Time to Pullout

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When I was 18, my hot step mom thought to show me the way!
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/18/2023
Created 08/12/2023
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Time to Pullout

By Handymanblues

(I have written a lot about other people's experiences, but now I want to write about my own true experience with my step mom. When I was eighteen, my dad married this drop dead gorgeous model. She had amazing gravity defying, massive breasts, a mag cover face, a tiny waist and stunning legs. She must have found out my dad, who was a drug dealer, had $150,000 stashed in a safety deposit box. I figured she was after that money. But she was, in spite of her greed, very affectionate and sweet. But a month after she married my dad, he got sent to jail for 90 days, and I was left alone with her. One night we got drunk and the rest is history. I was astounded when she told me my cock was twice as big as my dad's. This is a two part series. What you are about to read is part one. Part two will follow in a few weeks from now)

The night air was hot, but not humid. A nice cross breeze had built up between the open window in the living room, and the screen door at the top of the porch's rickety stairs.

"You still dating that super hot blond chick?"

"I am not, as you say, dating her. She just happens to be secretly married to my dad. That is why she lives with me. And by the way, her name is Marlene, and not, as you say, that super hot blond chick."

"Well, whatever her name is, she is easily the sexiest babe I've ever seen. You must be out of your mind horny every day. Especially since your dad is sitting in jail for a few months. That leaves you all alone with her."

His words stung a little, especially since I had no idea he felt so comfortable pushing his snot filled nose into my own private business.

Then, much to my chagrin, he continued his putrid small talk.

"You know much about her? You say she's secretly married to your dad. But some say she used to be a stripper. Is that true?"

I cringed at his probing assertions. Now his words seemed more emboldened, more flagrant, more obtrusive.

I immediately sought to put him in his place.

"Why should you care if Marlene used to be a stripper? And so what if she was? She has to make a living somehow."

"Don't be so naïve. She could have waited on tables or worked in a department store instead. You know how it is in a small town. People talk, and people judge, and-"

"And you're getting on my nerves. So why don't you just shut the fuck up," I said wearily.

He paused for a moment on the strength of my f word. But he'd had it coming. It was just like folks in this fucking small town to think they had every right to pry!

Suddenly he continued. Apparently he'd never gotten the memo that shut up meant shut up.

"She's thirty-six, you know," he blurted out defiantly, almost spitting out the words like they were rusty bullets.

His words angered me but at the same time seemed suddenly intriguing. I had thought Marlene was in her mid-twenties. If what he was saying was true, she really looked sensational for her age.

I then suddenly wondered what else might come out of that gigantic mouth of his. I didn't have to wait long.

"I guess she gets kind of lonely with your dad in prison and all?"

I mulled over his words the way a stray cat watches some old, disgusting fish bones. Then I decided to set the record straight.

"He's only been in jail for one month, and he only has another two months to go."

"A total ninety day sentence?"

"That's right."

He smiled. "She's gonna be awful horny for the next two months while your dad is locked away. I bet if you come on to her, she'll fold up like a cheap tent and-"

"Just what part of fuck off don't you understand?" I shouted at him. He was really starting to get on my nerves.

I had finally had enough, and rose to my feet, pointing to the door. "I'm sick of you putting her down. Why don't you pack up your attitude and go pester someone else for fuck's sake?"

"Why are you getting so sore?" he protested.

"I'm getting sore because you are disrespecting Marlene. She's my step mom, and you are making her out to be some kind of cheap incestuous escort. You have no right to be saying any of those things about her. So just get out and don't come back unless and until you learn some fucking manners."

He sighed apprehensively, knowing he had crossed the line. He defeatedly slapped his hands off his sides and rose to his feet. "Fine, you want me to go, I'll go. Me and you were such good buddies until two months ago when your step mom joined your family."

"You and I were never good buddies. I only hung with you cause you were a loner and had no friends."

His face suddenly reddened to betray the fact he felt rabidly insulted. Without saying another word he marched to the rickety front door and slipped into his kiks, scurrying into the night like some wounded animal.

"Good riddance," I muttered, rolling my eyes at the slow moving ceiling fan.

A lone spider climbed effortlessly down a single strand of silky, sticky thread.

I picked up the remote and was just about to watch some TV when the back door banged shut.

