To Save a Life


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"I've been thinking about you lately, Lindsay. I've been thinking about you a lot, and what a fool I was for breaking things off with you."

"You weren't just a fool Serge. You were an ass."

"I know, admitted Sergio, comically braying into the phone. "I'm sorry."

Lindsay giggled at him. "So what is it that you've been thinking about?"

"I'd love to take you to dinner and catch up. I...I miss you," he lied. In truth, Sergio liked Lindsay just fine, but his feelings for her stopped there. She was beautiful, but things just didn't click between them. He felt guilty about what he was doing, but he found ways to rationalize it to himself. Besides, who knew how their relationship would develop if he could get her to marry him. Maybe it would work out fine.

"Oh really, Serge?"

Lindsay pressed her supposed advantage, lightly putting the screws to Sergio. "Well, you're going to have to make it someplace good, Serge. A trip to the diner and a movie is not going to work on this girl like it once did."

Sergio chuckled. "I was thinking more like dinner at Le Cirque and a Broadway play. You think that might work on...this girl?"

"Maybe. If you play your cards right, playboy."

"Friday. I'll pick you up at three, and we'll take the train into the city."

"Oh, I guess," replied Lindsay, feigning indifference.

"Perfect. I'll see you then, Lindsay."

"Okay. Bye Serge."

"Ciao," he replied, then disconnected the call.

Lindsay put her phone down and smiled to herself, thinking she had the upper hand with Sergio for the first time. Meanwhile, Sergio was considering each step he was going to take before proposing to her. Despite his reputation as a playboy, Sergio was a decent guy. Unfortunately, the fear he felt was driving him to consider doing things he would never otherwise do. As Sergio sat there with a dozen condoms and a safety pin, he realized just how true that was.

* * * *

Lindsay settled into her seat on the train, leaning against Sergio and feeling his warmth. She knew she was in trouble the moment she had laid eyes on him again. When he came over and kissed her, she'd gone weak in the knees. He had hurt and angered her, but he was a sight to behold. It wouldn't take much for her to end up naked and in his arms, but she had to make it appear as if it would.

The ride into the city was fairly quick, and they went up to the street and hailed a cab to get to Le Cirque. Once they arrived, they were seated promptly and browsed the menu together.

"I think I'm going to get the scallops for an appetizer," Lindsay said.

"I was looking at those too, but I think I want the risotto. If they make it even half as good as my mother does, I'll be a happy man."

"I want a taste then, okay?"

"Of course. How can I refuse a woman as beautiful as you?"

Lindsay giggled. "You're laying it on a little thick there, buster. I like it though. Don't stop," she said with a smile.

"My pleasure," he said with a gleam in his eye. "I think I'm getting the strip steak for my main course. You?"

"Seared tuna steak. Not even a question in my mind about that."

Sergio motioned for the waiter and they placed their order. The Sommelier arrived, and after a review of their food selections, they ordered a bottle of Pinot Noir. They went through the ritual of smelling and tasting the wine before it was poured for them. Once they were left alone, Sergio held his glass up in a toast.

"To us, Lindsay."

She smiled and they touched glasses, then took a sip of wine. "So, what made you call me, Romeo?"

Sergio chuckled. "I told you. I had been thinking of you a lot. I missed you."

"From what I hear, you've had your share of company, Serge. I doubt you were all that lonely."

"Having company didn't keep me from missing you, Lindsay. I couldn't help feeling as if you were the one that got away."

"Got away? Serge, you threw me away," Lindsay replied, anger creeping into her voice.

"And I'm sorry for that, Lindsay. The more women I dated, the more I realized that I needed it to mean something. It meant something with you."

Sergio could see that his words were having their intended effect on Lindsay, while they were tearing him apart inside. He felt like shit for doing this, but what else could he do. He wondered once again whether he should be truthful with her, but Jim's words kept ringing in his ears. He would have to put it out of his mind and continue.

After dinner was finished, the couple strolled arm in arm to the Gershwin Theatre, where they would see Wicked. Sergio remembered that Lindsay loved going to plays and musicals, but knew that she didn't often get the opportunity. He was happy to find out that she'd not yet seen this one. The show was fantastic, with Lindsay raving about it as they left the theater and walked up Fifty First Street.

"I wish we could stay here in the city tonight, Serge. I don't want to go back to the house with the girls."

Sergio smiled as they turned the corner and walked down Broadway.

