To the Edge and Back 05


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"It's going to be awesome. Let's do it," I said as we walked to the door.

"Ky," Nichole said, turning to me as we got to the door. "You asked if I meant those things I said in the video," she reached down and grabbed my cock through my shorts. "I'll never think of this as a cock again. You have a nice dick, but that's all it is..."


I walked out the front door determined to enjoy the hell out of the weekend, but instantly knew it was going to be harder than I had thought when I watched my wife reach up on her toes and give Marcus a kiss on the cheek. It was harmless enough that anyone watching wouldn't have thought much about it, but it triggered something deep inside me. One minute I felt I was the master of my domain, and the next I felt like the world had slipped out from under me. What if my wife had only said what she had to keep leading me along? I couldn't help but wonder. What if at the end of the weekend she wanted to keep seeing Marcus? What would I say then? Or what if I wanted her to keep seeing Marcus? I shook my head and locked the front door, trying to not let my insecurities get the better of me and ruin the weekend.

Besides the Jeep, Marcus and Rachel own a relatively new Chevy Tahoe. Having already agreed to take their vehicle, its doors were all open and the engine was idling. I put our two bags in the back and noticed my wife climb into the front seat with Marcus. While it didn't shock me, it was still yet another trigger that kicked my angst up a notch. Closing the back, I sat behind my wife and next to Rachel, who looked stunning in a very short, open back romper. The coolness of the air-conditioning did little to keep my growing arousal in check. Just seeing my wife in the front seat with Marcus was causing an erection, and then sitting next to Rachel who exuded sex only added to the affect.

Marcus took us out of town, and we drove up the 15 freeway, hitting the last of the traffic leftover from rush hour. I'd intently listened to Marcus and Nichole chatting away, but the bulk of their conversation revolved around photography, and so I settled in and made myself comfortable for the rest of the ride.

"I hope you're not disappointed being stuck back here with me," Rachel said, leaning on the center armrest between our seats. She really was incredibly beautiful and could have easily passed for ten years younger.

I shook my head, "Not at all," I said, letting myself relax and smile for a change. "You're the one that should be disappointed. I'm the most uninteresting person you've probably ever met."

Rachel laughed easily and touched the top of my hand. "I know that's not true. Not many couples ever done what you two have these last weeks."

I shrugged but had to nod, "Alright, there's that," I said, "but Nichole's always the one people gravitate toward. She's the extrovert as you've already discovered."

"True," Rachel said, "but I know there are things about you she finds attractive. She married you after all, so you must have some redeeming factors."

Her comments made me feel slightly uncomfortable and I tried not to squirm and show it. The truth was I'd been thinking a lot about why Nichole had married me. I always felt that I'd married way above my class, but I must have had some value in her eyes.

"I sure hope so," I said, my voice soft. "I guess I'm the more realistic, practical one, while she's the optimist, the dreamer. Consequently, I'm the boring one and she's the fun one," I said, trying to sound like I was joking.

"I don't know about boring," Rachel said, her blue eyes focused on me. "Nichole said you were on a job in Antarctica for six months before you got married."

"That was just work related, and I was barely out of my internship," I explained. "The science station down there was having problems with their vehicle maintenance facility and needed a new..." I paused, knowing I was about to go into something that would lose any audience. "It was just work. We hardly ever left the station. There's not much to see down there except a lot of white and an occasional penguin."

"But still, not many people have ever set foot down there. That's not exactly boring."

"I did do some ice climbing while I was down there. One of the scientists had the gear and we went out for a few hours, but it got dark so fast we weren't able to do much."

"Well, don't under-sale yourself, Ky," Rachel admonished, giving me a small smile. "Marcus hasn't done anything even close to that. I love the man, but he likes to keep his life as simple as possible, and he avoids responsibility like it's the plague."

"I'm not sure those are bad traits. I wouldn't mind kicking off a few of my work responsibilities."

Rachel gave me a careful look, "You say that, and maybe you think that, but I think you're the type of person that needs a certain level of challenge at work. You need to keep your mind occupied."

