To the Edge and Back 03


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However, since the first picnic in the neighbors' backyard, I'd been fantasizing more and more about Marcus fucking my wife. I even liked to say it like that in my mind, the more depraved and cruder the thought, the more it fueled my lust. Thinking of different scenarios how this could happen was quickly becoming a distraction at work and even forcing me to put in extra hours occasionally so as to not get too far behind.

We had gone to the beach and, good to his word, Marcus started teaching Nichole how to surf. She was horrible at it the first day, but Marcus did eventually get her to stand up and catch a wave for a few seconds. I sat there in the sand with a hardon for pretty much the entire day. Sure, Rachel had been there to keep me company, but my eyes were fixed on my wife as Marcus touched and handled her body in the shallow surf.

With my insistence, Nichole was going to the beach almost every morning for surf lessons, and her abilities were quickly improving. Marcus even began sending me pictures and short videos of my wife as she was able to stand up for longer and longer periods, even making some minor turns to follow the direction of the waves. She still looked like a beginner, but I could see she was having fun and enjoying the progress she was making. But I could also see the ever-growing closeness she and Marcus were displaying.

After getting up at five in the morning to commute to work every day, I love nothing more than to sleep in a little bit on Saturday mornings. Nichole had already asked me if I was good with her going surfing in the morning, so it didn't come as a surprise when I awoke to an empty bed. But sitting up to a quiet house, I had a feeling come over me like never before. It was a tornado of emotions, like all my emotions were swirled together at once and then some unseeing presence forced me to drink it. It reminded me of when I was a kid and my friends and I would go to the corner 7-11 convenient store for sodas. We all normally had our favorite flavors, but occasionally we would mix a lot of the flavors into the same cup, and the result was a totally new flavor.

These feelings were something new. In the prior weeks, I'd experienced a new feeling here and there, each making me feel and think a little differently, but these feelings when all mixed together were so much more powerful. I had a raging hardon that wasn't about to go down anytime soon, so I spent a few minutes over the toilet taking care of the problem. It only took a few minutes, and I was expending my seed into the toilet.

The immediate effect was that I felt I could control my thoughts a little better. It was like it took the edge off a little, allowing me to feel a little more normal. With a deep breath, I put on my work clothes and went outside to mow the lawn. Rachel was weeding the narrow strip of bark that separates our two yards, and she gave me a polite wave when I came out of the garage pushing our lawnmower.

When I couldn't get our mower started, Rachel stood and approached, "Ky, let me open the garage. Just use ours, dear."

I gave the old mower a final try, but the engine simply wasn't going to catch for me. You get what you pay for, I thought, giving up and deciding to take up Rachel on her offer.

"Thank you," I said, pushing their high-end Honda mower out of their garage. At least it felt high-end compared to mine. "I'll make sure to return it full of fuel."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Rachel said kindly. Her skin was glistening from the heat of the late morning sun. She turned to me, "It looks like Nichole is become quite the surfer."

I nodded, "I think you're right. I'm afraid she's caught the bug, it's all she's been talking about lately."

"Well, she might as well have fun while it lasts," Rachel said, pressing the clicker that would close the garage door. "Nichole was telling me the other day that she might be able to start work at Global Medical sometime in the fall."

"It looks like it," I confirmed. "It's an assistant sales position, but it has a pretty good base salary, so that won't suck."

"Oh excellent," the older woman said, and I again was struck at how sincere she was--so many people know what to say in order to be social, but Rachel had an ability to always make one feel that she really cared.

A quiet pause fell between us and I was about to push the borrowed mower to my yard and get to work when Rachel touched my arm, "Ky, I know Marcus and Nichole have been spending a lot of time together," she began, and my heart began to race even though I could only guess what she was going to say. "And, well, you know how things go when the opposite sex spends enough time with one another... I just wanted to say that Marcus and I really value your friendship and don't want to do anything to ruin that, so if anything is making you feel uncomfortable, or let's say, if things are going in a direction you don't want, please tell us."

"I uh... I mean--yeah," I sputtered. I shook my head and took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts, "Thank you Rachel, I appreciate that," I finally managed to say. "I know what you're getting at, it's just an awkward conversation to have with you."