"What?" she asked, nudging him with her elbow.

"I know it was presumptuous of me, but I booked a room at the Marriot Marquis just in case you wanted to stay. We don't have to. I just thought...I wanted to make this night perfect for you. If you wanted to stay, I wanted to make sure we could."

Lindsay came to a halt on the sidewalk, throngs of tourists weaving past them. She looked up into Sergio's eyes. "I want to stay, Serge. I missed you too. So much. And thank you for everything," she said, then reached up and gave him a needy kiss. Lindsay had already made up her mind that she'd sleep with Sergio, recalling the nights of incredible sex they had shared in the past. In truth, it had been the best part of their relationship.

They walked the five blocks to the hotel, then checked in and went up to their room. Lindsay was looking out the wall of windows down onto Broadway, Sergio standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her as he nuzzled her neck. Lindsay leaned back into him and tilted her head to one side, moaning as she felt his lips, tongue and teeth on her soft skin. She remembered how Sergio would always take his time with her, teasing and tantalizing her, waiting until her desire built to a crescendo before touching her in a place that would give her release.

He kissed his way up her neck, then turned her head and found her mouth with his, full lips on hers, tongues probing and entwined together. He moved one hand up her tummy and found a breast, lightly pinching the nipple through her dress and bra. Lindsay moaned with pleasure as his strong fingers toyed with her. Her pussy was throbbing with need, and he'd barely even touched her. She could feel his hard cock pressed against her ass as he kissed her, and she reached behind her to grab hold of him.

Sergio broke the kiss. "Do you see what you do to me, Lindsay?" he asked as he gazed into her eyes.

Lindsay smiled in return. "I need you to fuck me, Serge. Please. No teasing tonight. Just...take me," she begged.

Sergio smiled, and began to undo each of the buttons on the back of her dress, leaving a trail of kisses down her back as each inch of her was unveiled. When every button was undone, he slipped the dress off her and tossed it aside. Scooping Lindsay up into his arms, he carried her to the king sized bed and gently laid her down on it. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, revealing a muscular body with just the right amount of hair covering his bronze colored skin.

Kneeling beside her, Sergio reached behind Lindsay and unsnapped her bra, removing it and tossing it aside. He leaned over and kissed her as his hands roamed over her skin, causing her to squirm and move her hips about with need. Lindsay reached for the button at the top of his pants, wanting to free his cock.

"Not yet, Lindsay. This is your night first," he said. He kissed his way down her neck to her tits, playfully biting first one nipple and then the other before continuing his descent down her body. Lindsay gasped when he pulled her thong down and off, then pushed her thighs up and apart, exposing her shaved pussy to him. He locked eyes with her and licked his lips, causing her to hold her breath in anticipation.

Sergio looked down at her cunt, noticing that it was already swelling. He could smell her need, which fueled his own. He used the fingers of one hand to pet her, feeling the wetness seeping from her before gently spreading her lips with his thumbs. Lowering his mouth, he took several long, bottom to top swipes with his tongue, tasting her and making her moan out loud. He then used his thumb to gently draw circles on her clit as he wiggled his tongue inside her.

Lindsay had a hand on his head, scratching and gently tugging at his hair as he pleasured her. Sergio moved his mouth up to her clit, then slipped two fingers inside her as he sucked it into his mouth and flicked his tongue over it. He used his saliva to keep her clit wet while he drove his fingers back and forth in her, adding a third as he went on. He could feel the walls of her cunt clamping down tighter and tighter on his fingers as her orgasm approached, which made him assault her clit more ferociously. A moment later, Lindsay screamed out and bucked on the bed, her first orgasm crashing down on her. She pulled his hair hard enough to hurt, but Sergio didn't care.

He let up on her clit, but she still clenched his fingers tightly inside her as he planted gentle kisses on her thighs and lower tummy. Gradually, her hold loosened on him, and he slipped his fingers out, but continued to kiss her everywhere.

"Wait, Serge. I'm so sensitive," she whispered.

He shook his head no, and planted a kiss right onto her clit, making her gasp. He kissed her like that more, sucking her lips and clit into his mouth, avoiding very direct contact but causing her to squirm and moan and gasp. When he sensed the time was right, he started with his tongue again, alternating big, wet laps over her entire cunt with small licks on and around her clit. Lindsay moaned and groaned and cursed as he pushed her past her hypersensitivity, pulling another orgasm from her that was so powerful she thought she'd pass out.