I pursed my lips. Marlene, perhaps?

"Hey James," she sang at me as she walked into the living room.

"Hi mom."

She frowned and stopped walking in protest, placing her hands on her fabulous hips.

"How many times have I begged you not to call me mom? It makes me sound so damn old. Call me Marlene, or hon, or-"

I frowned. "Nothing would please me more than to call you honey, but dad is adamant that I show you respect and call you mom."

Now it was her turn to frown. "Your father is sitting in lock up, and will be there for the next two months at least. He's not going to know what you call me, or what we do together, for that matter. After all, you're eighteen, and very mature for your age."

My face suddenly reddened and my heart began beating like a jackhammer. My breath was also quickening. She was turning me on with her well chosen words on purpose, and getting ready to come on to me, in all her big breasted, small waisted, gorgeous thick lipped glory.

She was a real stunner, with a mag cover face and an amazing one in a million figure that was to die for. Her frisky attitude made me hard immediately. She was obviously as horny as hell, just as my crazy friend had suggested she'd be. Still, I figured that the only reason she married my dad, was for the $150,000 he had stashed in a safety deposit box.

"I thought your friend Jason was stopping by?" she asked.

And then it dawned on me. She hadn't expected for me to be alone. And she hadn't hinted during the day that she was wanting to fuck me.

"He was getting on my nerves and so I sent him packing," I said softly, trying to sit sideways so my stiffening cock wouldn't show under my tight stretchy track pants. I didn't want her to know she was turning me on.

Her eyes suddenly spotted the ominous bulge, and she sauntered over, wearing a devious smile. Then she sat down next to me on the couch.

"You're still thinking about what happened two weeks ago, aren't you?" she said coyly.

I didn't answer right away. How could I possibly forget the fuck of a lifetime? I had been my first and only time fucking my step mom Marlene, but something now told me it wouldn't be my last.

My mind instantly raced back to the events of two weeks prior. Marlene had come home in a taxi from a friends party, feeling rip roaring drunk. Normally she had the tendency to be able to control her drinking, but somebody had spiked the booze, causing everyone to fly so really high. I myself had not gone to the party, but had instead stayed home smoking a couple of mind blowing joints. They were a lot stronger than I was used to, and so I was practically walking on the moon by the time Marlene came home.

Seeing as how we were both, that night, so drunk and high, we ended up getting naked together. At first Marlene would only use her hand on my hardening cock, but once it grew to a full ten inches, she let her thick, sweet, glossy lips do the talking, setting me on fire and making me moan like crazy. But after a while of sucking such a humongous size, she had become turned on so very desperately. That in turn made her become insanely horny. And so, after her rolling a condom onto me, she ended up sliding her pussy up and down over my impossible length and girth for a full fifteen minutes, until I exploded into the condom like a lava filled volcano.

After that, Marlene went to take a shower, but I opted to make myself a sandwich instead.

While she was upstairs steaming up the glass, I was in the kitchen, cooling down in front of an open fridge.

But it wasn't until I started to roll off the condom to toss it, that I noticed the large tear. The reservoir tip had somehow been torn off. The condom had broken!!! That had meant that all the sperm I had fired had ended up inside of Marlene's thrusting, soaking wet pussy!!!!

And now, fast forward 14 days later, only to realize that her period, which should have come yesterday, had still not arrived today.

I tried to play it cool, but fear had suddenly splashed across my face. I never was any good at hiding my emotions or keepings things secret. I inadvertently allowed a gaze of dread to come into my clear blue eyes.

"You okay?" she asked, her own puzzled face cutely twisted into a quizzical gaze.

"Fine, just fine," I muttered.

"Your face is turning red," she whispered, staring at me suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes at the ceiling. It was time for me to come clean.

"The calendar on your ensuite bathroom wall...the one you use to track your period..."

"How do you know about my calendar? You're not allowed in my room, you know that."

"I snoop sometimes," I said, adding "and your calendar says that your period was due yesterday, but today you are hinting about possibly having sex again...which means...well I guess it means that your period hasn't come yet."

She pursed her pretty thick lips and tried to reason it out. "To be honest, I haven't really been keeping track."

"Have you ever been late before?"