Rachel laughed and nodded, "I understand, dear. Believe me, I understand. But one thing we've learned from experience is that communication is needed most when things feel awkward."

I couldn't disagree with that, nor could I think of anything else to say, so I simply nodded and began to push the mower down their driveway. As I reached the end, Marcus' Jeep pulled into the empty spot in the driveway. Two surfboards were tied down to it's roof rack, and my wife sat in the passenger seat, wearing a new bikini she'd purchased for wearing under a wetsuit. Nichole's smile was wide and free as she saw me and waved.

Marcus exited the jeep and stretched, "Hey Ky, she's getting better," he said, moving to untie the surfboards from the Jeep's rack.

I suddenly heard my wife yelp and then swear a few choice words. Looking over, I could tell that she had put her bare feet on the superheated concrete and then decided it was better to jump back in the Jeep. Next I heard Marcus tell her to hang on as he rounded to the other side of the Jeep. I watched as he picked her up and slung her body over his shoulder. He then carried her over the driveway and deposited her gently onto the grass. The way he carried her and the look on my wife's face as he did made the new lustful feeling reemerge, like it had only been dormant for a short time, and now it was set loose once more.

"Thanks Marcus," my wife said, rising up on her tiptoes and kissing him on the cheek.

Fuck I was horny. My wife gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the lips, "I need some water," she said, quickly moving away and heading towards our house.

Remembering why I was there, I looked to Marcus, "Your wife let me borrow your mower--hope you don't mind."

Marcus shook his head, "Not at all--yours anytime."

"Thanks, I need to use it, but I think I might put it in my garage for a few minutes and use it a little later. I've kind of got something I need to do."

Marcus' smile grew, "Absolutely," he said, his eyes glancing towards my wife, "Go get it done."

Barely able to contain myself, I thanked Marcus again and pushed the borrowed mower into the garage. I then entered through the man door that goes from the garage into the kitchen. I found my wife drinking a large glass of water at the sink.

She exhaled loudly and her posture sagged slightly, "god I needed that," she said, setting the glass onto the countertop.

I didn't pause for a moment as I picked her up and, like Marcus had done, carried her over my shoulder up to our bedroom. It was harder than I thought it was going to be as I carried her up the stairs, but luckily she doesn't weigh much and there was no way I was going to let my muscles fail me then.

"Ky," she said, giggling as I carried her, "what are you thinking?"

Getting to our bedroom, I flipped her onto the bed and removed her bikini bottom. "Good, you're already wet," I said, seeing her pussy lips glistening. I kicked off my shorts and slid my cock inside her in one smooth motion. I was instantly rewarded with a satisfied sigh from her lips as she wrapped my torso with her legs.

I didn't make love to my wife that morning. I fucked her. And I fucked her harder than I ever had before. I had a moment where I thought I might hurt her, but as I focused on her, I could only see enjoyment in her features. It didn't take me long to cum, but the orgasm did little to diminish my erection. My new mix of emotions hardly recessed as I fucked my wife through one orgasm and onto a second.

That's when I felt it. I felt her vaginal walls convulsing and contracting around my cock. This was something that rarely, rarely happened. I almost always had to use my fingers or my tongue to get my wife to cum, but this time I'd done it with my cock. I felt pretty proud of myself.

After cumming a second time, I stood and pulled up my shorts. Nichole was sprawled on the bed, breathing hard and still wearing her bikini top. Her tanned skin looked flush as she reached down and touched her opening.

"I've got to finish mowing the lawn," I said, and without giving her a chance to speak, I went back into the garage and took out the lawnmower. The whole event took maybe twenty minutes, but it was the best twenty minutes I'd had in a long time, maybe ever.

Once the grass was cut and the mower returned, I went back inside. Nichole was sitting at the table, typing away at an email from what I could tell. As soon as I entered, Nichole closed the laptop and attacked me. I was sweaty from mowing the grass, but Nichole didn't seem to care as she pulled down my shorts and took my cock into her mouth.

My heart roared to life and I knew a blowjob wasn't going to be enough. I reached down and lifted my wife from the floor onto the kitchen table, and there fucked her again with the same abandon. I'm surprised our pour old table withstood the abuse.