Lindsay pushed him, pulling her body away from him as she rolled onto her side, her eyes closed, panting and shaking and mumbling incoherent words. Sergio crawled up the bed and laid down next to her, watching her and planting gentle kisses on her cheek and neck. She curled up next to him and clung, her body calming and her breathing gradually returning to normal.

"Holy shit, Serge. Holy shit," she said with a giggle.

"I love the way you taste," he said to her with a smile, causing her to blush.

"I swear to God. You're going to kill me one day. I kind of forgot how good you are at that."

"I've been foolish, Lindsay. I'll be foolish no more."

Lindsay reached up and kissed him, a hand on his face. Sergio kissed back and his hands were on her body again. Lindsay pushed them away, then undid the button on his pants and reached inside, grabbing his stiff cock. She stroked him slowly, watching his eyes fill with need. He saw the pleading in hers, and got up and removed his pants and boxers, revealing his uncircumcised cock to her.

Lindsay sighed when she saw it, and reached over to stroke it some more. She pulled the foreskin back a bit and used her thumb to rub the precum all around the head. Bringing her hand to her mouth, she sucked and licked the slick fluid from her thumb as he watched.

Sergio grabbed his discarded pants and removed a condom from the pocket. Lindsay watched with interest and need.

"My, we were overconfident, weren't we?" she asked him.

Sergio opened the package, removing the condom and slipping it onto his cock. "Like I told you before, I wanted to make sure got whatever you needed tonight," he said as he grabbed her by the ankles and flipped her onto her back. Sergio had a moment of conscience, but he pushed it away. Not only was his life at stake, but nature was calling out to him. At that point, the animal in him would stop at nothing to fulfill the primal need within him. He rubbed his cock up and down her slit, and she yielded to him, opening up and accepting him within her. Sergio fucked her fast and hard, and Lindsay gave as good as she got. She wanted to hear Sergio grunt in her ear, and got exactly what she wanted several minutes later.

By the time morning had come, the couple had fucked three more times, and they were happy, sore and exhausted. Lindsay had gotten up to shower, and Sergio had a moment alone to contemplate what he was doing. He liked Lindsay a lot. She was bright, beautiful, and sexy. They were friends, and she certainly liked him quite a bit. Was this really so wrong, he reasoned? He could make her happy, couldn't he? He spent a half hour trying to convince himself that which he couldn't, before pushing the thoughts from his mind.

* * * *

Over the ensuing weeks, Lindsay and Sergio began to see each other regularly. As much as she was happy to help, Julie tried to stay away from the couple as much as she could when they were together. She knew she was being ridiculous, and that she had no reason to expect any claim to Sergio. She found herself masturbating to thoughts of him more and more frequently, and ended up feeling more empty each time.

It became increasingly difficult to avoid them, as Sergio started to spend more time at the girl's house. On a Friday evening of a particularly grueling week, Julie decided to stay in and watch movies. Lindsay and Sergio decided to join her, while Jill and Kim decided to go out clubbing. Julie managed to make it through one movie, but in the opening minutes of the second, she fell asleep, curled up on the loveseat across from the couch that held Lindsay and Sergio.

Noticing that Julie was asleep, Lindsay and Sergio started to kiss and fondle each other. They could have moved to the bedroom, but there was a bit of a thrill pushing the limits with a sleeping Julie only a few feet away from them. The kissing and touching got heavy, and Lindsay slipped to her knees on the floor between Sergio's legs.

She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Julie was still sleeping, then opened Sergio's jeans and pulled his boxers down as best she could. He raised himself up so Lindsay could pull his clothes further down and out of the way. With one last look at Julie, Lindsay leaned forward and took Sergio into her mouth. He watched as she seductively stroked and sucked his cock, drawing back the foreskin and bathing the head with her tongue. She was taking her time and enjoying herself, no longer even looking up at him. She was making love to his cock at that point.

Sergio sensed movement and glanced over at Julie. Her eyes were open, and she was watching the scene unfold before her. Sergio noticed that she'd slipped a hand down the front of her pajama pants and was rubbing herself as she watched. He locked eyes with her as Lindsay continued to bob her head up and down on his cock.

As Sergio watched her, something happened. Julie was no longer good old Jules. It was as if a veil had been removed from over her, revealing the true woman within. A degree of shock set in as he suddenly saw her as irresistibly beautiful. It was Jules, and yet, it wasn't. She had hidden in plain sight for years, and now it seemed as if she revealed herself to him for the first time.