"My mind's been plenty occupied lately," I said, glancing toward the front seat. Marcus had taken my wife's hand into his own while I'd been talking with Rachel.

"Yes, those two are filled with NRE," Rachel said, following my gaze.

"NRE?" I asked, turning my attention back to the older woman.

"New Relationship Experience," Rachel explained. "It's extremely common in our lifestyle. It just describes the early time when two new people are into each other, when they can't get enough of each other. But it comes and goes because it's really only based on lust and infatuation. There's no love in it."

"How can you be sure?" I asked eagerly.

"Because love takes time to build, dear. You know that. It's built by the hard things you go through, by living through the ups-and-downs of life, one teaspoon after another."

"Very sage of you," I said, feeling my smile grow. "I like that."

"I hope I've learned a few things over the years--If I can pass on a few things to you and Nichole, then I'm happy about that."

The SUV turned onto the ten and headed east. The landscape out the window was now brown, and vegetation was sparse as we headed into the desert. King palms were still numerous, but most of them neglected, their dead leaves hanging downward like limp hands.

"These last weeks have been a hell of an experience," I said, breaking the moment of silence that had fallen between us. "It hasn't always been easy, but I've never felt such a rush either. Even climbing the ice in Antarctica didn't scare me as much as this does," I said, gesturing to the people in the front seat, who looked for all intents and purposes, like a committed couple heading out to the desert for some alone time.

Rachel took my hand in her own. I didn't want to appear impolite or make a scene, so I didn't pull away. "I'm sure you two are going to live long and happy lives together. And whether you choose to continue exploring this side of your sexuality or not won't matter in the least to us. We just want you two to be happy." I felt Rachel give my hand a squeeze. "If you do continue, we'll have to have a lot of lengthy and frequent discussions."

"Oh," I said raising my brow, "There's a lot of educational requirements to level-up in the lifestyle?"

Rachel chuckled, "Not exactly, but it's like anything in life, the more prepared you are, the better off you'll be, and the more fun you'll have."

"Like what, elaborate?"

Rachel looked pensive for a long moment, "Right now, you two are only scratching the surface on the types of experiences you can have. I don't know if there is a bottom to the well when it comes to the taboo and the sexual. You can take it as far as you want. You have to remember that you're steering the ship here. If you want Nichole to push further out of her comfort zone, it will only take the slightest bit of influence from you, and I'm sure she would do it."

I took in a deep breath and thought about that for a moment. "I feel like we're way out of our comfort zone already, I can't imagine going further."

"That's the good and the bad of these types of experiences. For example, if you and Nichole kept Marcus in your play for a year, I guarantee you wouldn't find near the thrill you find in it today. It's just human nature."

I nodded, "The NRE goes away."

"Yes, that's part of it, but your own desires will build on what you've experienced. It's a relatively slow progression, but at the same time, you'll be surprised how much your views change when you look back," Rachel continued to explain. "Every relationship is different, so I can't say what will work for you two, but I'm sure you two will make each other very happy if you're open to it."

"I've got a lot to think about," I said, looking out the window as the sun was setting behind us.

"Just keep me in mind if you need to talk. Believe me, there's nothing I haven't seen, so don't feel embarrassed to ask." Rachel's eyes glanced briefly forward, almost begging me to look.

I turned and looked, and what I saw made me break into a cold sweat. Marcus' arm was extended, Nichole's hands were gripping his bicep, her head leaning against his shoulder. Despite not being able see where his hand was, I knew what he was doing. From my wife's tight grip on his arm, I knew his fingers were touching her pussy. I leaned back into my seat and adjusted my shorts.

"You like seeing my husband pleasure your wife, don't you?" Rachel cooed softly, leaning in close so I could smell her perfume. My senses were all set off simultaneously, overwhelming my mind. Rachel rested her hand on my dick and gently rubbed me up and down.

"I can't," I whispered, and pushed Rachel's hand away.

"Oh, I know I can't fuck you," Rachel said bluntly, the words still caused my dick to strain. "Your wife is a very jealous woman, but she did give me permission to use my hands this weekend... and my mouth."