After I came, I slumped back and dropped into one of the wooden chairs. Having already cum twice, I had managed to fuck her for a good long time. Nichole attempted to get off the table but then seemed to give up the effort, dropping back onto its surface and looking up at the ceiling with glazed eyes. From my view, I could see her dripping pussy only a few feet in front of my face.

"Oh my god, Ky." she said, still breathing hard and trying to catch her breath.

"I love you, Nichole," was all I said.

"I can tell," she said, and I could hear her smile.

"Waking up and knowing you were with Marcus today, and then seeing you when you were in his Jeep," I said, my thoughts a jumbled mess. "I couldn't stand it anymore. I just needed you."

"So, you were thinking about me and Marcus again?" Nichole asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, when I woke up this morning, I imagined what it might feel like if you'd slept with him, and I woke up alone in bed."

"Wow, Ky," Nichole said, sounding still a little breathless, "You've never taken me like this before..." A long silence passed between us, and for several minutes I could only hear my wife's breathing. Then she asked the question, "Ky... I need to know..." she began to speak, her voice hesitant and halting. "We've been dancing around it for over a month... do you want me to sleep with Marcus--I mean do you actually want me to do it?"

It felt like my heart seized in my chest at the question, but somehow I felt flushed and overwhelmed with adrenaline. I felt the weight of that moment like I'd never felt for any moment of time before. If I was to say no, life would soon return to normal, and deep down I knew that was the smarter, safer choice. But even as that option went through my mind, I knew I wasn't going to pick it. I desperately wanted this.

"Yes," I said, and instantly felt a searing cold, like I'd jumped naked into a pile of snow. But this cold burned hot in my mind. "I can't explain it... I wish I didn't feel it, but the desire is driving me out of my mind." Nichole was quiet for a long time. "Please say something," I said, fearing I'd ruined our marriage.

"Ky, I don't know what to say, this is, well, it's mental to say the least," she said, seemingly having as hard a time as I was in finding the right words. "I know we've fantasized about it a bit, but to actually do it... do you want to sleep with Rachel?"

I could hear the fear in her question, and it made me wish I'd addressed that point to start with. But I hadn't actually planned this meeting. "No, that's not why I brought this up. I mean sure, she's an attractive woman, and if we weren't married and I ran into her at a bar. Yeah, I'd hit on her. But she's not what I want."

Nichole shifted and moved up to support herself on her elbows, "You really want me to sleep with him? You actually think you could handle the consequences?"

I was going to nod, but I did feel some hesitancy, "I think so, but my emotions are all over the place."

"I like making you happy, and I know you've felt our sex life has been a bit routine at times, but if I did this, I'd worry you wouldn't look at me the same way. I'd be a slut, an adulterer, an unfaithful wife."

A shiver ran through me as my wife said the words.

"What was that?" Nichole asked, looking at me over the tops of her breasts. "Did that just turn you on, are you barking?"

"Hey, I can't help it," I protested.

"I didn't know I married such a pervert," Nichole said, her voice filled with surprise and nervousness.

"I know. Trust me, I'm as surprised by this as you are. The last thing I thought I'd want to experience would be another guy sleeping with my wife," I said, my heart beating again but adrenaline still coursing through me. "But can you honestly tell me you've never thought about it? You wouldn't like to sleep with Marcus?"

Nichole blinked several times and then broke her gaze from mine, "I didn't until you started putting the idea in my head. But still, I never would have acted on it."

"I believe you, but I can tell you like the idea."

"It was a fantasy, Ky. That's the only reason I was open to it. I never thought you would actually want me to do it," Nichole reasoned. A silence hung between us for a moment and then my wife said, "Rachel told me that this kind of thing happens a lot more than people know, she said she thought you might be interested in it."

"You two really do talk about everything," I teased, "I was talking to her earlier today, and she basically said she thinks you two will end up sleeping together if things keep going as they are. But, and these are her words, if we don't want to go in a certain direction, we just need to talk to them."

Nichole nodded, but didn't speak.

"You've enjoyed spending time with Marcus, I can see that." I pushed a little more. "Do you want to?"

"Ky," Nichole said warily, "Talking about this is dangerous."