"No, never," she admitted as a look of sheer horror tried to etch itself onto her smiling super model face.

Then she added, "well, you're the only one I've had sex with since my last period. And you wore a condom. I mean we were terribly drunk and stoned...I remember that, but I also remember you wearing a glove. I mean, I could just be a little late and-"

"It broke." The two words just slipped out of my mouth like a pair of deadly boulders suddenly rolling down a steep hill.

"It broke?"

"Yeah," I muttered sheepishly. "The end was torn. All my sperm must of ended up shooting into you instead."

"Why didn't you tell me?" she shouted.

"No need to get so mad at me. Accidents happen. It wasn't my fault."

"You should have told me, you idiot. Had I of known that, I would have gone to the pharmacy the next day for plan B."

"Plan B? What's that?"

"That, my silly son, is a pill that stops a pregnancy from taking place just after having sex."

"Well why don't you get a pill now?"

"It doesn't work like that. Had you of told me, I could have rushed out and gotten one at the pharmacy. But it's too late now. They are only good for three days after sex."

"Sorry, I didn't know," I managed, feeling kind of dumb.

She sighed and checked out my sorrowful face with her gorgeous green eyes. Then she rose and walked worriedly out of the living room and up the stairs to her bathroom. I knew for sure she'd want to check out my calendar calculations for herself.

A full minute passed, then laughter coming from upstairs. I was shocked. What the hell was so funny?

I listened as her feet scampered down the steps, skipping as though happily.

"You idiot!" she shouted as she stood at the bottom of the stairs. "That is not my new calendar. That is old, and filled in for the month before your father went to jail. The new one is behind my bedroom door. I actually still have a full four days till my period comes due."

"Then you're not pregnant?" I said excitedly. I felt a sigh of relief. There was no way I wanted my rough and tough dad to beat me up cause I messed with his wife. As long as she wasn't knocked up!!!"

"I don't feel like I'm pregnant," she said, a splash of relief etched onto her mag cover face. "Not that I know what it feels like to be preggy," she added. "I've never had kids of my own, just step kids, like you."

"I guess we'll know in four days," I whispered, unable to stop the words from exiting my mouth.

Marlene frowned. "You really know how to be a downer, don't you? But not to worry. I don't think I am."

I sighed. She was absolutely fucking gorgeous, with giant firm breasts and long smooth legs that were too amazing to be believed.

"All this talk about sex is making me very horny," she said softly, manufacturing a wry smile, twirling some sexy blond strands with her index finger. Her nails were painted a glorious bright red, the same color as her incredibly glossy lips.

I began to pant like a dog. She was coming on to me, destroying my resolve. I was going to be like putty against her pretty red nails and we both knew it.

"Any more condoms?" she asked me.

I took out my wallet and rummaged through it. I had bought three a year ago. One I had used on Joan Watson, a freckled faced red head with braces. The second was on Marlene two weeks ago, and the last one I was holding in my hand.

Marlene marched over to me and snatched it out of my hand, ripping at it with her teeth until she got it open. "I'm going to roll this on you with my thick glossy lips," she said, placing it in her mouth and on her tongue.

Then she sat next to me and yanked off my pants and brief. Then she pulled off my t-shirt and looked approvingly at my rippling abs.

"Is it true you are thirty-six?" I asked in awe.

She nodded yes, and her face was now beet red. She was turned on like crazy.

She reached up between her own legs and pulled off her panty. Then she pulled down her halter top, exposing those massive, firm breasts that were clearly to die for.

I was suddenly out of my mind with passion and desire. It was a much different feeling than two weeks ago, when alcohol and weed had been the culprit. Right now it was a fully erect ten inch cock, all swollen and red at the sight of her soaking wet pussy.

I lost all control, and lunged at her, sucking her giant nipples and roaming with desperate hands along her thighs, hips and tiny waist.

Marlene groaned wildly and intertwined her red painted nails into my long brown hair pulling my face harder against her thrilled breasts.

She too began to pant as I let one of my fingers tap gently against her rabidly turned on clit.

Her giant nipples were melting into sensual flames against my licking tongue. She was suddenly out of control.

I let my finger leave her throbbing clit, and gently slip inside of her.