Feeling shocked that Nichole might have said that I let my hand fall away and Rachel snaked her hand under my shorts, grabbing my erect dick. At the moment, I was glad I was hard, at least this way she could feel my dick and wouldn't have a hard time seeing it when it was all soft and retreated. "I'm afraid I'm not as big as your husband," I choked out.

Rachel's lips were at my ear, "I enjoy all kinds," she said, her voice seductive and enticing. She pulled down my shorts enough to expose my dick and then began to stroke me again. "Nichole's a lot like me, Ky. She's going to like all kinds, too." Rachel's grip firmed and I could already feel myself getting close to losing it. "With a little encouragement from you, she'll experience pleasure few people ever have. You can give this to her, and she'll love you for it."

"I want that," I said, my voice shaking and ragged.

"I know you do," Rachel nipped at my ear, and it sent a sensation down my leg like a lightning bolt. "That's why this weekend is so important. It can be the beginning to everything you want for her. She'll try to resist what she wants because she's afraid of hurting you, but if you let her know you want this for her, and you'll support her... then Ky, you're going to have a complete slut of your hands very soon."

Rachel somehow knew I was going to cum in that moment, because she bent down quickly and took me into her mouth. I came harder than I ever knew was possible. It physically almost hurt it was so hard. I don't know how much I came, but Rachel had no problem taking it all and swallowing it. When I finished, she sat up and looked as though nothing had happened. I pulled my shorts back up, breathing hard through my nose.

Rachel gave me a wicked smile and then crossed her legs at the knees. Looking to the front seat, I could see Nichole's head resting against Marcus' arm, but she was no longer gripping his arm with her hands. The SUV smelled of sex.

I turned and stared out the window, my mind filled with too many thoughts and emotions. The blades of the tall wind turbines spun in synchronicity in the fading light, and for a brief moment, diagrams and schematics of their inner workings popped into my head. Thinking through their mechanics helped my mind calm and for me to see through the haze that had earlier made it so hard to think. While I loved everything I'd heard from Rachel, I knew I needed to make sure I was thinking about my wife and making sure I was capable of being her anchor. I was her safety net, and I wasn't going to fail for my part. Seeing her resting comfortably on Marcus' arm made my heart twitch with jealousy, it was such an intimate gesture and it made me realize how vulnerable my wife was.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

My favourite cuckold story by far. Any interest in continuing?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

i loved the story very much so far! are you continuing the story?

NomadicexmpNomadicexmp8 months ago

Love the scene when Marcus says to nicole that how she can never go back now, and how now he will take her multiple times a day and however he likes

NomadicexmpNomadicexmp8 months ago

Loved the story so far. Would love to see the following in the coming chapters

- nichole starting to lie to her husband, marcus now starts forcing more and more things, which include nichole staying over at his place.

- Rachel must use and properly suck Nicole and take her too

- The husband is now not allowed to see many things which builds anticipation but he secretly watches

- Taking Nicole to parties and getting her new tattoo with marcuss initials

- When Marcus and Rachel want to further do some things with Nicole, they spike the husbands drink and make him unconscious and take their prey

People who like these recommendations, or have read a story which has these elements. Pl write back to me

DomHotWifeDomHotWifeabout 1 year ago

I very much enjoyed this story. It’s extremely well written.

I can see a lot of my husband in Ky. I relate less well to Nicole. If anything, I can relate much better to Rachel. Unlike Nicole, I wasn’t innocent, naïve & inexperienced when my relationship with my husband evolved. In fact, from the very start I was much more experienced and in control of our relationship than my husband was & Nicole apparently was when she married Ky. Actually, before I married my husband, I had already sown a great deal of wild oats, much more than my husband had. Prior to meeting my husband, I had even became bored with the life of a slut fucking a stable full of studs. However, my experiences prior to my marriage do not diminish the thrill I still get from being a “hot wife.” That’s because the biggest thrill I get from sexual trysts with lovers isn’t from what my lovers are doing to me or I’m doing to them. The biggest thrill my sexual dalliances give me is what those dalliances do to my husband. The emotions my actions incite in my husband is what most titillates me.

