsy instead of her father. Betsy's daughter already, at fifteen, had almost Betsy's voluptuous body and sparkling personality, and an even more beautiful face. In the two years the four of us have lived together – the last eighteen months with Betsy and I married – we're quite certain that there is a romantic relationship between Gretchen and Logan although they are mature about it and don't have any plans to be exclusive – at least until Gretchen is halfway through college. No one would be surprised if they ultimately got married.

I don't know for sure how Loraine views her actions that caused our split; and I don't know if she's ultimately happy that we're no longer together. I don't know because I never talk with her or anyone else about it, and in fact once she moved out have only seen her a few times, at Logan or Cheryl events. I am cordial, but not friendly.

As far as I'm concerned, given what I now consider my ideal life in every way (especially including sexually) with Betsy I would have been happy to lose everything to be with her – and instead I got a 70-30 split, sole custody of Logan, and a decent relationship with Cheryl.

Karma rules!

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LucasredLucasred2 months ago

The ultimatum to Cheryl, his own daughter was an excellent way to destroy any future relationship with her. I thought that was cold and over the top but it's Your story.

Darkie10Darkie1011 months ago

Loved it. 5 stars

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Not a bad follow up, but not as good as the first part, you seem to have rushed through it, made him all of a sudden a boffin, could get secret stuff etc. that spoiled it for me,

WoodencavWoodencavover 1 year ago

Surprised me with this, quite a twist not what I was expecting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

kirei8kirei8about 2 years ago

Wimpy revenge plot for a decade of cheating.

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