"That's for certain," I agreed. "Let me just say this and I'll let it drop. The thought of you being an adulteress, unfaithful, slutty wife does something to me I can't begin to explain. But it's exciting and I can't stop wanting it. I'm giving you the green light. If one of these days it feels right, and it's something you want to explore, go for it."

Nichole laid back on the table and laughed, "I'm lying on our kitchen table, leaking cum all over the place, talking to my husband about having sex with our neighbor. How is this my life?" Nichole laughed and shook her head, "Don't get your hopes up, Ky, but I'm happy you're telling me what you want--I never want you to stop telling me what's on your mind, even if it is complete rubbish."


As the next two weeks passed, I had more-or-less pushed the conversation about Marcus fucking my wife out of my mind. I still fantasized about it constantly, but I'd said my piece, and I felt I needed to drop it. Nichole was with Marcus almost every morning, and with Rachel every afternoon. And consequently, she looked amazing. The exercise from routinely surfing every morning, and spending the afternoons poolside was turning her into a southern California goddess.

One apparent change that did catch my attention was how much more she talked about Marcus. I think at first she felt a little reluctant to talk about him, fearing what my reaction would be about her spending so much time with him. But that had slowly changed, and I could see that she was quite taken with him.

Working as many hours as I was during the week, I looked forward to the weekends like they were minivacations. Nichole had started a vegetable garden and had taken over most of the yard maintenance, but I liked mowing the lawn. It felt therapeutic. I'd gotten into a routine of cutting the grass before noon so that I could enjoy the neighbor's pool once Nichole and Marcus were done with their daily surf lesson.

I'd done my normal lie-in, and woke up horny as usual thinking of my wife surfing and spending time with Marcus. The day felt like most Saturday's had over the last few months, so I quickly did my few chores, changed into some shorts, and jumped into the neighbor's pool to cool off.

Rachel was there as always, and we had a pleasant conversation. Nichole and Marcus were right on schedule as usual, and it wasn't long before we were all lounging around the pool and enjoying the cool water. Rachel served several rounds of iced tea that were heavily laden with alcohol. They were extremely good, and I drank way more than I should have. I cooked simple hamburgers on the grill in the evening for everyone and had a few more iced teas.

It was days like this that I needed in order to keep my sanity at work. As the evening wore on, I laid back on one of the lawn chairs that reclines way back. It's extremely comfortable and it didn't take long before I started dozing off. Several times I'd woken up and looked around, only to fall back to sleep once I found my wife lying on a towel or swimming under the waterfall. I finally relaxed enough that I fell into a deep sleep.

I'm not sure what woke me up, but some something finally triggered my senses, and I woke up with a start. Looking at my watch I could see that it was almost eleven o'clock at night. The waterfall was still on, as were the pool lights, but I was alone. I sat up quickly and noticed that my heart was racing in my chest. It felt like it was beating two hundred beats a minute. I couldn't hear anything other than the waterfall, and I didn't see any signs of strewn clothes or anything else that might be a sign of something going on. Yet, I instinctively knew something had happened, or was going to happen.

I stood up and walked around the neighbor's yard. The back sliding door was wide open, as were the windows, but all the lights were off inside the house. Before I went into the house, I jogged back to our own house in the slight chance Nichole had simply gone to bed. The house was empty.

Returning to the neighbors, I stepped quietly inside the house and looked around carefully, thinking maybe someone had fallen asleep on the couch. But the first floor was quiet and empty. That's when I heard a whisper coming from upstairs. I froze in place and strained to hear more, but all I could get were the faintest sounds of whispers. Not that it took more than that to really make my heart pump. The emotions I suddenly felt overwhelmed me, and my legs felt like lead weights. I didn't know that something was happening, but it seemed my mind didn't hesitate jumping to conclusions because my adrenaline level was spiking high.

As carefully as I could, I stepped to the bottom of the stairs and listened again. There was certainly something going on up there. I took a step onto the first step and it squeaked loudly. I felt like I was going to pass out my blood pressure felt so high. Not wanting to be caught sneaking up their stairs, I quickly and quietly went outside and sat in one of the white plastic patio chairs. Still, the only sound came from the pool.