My husband is an alpha dog in life. He is prominent, respected, immensely successful, & charismatic. As I always say, he is my protector, provider, soulmate, & stalwart. Nevertheless, at home he needs me to control our relationship, his emotions & even his sexuality. He finds it incredibly liberating & thrilling to submit to my will. It takes a tremendous amount of trust on his part to relinquish total control to me. The fact that he’s able to trust me so much is something that I don’t take for granted. In fact, I consider his trust to be sacred.

I don’t completely understand it & neither does my husband, but he, like Ky, definitely gets a thrill from humiliation. If I didn’t provide my husband the humiliation that he so desperately needs, I’m convinced he would either get that humiliation from a paid dominatrix, or leave me for another woman who could better meet his needs better than I could.

The reason I married my husband is because of an intense need I have for both control and intimacy. My husband’s unconditional trust in me, his sensitivity, and his courage to show his vulnerability, all give me an intimacy that I’ve never before experienced with anyone else, whether they were a friend, lover or family member.

My cuckold relationship with my husband provides an unparalleled level of intimacy & power that I have never experienced in any other relationship that I’ve ever had.

So often cuckold erotic literature portrays the cuckold as a wimp & the cuckoldress as an uncaring, evil bitch. Thankfully Ky_Da didn’t fall into that trap. Ky_Da expertly captured the incredible angst that all cuckolds feel.

Even though my marriage is a cuckold relationship, as a woman, it may be presumptuous that I’m talking about the emotions that cuckolds feel. That’s because cuckoldry is uniquely a male phenomenon. There really isn’t an analogy of cuckoldry in women. I’m not sure why this is true. Maybe it’s because so much of male sexuality is based on performance, whereas sexuality in women is based on seduction. Also, the vast majority of heterosexual women have experienced humiliation from sex. On the other hand, only a tiny fraction of heterosexual men have ever experienced humiliation from sex. The unique exception is the humiliation that cuckolds invariably feel.

I don’t think that any literature exists that really explains the reason some men need to be cuckolded. Shakespeare, on numerous occasions, wrote about cuckoldry, & even he didn’t attempt to explain the why of cuckoldry, only the how of it. Likewise, the psychiatric literature really doesn’t adequately explain the reason some men seek to be cuckolds. I’m glad that Ky_Dy avoided the ignorant cuckoldry clichés & didn’t attempt to explain the why of cuckoldry. As I said, the author, no doubt, expertly described the angst of a cuckold. That’s why his story was so excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story and very believable characters. Please don’t leave everyone hanging as to what happens over the weekend and beyond.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ignore the idiots, needless to say.

I can't wait to see where and how far our loving couple is going to take this adventure!

scotguy2scotguy2almost 2 years ago

I do enjoy your adventure and always great to read here or where you also print, hope you carry on with it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please finish this, it's fantastic

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198about 2 years ago

First and most obvious question for you is, are the kids you have even yours? The second question is how can you teach your children the morals of life when you have none of your own?

When your wife leaves you for someone with a bigger dick or more money, or both, will you write a follow up on how the experience has ruined your life or will you just turn yourself into a x-mas ornament in your basement like so many other cucks?

darthnader19darthnader19about 2 years ago

I know you've posted more chapters on other websites, any plans on continuing posting here ? Hopefully you haven't been driven off love your writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

How many idiots like this realize the word angst is just another word for stress. Medically stress is cumulative. A little bit every day adds up in vey serious ways. A lot can even become debilitating. How many of these skank women are happy with the fact they are shortening hubbies life, and actually contributing to health issues down the road. How utterly incredibly stupid. Just get psychological help.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story is quite brilliant. I am engaged with the characters and cannot wait for the next installment.

Bham487Bham487about 2 years ago

Such bullshit. I hate stories like this where external forces are at play. This needs to be a couple disgusting this crap. Their supposed to be in this together not individuals

Regalia74Regalia74about 2 years ago

Excellent character development and story line…..

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