She groaned her approval and squirmed in absolute ecstasy. A heart stopping orgasm was taking hold of her, causing her to shiver intensely in my happy arms.

She savoured the moment for about a full minute, then reached down with her thick lips and pressed the condom against the end of my cock.

I was out of my mind with soaring lust, daring to throw caution to the wind. The idea of sticking my swollen cock deep inside her wet tight pussy without a condom was too sweet to ignore.

"Let's do it bareback," I begged, her pretty glossy lips still stuck to the end of my throbbing cock.

Marlene snatched the condom out of her mouth with two fingers and pressed her lips to my ear.

"If you promise to pullout on time, and if you promise not to let any get inside, then I'll let you fuck me bareback," she said provocatively.

"Don't worry," I shot back. "I promise to be careful."

Her breasts were heaving up and down, and her delicious nipples rubbing sweetly against my sinewy chest. I knew my cock was twice as big as my dad's and a real turn on for her. The thought of fucking me bareback was too great a temptation for her to resist. Mother in Law or not, is was obvious what she was thinking. The temptation was far too sweet to resist.

Marlene tweaked my nose playfully between two and said, "Go ahead, stick it inside, but just remember that no matter how sweet it gets, you have to pullout when the time comes."

"Don't worry," I clarified. "I'll pullout, I promise you."

She mounted me, letting her legs straddle each side of me, then lowered her pussy on top of my cock. She once again groaned, and savoured the exquisite moment of my cock being forced deep inside of her.

I added to her pleasure by sucking her breasts feverishly, and letting my horny hands grip her large round bum.

She began pumping up and down so dangerously sweetly, slowly at first but then faster and deeper, groaning her approval.

Marlene kept on going this way for twenty minutes more, her body starting to get soaked with salty sweat.

The bliss was awesome, blowing my mind as I gently steered her to her feet, then bent her over, entering her pussy from behind. I reached around her sides with both my arms and clasped her dangling giant breasts, rolling her nipples in between my fingers as she yelped with absolute delight.

After ten minutes more, she started squealing at me that she was cumming yet again, and I could feel her body shiver as she rose to the very pinnacle of her magically sweet orgasm.

I next coaxed her on her back on the couch on her back, then lift her legs over my shoulders, facing her as my cock entered her deep and lustily, stroking her quick and hard, forcing her to implode with ferocious joy.

I kept it up for about half an hour more, until I realized that we had been going at it for a full hour. My balls were now on fire, and my cock was feeling unbearable pleasure for thrusting so long inside her magnificent tight pussy.

"I'm close," I shouted, my face soaked in sweat, and the sheer ecstasy of it all suddenly gripping my cock. I was getting ready to cum, and in a few brief moments there was going to be nothing to stop it from happening.

"Remember your promise," she begged, not really wanting me to pullout, but knowing that unless I did, I might get her pregnant. As savagely sweat as my thrusting was, pulling out while I still had time, was the lesser of two evils.

I panted wildly with glee, then felt the orgasmic trigger in my balls begin to pull. I was over the edge and there would be no going back.

"I'm cumming," I shrieked, my whole body immersed in volcanic feel good sensations. The pleasure starting to unfold in my cock was beyond belief. I suddenly wondered how amazingly sweeter it would be to stay inside, to cum inside then keep on going...

But as sensational as the thought of cumming inside was, I had promised her I would not do it.

Besides, the fertile sperm in my balls was getting ready to load my cock and then fire away. Still, my continued thrusting was like a red flag being ignored by a raging bull.

And so I kept on going...it was just so incredibly sweet. So absolutely fucking sweet!!!!!! I wanted to savour the moment...to take a chance on cutting it close...I was in absolute ecstasy...and my cock on absolute fire.

But she instinctively knew I had only around forty seconds. And then...and then...

"Pullout," she said sternly, ignoring her own heart stopping pleasure at my amazing thrusts.

And she knew it was time because my breath had quickly become super hot and super laboured, causing me to pant out of control.

Marlene also knew it was time, because my muscles were suddenly tensed and poised.

She furthermore understood it was time, because giant drops of salty moisture had begun to drip. They rolled down my forehead and body. We could both feel the awesome sweat begin to pour off my chest and thighs.

She could also feel my legs tighten, and my toes start curling with magnificent pleasure.