They watched each other, Julie now furiously fingering herself and Lindsay picking up speed, trying to bring Sergio to his climax. In that moment, it was as if Lindsay wasn't even there. It was Julie that had him at the edge. Julie that drove his need and desire. Julie. It was Julie, he thought, as he thrust his hips forward and moaned out loud, filling Lindsay's mouth with his cum. As he watched, Julie closed her eyes and shook with her own orgasm, biting her lip to keep herself from screaming aloud.

By the time Lindsay was finished kissing and licking Sergio's cock, Julie had closed her eyes again and was feigning sleep. Lindsay stood up and reached a hand out to Sergio.

"C'mon. Let's go into the bedroom."

Sergio got up and shuffled behind Lindsay toward the bedroom, his pants still around his ankles. He glanced over his shoulder at Julie, who was watching him with a smile. Whatever magic had occurred was still there. She was beautiful.

* * * *

The light of dawn slowly filled the room, finding Julie already awake. She was thinking about what had happened the previous night and was trying to get some perspective. Of course, that was difficult, as she had already made herself cum twice, and was now working on a third time. Bringing her fist to her mouth and biting her fingers, Julie shook with her third orgasm of the morning. She kicked the blankets off herself and lay there panting, naked and sweaty.

What was that? Had Sergio really noticed her? Was it just a thrill for him to be watched? Questions raced through her mind as she lay there trying to figure everything out. Finally, she sat up and got out of bed, pulling on a pair of pajamas and walking out into the kitchen to make coffee. A few minutes later, Lindsay came out of the bedroom, sniffing the air.

"God, coffee. Do I ever need a cup" she said, walking to the cupboard to get a mug. "You...are a life saver, Jules."

"Yeah. Good old Jules, right?"

"Are you okay, Jules?"

"I'm fine," she lied to her friend. Sure, she thought. You're my best friend, and I've helped a man that doesn't love you trick you into a romance he doesn't want. And if that isn't enough, I'm lusting after him with every ounce of my being. And I intentionally let him watch me masturbate as you blew him. How much more fine does it get than that?

Lindsay poured herself some coffee, then headed off to the bathroom. "Is it okay if I shower first?" she asked Julie.

"Sure. Go ahead. My first class is cancelled today. I don't have to be there until ten."

"Thanks, Jules," replied Lindsay as she closed the door behind her.

Julie poured herself some coffee, and looked up as Sergio walked into the kitchen. He gave her a sheepish grin and looked away.

"Hey Jules."

"Sergio. And how did the love birds sleep?"

Sergio followed suit and poured himself some coffee, taking his black. He looked at her again, and had a strong urge to pull her to him and kiss her.

"Jules. I...last night..."

"It's not often a girl wakes up to a porn flick being acted out right in front of her, Serge. Sorry if I was a little out of line."

"That was kind of crazy, Jules."

"Don't worry Serge. I won't say anything to Lindsay. I seem to be holding a lot of secrets from her for you. You owe me big time, mister."

"I can never repay you, Jules. I...this isn't who I am. I feel horrible, least Lindsay is happy, right?"

"I don't know. I guess. It's just a fucked up situation, Serge. It would be nice if life was always black and white, wouldn't it?"

"I wish it was that simple."

"If this works, have you thought about what your life will be like, Serge?"

"I can make her happy, Jules. We have fun together. The sex...well...the sex is good. She'll be fine, and I'll be alive. Who knows? I might end up surprised. You know, arranged marriages often end up quite successful."

"I guess you're right. What else can you do?"

Jules refilled her cup and walked into her bedroom, closing her door behind her. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she admonished herself. Stupid, stupid girl. What did you think? Did you really think you connected with this man last night? Do you think you mean anything to him beyond being his pal? Have you learned nothing in the first twenty two years of your pitiful life?

Meanwhile, Sergio sat in the kitchen, lost in thought. What was it about Jules all of a sudden? Lindsay was beautiful. She was a tall, curvy, natural blond that turned heads wherever she went. Yet somehow, she paled in comparison to Julie. It was as if Lindsay was some facade in a fake movie town, all good until you looked closely at her. Julie was a real town, with all of the good and bad, and with a depth and substance about her. He had never seen it before, but now he couldn't avoid it.